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I cannot pretend to be or do anything that I am not.

And there is a vital component to my experience of success that I want to share with you, even though it feels a little edgy to do so.

If this conversation makes you uncomfortable, it’s ok. This is simply the truth of what has allowed me (and our students) to shift from struggling in business to experiencing absolute abundance.

The woman whose story I share in this week’s video clip is not alone. You may also cringe at the idea of having to market your business. It is my hope that you will have a new perspective after you watch this week’s content-rich video.

Watch it now:

Can you begin to see how marketing can be an expression of your divine connection to your purpose?

Manifestation, metaphysics, quantum physics and what I like to call Vortex-y Goodness are directly correlated to your ability to get more clients, make more money, multiply your business and monetize your message.

This is about way more than marketing for money’s sake (and there is nothing wrong with marketing for money’s sake, when done with integrity). This is about tapping into the divine to support you to bring your powerful work to those you are intended to serve.

More money simply happens to be an outcome of this alignment.

I know this to be true. In every cell of my being.

And I hope this week’s 7-minute video gives you a sense of hope and relief.

The reason I want to inspire you to take a spiritual approach to marketing is because it means you are never alone. In any moment the Universe, God, Source, the Angels and “All That Is” are available to you, should you ask for their guidance, even (yes) for marketing.

Know that I do this before every event, coaching call and yes, even before I sat down to write this blog post for you today.

In business, I believe that we are being called to a new level of understanding, where abundance and spirituality co-exist in the name of transforming the planet through our work as business owners. And I believe that we must be brave and speak our truth.

Will you share with me in the comments section how this week’s topic lands for you? Edgy? Right on point?

This is one of the most powerful conversations of our time, one that I’ve been leading for years, and I would love to hear how it resonates for you.

With love (and abundance),

p.s. Doesn’t it feel amazing to know that the Universe has your back and that you are never actually alone? This conversation inspires me to share one of my favorite Albert Einstein quotes: “There are two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. And the other is as if everything is a miracle.” I highly recommend the latter. <3


For the first time, Janak and Urvi actually see the path to their million dollar business…

…and are happily getting there.  

Sometimes business owners get caught in a trap of inaction because getting to the next level seems like it’s going to be too hard and take too long.

Not our students in The Client Attraction Business School.

Today, I’d like for you to hear firsthand how this power couple went from stuck at the same income for several years to growing year after year because they made the smart decision to join CABS.

Ready to see why it works so well? Watch this short video (it’s under 3 minutes) now:

(OK, just for the record, I have NO idea why that person’s arm is in the right hand side of the frame. I thought about not showing it to you because it’s not “perfect” but then you’d miss out on the inspiration and wouldn’t get to meet my two friends. So, here goes anyway…)

How are they able to feel confident about reaching that million-dollar-mark soon? They say it’s because they’re following our systems, plugging into the community and getting accountability (and love) that makes business dreams come true.

Want to know a trap business owners often get caught in?

Thinking that the results others achieve are because they have something we don’t have, or that they are somehow more capable.

Nonsense! It’s simply not true.

What creates results are the right actions, taken in the right order, one step at a time, consistently over time.

When you do this (and this is exactly what our students are supported to do at The Client Attraction Business School) you really can’t not succeed.

But it starts with a decision to start 🙂

Would you be willing to spend the next three years joyfully committed to experiencing the success that you want, with people who champion you and love you?


Do you want to be one of those “other people” (I call them “muggles”) who will spend the next three years thinking about when and how they are going to start creating the success that they want, staying stuck in inaction?

We believe we’ve got what you need. Now, it’s time for you to see if it’s right for you. And all it takes is one conversation to change the course of your life for the better.

Ready to multiply your business like Urvi and Janak? We want to hear about your situation, help you map out a plan and see if we can help. No pressure, just caring strategy. The thing is, we can only help you if you take the first step…

Click here now to fill out an application to speak to one of our caring Strategy Coaches, OK? 🙂

Do this for yourself. Do it for your family, and for all the new clients and customers waiting to work with you.

I can’t wait for you to begin taking the actions that lead to your own path to a million-dollar business.

