Do you struggle with commitment and get in your own way?

Do you struggle with commitment?

Fabienne Fredrickson
October 17, 2013

commitmentDo you waffle on the commitments you make? Maybe you make promises to yourself to clean your house or exercise regularly. You get started, but then in time, it fizzles out. This lack of commitment often stems from a self esteem issue.

I saw a speaker this year who talked about this exact topic. She said, “Commitment equals results.” If you want to lose weight or get more clients, you need to look at your level of commitment around whatever it is you’re striving for.

The results only come from your level of commitment. You’ve heard me share the John Assaraf quote and I’ll paraphrase it here. “If you’re interested, you do what’s convenient. But if you’re totally committed, you’ll do whatever it takes.” You can see the difference here right?

By the way, self worth is my life lesson – you’ve probably heard me say that. Two books really helped me heal this:
1) The Self-Esteem Workbook
2) Healing the Shame That Binds You

When we come out of the womb, we enter this world with our self-esteem and self-value at 100%. Then, little by little most people find this gets chipped away. Then you end up walking around with a gaping wound and feel that there’s something wrong with you. If you’ve had any traumatic events, these are wounds that need to be healed.

The truth is, there’s nothing wrong with you. My new book, Embrace Your Magnificence talks about how you have a perception that there is something wrong with you because those things happened to you. You might have thoughts like, “I’m lonely, I’m alone, I’m sad, I’m scared, something is wrong with me.” These thoughts create those feeling of inadequacy and that causes you to not treat yourself well and self sabotage your commitments.

I recommend reading these books, as well as trying EFT, hypnosis or intuitive healing. These are the healing modalities that have helped me tremendously to get past these feelings. You don’t have to do it all, but a little healing here and there will add up to close those wounds that keep you from your commitments.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
To break through this pattern of wavering on commitments, I recommend that you one take action today. Choose your first steps and schedule something today. Draw the line in the sand and say, “I can do this.” Take care of yourself as you would your own child and make this a priority so you can begin the healing process and get on the road to the success you want.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction  System® gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

Get Started Today


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