Expressing Your Gratitude - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Expressing Your Gratitude

Fabienne Fredrickson
December 23, 2011

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It’s the end of 2011 and the holiday season is here! Whether you celebrate Christmas or not during this time of year, there is something universal we all share. No matter what religion or belief system you have, a feeling of gratitude is something we all know.

The more that you are grateful for something or someone, the more you will attract of that thing or that someone, the people, into your life. Like the Law of Circulation, the more you put out there, the more you get.

During this holiday season, it’s important to be grateful for what you have. Start by making a list of a hundred things, people and events that you experienced this year that you are grateful for. The key is I want you to think about every client that you had this year, every experience that you had, everything that you’re extremely proud about having accomplished, and write it down.

Be in that place of gratitude and be in that place of thankfulness – because most people look at the 2% that’s not going well as opposed to the 98% that went really well during the year.

When you make out that list, I really want you to be in that feeling of, “Oh my gosh, I would like to attract more and more of this.” You might think that this is not very much about client attraction and is more abut the Law of Attraction, but it actually is very “Client Attraction-y”. That’s a new term, by the way, because when you are clear about some of the things that you really enjoyed and are grateful for, you can then put those in your goals. The key is to get really clear on what it is that you really enjoyed getting.

By the way, I’m grateful for you. You will be on my list this year when I do this assignment this weekend.

Your Video Assignment

Write down a list of at least 100 things, people, events, experiences that you are grateful for having attracted and then to go back along that list and circle the things that you would like to attract more of.

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