Personal note from Fabienne Archives - Page 3 of 5 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Derek and I went on our quarterly mid-week ‘staycation’, going away without getting on a flight, this time to New York City. We believe in taking time for ourselves as a couple to connect — if you have kids, especially 3 or more, you know there’s not a lot of ‘couple’ downtime, especially as entrepreneurs! So, last Monday, a luxury car took us into Manhattan in style and we stayed for two nights in a suite at the sumptuous Trump SoHo hotel. On the agenda? We focused on togetherness, walking around town, shopping, fine dining, an indie film, a Broadway show, and more yummy meals at several favorite restaurants. Oh, and we made sure there were no phones, no tweeting or texting, with heavy emphasis on complete and utter relaxation and connection. It was bliss and 2 days felt like 5 days!

Were you on the BIG call last Thursday night on Client Attraction Mindset? It was one of the best calls I’ve ever done, with over 2,500 registered for the call. You can listen to the recording here if you missed it. At the end of the call, I launched (for the first time ever) my Mindset Retreat workshop-in-a-box, the at-home version. This is ALL of the content from my live retreat that was held this past September in Miami. It was a blockbuster success and I’m proud as can be to offer this to you – including *13* DVD’s and *22* CD’s of the live event, including ALL the exercises and resources the live attendees got, so you can play along at home too, listen and watch as if you were there live with us. You can view a 57 minutes *all content* video presentation of me on stage the first day of the Mindset Retreat to get a taste for how transformational the content was. You can access that video here, for a limited time.

It’s been a busy season of meetings and trips, both personal and professional. Last week, I attended a one-day meeting that left me sleepless last night, my mind racing about the possibilities for expansion of The Client Attraction System® to a global company that is the number one resource for women entrepreneurs looking to attract more clients, experience unlimited lifetime growth and an unsurpassed quality of life. My heart races when I imagine how truly big this vision is, and yet, at the same time, how doable and attainable it is, right within my reach. I’ll share more of the development over the next few months…

This is actually a great example of the kind of mindset you need whenever you’re looking to grow your business, even if you’re at the beginning stages, stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed even with the prospect of getting just a few more clients on board. The opposite is a mindset that helps you have a consistently full pipeline of ideal, high-paying clients, who refer others to you continuously. Are you curious about attaining that same mindset? Watch a video I just made for you and attend the no-charge live training call I’m hosting for you next week. You can register here.

Now that I’m done traveling for the year (other than a solo, romantic 2-night jaunt to New York City this week with Derek), I’m looking forward to finishing my book in December and January. And while Derek and the kids went skiing in Vermont this weekend, I stayed home to spend quality time with little Oliver in our new home, and for some girlfriend time from my close friend Baeth who visited me from Tucson, AZ. It was great, relaxed fun! Hope you had a greet weekend too…

As my family and I sat down for Thanksgiving dinner in Florida last week, we counted our many, many blessings. Derek and I realized many dreams, both personal and professional, and have been rewarded greatly for transforming the lives and businesses of so many yummy clients and students of ours. This has been an abundant year on so many levels, not only for us, but for them as well.

So that in mind, let me thank you.

To have you in my life, my readers, and to be able to serve you and share my knowledge with you, is something I am deeply grateful for. If you only knew…

In fact, I’m often brought to tears throughout the year (not just at Thanksgiving) thinking about how important it is to take a moment to be grateful for what we do have. Because only when we are grateful for what we currently have can we be in a position to attract even more of it.

Your only “assignment” this week:

Quote: “Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.” -Christiane Northrup

This week make a list of your top 5 yummiest clients, the ones that truly make a difference in your life. Reach out to them, and express to them how much you deeply appreciate them. That authentic feeling of gratitude will help you attract more of those yummy clients. Yes, it can be that simple.

It’s been an amazingly rewarding week of live client group meetings (my favorite) at the Yacht Club. Tuesday, we hosted a seaside One-Day Coaching Intensive with 7 entrepreneurs who came to have me create their positioning, branding and marketing plans for them and answer their biggest business challenges so they could multiply their current results. Boy! Did we ever… each of them walked away with their entire marketing plan and step-by-step action steps they’ll implement to get the results they thought was out of their reach, until now. (I love doing these.)

