February 2015 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

shutterstock_172673210-SmallFrom time to time, we all struggle with mindset problems. I remember one on my students, Cindy, talked about feeling like a magnet for bad luck. Her daughter was in a car accident. The car was out of commission and needed a lot of work. Her roof started leaking. You know the drill.

Cindy was having a hard time seeing the good in her life. She knew she still had plenty to be grateful for, yet felt overwhelmed by everything that was pulling her down.

I shared what Derek and I do to create a positive focus. You don’t have to follow this exactly, but this is what works for us. After the kids are in bed, we pour a glass of red wine, take a seat, look at each other and one of us says, “Positive Focus.” The other says, “Positive Focus: we got a new client today.” Then each person adds another item that went well or that is something to be grateful for. “I got my hair cut today and it looks great.”

If it’s a hard day and there’s a struggle to find something, we help each other to get the ball rolling. Derek might say to me, “You‘ve got to think of something.” So I respond with, “I’m married to a great guy.” Often we start with the basics, which are great to lean on when funky things happen:

  • You’ve got your health
  • Your car is running well
  • You had a yummy lunch
  • You are breathing and alive
  • You own a home
  • You have great kids
  • You paid the rent

You get the idea, right? These fundamental elements of life are frequently taken for granted, but are worthy of your appreciation. Focusing on them will shift your energy back to a positive place.

This is also a good exercise to use for times when fear shows up. For example, a funky thing happened with our finances once and woke me up in the middle of the night. I wrote in my journal and made a list of all the things I was grateful for. This was really like counting my blessings, and it definitely shifted my energy so I could calm down.

The Positive Focus exercise is about gratitude. Share this with your business partner, life partner or do it on your own. This practice is not just lip service. I promise you that doing this will shift your energy and give you the positive focus to help you feel more optimistic. Derek and I do this every day.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Get a new notebook (or simply pull out a piece of paper) and make a list of everything for which you are grateful. Or, try the Positive Focus exercise with your partner every evening as you wind down from the day. This is a powerful practice and a strong affirmation to the Universe that you appreciate all the good things that come your way. It will set up your energy for greater success and on a tough day, will help you get through it.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

shutterstock_168161747Rebranding your business is a very big step and sometimes it’s a little scary. You’ve made a name for yourself in one area and that has taken time, money and plenty of blood, sweat and tears. You’re invested in your core story and the services that fit with it.

Yet, new ideas come to you that you want to try. You are getting feedback from clients that they want help with this new area of business. What do you do? How do you know when it’s time to rebrand?

There is no question this is a difficult decision. Even if you listen to your inner guidance, you might feel uncertain about how to go about this. I’ve been in your shoes and will tell you how I handled this shift myself.

For years I focused only on Client Attraction. While I used a number of attraction techniques that improved my mindset to grow my business, I didn’t share that in my marketing materials or even at my events. Then, one of my friends challenged me and said I should tell my clients I use these methods and start incorporating them into my work.

I was very concerned, and to be really honest, terrified of how people on my list would react. Would they think I was unprofessional? Would they think I went off the deep end?

Rather than taking the plunge and just moving into this new area cold, I decided to test the waters first. I offered a teleclass to my list and said something such as, “I’m doing a teleclass for something I’ve never shared before. Please come if this makes sense to you. It’s called ‘How to Manifest All the Clients You Need’ and I’m not going to be talking about marketing.”

How surprised was I when this was the most attended teleclass I had ever held at that point? The success gave me a lot of validation and strong confirmation, because the people on my list signed up like crazy. Plus, I got great feedback from clients who told me this was the best class they had ever been too.

That’s when I knew rebranding to incorporate mindset was the right way to go. The experiment showed me that my list was not only open to the mindset and attraction material, but was actually hungry for it.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Taking the step to test the waters before rebranding is a smart business move for several reasons.

  • You will know if your list is interested in a new offering or direction.
  • You can “play” with the messaging until you get it right.
  • You’ll get feedback about the product or service so you can tweak that too.

