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How to Project Your Annual Income from Service and Product SalesAre you working on your business plan and trying to project your sales and potential income? Let me share the way we do this at The Client Attraction Business School.

For the most part, we create our business plan one year at a time. We start out with an idea of what programs we’re going to create, workshops we’re going to offer, or new direction we’re going to take to grow the business and get clients.

The next step is to map out our revenue plan, which includes:

  • Deciding on program timing and putting the events on a calendar
  • Estimating the number of people who will take advantage of each offering
  • Determining the price point we can charge for each program

For passive income or information products, we base the estimates on our recent experience. There are two key factors:

  1. How much we sell next year is directly related to what we sold last year
  2. How much we expect our list to grow also impacts the number of products we can well

For example, years ago I had a list of 2,000 people which usually grew by 10 people each week. (That’s how many free CDs we usually sent out per week.) In addition, I knew I usually sold about one Client Attraction System product per week. From these numbers, we forecasted what we could sell in a year. So, if the list doubled to 4,000 people, we would probably be sending out 20 CDs per week, then we would likely double the number of Client Attraction Systems sold per week to two.

Over the years, this type of rudimentary math has held true for us and has been a good way to project sales and income. Even today, the number of people that order the free CD directly correlates to the number of people who purchase the Client Attraction System.

To forecast your sales and income, you can follow this same method. Think about how many products and services you have and the income that comes from them now in relationship to the size of your list. You might also base your income on the number of:

  • Current clients you have
  • Speaking gigs you do to get clients
  • Get acquainted calls you have

Even though this process is rather basic, it works and is a lot more practical that just picking a number since it’s based on actual business experience.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Projecting annual sales will give you the ability to see where you need to focus your time. What would help grow your business? Do you need to create products, do more speaking, or offer more workshops to get clients and generate income? What has worked for your business in the past and what do you want to focus on for the following year to get clients? When you plan ahead, it makes the workflow more realistic and balanced.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

3 Tips to increase early registration for live eventsWhen you are trying to fill an event, you want to know not only how many people plan to attend, but how many will likely show up. Years ago, I used to run a lot of free programs, hoping to get as many people as possible to attend. I figured paying for the event would be a barrier and keep prospects from attending.

Since, we experimented with charging a fee for our smaller events. We learned that people who pay are much more likely to attend the program versus a simple RSVP.

A lot depends on what phase of business development you are in. If you are in the start up phase, you may want to reach as many people as possible. As your business grows, you might want to start charging for your events.

No matter what stage your business is in, knowing approximately how many people will be at your event is a tremendous help when it comes to planning. Here are three ways to obtain commitment from attendees and increase the likelihood that they will show up.

  1. Direct People to Register. The terminology you use with people in your promotional materials matters. Rather than asking people to simply RSVP by word of mouth or email, tell them how to register. This will encourage them to be less causal and obtain a commitment from them. This also boosts the amount of people who will pay prior to the actual event.
  2. Offer Early Bird Pricing. One of the best ways to get people to sign up early is with early bird pricing. Say your event fee is $50. You could offer a $15 discount of $35 if they register before the event. Then, charge full price at the door. This helps people commit, register and pay ahead of time (which makes planning easier).
  3. Don’t Announce the Location. Another strategy to minimize people who show up at the last minute is to hold back the exact location details. When you don’t announce where you are holding the event, people have to decide up front if they want to go or not. The only way they find out where the program will be held is by registering. The more reasons you provide to sign up early, the better the attendance and the easier it will be to get clients.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
How are you planning to promote your next event? Whether you use your Facebook fan page, LinkedIn groups, emails or distribute fliers at BNI, set up a webpage and send people there to register. Use that same link in all communications. This way you will know the number of people who will be attending and get their cash commitment up front. When you make it clear what step you want people to take, you’ll find they are far more likely to register. Eliminate the guess work by encouraging attendees to plan ahead.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

5 One-minute videos that drive business and help you get more clientsAre you using video to help attract clients and market your business? At Client Attraction, we have found video to be extremely helpful in generating higher rates of conversion.

I recommend promoting your business with video to increase engagement and convert more visitors to potential clients. Start using these five short videos and watch your conversion rates rise. Most importantly, make sure you end each video with a specific call to action so viewers know exactly what you want them to do next.