The following day, we kicked off two days of brilliant Masterminding with my new, yummy Platinum clients (from as far away as the UK).  I cannot begin to describe the transformations they received. All have gotten huge transformations from their first of 4 meetings this year, not only in positioning for their business, but in creating LEVERAGE of their time, their income, their marketing sequences, their business models, their team support, etc. The bonding and sacred feel of this ongoing group (you can join this Mastermind at any time) is truly astonishing. This is an amazing think-tank of high-achieving entrepreneurs with hearts wide open. A new sacred family of entrepreneurs has been born!

Derek and I just couldn’t say no to an opportunity to spend some time with Sir Richard Branson, one of the world’s most respected — and bold — billionaire entrepreneurs. We flew to Los Angeles (on Virgin America, of course) and I had an opportunity to speak to him yesterday afternoon. I asked him what he believes is the most destructive obstacle holding back an entrepreneur from reaching her big vision. His answer? Fear of taking risks. He said to me, “You can’t be risk-averse in business. You must be bold, be brave and don’t listen to the nay-sayers. Sometimes, you just have to look at an opportunity and say ‘Screw it, let’s do it!‘”

That’s precisely what we thought last night when presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at his annual star-studded gala benefiting Virgin Unite and the Eve Branson foundation. During the live auction, we bid on (and won!) a vacation on Necker Island, Sir Richard’s private island paradise. It’s been a dream of mine and I’ve been secretly manifesting this for some time, so when the opportunity came, we simply said yes to it. The word is he WILL be there that week, and that too would be another dream come true to spend even more time with him.

He’s brilliant, affable, funny, easy going, has a HUGE heart and is focused on the importance of family and giving back. Oh, and I so admire how he tackles world problems using an entrepreneurial approach. By all accounts, this has been a great experience! If you feel called to helping his efforts, you can donate to his foundation here.

Slowly but surely, we’re getting settled into our new home. I still have trouble finding some things, but that’s part of the game, isn’t it? And although I repeatedly ask the kids not to run in the house, the long hallways make it waaay too tempting for them. The good news is that, with all this space, our newly-walking Oliver has plenty of room to cruise around uninterrupted. One of the ways we made the house our own this past week is decorating it for Halloween. After a round of getting their own candy from our neighbors, the kids helped us put on some spooky music and make “spooky ghosts” out of white napkins, string and cotton balls, and we hung them in the doorway, so the ghosts could gently “fly” in the evening breeze. (Do you see that look on Oliver’s face in this picture? He just wasn’t sure what to make of it all!) As is our yearly tradition, after all the kids were in bed, several n eighbors came over for a roaring bonfire in front of the house. I love this time of year!

I just got back on Friday from a trip to Las Vegas, attending my friend Ali Brown’s Shine conference, and meeting so many people who’ve been on my list for several months and years. I love that type of connection. I especially liked treating this trip as a mini solo-vacation. Even though I missed my 4 favorite people in the world, I made as much time to enjoy my luxe hotel suite as if it was my own apartment, feeling like a princess in a very-quiet palace. Amazing how sometimes, you have to fly across the country to just sit in a quiet place and read a fashion magazine for 3 hours or take a bubble bath uninterrupted (mothers will relate!) Hope you had a great week too!

Derek and I spent the first part of last week masterminding with our marketing mentor, the famous Bill Glazer, and over a dozen very high level info-marketers and internet marketers (people whose names you would recognize right away.) Yes, it’s an all-male group, which can sometimes be a little intimidating, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to throw our hat in the ring when I heard there was a “Crush It” contest for the best marketing idea and campaign. Not only did we win the “Crush It” competition for best marketing idea, but we also received the grand prize of $1,000. Wait ’til you see what we’re doing with the prize money! I can’t tell you just yet, but for now, all I can say is that it’s going to be very meaningful. Stay tuned! Oh, and by the way, we also got some amazing ideas and feedback on next things to offer and implement. Love it! (Everyone should be in a high-level mastermind, with a mentor they admire. It’s a requirement for success.)

