How to get JV partners who can help you attract clients and grow

How to get JV partners who can help you attract clients and grow

Fabienne Fredrickson
February 24, 2014

Image courtesy of creativedoxfoto / FreeDigitalPhotos.netAre you ready to take your business to the next level? Maybe you have private clients and started a few groups. Now you want to expand further and kick it up a notch. One way to do this is connect with others who can help you.

Joint Venture (JV) partners can help you attract clients and grow at a more rapid pace than you might be able to do on your own. This is true for a few reasons:
• JV partners help expand your marketing reach by announcing programs or opportunities to their list
• JV partners know and can refer you to other business people who might be helpful as well
• Sometimes JV partners know a faster, better way for you to accomplish something once you tell them your objective and might share their knowledge and experience with you

How Do You Find JV Partners Who Can Help?

1. Know what you want in a partner. Most importantly, you need to know what kind of partner you want and what you hope to achieve together. You want partners who share the same target audience and work with the same kind of clients, but aren’t competitive so you can more freely share your list and ideas.

2. Start talking to people. Tell the people you already know what you want to accomplish and who you are looking to work with. Make a list of 15-20 “centers of influence” as I call them and invite them to have a cup of coffee if they are local. You’ll be surprised at who your own contacts know and can turn up for you.

3. Search the web for partners. Once you know the type of partner, search the Internet to find prospects. Some business people are seeking partners and have a contact form for this purpose.

4. Use LinkedIn to find connections. When you find a few potential partners, go to LinkedIn to see if you are connected to them. A warm introduction can make a big difference when approaching a partner.

How Do You Approach Partners?
Keep it really simple. Figure out exactly what you want when you call a potential JV partner. Do your homework regarding what they do so you look knowledgeable. Then be straight forward and try either of these simple scripts:

A. “Here’s how you can help me. I’m looking to…Thanks for helping me, now what can I do for you?”
B. “What are you working on now and how can I help you? Now here’s how you can help me…”

Partnerships are not about just taking. They are a yummy exchange where you both have opportunities to benefit.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If JV partnerships are your next step, take time this week to research. Surf the web to find potential partners who work with the same target and who might be help to attract more clients. Then start to explore the opportunities. Even if you don’t find a partner right away, at the very least, you are networking which is always good for business.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction System® gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

  • A simple example would help here … let me throw out the possible idea, of two service professionals (say coach or consultant) who both want clients. The partnership could be simply doing an interview of each and sharing that interview in the respective marketing channels (list, social, blog).

    A simple, easy way to engage I find helpful.

    Nice simple writing Fabienne.

    • That’s a great example Kenn, thanks for sharing! And there are so many other ways you can come together with someone to find a mutually beneficial relationship. Thanks for your comment!

    • Dina Lynch Eisenberg

      I’ve found this approach works wonderfully, Kenn. It’s a win-win-win since we each get exposure and our tribes get introduced to new, helpful information. I’m interview biz owners about their experiences on Fiverr now, if anyone is interested.

  • yes I’ve done that and it works brillliantly Kenn

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