Here’s to massive abundance for you too. (There’s enough for everyone!)


p.s. I love it when Urvi says that if she was asked to unplug from CABS, she would go off and hide so you wouldn’t find her. It’s because she no longer wants to “do” this business journey thing alone. She loves the strategy and our community of aligned peers too much. It’s what we have for you here at CABS. To explore this level of support for yourself, apply to speak to one of our coaches today!

p.p.s. You can reach a million, if that’s what you want. Check out more of our student success stories here. They are so inspiring!


Today, I want to give you a peek behind the scenes of one of our Growth Track meetings, because this lesson is really important.

This isn’t the polished presentation of one of my live public events (as you’ll see, it’s pretty casual and I make a couple of faces).

But, it’s the subtle teachings that we share with our students that help them create such great results they would never create on their own…and I believe this particular lesson is vital.

It’s why you may have tried someone’s sales script or process, and despite their assurances that it was “the way” to market and sell…

…it didn’t work for you. That’s because you weren’t being YOU.

Watch this short video now to learn why this is crucial:

You see, we are all wired differently. I believe that our unique strengths and talents correlate directly to our areas of unique brilliance.

In fact, what I teach our students and clients (at all business “life stages,” from start-up to scale-up) is that you make 80% of your money from doing your Unique Brilliance. Whenever you’re doing something else, you are costing your company money.

This doesn’t just work for me, this works for every business owner, including you.

When you watch this week’s 3-minute video, you’ll discover what my own top 5 strengths are and how I leverage them in my own business as rocket fuel for growth.

Here at Client Attraction, we have everyone on our Team (and many of our students) go through a process to do this, so that we can know how to best leverage their strengths in our business. (It’s why our employees say they are so happy to work here. They’re primarily doing only stuff they love and are wired to do.)

You’ll also understand why you may procrastinate sometimes in your business (hint: it’s because you’re going against the grain and you’re not wired to do some things in your business).

I highly recommend that you look into taking this assessment yourself (and with your Team, if you have one). It’s called StrengthsFinder 2.0. Then, you can coordinate your specific sales and marketing practices to match your unique abilities and strengths.

It will work so much better and is easier than trying to be someone you’re not!

It really is ninja. 🙂

So…tell me in the comments section:

How will you use your own top 5 strengths to shift or strengthen your sales processes?

When you sell in the way you’re wired, magic happens.

Happy (authentic) selling!

Hey, you know when you know about a thing, and the thing is amazing, and you want everyone you love to know about the thing, and do the thing…

buuuuut, there are some people in your life that aren’t hearing how awesome the thing is, even though it would solve their biggest problem and pretty much rock their life???

Well, I’m about to get real with you.

That’s kind of how I’m feeling right now. 😉

Mastering your mindset is this thing I’m referring to.

You see, after all of my years of growing my own business and coaching literally thousands upon thousands of business owners to achieve a greater level of success than they ever dreamed possible, I KNOW that upgrading your mindset is the difference between continuing to struggle and not reaching your goals…

…and the life and business that exceeds the dreams you’ve allowed yourself.

So, I’m getting on my proverbial soapbox (because I care) and giving you two gifts, NOW.

The first gift is an inspirational video. This is from my annual Mindset Retreat…(and then I’ve got some news I’ll share in a minute about how you can secure a seat NOW for this year’s 3-day transformation happening in November).

But first, watch this 6-minute video so you can be inspired:

Here’s my second gift to you, because I just don’t like the idea that you would miss out on the transformational training that I hosted last week. I know how vital it is to your success.

It’s the THING I want to jump up and down and shout from the rooftops about 😉

You can access it here!

When you access the training above you are going to learn about the opportunity to join hundreds of other wise entrepreneurs in my new Mindset Mastery Course.

This is for you if you are ready to take your mindset and your inner game to a whole new level.

As soon as you join Mindset Mastery, you will discover:

  • The exact steps to use to break through the self-imposed barriers currently stopping you from multiplying your income.
  • How to find your purpose and create your “why” so that you can stretch your vision of what’s possible for you and your business.
  • How to command abundance so that you can immediately transform your business, your income, your level of meaning and fulfillment and most especially, the quality of your life.
  • The process for resolving the self-sabotage cycle so you actually get what you want.
  • A new way of seeing yourself and your life that is aligned with your unlimited potential.
  • My specific processes, tools, worksheets and powerful mantras that instantly turn your negative thoughts into positive and ingrain new neural pathways that will pave the way to your success.