There is no hurry to rebrand. Do your homework to be sure the time and money you invest in a new direction will go over well with your market so you can continue to grow your business.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

two-methods-for-publishing-your-book-which-is-right-for-youDo you have a story inside you, waiting to be shared with the world? Many people have something to say and writing a book is a wonderful way to share that information with your audience. Being an author can help build your business in several powerful ways:

• Build credibility in your chosen field
• Establish yourself as a thought leader
• Set yourself apart from other business owners
• Open doors for speaking opportunities
• Achieve a passive revenue stream
• Work as a highly valuable Irresistible Offer

Since there are so many benefits to becoming an author, you can see why people take on this project. Once written, you’ll need to decide how to publish your book. There are two main ways to go:

1. Traditional publishing through one of the big book publishers (like Random House)
2. Self-publishing on your own or through a professional service

Traditional Publishing
The traditional route requires finding an agent to represent you. Once on board, your agent will pitch your book to publishers. They will edit, design, print and advertise your book to merchants who will buy it for their retail stores.

If you get accepted, this method will get your book on-shelf at the major books stores across the country. However, there are some drawbacks to following this path. For example, it can take years from the time you get an agent, land a publishing deal and see the book in stores. Publishing companies tend not to give big advances, especially for an unknown author, and your piece of the profit for each book is relatively small. Most authors don’t earn a living from their books.

With self-publishing, once your manuscript has been written, you can choose to work with a service like Author House which will help you get the entire design and printing process done as well as gain some distribution, all for a fee.

Or if you have resources to do it yourself, you can open a Create Space account, which is an arm of Amazon, to print your books for a very low fee and help with distribution as a separate cost. You will make more money per book, although you may sell fewer books since the distribution will not be as substantial as with traditional publishing.

The big advantage is timing. It takes only a few months to get from a finished manuscript to a printed book in your hands. So, if you have a message that is timely, self-publishing could be the smartest way to go.

Now that you know the two main methods for publishing, you can investigate which route will work best for you.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Thinking about writing a book? If you have a message you want to share with the world, my advice is to find time to write every day. Even it it’s just 30 minutes, five days a week, you’ll get it done. The main roadblock is that the process requires consistent effort. So, little by little, your book will come alive. Have fun with it!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

shutterstock_214016389Maybe this has happened to you: you take a few classes, read a book or two or attend a conference and feel completely overwhelmed. You’re overflowing with new ideas, but feel drained by all the options.

This has happened to me. I’ve been on the seminar circuit and I return home with notebooks full of great ideas, tips and strategies. But there is no time to implement anything. I’ve been depleted and wonder where to start because there is just so much to do.

This situation can actually give you marketing paralysis. Here’s what I have done to combat overwhelm that will help you too.

1. Make a list of everything you need to do
Instead of a simple list, I make a map of everything on my plate. Take out a piece of paper and turn it horizontally. In the center, draw an oval and label it “My Projects.” Next, draw an oval for everything you have to do, including personal items. Connect each oval to the center one.

2. Review your to-do list and ask four questions
Your list will be way too big. To remedy that, look at each item and ask yourself these questions. Which three things can I get done that would:
• Bring in the most money quickly
• Get completed in the least amount of time
• Take the least amount of effort
• Have the greatest long-term impact

Put stars next to the three projects you select.

3. Work on chosen projects and follow through
Make a plan for how you will get the three items done. Schedule time on your calendar and set the intention to follow through until they are complete. You will need to push the “pause button” on all other items and hold to your commitment. This gives you the time and space to feel less overwhelmed.

4. Celebrate what you did do every day
At the end of every workday, note five things you are happy about finishing. They could be:
• I’m happy I closed that client
• I’m glad I wrote that letter
• I’m glad my desk is organized

Approach each day feeling satisfied that you accomplished something. Otherwise, every day will be another day you “didn’t get enough done,” which diminishes your enthusiasm, optimism and confidence. Even if you only get one thing done each workday, that’s 260 tasks you’ve completed in a year.

