January 2013 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Play Big Master Class

Join Fabienne and Sally Hogshead for this conversation about inspiration and courage, while you discover “best practices” on how to play big – in your business and your life. Enjoy!

Growing up with the last name Hogshead would give anyone an unconventional point of view. After graduating from Duke University and starting in advertising, Sally was named “the most successful junior copywriter of all time.” At age 27 she opened her first agency, and went on to conquer the worlds of branding and marketing.

Sally’s first book was Radical Careering: 100 Truths to Jumpstart Your Job, Your Career, and Your Life. She toured the country as a spokesperson for CareerBuilder.com, teaching how to apply strengths at work.

Her next book, Fascinate, was published around the globe, earning Sally a frequent spotlight in major media including Today Show and the New York Times. The press describes Sally as a “marketing icon” who has “changed the face of North American advertising.”

In 2013, HarperCollins will publish Sally’s new book, How the World Sees You: From First Impressions to Lasting Value.

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I’m not a big fan of raising fees for existing clients. In my own practice, for the most part, I tend to raise fees as new clients come on board. But sometimes, your rates are too low and you need to adjust them up to where they belong.

Given this situation, I have two recommendations that can help your clients adjust to the new fee structure.

1. Educate Your Clients. You’ll want to share what is changing about your practice beyond just the fee. Find a way to differentiate your services going forward so your clients can see the value.

The way to educate them is with the warm letter campaign. Start mailing a series of warm letters to everyone in your practice to let them know about the changes and educate them about how things will be different and better for them. Do this slowly, introducing a few things at a time so you don’t overwhelm them. Maybe send one letter a month for a few months in advance of the change.

2. Announce the Date for Your Rate Increase. Pick a date in the future when you will be officially increasing your rates. This allows clients to get used to the idea and know what is coming. Help clients feel okay about the upcoming increase by letting them know the new services that will be available.

Another option is to let them purchase your services in advance before the rate increase on a one-time basis. Or you might plan to bundle services to add more value and soften the fee hike. If there is something you can share with your clients in return for the upcoming price increase, this can also help lessen the impact.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you are considering a rate increase for current clients, plan ahead. Think about what you will be offering if the services will be more comprehensive. Maybe you’ll add additional services or have become certified in a new methodology. Look for the way to add value to the services you already offer.

As long as clients feel they are still getting a good value, they will not be as likely to look for a cheaper resource. This is why building and maintaining a strong relationship with your clients is crucial to keeping them in your practice as time goes by.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

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This week I’d like to talk to you about how to show conviction and authority in your marketing. Did you know there is a way of BEING that literally makes or breaks your ability to attract clients in large numbers? Many self employed people don’t use it and, as a result, are literally letting prospective clients slip through their fingers, day in and day out—even if they have done a lot of marketing and networking, and even if they have lots of prospects.

To avoid letting prospects slip through your fingers, you need to have serious conviction about what you offer. If there’s no certainty on your end, then a prospect is simply not going to be certain either that working with you is the answer to their problems. They’ll question whether you are really good at what you do and then decide to keep looking. (Click here to tweet this.)

Here’s an example of what happened to me a few years ago, after going to see my dentist. For months, I’d been researching some light cosmetic dentistry done to improve my smile. During my routine dental checkup and cleaning, I asked “Dr. Smith” if he performed cosmetic dentistry. Now, before I tell you what happened, let me explain his typical behavior. He was naturally very outgoing, charming, and did good work (as far as I could tell from the routine cleanings.) He told jokes, was jovial and seemed pretty confident all around. But something happened when I asked him if he did cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. Smith’s behavior changed, almost on a dime. He looked away, mumbled something about being in business for 20 years and of course he did cosmetic dentistry, and that he did it well. And then that was it. Nothing else. The strange thing was his words were no longer enthusiastic and confident. They turned empty and uninspiring, and I wasn’t sure how to read the situation.

Whatever had happened, my gut feeling told me not to work with him. Right then and there, in just one sentence, he lost thousands of dollars worth of potential business. I knew by the manner in which he spoke that if I was to go forward with the cosmetic dentistry, I wasn’t going to be using Dr. Smith. He simply had not convinced me—not even close. In fact, quite the opposite.

Here’s what I have discovered from that experience and countless other experiences I’ve had, just watching entrepreneurs talk about their abilities:

  • Prospects want to work with people who are CERTAIN about their abilities.
  • Prospects want to work and learn from an AUTHORITY on a subject.
  • Prospects are looking for someone CONFIDENT about the results they offer.
  • Prospects are silently begging to be LED!