  1. Welcome Video on Your Website – Using video to introduce yourself and what you do makes it easy for visitors to get to know and like you. That builds trust and encourages further relationship-building opportunities.
    Length: Under a minute works best.
    Call to Action: Capture name and email address with an offer for your newsletter.
  2. Irresistible Free Offer (IFO) – Whatever your IFO is, promoting it with video will boost the number of people who request it. This is another great way to build your list and share valuable content with people. The more engaged they are with your materials, the more likely you are to attract clients.
    Length: One minute or less.
    Call to Action: To get your free offer, provide your name, email and physical address (or whatever you require).
  3. Facebook Ad – Facebook has now made it possible to create video advertisements that you can target to different groups and demographics.
    Length: 30 seconds or less. Attention tolerance on Facebook is lower than your website, so keep your video fun, engaging and very short!
    Call to Action: Click the “Like” button.
  4. Social Media Posts – Video is a great way to introduce a blog post or new program so you can share a quick bite of information that leaves people wanting more. This will increase the number of clicks you get to your blog.
    Length: 30 – 60 seconds. Keep it short and sweet.
    Call to Action: Click the link to learn more.
  5. Testimonials. A video testimonial offers amazing social proof that your business and system produces great results. You can post these anywhere, and then link them to a success story page on your site.
    Length: One minute or less.
    Call to Action: Click the link in the description to the success stories page of your website, or your landing page for the product or service you’re offering.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do you feel intimidated by video? Don‘t let that stop you! Make it easy by taking videos with your smart phone, tablet or computer. Write a script to get you started and practice it many times before you start to record. Then record as many of the same video as needed to get a good one.

Lots of natural light will make you look your best. Think about what is in the background – keep your surroundings simple so there is nothing distracting going on behind you. Post them on YouTube.com or Vimeo.com and then link to them everywhere else. You’ll start to attract clients before you know it.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

How to get clients at a speaking gig when self-promotion isn't allowedSpeaking to groups is one of the best ways to get clients. People get a first-hand experience of you, which helps them get to get to know, like and trust you. Most people want to do business with someone they know from first-hand experience.

Some speaking engagements won’t allow you to sell your services from the platform. However, these are still excellent opportunities to get in front of your ideal clients. So how do you get clients when you aren’t allowed to pitch your business?

I’ve found four ways around this tricky situation that worked great for me and many of my students.

1. Suggest that people can hire you without specifically saying, “Hire me!
Refer to working with clients, the problems they face and how you helped them resolve things. Use language such as, “For example, I was working with one of my private clients this week and this subject came up.” You are suggesting that you are for hire and can use this language three times in a one-hour program.

I recommend you position it slightly different each time. You are planting seeds by providing examples of how you work with your clients. People listening will make the connection that this is the type of work you could do with them as well.

2. “Crush” the Audience with Great Content
Share a lot of amazing content. Give them your best to impress them and show them your in-depth knowledge. When I say “Crush them” I mean this is a loving way – captivate people and get their attention.

3. Don’t Let This Be Shelf Help
Then you say this next part quickly, like in 20 seconds or less. “Do me a favor. Please implement this information. Don’t let this be shelf help. I understand this might be a lot to implement on your own. If you feel like you’d like to work with me directly, come up to me afterwards. Let’s set up time to talk and see if I can help. I’m really approachable and I’m here to help.”

This is not a “hard pitch” and the audience won’t feel that it is. The promoter or whoever in the association hired you will respect that you did this because it is respectful to everyone. The best part is the right people will come up to you afterwards and that’s how you will get clients.

4. Pass around a sign-up sheet
To capture email addresses from the audience and build your list, say, “If you would like to receive the notes from this presentation, please put your name on this sign-up sheet.” On my sheet, the last column to fill in asked, “Do you want to receive free Client Attraction tools by email?” If they checked this, then I added them to the newsletter list.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
The best way to get speaking gigs is to look for organizations and associations in your area who share the same target as you. Contact the meeting organizer or planner and find out what kind of topics they need. Get more speaking gigs and you’ll get more clients.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

4 Ways to share client testimonial videosGetting your client testimonials on video can make a huge impression on potential clients thinking about working with you. When it comes to increasing conversion, these videos can really help you with client attraction.

Video testimonials deliver very strong social proof that working with you produces results. There’s nothing like having your successful clients gush about your work together and demonstrate how happy they are with the outcome.

At The Client Attraction Business School, we have several ways to share these satisfied client stories. Here are four suggestions to spread the word about the success people can have when they hire you.

