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Do you struggle with this, too?

Listen, one of the hardest things for a business owner to navigate is inconsistency in your business. It’s stressful and keeps us stuck in a cycle of feast or famine.

So while Shailia says she was a “hot mess” (her words) when she joined us, what I know is that what she was experiencing was pretty normal…

Hear how things changed for her so dramatically in this short 2-minute video:

There is so much value and freedom that come when you finally figure out how to have consistency and stability in your business. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

You sleep better.

You dream bigger.

Like Shailia, you begin to work ON the business, instead of IN your business.

But there are some tried-and-true strategies all super-successful business owners have discovered that you need to discover and some puzzle pieces that must be put into place.

Continuing to do things the way that you’ve been doing them creates the same results.


The skills, systems and strategies that we teach here at The Client Attraction Business School have a proven track record of getting entrepreneurs just like you off of the feast-or-famine roller coaster and onto the scale-and-leverage track.

This is what we do. And we do it extraordinarily well.

So if you are ready to join Shailia and hundreds of entrepreneurs like her in creating stability, confidence and sustainable growth in your own business, I invite you to apply to speak to one of my awesome Strategy Coaches here at CABS, today. If you already have a business, they can help you map out what to do in the next 12 months to grow and scale.

Once you complete your application here, we’ll get you scheduled for that call with one of our coaches. It’s time to fully explore how to have the greatest impact with your business.

I am so rooting for you!

Much love,

p.s. Isn’t this concept of “How do I, more and more, take myself out of the business?” one of the best questions ever? It requires that you have a solid foundation before you get to ask it.

Perhaps you’re finally ready to get that handled? If so, reach out today by clicking here and filling out the simple form. We are here, ready to help.

Deep down, you know that…

…every human shares a desire to feel important.

…every person on earth wants to feel significant, like they matter.

…every individual wants to feel special, like they’re more than a number.

And that includes your potential clients and customers.

The problem is many business owners and marketers treat their potential clients like cattle, a herd of faceless people who don’t have a soul.

But you’re different. You actually care about your people.

So when it comes to your marketing and how you communicate with your potential clients, it is vital that you embrace what I have been teaching my own clients for years, which I’m sharing with you in this week’s training.

Watch it now, because although it’s short, it has the potential to dramatically shift the impact of your marketing:

This applies to you whether you have a business where you feel comfortable using words like “love” or whether you work in an industry in which that isn’t quite the accepted norm (at least…not yet).

Ultimately, this week’s 5-minute video training comes down to empathy. How can you make the ONE person you are communicating with feel valued and special, even if you’re writing copy that reaches tens of thousands?

Is it possible to sell by being compassionate? If so, how??

Here are four strategies you can employ to have more empathy in your marketing:

  1. See their world through their eyes.
  2. Understand their feelings.
  3. Communicate understanding.
  4. Appreciate them as human beings. (Heck, even love them.)

There are so many people that are longing to feel appreciated, respected and seen. This is about having compassion for those you serve.

And ultimately when you do this, people want to consume what you offer to them.

When you act this way with your prospects, they want to be with you and invest in your services, products and programs.

It’s human nature to go where you are genuinely loved.

Will you do this? Would you be willing to slip into your heart a little bit more?

Will you start writing your marketing copy as if you are writing to your best friend? Let me know in the comments below.

(I think you’ll be really surprised when you do.)

You Rock!

p.s. From my heart to yours, I so appreciate you for being a part of this incredible community. I respect and admire the path you have chosen and love being on your team. Now go rock some compassionate copy, OK? 😉


Sometimes I’m the (loving) bearer of bad news… 🙂

Here’s what I say to many, many of our clients and students who want to turn their yearly revenues into their monthly revenues. Ready?

“Your business cannot grow if you keep doing everything yourself.”

(The response? You choose: Ouch or Duh.)

Listen, I know it can be hard. It’s actually quite an emotional process to learn to let go and delegate. Believe me, I have experienced the “There’s no way anyone else will do it as well as I can” thing.

You see, you had to be a “control enthusiast” to get your business to this level. But now, “letting go” is required. And that can be very difficult because it’s hard to trust that it will be done and done well, to our standards.

There’s another side to this coin, though. Watch this week’s training video to learn how you will know that it’s time to delegate in your business, and more importantly, what to delegate, now:

It is a beautiful thing to learn that there are people who have a zone of excellence in the areas where you are merely competent (or even incompetent)!