Speaking of success, I am honored to be prominently featured in an inspiring new documentary coming out called Women In Business 2.0. It’s about women making millions on the web and living their dream. As you may remember, I flew out to California not too long ago to meet with the producer of the film and shoot a 3-hour segment from my suite at the Ritz Carlton Marina Del Rey, in Los Angeles. Very moving and very inspiring! The film is complete and you can see a trailer here. I’m getting my copy today. You can pre-order your own copy of the movie here.

Woohoooo! We did it! Derek, the kids and I are all settled into our fabulous new home. This is the one I’ve been dreaming about moving into for 5 years, admiring it every time I drove by it, and the one I set an intention to own years ago. The manifestation process we set forth all culminated last week! We hired movers to pack everything up, deliver it the next day, and unpack it all the following day. Then, a team of professionals was hired to put things where they needed to be, which was a great help. (Although, it’s not all done yet, we’re getting there.) Clients who’ve seen it have asked how we’re managing the upgrade, and our answer is that “soon, this too will become the ‘new normal‘.” For now, we’re reveling in the beauty and magnificence of our manifestation, and teaching our clients how to do the same in their marketing and in their personal lives.

While all this was going on, our Platinum Mastermind MM7 clients flew in from all over, and we met for 2.5 days to do great work, both business-wise and some moving personal shifts too. If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that they floored me by generating a combined $2.6 million in new business since JUNE, between the 14 of them. One client brought in $421,874 in 4 months. Pretty impressive, yes? We went celebrating that night with a wine and cooking celebration, which was a blast! You can see pictures of our super-fun outing on my Facebook page (including several clients dancing swing BEFORE dinner.) As I say, you must “Live Life Like You Mean It!” (Hope you had a great week too…)

Our son Luc’s birthday happens to land in late July, when virtually all his friends are away on summer vacation – that happened to me too when I was young. So, we decided to invite all his friends for a big birthday party a month later at his favorite playground by the beach, including his classmates from last year’s class AND this year’s new classmates AND their siblings and parents. We decorated the big gazebo and picnic tables, had a ton of pizzas delivered, put out a gazillion juice boxes, set up my iPhone on the portable speakers to play a kids’ station on Pandora, and while the kids played on the swing set and playground under our watchful eyes, we adults chatted, laughed and sipped mimosas. Not a bad Saturday afternoon! (I love this picture. I’m a sucker for that smile of his, and he knows it.)

(I owe a big thanks to my personal assistant Kara for doing all the coordinating, all the shopping – especially for getting that scrumptious cake – and for being patient enough to put together 35 goodie bags. I wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise! Oh, and to my husband Derek too, who cheerfully went back to get the cake I forgot in the fridge at home!)

Wooohoooo! It’s official. We’re moving to our new dream home in a couple of weeks. Since last year, I’ve been quietly manifesting the purchase of a very specific and absolutely gorgeous home, and I’m happy to say we manifested it, included the quick selling of our current home. I’m thrilled, and happy-nervous, as it’s a big upgrade. For me, it’s a humbling reminder that, with the right focus, belief, faith, action and positive expectation, you can create ANYTHING you want in your life. Anything. (That’s what I demonstrated so powerfully for the Mindset Retreat attendees last week in Miami.)

Speaking of creating what you want in your life, it’s time we get serious about growing your business. If you want to work with me directly to grow your business and get YOUR message out there in the world in a much bigger way, and multiply your income, now’s the time. (Seriously, if not now, when? There’s no time to waste.) So, just a quick mention that I’m currently accepting applications for my Mastermind groups and Private Coaching programs. You can still apply by going to the Client Attraction Winners Academy info page to watch videos, read about the different programs and download the application. Send it in to me and I’ll personally read it to help you determine which mentoring program will create the best results for you.

(By the way, I spoke to another client this morning who started working with me a year and half ago, who was making $150,000 back then, frustrated and unhappy, and who just crossed the million-dollar-mark in her business with my help. If you’re interested in similar results, fill out the application and let’s talk this week.)


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