Your Client Attraction Assignment

From this moment forward, you cannot afford to be wishy-washy about what you offer. You’ve got to have total conviction about what you do. Not only that, you have got to express that conviction in a way that makes the prospect feel confident about your abilities.

You see, your job is not to sell. Your job is to be so quietly self-assured that you convince prospects to get out of their own way to work with you. The way you do that is by building trust, showing authority on your topic, and expressing your capability about the results they’ll get with you. And that’s all in your way of BEING.

Now, a caveat. This doesn’t mean that you become overly zealous, or over confident. That’s just a ridiculous turnoff and it would send prospects running in the other direction. Just be yourself, but speak with conviction and certainty.

One more thing. I would recommend that you not tell a prospect you can do something that you can‚ just to close the sale. Some sales gurus will tell you to do this, and then figure it out later, but I don’t agree. It’s out of integrity and we are looking for authentic selling here. It’s better to gently turn away that prospect and move on to the next one.

So, be yourself. Be a leader, and start speaking with conviction from this moment forward. It doesn’t take much, and yet I guarantee you’ll start attracting more clients than you are now. It works!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

As your business grows, offering the Get Acquainted Call gives you the opportunity to get to know prospects who have expressed interest in your work. There are a number of advantages of actually referring to this conversation as the “Get Acquainted Call” (GAC) vs. calling it something else.

The Get Acquainted Call gives you the chance to get to know your prospects:

  • What a person’s business is about or the issue she wants help with
  • Determine if the prospect fits your ideal client profile
  • Gives the prospect a chance to know what it’s like to work with you

It’s important to keep the main purpose of the calls in mind – to get to know prospects and turn them into clients. The GAC is the perfect transition to your Closing the Sale Conversation, if you follow the script.

On the other hand, when you offer a ‘free consultation’ instead of a Get Acquainted Call, people will expect that you will consult with them about their business or situation for free. This sets prospects up to think you’ll be giving away free advice which is not your goal.

The same is true when you offer a free strategy session – prospects think you will help them to strategize about their business or problem. Once again, this is not your objective.

By following the exact Closing the Sale script and using the correct GAC call term, prospects will have a better understanding of what will be happening during the call. Referring to your initial call as anything except the Get Acquainted Call will probably confuse potential clients.

Using the Closing the Sale script, allows you to start off by talking about your coaching programs or the value of working together. In doing this, you have discussed their greatest obstacles and what they would do anything/pay anything to have. This generates curiosity on their end so when the spot in your talk comes up for you to be silent, prospects will naturally ask about your program details. Now you have their permission to discuss everything about working with you including the fees.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Have you been referring to your Get Acquainted Call as something else? If so, this may be getting in your way of closing more sales. It’s time to practice following the script exactly. You can even write about the GAC in your “Conversation with…” page of your website, so what will take place is very clear to prospects.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

Like most entrepreneurs, you are always looking for list building ideas. Once your list gets to about 1,000 people, that seems to be the tipping point for your email marketing campaigns to start delivering strong results. One powerful way to grow your list to that point is by creating a podcast series where you interview other experts in your field.

This method offers several advantages to the parties involved.

Benefits for Experts

  • It offers the professional being interviewed more exposure to your list and the listeners.
  • The expert can build her own list if she offers an irresistible free offer at the end of the recording
  • The expert gets your stamp of approval or endorsement by the fact that you are interviewing him or her

Benefits for Your Business

  • You gain credibility by interviewing the industry expert
  • You create valuable content to share with your own list
  • You build your list by having the expert share the podcast announcement with her list to get people to register for the series
  • You can gain even more exposure with social media announcements encouraging registration for the series
  • You can turn the entire series into a product to generate income later

In order to make this list building method work for you, the first thing to keep in mind is the angle for your series. What does your list of prospects and clients need help with? What do they want to know more about? What problems keep them up at night that you might help solve with your podcast series?

Think about the content from the perspective of the listener to get clear on what you can offer that they have a strong need or desire to know. This will also help you create a compelling title to attract more people to your list. The more compelling, the more your prospects will clamor for the information and the bigger your list will grow.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
1. Once you’ve come up with podcast series title and the compelling information you will provide, the next step is to line up the speakers.
2. Think about who you already know in your industry who might be a good speaker.
3. Do some online research to seek out other potential experts
4. Draft a letter inviting speakers to be part of your podcast series. Give them all the benefits of why this would serve them (not just you).
5. Create a schedule for your series and post a new page on your site for the podcasts
6. Determine which teleconference line you will use to run the program and record the series. One recommendation is www.freeconferencecalling.com which has an easy method to post the player for the recording on your own site.


Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

I’d like to talk to you today about seeing the opportunities that are right in front of you. Price Pritchett has a quote that says “Most people confuse wishing and wanting with pursuing. You must place your trust in action.”  Well, I’ve been hearing one question a lot recently, “Fabienne, you talk about getting more clients, making more money and multiplying your business and I hear that some of your clients are actually multiplying their income in one year. How does that happen and can I do it too?”

The answer is YES! You can do it too. It’s important to realize that it comes down to several different things—five steps you must follow if you want to multiply your business this coming year. (Click here to tweet this.)

  1. You have to have authentic and compelling marketing. It’s got to be authentic and people have got to want to watch it.
  2. There needs to be systems for everything in your business.
  3. You need a great team.
  4. You need different business models and sources of income.
  5. You need to have leverage, meaning we’ve got to clone you in your business.

Those are the five steps. But believe it or not, that’s actually the easy part because you can be shown exactly how to do these, which is what I do with my platinum clients.

The difficult part though is actually a two-step process. These are two steps that seem very, very simple on the outside, yet few people do anything about them. In fact, this is so deceptively simple that most people ignore the importance while looking for something way more complex.

First off, you must make a decision to multiply your business this year. That’s step 1. Then, step 2 is you must do whatever it takes. I know it might seem too simple, but most people never actually get clear about what they want to accomplish in their business in the first place. They’re very wishy-washy. Then, they don’t make a commitment to getting it.

The first thing to do is to decide that you’re going to reach that big goal. Declare it. Then, you must be okay with doing whatever it takes to get it… as if your life depended on it. You’ve got to stay in integrity and do things authentically, while doing whatever it takes. Believe it or not, that’s where most people fail in this process. They throw out this lofty goal and when it comes to actually doing what it takes they let their mindset and their fears get in the way. The ideas and the opportunities to reach that big goal that you have are right there, smack in front of you right under your nose, but most people don’t take action on them.

I saw this happen recently with an entrepreneur that I know. She asked me, “Fabienne, I set this huge goal for myself and the year’s almost over, but I’m not even halfway to reaching it. What happened? What am I doing wrong?” This had to be handled delicately, but the answer that I gave her was that despite her big goal, her behavior hadn’t changed very much.

Despite the progress that she was making in other areas, she continued to stop herself by doing the same things and worrying about the same things like not having enough money or enough time. You know the drill. You’ve heard this before. She had been given all of the different ways to make her goal happen quickly, but she never implemented the ideas. The “how” was right in front of her, but she got in her own way and essentially she sabotaged her potential income by not taking action on the ideas that were given to her. That’s one thing I know. The “how” is always right there, right under your nose ready for you to take action on it.

Here’s the thing though. You must realize that the ideas that are given to you are not just some silly ideas. They are divinely brought to you. If you are given an idea, at the same time you are given the way to achieve it. The way that it works is that you wouldn’t be able to have the idea without also receiving the way to accomplish that idea. This is a universal law—a spiritual principle.

Until you are ready to see what’s already right under your nose without discounting it as, “I can’t do this,” you’re not going to grow. Remember the idea that you got in the shower or the idea that your mastermind buddy helped you brainstorm? It didn’t actually come from you or from them. It was divinely given through them, divinely given to you.

You are given ideas like this all the time. It’s actually the universe’s way of guiding you on a daily basis, literally pulling you by the hand and pointing you in the direction that will help you accomplish your dreams. But the question is: are you listening? Are you going to do something about this idea?

If you’re not where you want to be financially in your business one of the major reasons is non-action. If you’re still at the same place you were before, it’s because you’ve been unwilling to take advantage of an opportunity that is right in front of you and it’s been there for a long time.

Listen, I know. I’ve been there. One time it took me four years to implement something I really, really wanted to do and it’s now something that makes me the most money in my business. I know you’re probably tired of hearing, “To get different results you need to do things differently.” Yet, in my experience, it is absolutely true.

If you want to make a quantum leap in your business—really multiply things—you must be willing to do what you haven’t done before. You’ve got to be courageous. You’ve got to walk into the opportunity and even walk into the fear that you have associated with it—because it’s usually a fear that stops us.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Get clear on the opportunities that are right in front of you and under your nose. Take a sheet of paper and at the top write down your big goal. Don’t be shy. No one’s watching. In big bold letters write down what you want in your business this year. Then, either knowing or pretending that you could not fail list all of the opportunities that you already have in front of you to make it happen.