Listen, we all have our gifts, strengths and talents.

None of us can be good at everything and none of us (at least those of us who want to grow) can go it alone.

Remember… Your incompetence IS someone else’s Unique Brilliance. And when you let go of needing to do it all yourself (like a control enthusiast) and needing to improve your weaknesses (instead of harnessing your strengths) your business can and will thrive.

It’s a mindset as much as a strategy.

So this week, I invite you to think about the functional areas in your business that fall in your zone of competence or incompetence (rather than excellence or brilliance) that you can hire someone else to do…

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Your email and scheduling appointments
  • Your social media posting and content
  • Bookkeeping
  • Maybe even your Customer Service?

When you do, you have time for more MGAs (Money Generating Activities), which means that you make so much more money and those you hired just paid for themselves.

So, tell me on the blog: what is it in your business that needs to be delegated so you can focus on Money Generating Activities? What will you be brave enough to let go of soon?  

This is the first step in scaling and leveraging your zone of genius. And that, my friend, is the path to entrepreneurial success and exponential growth.

Here’s to your freedom,

p.s. This really is a conversation about freedom. The reward of becoming a successful business owner is that you create independence in your life. When you learn to delegate effectively you become free to create the systems and tools that generate revenue, and then…go to yoga, or for a walk on the beach, or lunch with friends. It’s kinda awesome. 🙂

I cannot pretend to be or do anything that I am not.

And there is a vital component to my experience of success that I want to share with you, even though it feels a little edgy to do so.

If this conversation makes you uncomfortable, it’s ok. This is simply the truth of what has allowed me (and our students) to shift from struggling in business to experiencing absolute abundance.

The woman whose story I share in this week’s video clip is not alone. You may also cringe at the idea of having to market your business. It is my hope that you will have a new perspective after you watch this week’s content-rich video.

Watch it now:

Can you begin to see how marketing can be an expression of your divine connection to your purpose?

Manifestation, metaphysics, quantum physics and what I like to call Vortex-y Goodness are directly correlated to your ability to get more clients, make more money, multiply your business and monetize your message.

This is about way more than marketing for money’s sake (and there is nothing wrong with marketing for money’s sake, when done with integrity). This is about tapping into the divine to support you to bring your powerful work to those you are intended to serve.

More money simply happens to be an outcome of this alignment.

I know this to be true. In every cell of my being.

And I hope this week’s 7-minute video gives you a sense of hope and relief.

The reason I want to inspire you to take a spiritual approach to marketing is because it means you are never alone. In any moment the Universe, God, Source, the Angels and “All That Is” are available to you, should you ask for their guidance, even (yes) for marketing.

Know that I do this before every event, coaching call and yes, even before I sat down to write this blog post for you today.

In business, I believe that we are being called to a new level of understanding, where abundance and spirituality co-exist in the name of transforming the planet through our work as business owners. And I believe that we must be brave and speak our truth.

Will you share with me in the comments section how this week’s topic lands for you? Edgy? Right on point?

This is one of the most powerful conversations of our time, one that I’ve been leading for years, and I would love to hear how it resonates for you.

With love (and abundance),

p.s. Doesn’t it feel amazing to know that the Universe has your back and that you are never actually alone? This conversation inspires me to share one of my favorite Albert Einstein quotes: “There are two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. And the other is as if everything is a miracle.” I highly recommend the latter. <3


For the first time, Janak and Urvi actually see the path to their million dollar business…

…and are happily getting there.  

Sometimes business owners get caught in a trap of inaction because getting to the next level seems like it’s going to be too hard and take too long.

Not our students in The Client Attraction Business School.

Today, I’d like for you to hear firsthand how this power couple went from stuck at the same income for several years to growing year after year because they made the smart decision to join CABS.

Ready to see why it works so well? Watch this short video (it’s under 3 minutes) now:

(OK, just for the record, I have NO idea why that person’s arm is in the right hand side of the frame. I thought about not showing it to you because it’s not “perfect” but then you’d miss out on the inspiration and wouldn’t get to meet my two friends. So, here goes anyway…)

How are they able to feel confident about reaching that million-dollar-mark soon? They say it’s because they’re following our systems, plugging into the community and getting accountability (and love) that makes business dreams come true.

Want to know a trap business owners often get caught in?

Thinking that the results others achieve are because they have something we don’t have, or that they are somehow more capable.

Nonsense! It’s simply not true.