  1. Share on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. Write a one-liner to set up the testimonial.
  2. Include a satisfied client section of your weekly newsletter and include a link to a new testimonial. Explain a bit about where the client was before they started working with you so the testimonial shows how far the person has come and the shift that has made them want to publicly thank you in a video. At The Client Attraction Business School, we have a weekly client spotlight for this purpose.
  3. We also post videos on our website’s home page so visitors can immediately see the results that are possible when they choose to work with us.
  4. We also have a separate page for the video testimonials. As we have new videos to post on the home page, we move the older ones to the testimonial page to keep the home page fresh. Plus, this provides an entire page of reviews and satisfied customers, providing even more social proof of the excellent results we deliver.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
You can get your own client testimonials on video in two ways.

1) Ask happy clients to make a video of their own. Give them some parameters about length and how you prefer for them to talk about working with you. For example, it makes a bigger impression when clients talk about what was happening before and then after working with you.

2) Ask attendees at any live event you host if you can shoot their testimonial video. You’ll be surprised at how many clients will be more than happy to do this for you and briefly share their story.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

How to make the most out of a live eventI’ve just returned from a four-day live conference in Boston and my head is filled to the brim with new ideas and strategies for our business. Between navigating my way through the event content and my mind going in so many new directions, I got really clear on four best practices for making the most of a live event.

Live events can be workshops, seminars, conferences, trade-shows—you name it.

Networking and learning new ideas to implement in your business is critical, not only for effective Client Attraction and marketing, but also for increasing your business growth and succeeding to the next level.

Our students in the Client Attraction Business School (who by nature are advancing entrepreneurs and constantly looking to grow) leverage the opportunity to attend our live events so they can get the most out of their enrollment and grow their businesses.

Let me share four strategies you can rely on to make the most out of attending your next live event.

  1. Think big! Events inspire new ideas. At this conference, light bulbs were going on left and right and had me thinking, “I could do this! I could do that!” The presentations and conversations at a live event are meant to challenge you and stretch your limits. Allow yourself to go there (don’t worry, you don’t have to implement it all at once). By giving yourself permission to think big and “outside the box,” you will force your mind to be open to new ideas and methods of business growth. So, relax and let the ideas flow. That’s why you’re there, right? Embrace change and take on the challenge.
  2. Implement in the moment. I’m a huge believer in what I call “in the moment execution.” Now, I don’t mean disappear from the event and hunker down in your hotel room to implement for the remainder of the event. Rather, when you see a “quick win” or “easy to implement” strategy, tip or project, go for it. Taking action now will get the ball in motion—and we all know that a ball in motion stays in motion. Plus, implementing and celebrating “quick wins” while you are at the event will increase your confidence and provide clarity on what you want to implement when you return. If you have a team, even better. Pull them into the action by sharing your ideas as new assignments. It’s important to delegate, or else you’ll feel overwhelmed and confused when you return.
  3. Use tools and systems. Learning is easiest at a live event when you’re not frantically taking notes and trying to write down everything that is being shared or said. I find that I work best when I’m focusing less on the “doing” of the note-taking and instead focus on actually listening and comprehending what’s being said. To maximize time spent learning, I use a tool called Asana to jot down tasks and delegate, and I use Evernote for taking notes and writing reminders. With the benefit of an iPhone or mobile device, you can take pictures of slides or visuals you want to save and embed them right into your notes.
  4. Organize your thoughts. The sooner you review your notes after the event (either in Asana or Evernote), the more likely you are to prioritize and focus on what you want to do next. Have you attended an amazing event and had so many ideas you wanted to implement, only to return to “life as usual” and never do any of it? It’s OK—we’ve all been there. If you have a team or people supporting you in your business, meet with them either in-person or over the phone to share what you learned. Not only will your team be more invested in future projects of the business, but they will be on the same page with you, which allows for speedier implementation.

After the event I just attended (which was the Inbound digital marketing conference held by HubSpot), I started to take big action on future projects, as well as implemented (with the help of our amazing Client Attraction Team) some “quick wins” while I was there.

Trust me—following these strategies will shift your mindset from “we could do this” to “we are doing this…”

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Are you attending an event in the near future? Integrate these four strategies into your schedule. Think big, implement in the moment, use tools and organize your thoughts as soon as possible. With the four strategies above, you can now make the most out of a live event!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

How to get more mileage from your contentYour newsletter, if done well, takes a good amount of time to write, design the visual presentation and then send out. That’s why finding additional ways to leverage that content to attract clients is a smart business strategy.

While some email management systems offer an automated way to share your newsletter on social media sites, there is more that can be done. These systems provide a link to your entire newsletter, but that might not be the best way for fans to gain access to the content. It’s okay to supplement your sharing, but for some people this provides too much information at once. To avoid overwhelm, it’s easier for followers to see one article at a time.