5. Take a Break
Sometimes you just need a day off. Don’t email, answer the phone or write anything. Fill your day with activities you love. Do you like to meditate, run or cook? Choose joyful activities that help you relax.

The idea is to have one day that’s 100% about you. Maybe take the whole weekend off, and then come back refreshed on Monday to start working on those three items.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Give yourself permission to get the rest you need without guilt. Don’t berate yourself for getting nothing done because that is counter-productive. Enjoy your down time as much as possible, knowing that your projects will be waiting for you.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

shutterstock_245214628Speaking is one of the best ways to meet new prospects and give them a taste of what you offer. When you speak, people have the opportunity to learn what you do and see you in action. People tend to do business with those they know and like, which is what makes speaking such a strong marketing tool.

Sometimes, the meeting planner or event organizer doesn’t want you to sell anything during your presentation. That’s okay, because there are ways to get around this and still connect with potential clients in the audience. Here are two surefire methods that have worked great for me.

1. Offer a free item. Weave into your presentation that you have a free item to share that people can get on your website. Encourage people to visit your site and get this amazing free report. I have a free CD on the ClientAttraction.com website that people can sign up for. This way, you can capture a name and email, or even a physical mailing address, which can be added to your list.

This is a wonderful list-building tip. I also call this “dropping a seed,” which means you are giving them a low pressure, valuable reason to look at your offer online by telling them about the benefits. There is nothing manipulative or tricky about your free offer, and this is not a sales pitch since you are providing great content and value.

2. Do a Drawing. I recommend that you first check with the organizer about doing a drawing. Find out if you can give away something at the event. Be sure to tell your audience towards the start of your program that you will be giving away a free session (or whatever your offer is) at the end of your talk. Tell them to place their business card in the basket you’ll be passing around. Then at the end, draw the name of the winner. Let the audience know that everyone will get something like your newsletter. This provides an incentive to participate in the drawing.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Have you been getting speaking gigs to talk about your business and share what you do with potential clients? If you are new to this, one good place to start is with your local Rotary Club. Every week they have a speaker at their lunch meeting, so they always look for a new face. Many other networking groups need speakers for their monthly meetings as well. Get yourself booked and start filling your business pipeline.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

shutterstock_215934253When you are a business owner, saying there is “a lot to do” is an understatement. Working with clients, creating products, networking and speaking can keep you incredibly busy. So how do you stay on track so your marketing materials get out there on a regular basis?

1. Hire someone to do your writing
Some people recommend that you let go of writing and hire someone to do it for you. This frees up your time to focus on other income-producing tasks. Sometimes it’s difficult to give up this control, but you can provide your writer with notes and your materials so he or she can emulate your voice and follow your formulas.

2. Schedule a recurring appointment in your calendar
For marketing pie projects that need to be completed on a regular basis, schedule them into your calendar. For example, Thursday morning from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m., you’ll write your ezine for the next week. Just book the time for the entire year and you’ll never forget to do these projects.

3. Respect your calendar
Scheduling tasks in your calendar is one thing – following through is another. You need to honor appointments with yourself for this system to work. You also need to not go past the time allotted. So, if you are on a roll and want to keep going, you need to look at what is next in your calendar to be sure you are free to do so.

As entrepreneurs, stopping when you feel like you are on a roll can be tough. Most business owners don’t want to be restricted. We like to be free and don’t want to do what anyone else tells us. That’s why you have your own business right? Yet, you’re going to have to work on projects simply because they are scheduled, even if you don’t feel like it. Otherwise, you may not find the time.

4. Systems Provide Freedom
This is about commitment, scheduling and staying within your boundaries. Your schedule needs to be systematized and non-negotiable. If you do this, you’ll discover that systems provide you with freedom.