What creates results are the right actions, taken in the right order, one step at a time, consistently over time.

When you do this (and this is exactly what our students are supported to do at The Client Attraction Business School) you really can’t not succeed.

But it starts with a decision to start 🙂

Would you be willing to spend the next three years joyfully committed to experiencing the success that you want, with people who champion you and love you?


Do you want to be one of those “other people” (I call them “muggles”) who will spend the next three years thinking about when and how they are going to start creating the success that they want, staying stuck in inaction?

We believe we’ve got what you need. Now, it’s time for you to see if it’s right for you. And all it takes is one conversation to change the course of your life for the better.

Ready to multiply your business like Urvi and Janak? We want to hear about your situation, help you map out a plan and see if we can help. No pressure, just caring strategy. The thing is, we can only help you if you take the first step…

Click here now to fill out an application to speak to one of our caring Strategy Coaches, OK? 🙂

Do this for yourself. Do it for your family, and for all the new clients and customers waiting to work with you.

I can’t wait for you to begin taking the actions that lead to your own path to a million-dollar business.

Here’s to massive abundance for you too. (There’s enough for everyone!)


p.s. I love it when Urvi says that if she was asked to unplug from CABS, she would go off and hide so you wouldn’t find her. It’s because she no longer wants to “do” this business journey thing alone. She loves the strategy and our community of aligned peers too much. It’s what we have for you here at CABS. To explore this level of support for yourself, apply to speak to one of our coaches today!

p.p.s. You can reach a million, if that’s what you want. Check out more of our student success stories here. They are so inspiring!


I’m feeling a bit nostalgic today, because we have BIG changes in the works for 2016 (which also means a big positive direction for our business).

In fact, I am certain that this is a tipping point year for us here at The Client Attraction Business School. We just had hundreds of people enroll in our Mindset Mastery Course, and over 4,000 people were introduced to the importance of this concept.

That being said, it’s quite humbling that our work changes real things for real people. And it all began with the roots that I’m sharing with you in this week’s video. (I’ve pulled this one out of the archives…it’s from 2012.)

If you want more clients, watch this video and more importantly, implement what you learn. Watch it now, and then I’ll tell you why I’m so nostalgic:

You see, what you do today in your business is what will create results six months from now (please don’t let that discourage you, it’s why this video is so important…)

This topic is still the core foundation of what’ll end those middle of the night worries about not having enough clients.

Will you do what I’ve shared in this week’s 5-minute video?

It’s these consistent, planned actions that lead to consistent and stable results.

Time and time again, I notice that those who succeed are the ones who plan the work and work the plan.

It’s how I grew this business to where it is today and why we are ready to embrace our next big evolution as a company (be on the lookout for new tools, expanded learning and really big announcements over the next several months).

So while the recommendations I make in this video may not make you jump up and down with excitement (hey, I get it, you and I are built similarly), I promise that if you are in the elite group of business owners who DO implement this, you are setting yourself up to win.

And I know you’re a winner. 😉

p.s. Think about how you can systematize and operationalize your marketing strategy. What would make this easy for you?

p.p.s. And really do get the wall calendar. If you’re a visual person like me, it totally works.


Hey, you know when you know about a thing, and the thing is amazing, and you want everyone you love to know about the thing, and do the thing…

buuuuut, there are some people in your life that aren’t hearing how awesome the thing is, even though it would solve their biggest problem and pretty much rock their life???

Well, I’m about to get real with you.

That’s kind of how I’m feeling right now. 😉

Mastering your mindset is this thing I’m referring to.

You see, after all of my years of growing my own business and coaching literally thousands upon thousands of business owners to achieve a greater level of success than they ever dreamed possible, I KNOW that upgrading your mindset is the difference between continuing to struggle and not reaching your goals…

…and the life and business that exceeds the dreams you’ve allowed yourself.

So, I’m getting on my proverbial soapbox (because I care) and giving you two gifts, NOW.

The first gift is an inspirational video. This is from my annual Mindset Retreat…(and then I’ve got some news I’ll share in a minute about how you can secure a seat NOW for this year’s 3-day transformation happening in November).

But first, watch this 6-minute video so you can be inspired:

Here’s my second gift to you, because I just don’t like the idea that you would miss out on the transformational training that I hosted last week. I know how vital it is to your success.

It’s the THING I want to jump up and down and shout from the rooftops about 😉

You can access it here!

When you access the training above you are going to learn about the opportunity to join hundreds of other wise entrepreneurs in my new Mindset Mastery Course.