At The Client Attraction Business School, we teach our students the importance of repurposing content. I’m going to provide a few strategies we put to work. For example, we might write one of these to go along with this blog post:

  • A super brief synopsis of the article
  • A provocative one-liner from the article
  • A nugget of inspiration
  • An actionable takeaway

By coming up with several ways to post an update from the same article and link to it, you capture the attention of a wider range of people to attract clients. Not everyone likes to get information the same way, which is why providing different angles helps you reach more of your audience.

Share Bite-Sized Snippets on Social Media
Offering bite-sized snippets makes it so much easier for your fans to like, share or comment. You’ll get a bigger response and more engagement when you follow this strategy.

Include an Image When You Post
Another strategy that builds engagement is to post an image with your updates. People love graphics, so include an image or photo whenever you can to capture more attention and attract clients.

Convert Newsletter Articles to Blog Posts
You can also take your newsletter article and turn it into a blog post. Or shoot a video using the post as your script. These ideas are excellent ways to maximize the use of your content and what we do at ClientAttraction.com.

Each of these repurposing ideas helps you reach as many people as possible and spread your message very efficiently. Sharing the content from your newsletter in as many ways as possible gives you more time for other important marketing activities to attract clients and fill your pipeline.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
How do you decide what to write about for your newsletter? Rather than having to decide each week, creating a content calendar helps you plan ahead. If you can develop a monthly strategy for what to talk about, the writing will go a lot easier and be more focused. Make time this week to think about what you will write this month to attract clients.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

How to align your mindset with attraction to close more salesHave you noticed you are attracting interest in your business, but somehow you’re not getting more clients? When this happens to people, there is usually something we call a “chaotic vibration” going on.

A chaotic vibration shows up when you say you want something (and of course you think you want it), but inside there’s either a belief or fear that’s in the way. It might be, “I want a full practice of ideal high-paying clients,” coupled with a belief system or fear that says, “Oh my goodness, if I have a full practice, I will lose my freedom. I’ll be working all the time with less time for my husband and children.”

Or it could be you don’t feel good enough. You might make mistakes or get found out as a fraud. Many of you fear clients won’t get results or you won’t be able to handle all the money.

These beliefs and fears are common, and you may have one or perhaps several holding you back. Your goals and fears are like oil and water; they do not mix well, which is why you don’t get clients. So you are attracting, but you are not receiving.

How do you unearth the belief or fear that is holding your back? Be honest with yourself. Most times, my students know exactly what is holding them back. Think about if you had all the business you wanted… What would feel a little wiggly and incongruent or uncomfortable? Then you’ll have your answer.

Once you know, then it’s time to plug into faith and your “big why.” Why are you doing this work? This is the part that provides joy, motivates and inspires you.

See, you are here to change the world. This is your divine duty. It’s time to get past the idea of playing small. You’ve got to dream bigger and plug into faith.

I’m going to share something really personal. I have a sign in my office that reads, “Women entrepreneurs are here to change the world and the time is now.” We must awake to our calling and our potential for greatness and step into it with courage and faith, taking a “no-excuses” approach to playing bigger game in service to others.

Client attraction and mindset work hand in hand through your life purpose to make it happen. When you are plugged into your big why and know this is your divine calling here on earth, of course you’re going to make it because people need you.

So be patient. Move forward with a no excuses approach. Remember, the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit, and that’s okay. Your business needs time to develop and grow.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Get out your journal and write about why your business is really happening. Look at it like a bird’s eye view. As yourself why this work needs to happen and how it can impact the greater good. Look into why you are the perfect person to do this work and why this message is coming through you for others. Then believe it and feel it deeply. You only attract what you expect and believe. That’s how you get clients.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Two super simple ways to talk about results with clientsIf you are a new small business owner without a long track record, you may find it difficult to talk to your potential clients about results. Sometimes students worry that results will vary for each person. Or, they aren’t sure what they can actually deliver. This makes it difficult for you to help them envision results while you close the sale and get clients.

1. Look at Your Own Results
It’s been my experience that you know exactly the results you offer and what you want to help people with. Think about your own story – what did you achieve? What change did you make? What gift do you feel compelled to share with the world? I often refer to this as “sharing your brownies”. These questions will give you plenty of clues to help you hone your message about the results people can expect when working with you.

2. Ask Clients What They Want
Here’s another super simple way to talk about results and get clients. You say, “If we were to meet here again six months from now, what would you need to have happened for you to feel happy about your progress with this situation?”

