October 2009 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Many people have massive doubt about their ability to do something really big in this world, including myself up until recently. They wonder whether they have what it takes or whether they’re “good enough.” And recently, I talked to you about taking the great leap of faith, really expanding your vision of what’s possible for your business, for your clients and for yourself, and ‘Going BIG or Going HOME’.

Now… that’s all well and good, but what about ALL the emotions that arise when you take a great big leap of faith and step into your purpose? No one ever prepares us for that and it can be an uncomfortable process. You see, when you decide to step into your future in a BIG way, unexpected internal stuff comes up, even stuff you thought you’d ALREADY dealt with.


“Everyone you know knows at least ONE person who is your ideal client. That means it’s YOUR job to continuously educate your environment on what you’re up to and who you work with.”

I’m convinced that everyone’s really just looking for a shortcut. Over the last 9 years of working with clients privately and in groups, the more I offer my products and services, the clearer I am that we all just want an easier way out. Well, not because we’re lazy; it’s more that we’re completely overwhelmed.

Half the time, I feel like I’m drinking from an information fire hose. If you’re anything like me, you’re bombarded, and I literally mean bombarded by information, all day long. There’s unwanted information (ads and pop-ups) and also WANTED information, stuff you asked for or paid for, and actually do want to get (like something you’re trying to learn to improve yourself or your business). I didn’t even mention the hundreds of emails I get per day that I can’t always respond to, even though my intention is there.


“You may be working your tail off to market your business and yet you’re still wondering why it hasn’t “happened” yet. I’ve seen this happen thousands of times. An entrepreneur is seemingly working HARD to get clients, working like a dog to bring in some good in-come and yet, the results just aren’t showing up. It’s like fighting an uphill battle and often seems like it’s not really worth it, or worse, like something’s wrong with us. But the real battle that’s going on isn’t with the marketing, it’s that something’s wrong on the INSIDE. If there’s a struggle on the OUTSIDE, it simply means that one exists on the INSIDE, and it’s based on your conditioning.”

QUOTE:”Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” – Ghandi

Sometimes, despite the stellar marketing plans, our “positive thinking”, our resolve, our determination and manifesting, we have doubts about whether we can really “do” this. Let’s admit it. Sometimes fear steps in anyway, despite our best intentions. The inner doubt begins to take over and we wonder if it’s really going to “happen”.

Thing is, the way we feel about our business directs the actions that we take. And of course, the actions we take (in marketing and otherwise) inevitably create the results we experience in our business. Those actions we choose to take (or not) determine how many clients we have, our level of 1ncome, and the opportunities that we take advantage of.

So, that said, how we FEEL and ACT is crucial in the process of creating the business we want. But often, especially in times of doubt, we’re not sure how to get back to a good-feeling place, do we? We want the direction of our business to change, we want a solution to our problems to arrive. Essentially, we want a “miracle” to show up and take care of everything.

If you’re at all spiritual like I am, you already know intellectually that when we expect a miracle, a miracle shows up. If we have faith that good things are on their way, they show up, and there’s a lot to be said about positive expectation. This isn’t about positive thinking. This is about faith and positive expectation and faith counts for everything in this game.

Problem is, most people have a difficult time actually staying in a place of deep faith that what they envision for their business (and their life) is on its way. It takes a lot of courage to BELIEVE that the results are indeed coming. But when you believe, that process of faith is the biggest magnet for bringing prosperity to your business and into your life.

So, how do you have faith when the current situation you are experiencing doesn’t quite match the situation you want to create? ACT AS IF. Acting “as if” helps give you the confidence to act in a different way, to be more bold, to have less doubt.

What would actually happen if you believed that the solution, change or miracle you were looking for was actually on its way to you right now? Would you change the way you act and feel? Asking yourself the following question, how would you respond?

  • Would you walk into your purpose with more assurance?
  • Would you feel more confident?
  • Would you trust yourself more?
  • Would you trust that the actions you’re taking would yield results?
  • Would you see the speed bumps as just that, a speed bump, instead of a mountain?
  • Would you feel more powerful?
  • Would you feel more empassioned by your purpose?
  • Would you move with more intent?
  • Would you feel more awake and await your next opportunity?
  • Would you be less afraid?
  • Would you sweat the little details less than you do now?
  • Would you act with speed?
  • Would you feel a bit more confident about the fact that all things will “work out”?
  • Would you follow your intuition a bit more?
  • Would you act from your heart rather than from your “shoulds”?
  • Would you give yourself the permission to let go of the doubt?
  • Would you feel more grateful about your life?
  • Would you step up, knowing you could not fail?
  • Would you play a bigger game?
  • Would you have more courage and bravery?
  • Would you quiet down those gremlins?
  • Would you say yes to more opportunities?
  • Would you know that everything is going to be OK?
  • Would you be open to receiving more boldly?
  • Would you move ahead with more confidence?
  • Would you remember that you are always guided?

My experience is that your answer to all of these questions is YES. And when you FEEL this way, you begin to ACT this way. And when you ACT with boldness, with confidence, with trust, faith and positive expectation, nothing can stop you. Success and abundance in your business are inevitable.

But it’s your choice how you choose to feel. Terrified, doubtful, unsure? Or confident, bold, unstoppable. Which do you choose? And how will your results, your life be affected because of that choice.

Your Assignment:

Take a pad of paper and pen, and create some quiet, contemplative space. Then, at the top of the sheet of paper, write down the following question:

“If I understood the “hugeness” of the miracle that is being created for me right now, at this very moment, the miracle that’s already on its way to me, how would I begin to FEEL and ACT differently in my business?”

Then write, write, write. And see what comes up. Then make the conscious decision to FEEL what you’ve written, and then to ACT from THAT place. When you do, the miracle, change or solution you’ve been asking for has no choice but to show up.


One of the best ways to be credible in your business (and scoop up new clients at the same time) is to speak in front of a room of ideal prospects, already gathered FOR you. And if you can get PAID to speak about what you know, then it makes it even more appealing.

Problem is, most solo-entrepreneurs have no clue how to secure paid speaking gigs. In this month’s Special Topic Call, I’m interviewing a seasoned booking agent who’s booked over 2,000 paid speaking engagements since 1982. We’ll get real about what simple things you need to do to get paid to share your expertise at associations, conferences, conventions, employee trainings, continuing ed courses and corporate meetings.

If you’ve been struggling to get paid for your speaking, do WHATEVER you can to be on this call!


DON’T MISS October’s Client Attraction INNER CIRCLE Call…

TUESDAY, October 5th, 2009, 4:00pm Eastern (NY) time (that’s 1pm Pacific, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central.)

TOPIC: “How to Get PAID Speaking Engagements (and Scoop Up New Clients At The Same Time!)”



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