This is for you if you are ready to take your mindset and your inner game to a whole new level.

As soon as you join Mindset Mastery, you will discover:

  • The exact steps to use to break through the self-imposed barriers currently stopping you from multiplying your income.
  • How to find your purpose and create your “why” so that you can stretch your vision of what’s possible for you and your business.
  • How to command abundance so that you can immediately transform your business, your income, your level of meaning and fulfillment and most especially, the quality of your life.
  • The process for resolving the self-sabotage cycle so you actually get what you want.
  • A new way of seeing yourself and your life that is aligned with your unlimited potential.
  • My specific processes, tools, worksheets and powerful mantras that instantly turn your negative thoughts into positive and ingrain new neural pathways that will pave the way to your success.

But here’s the thing I’m most excited about for you…

You also get (are you ready for this???) a Bonus Ticket to come to my LIVE Mindset Retreat at the beach in Florida, this November, so you can experience (and participate in) all the awesomeness I shared with you in the video above. (We’re hosting the retreat from November 14-16 on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, so mark your calendar now!)


YES, a free ticket, for you to have an in-person transformation, with me, at the beach. (Others will happily pay thousands to attend these 3 days, but you will go for free.) Yes, YOU! 🙂 

This event totally ROCKS. Like beyond anything you may have experienced before.

We’ve been doing this event for 7 years and the the hundreds and hundreds of attendees each year enthusiastically say it changed their life. And then they come back year after year.

It’s that good of an event, and YOU get to come for free this November when you join me in this Mindset Mastery Course I will tell you about in the free Mindset training.  

(Oh, and there are additional bonuses for you that are incredible complements to Mindset Mastery. You’ll hear all about them when you watch the training).

The bonus package expires at midnight Eastern on Friday, so if this is speaking to you at all, make sure to make time for the free training this week…it’s just under 90 minutes and I promise it has mindset gems for you whether or not you choose to go further with Mindset Mastery.

Mindset is the thing.

I’m so thrilled to share my passion for it with you,

p.s. Would you be willing to make an investment of 90 minutes in yourself this week? Before Friday? I believe that you are SO worth it and I know that these powerful tools can be a game-changer for you. The training is available here, but only for the rest of this week. Go for it!


Does getting Clarity on where you’re going, Strategy on next steps and best practices and a Community to keep you lovingly accountable get you into big Action to transcend the ordinary?

Uh, yes. Bigtime.

Are you ready to be totally inspired?

Then, meet Victoria.

Victoria is a current student of our Client Attraction Business School (CABS) who quickly progressed from the Growth Track to the Leverage Track.

When she came to us, she was shaken from having to leave her last business (it happens…) and was living off her assets. 15 years of savings were on the line.

But she was smart enough to recognize that you can’t do it alone. No one can.

Here’s her story. It’s about 5 minutes and it is so freakin’ inspirational. Just watch it now:

Victoria went from making $13,000 a year to over $1,000,000 a year, IN JUST ONE YEAR (and has grown leaps and bounds even since then).

Can you imagine??

What if THAT happened to you? How would that make a difference in your life?

CABS is a community that will take you as far as you want to go, when you finally decide to plug in, like Victoria did. It takes courage to say yes, but here’s what happens the minute you do:

  • Our training and systems meet you right where you are, so that whether you’re building to your first 100K or you have to learn to delegate and scale, like Victoria did after her first year in Growth, you have a proven process to follow.
  • Our coaches and daily accountability systems keep you honest and accountable to your goals and focused on doing the right things in the right order so you get bigger results than you ever would on your own. 
  • And our community… Our community is the magic that allows you to know that you never have to go it alone, that you’ve got friends who get it and will pick you up and dust you off when you stumble and will cheer for joy when you reach your goals.

It’s not magic. All it takes is one courageous decision to finally invest in yourself and your future. Just one decision, made in faith. That’s when you change the course of your life for the better.

I invite you to explore joining us here. If you want to hear more of the hundreds upon hundreds of inspirational success stories, spend some time here.

And then, when you’re ready to have the conversation that might change your family’s life, I invite you to apply for a session with one of our incredible coaches by clicking here.

There’s nothing more I’d love than to give you a big-squeezey hug when you walk into your first live meeting with your fellow students. Because I can’t actually describe what it’s like to join us…

…you have to experience it yourself.