Using this question opens the door for prospects to tell you precisely what they want and what you need to know about them. You will be amazed at how your potential clients will provide a list of everything they want to change and accomplish. Then, you can finish up by saying that’s exactly what you will do in your work together.

Respond with Integrity
Obviously, you need to have integrity, so you can describe results you can truly deliver. If you can deliver those results, you explain your services and exactly how you can get the prospect to be where they want to be.

In essence, feed back to the potential client what they want, but only if this is what you can actually deliver. You may need to make a few tweaks or suggest what you feel is a bit more realistic.

It’s really amazing how well this works. There’s no manipulation at all. You’ve just asked a question, your prospects answered and then if you can deliver it, you say, “That’s what we’re going to do together! Woohoo!”

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you struggle with discussing the results clients can expect, take three minutes right now to remember and write down your own results. Next, simplify the language and hone the message to be succinct. Practice saying it many times and deliver it with energy and passion to make the message compelling.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

I’m thrilled to introduce you to one of our standout students of The Client Attraction Business School™, Soul Wise Living Mentor Laura Clark. Please welcome Laura as a guest contributor to the Client Attraction blog. As always, we’d love to hear your feedback. Please post your comments and questions below. ~ Fabienne. Connect with Laura on Facebook here.

A deep understanding of your ideal client will guide you to always do your best work. Focusing on your ideal client, their pain points and the fact that you are their best solution allows positive energy to flow into your work. This knowledge will enhance your marketing efforts and attract ideal clients to you in greater numbers, all while allowing you to step forward with your true purpose and succeed as an entrepreneur.

Vision-Board-1200pxThe Law of Attraction states that a focus on positive energy brings positive energy, and this mindset will help you in your business. One of the best practices for gaining a deep understanding of your ideal client while incorporating the Law of Attraction is to create an Ideal Client Vision Board.

Create An Ideal Client Vision Board

Making an Ideal Client Vision Board is a fun and engaging way to keep the energy flowing, fuel your growth and expand your business.

In case you aren’t familiar with this sacred tool, a Vision Board is a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of your dreams. (It is also known as a dream board, a treasure map, a vision map or Soul Collage™.) A vision board allows you to focus on your desires and works in harmony with the Law Of Attraction. The more you see the vision, the more it is attracted to you. It is a powerful tool to your dreams.

However, the Ideal Client Vision Board is different. This Vision Board is designed specifically to attract your Ideal Client and to keep you focused on how you can be of service to them in your business. It is a pleasant reminder of you your Ideal Client Profile, designed to focus on their pain points, challenges and hopes for change. Keeping your ideal client in mind is vital as an entrepreneur. Knowing that you are the best resource for their challenges allows you to bring positive energy into the work you do.

An Ideal Client Vision Board does not have to be difficult to create and won’t take much of your precious time. The following is a quick guideline to creating a simple vision board:

1) Choose the size of your Ideal Client Vision Board. I suggest no larger than 8 x 10, so it’s easily accessible and you can keep it nearby at all times.

2) Focus on your Ideal Client: who they are, their pain points and the results you offer them.

3) Find images in magazines or online, cut them out and arrange them on the board. Once you’re happy with the placement, use glue to set your images in place.

4) Keep this Ideal Client Vision Board by your computer and in sight, especially during times you are writing to or speaking with prospective

Another easier method is to simply cut out a photo or two of your Best Client Ever and use that as your vision board. In fact, this is what I have now. On my desk, I have before and after photos of my Best Client Ever, prior to working with me and after having worked with me. Being reminded of her transformation brings me joy and fuels my purpose.

A deep understanding of your ideal client will guide you to always do your best work. (Click here to tweet this.)

Being an entrepreneur is a full contact sport. You must continually fuel yourself with positive energy to step through the challenges. By using an Ideal Client Vision Board, you keep positive energy flowing around you and your clients, engage the Law of Attraction and spearhead your business forward.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Have you created an Ideal Client Vision Board? Take time now to grab a few images and get started! See how it energizes your work over the next few days. Don’t forget to post below and share your Ideal Client Vision Board and results with us. 🙂


Laura Clark is known as the Soul Wise Living Mentor and teaches a unique blend of spiritual awakening tools to quickly create breakthroughs for people to achieve their goals and aspirations. These tools allow her clients to quiet down the chaotic chatter within, calm their emotions and find their own inner compass. By using these tools, her clients easily re-align to see their own brilliance to live in joy – no matter the challenges they face. Learn more about Laura at SoulwiseLiving.com.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


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