People avoid them because they think it’s too much structure and routine, but those two things are what give you the freedom to make sure you’re not working at 1:00 a.m. Instead, you’ll get your projects done during the workday in the time you’ve scheduled.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
What are the standard marketing pie items you do weekly or monthly? Make a list of these tasks and determine what days and times are best to accomplish them. Next, schedule them into your calendar. Follow this schedule to stay on track with marketing efforts.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Marketing MessageHere’s how it works: there are two ways to position your copy when creating your marketing message.

1. Try to inspire people invest in the solution you offer
2. Focus on the pain prospects feel about their situation

Over the years, I noticed people tend to be more motivated to take action if my marketing materials talk about pain. This is true for many people because it’s part of basic human nature to want to avoid or relieve pain.

With time, I have become more specific about who my ideal clients are. I discovered that tempering the pain message also made a difference in attracting certain people. Here’s what I’ve noticed: when you go after the “sinking ship” clients, it’s harder to close the deal with them. Instead, aim a bit higher, to work with people who are somewhat successful and have already invested in themselves or their businesses. This group is much easier close because they have money to spend and experience with paying for expert help.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying there is anything wrong with people who are in dire need. But they may not be your ideal clients since they don’t have the funds to purchase your service or product. You want to go for the person who understands the value of working with you and has the means to hire you. Remember, the better your business is doing, the more good you can do. You need to generate income in order to keep working and make a difference in the world.

How to Address Your Ideal Clients in Your Marketing Materials

One of the first steps in marketing is to identify who your ideal clients are and create a profile of them. Once you have that figured out, you actually mention some of those specific descriptors in your marketing message. For example, you might talk about “successful entrepreneurial women who need help with _____.” Fill in the blank with whatever service or product you offer.

Now, potential clients will be able to recognize themselves in your marketing message and say to themselves, “Hey, she’s talking to me! That’s what I’m going through right now. Your marketing materials are the first opportunity to captivate prospects and encourage them to take the next step to get your irresistible free offer or contact you for a “get acquainted” call.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Have you created your ideal client profile yet? Being able to identify the type of person who embodies the qualities of your perfect client will help you know where to find them and then speak to them directly. Take time this week to work on this aspect of your marketing pie so your marketing message attracts your ideal client.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

five-strategies-for-business-to-business-marketingWhen your business serves other businesses, the marketing methods you need to reach your potential clients are different than for a consumer-oriented businesses.

For example, with business-to-business (B2B), you know your ideal clients are probably not hanging out on Facebook during the day. Instead, you are more likely to find prospects on LinkedIn because that social media platform is all about business.

It’s very important to look at where your people are spending time and go where they are. That’s why networking is huge for B2B marketing. I recommend these top five marketing tips to build your client base and increase revenue:

1. Use LinkedIn. Reach out to your connections and ask them to help you meet others you can serve.
2. Live Networking. Meeting people face-to-face is always a good marketing practice. After meeting new people, be sure to follow up with an email or note and connect on LinkedIn.
3. Update Your Status. Stay in front of your LinkedIn connections by updating your status, recommending articles you read or even by writing a blog post.
4. Stay in Touch. To stay top-of-mind with new prospects, use a variety of marketing tools such as your newsletter, ezine or monthly warm letter campaigns.
5. Have Coffee. Once you make a good connection, make it a regular practice to ask the person to have coffee to get to know him or her even better. Ask what you can do to help, which will make a favorable impression and build lasting and productive relationships.

Now, that’s not to say that other, traditional types of marketing won’t be of help. Of course a good website is essential, complete with a Free Irresistible Offer to build your list of prospects. But, when it comes to B2B marketing, so much can be done in person and through the five suggestions listed above.

Knowing where to reach your prospects helps you focus on the marketing tools that will be most effective. That saves you time and money. It’s OK not to do every kind of marketing, and being selective is smart. Many times, it boils down to simple common sense.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
What do you know about your ideal clients? Spend time investigating where you might find them. Ask a few trusted colleagues to brainstorm with you and make a plan. It makes sense to go where your prospects are most likely to congregate. Anything you can do to focus your efforts on reaching people likely to hire you is a wise move.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


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