I know those opportunities are there. They always are. When you state something big the way to do it is there. List them all and then begin to take action on every single one of them with courage and fearlessness. When you do your income will never be the same.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Many clients come to me to for help with their fears about discussing money. They may feel comfortable talking about what they do with prospects or how they would be served by working together. But when it comes time to actually say their fees, it becomes this big stumbling block. Sometimes people fear their fees are too high or that no one will want to pay what they’re asking.

But this is not the right way to think about what you are doing. Let me share a much better way of looking at the fee discussion.

You are not asking for money
The truth is, you are not asking for money in the closing the sale conversation. This is a big distinction I want to make. You are letting people know which programs you have available and what solutions to their problems you offer. So internally you think you are asking for money and worry that the prospect might not say “yes”. But you are simply presenting options to help them.

The client is in control
When a client chooses a program, they are in control right? In fact, you are both in control because you have created the options, laid out them out and aren’t going to veer away from them. But clients are in charge of making the choice, so you don’t have to worry about that at all. It’s up to them.

The secret for filling my practice
I want to tell you my secret which I have used over the years to fill my practice. In the beginning, I picked a price point that I thought was fair – fair for clients and fair for me. I could only accept so many clients, and when I got close to filling my practice. I would bump up my rates. As my practice continued, I would sometimes raise my new client rate every three to four months. I did this because the demand to work with me was there.

The next piece of this secret can be very motivating for prospects. When my practice was nearly full, I would say, “You know I only have one spot left because I can only take this many clients. My rate is ___.” This positioning creates a bit of scarcity which is true– you only have so many slots that can be filled. If the person wants to work with you, they better jump on it.

Presenting solutions
You are simply helping people to make a decision if working with you feels like the right thing for them. When you look at the closing the sale conversation this way, you are not at all asking for money. You are presenting the programs you offer with solutions to clients’ problems. And prospects are in control from there to decide if working with you is the right thing.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If talking about your program pricing is a stumbling block for you, I recommend practicing the “closing the sale conversation” on your own. Go over all the pieces and actually rehearse the presentation, saying it out loud to yourself. Going through the motions and saying everything out loud will help you get more comfortable when it’s time to really share your programs with a prospect.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

Occasionally, clients come to me with one solid idea and feel stuck about expanding it to generate more package opportunities. I can certainly help with that!

Let’s say you have one big package that offers a high end service such as help writing and publishing a book. You work with clients by telephone and take them step-by-step through the writing process.

Here are several ways to scale this idea up for even higher end services or chunk it down to become accessible at lower price points. These options also address different work-style preferences. Some clients want to do it themselves, some want to have more hands-on guidance, and some want you to do the whole thing for them.

Higher Price Points
1. Offer a “get it done for you” package, where you work with the client to determine the book concept and then supply a ghost writer to complete the project.

2. Offer a “work with us in person” package, where clients come to your offices for a few days, spread out over the timetable.

3. Offer the same service as package #2, but you go the client’s office. This is more convenient for them and a higher price point for you.

Lower Price Points
4. Offer the same service in a “workshop” setting, allowing multiple people to attend the same program. This dramatically increases your revenue potential for nearly the same time commitment on your part.

5. Offer just the first portion of the program and then have an upsell to work on the next piece.

6. Offer a home study do-it-yourself program, taking clients step-by-step through the process as if they were working with you.

7. Offer a mini-course that goes over the basic elements and provides tips on how they can do the work themselves.

There are so many ways you can slice and dice it. Start by listening to your clients to understand what they want. For example, the reason my Sapphire level was created was because when one of my clients said to me, “I love Platinum and I want to stay here, but I also want more access to you. I’ll pay anything to spend a half day with you and get a crazy amount of phone access.”

When you ask your clients what they need, you can discover even more opportunities to be of service. That’s why I recommend formulating client profiles like the ones I have on www.ClientAttractionWinnersAcademy.com. If you follow the model, it will be easy to come up with programs because it’s client-centered. This will be game changing for you. The minute I did the client profile piece a few years ago, it changed everything for me.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
It’s time to create those important client profiles. Think about your client base. How many categories do your clients fall into? Group them up to simplify the categories. Once you complete this, thinking of different package levels and options will come much easier. Focus on the client to create programs that meet their needs and you will be on track for far greater success.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

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This week I want to talk to you about what it means to take a stand for your prospects, your clients and your customers. Taking a stand means to publicly express an opinion about something—even if it’s not very popular. Think of it as putting out a manifesto or getting up on your soapbox and telling the world what you think about the situation at hand.