To your (infinite) potential,

p.s. When you speak to one of our coaches, make sure to have them walk you through what the specific process would be for you… How can our strategies help your specific business grow and scale? What will be the best way for you to have the fastest results? (‘Cause hey, I’m all about R.O.I.!) Apply here for a Strategy Call today and let’s find out! I believe in you…


It is party time here in Stamford!

Not only are 150 students of The Client Attraction Business School here in town for their Growth Track Meeting (and while the masterminding is epic, the dancing takes the cake)…


I’m getting pumped for this Friday’s Live Video Event on How to Master Your Mindset!

Thousands have registered. Why is this the place to be?

So that:

You can dig deep, dream big and activate the greatness that is already inside of you.


The key is to learn to be the master of your own mind. There is no greater skill that I could teach you beyond the ability to direct the power of your thoughts and to take action, in spite of your fears…

You see, when you direct your mind toward your goals, and most importantly remove and transform any limiting beliefs that are in opposition to those goals, miracles happen.

The challenge that most people have is getting to the bottom of what’s actually getting in the way. The causes are sneaky, protected by our egos and often buried deep in our subconscious.

That’s why I’m teaching Friday’s class – so that you can discover how to get past the hidden obstacles that reside at the deepest level within you.

Grab your free ticket today by clicking here.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover in our time together:

  • The hidden reasons why you’re not making more money and playing a bigger game in your business
  • The exact process to shift your mindset (and to be open to receiving more money)
  • How to break through the self-imposed barriers and limiting beliefs that keep you from playing really big
  • How to dramatically increase your self confidence and self image by removing the limiting beliefs and self doubt
  • How to put an end to the struggle and finally live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve
  • How to serve way more people than you’re serving now, while giving so much more value (and making so much more money)
  • My secret to financial freedom formula that I only share with my clients and students
  • How to upgrade everything about your life, both personally and professionally
  • The confidence and courage to share your brownies with the world
  • …and LOTS more (I always give more than people expect.)

Your mind IS the key to your future. It is the key to your business exceeding your expectations, allowing you a life of impact and freedom.

I can’t wait for you to discover how to use this information for the greatest good, as so many thousands of my students and clients have over the years (we keep making millionaires over here)!

You gotta be in it to win it… Meaning, you will need to register to gain access, so grab your spot right now!

I’ll “see” you Friday!

Can’t wait,

p.s. I have some pre-webinar training planned for you tomorrow, so make sure you get registered today so that you receive it and have time to watch (it’s just about 11 minutes) before we come together on Friday. I want you to be ready to take what I teach you and hit the ground running…as in insta-results!


“Done.” “Check.”  “Yup.”

I looove that feeling when you realize you’ve reached your goals…and then some.

It’s amazing what’s possible for your business, in just one year, when you have the right support.

Patrick is a perfect example of this, and I’d like you to meet him.

Patrick had worked as an engineer, and had been laid off from his job. He was freelancing for one year and couldn’t get things off the ground as fast as he’d liked.

Until he got some support and…well, WOW.

Ready for a dose of inspiration? Watch this video and imagine what could be possible for you too, no matter what stage you’re at now:

Patrick joined the Growth Track even though it was a bigger investment than he thought he could swing.

In fact, he said he was scared to make the decision.

Like many of our students, his leap of faith was just that.

But, as you’ll see, he grins in the video when he reports that with the kind of unparalleled support he got from us, he experienced a 750% return in his first year, and as he shares, was ready to make his next big leap forward after one year.

Watch Patrick tell his side of the story in this 6-minute video. 🙂

Pretty awesome, huh?

So, what about you?

What would your life look like with an increase?

Not everyone experiences a 750% increase in one year, some do. But what about a 40% increase that comes from finally getting help? What about doubling your business like so many do?

It’s your time.

Big squeezy hugs to you,

p.s. Maybe, just maybe, you’re ready to put aside being the “watcher” and join the awesomeness that happens here at The Client Attraction Business School and become a player

…someone who plays a bigger game and experiences the results that come with it.

I invite you to spend some time on this page, to be inspired by other entrepreneurs who despite “logic,” as Patrick said, were able to turn their dreams of success into actuality.

And when you get that excited feeling in your belly, the feeling that kinda feels like nervous energy, I’d like to suggest to you that perhaps it is time to schedule a call with one of our coaches, so that you can begin to see just what’s possible for you.

Just reach out here to speak to one of our amazing Strategy Coaches. We’ll do the rest, OK? xo


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