Now, how does this apply to client attraction and business building? Well, here’s how I personally take a stand for my prospects and clients in my business. Every day I work with many, many entrepreneurs with really big hearts and a great message. These are people who can really add value and perhaps even change the world yet they don’t have any clients. Sometimes, I just don’t understand! (Click here to tweet this.)

I think what’s happening is that some entrepreneurs just get confused and overwhelmed about what it really takes to attract a lot of clients consistently. I think that’s because there are many misconceptions out there and lots of different people telling you different things that are inauthentic and simply don’t work. No wonder it’s confusing.

These same people stay in paralysis mode and they don’t always do something about it—which is exactly what makes me upset. Why? Because I care so deeply about the entrepreneurs I serve—whether they’re a client, customer, an ezine reader, someone who watches my videos online or follows me on facebook or twitter. Even if I’ve never met them in person it doesn’t matter.

I believe the power of entrepreneurs to change the world is huge. When I show them exactly how easy it is to always have a full practice they become really, really successful doing what they love. It’s easy to get clients if you know what to do and then take action. Sometimes, I just cannot let people stay in their comfort zone of not having enough clients for too long. That’s when I feel called to take a stand for them. I do this by getting up on my soapbox and delivering the hard truth that no one is talking about, which in my case is the real truth about attracting clients.

I don’t sugarcoat the information I deliver. I tell them what they’re doing wrong and I tell them what to do about it. Of course I’m extremely gentle and loving about it, but I approach it like a mom giving tough love to her kids when they need it.

Why would I do this? Because when you take a true stand for your clients, you are coming from a place of service. By focusing on giving more and truly wanting the best for those you serve, they take action for their own good that they wouldn’t otherwise take for themselves.

Now, maybe that means they end up working with you or they just take action on their own or they work with somebody else. Regardless, you’re serving the greater whole by taking a stand for them and then the universe rewards you with a business and a life that overflows with abundance. Your generosity and authentic concern for these prospects and clients creates an energy shift that results in a win/win for all.People feel that. They feel that you care when you take a stand for them.

What about you? How can you take a stand for your prospects in your own business? Is there something they need that they’re just not getting? Something that they need to know that they just don’t know about? I want you to take some time this week to think about these questions. What do you see over and over again in your industry that holds your prospects and clients back? What is it that frustrates you when you see the same clients facing the same problems over and over again?

Your Client Attraction Assignment

I invite you to answer the questions above and decide how you can use your frustration or concern or caring to take a stand for those same people. What can you give them in order to make it better? How can you deliver the hard truth in a way that they’ve never heard it before, but in a yummy, loving way. What will get them to take some sort of action, which might include working with you?

Look at it this way. There comes a time when your prospects reach a fork in the road. If they go one way they create one type of future. If they go another, it’s a totally different story. When you, as the expert, take a stand for your prospective clients, you are shining a light on the best road to choose. You’re showing them the road to a bigger future and you are fulfilling your own divine purpose at the same time.

It’s a win/win/win all around and most likely, they’re going to end up working with you because they feel that you care. Pretty cool right? Now go make it happen.

Your landing page is the first place prospects see you on the web. So, you want to make sure you grab their attention immediately, to keep them reading rather than clicking away to the next site.

The following landing page strategies come from the way I have created our own landing pages, which has been very successful. I’m going to share how I have done it with you and you can make adjustments so the tips apply to your business.

1. Start with your pull marketing questions to grab attention. Your ideal clients will answer “Yes” to each of these questions. In addition, these questions begin to develop interest, trust, and credibility among prospects.

2. Write a paragraph to reassure prospects nothing is wrong with them. You are letting them know there is no need to worry. You might say something like, “If you’re anything like me, you weren’t born with a silver spoon of marketing in your mouth. The good news is marketing can be taught.”

3. Tell prospects what they need to do and why. This is where you help prospects start to understand what they need to do to turn things around. Keep the focus on the “what and why” and hold off on exactly how to do it. This will create a need to work with you – to find out more.

4. Briefly describe your proprietary system. Take prospects through a brief description of your system. You can do this on the landing page or take visitors to a separate page. It all depends on how your website is set up. Either way, you can take the visitor step by step through the top line of your system.

5. Explain how you work with clients. If you don’t have your proprietary system yet, then your next step is to describe how you work with people so they can get comfortable with the idea of what you have to offer.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
The best thing you can do when writing your landing page copy, is to get it all down on paper first. Let your thoughts pour out following these five steps. Once that is complete, then you can start to edit. Use bullets and short sentences to make the text easier to read. Remember, a visitor’s attention span is very short, so you want your text to be compelling and grab their attention as quickly as possible.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.


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