But here’s the thing I’m most excited about for you…

You also get (are you ready for this???) a Bonus Ticket to come to my LIVE Mindset Retreat at the beach in Florida, this November, so you can experience (and participate in) all the awesomeness I shared with you in the video above. (We’re hosting the retreat from November 14-16 on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, so mark your calendar now!)


YES, a free ticket, for you to have an in-person transformation, with me, at the beach. (Others will happily pay thousands to attend these 3 days, but you will go for free.) Yes, YOU! 🙂 

This event totally ROCKS. Like beyond anything you may have experienced before.

We’ve been doing this event for 7 years and the the hundreds and hundreds of attendees each year enthusiastically say it changed their life. And then they come back year after year.

It’s that good of an event, and YOU get to come for free this November when you join me in this Mindset Mastery Course I will tell you about in the free Mindset training.  

(Oh, and there are additional bonuses for you that are incredible complements to Mindset Mastery. You’ll hear all about them when you watch the training).

The bonus package expires at midnight Eastern on Friday, so if this is speaking to you at all, make sure to make time for the free training this week…it’s just under 90 minutes and I promise it has mindset gems for you whether or not you choose to go further with Mindset Mastery.

Mindset is the thing.

I’m so thrilled to share my passion for it with you,

p.s. Would you be willing to make an investment of 90 minutes in yourself this week? Before Friday? I believe that you are SO worth it and I know that these powerful tools can be a game-changer for you. The training is available here, but only for the rest of this week. Go for it!


When was the last time you beat yourself up for procrastinating, not getting enough done or lacking discipline in your business?

HA! Was it today?? 😉

An hour ago? 🙂

(No judgement here, but you definitely want to watch today’s video.)

The truth is that in order to be even more successful, we do need to have a higher level of productivity. We need time to work on our business in addition to the time we spend working in our business.

And yet, when you’re self-employed, the self-motivation required to be consistent can be challenging, at best.

The secret to greater productivity and less procrastination is simple, but few ever use it. It’s potent and must be harnessed every day, in every way. I explain how I use it in today’s 4-minute video:

This may be one of the few videos you’ve ever seen where I refer to God or a “higher source” as it relates to business. And as you’ll see in the video, time and time again, the Universe shows me that when I am clear on what I want, it delivers…every time!!

I explain how in today’s 4-minute video.

(Sadly though, we don’t always ACT when the Universe delivers the opportunity we’ve asked – even begged – for. That’s called resistance and I have some great free training coming your way on overcoming resistance. Look out for it soon!)

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the clearer I am about today’s topic, the more productive and on-task I become.

And then I crush it with my results.

Many times, however, I notice that business owners do not have clarity about this. I hope this doesn’t come across too harshly, but sometimes your actions become wishy washy as a result.

Many look outside of themselves for excuses and blame others for their results. But the truth is that you simply were unclear in your intent.

It’s really about clarity.

So if you’re feeling brave (I know you can do it!), I invite you to answer the following question:

“How have you been confusing the Universe around your intentions?”

As always, do share in the comments section. Start your response with “I.”

Own it. That’s how you get a business breakthrough.

I love reading your ah-has and breakthroughs and am always blown away by your vulnerability and authenticity.

Nothing changes until you get real. So will you take this opportunity to do so here?

I’m rooting for you, big time!

p.s. This is coming directly from my personal experience and what I’ve noticed in my own business. After 16 years, I’m pretty sure that this is the most powerful tool I have when it comes to productivity and discipline becoming my allies, instead of “rules” I’m beating myself up about!

p.p.s. Once you discover how you’ve been creating competing intentions, I invite you to get super clear on what you DO want… Then craft your strategy to get it and implement. It can truly be that simple.

Does getting Clarity on where you’re going, Strategy on next steps and best practices and a Community to keep you lovingly accountable get you into big Action to transcend the ordinary?

Uh, yes. Bigtime.

Are you ready to be totally inspired?

Then, meet Victoria.

Victoria is a current student of our Client Attraction Business School (CABS) who quickly progressed from the Growth Track to the Leverage Track.

When she came to us, she was shaken from having to leave her last business (it happens…) and was living off her assets. 15 years of savings were on the line.

But she was smart enough to recognize that you can’t do it alone. No one can.

Here’s her story. It’s about 5 minutes and it is so freakin’ inspirational. Just watch it now:

Victoria went from making $13,000 a year to over $1,000,000 a year, IN JUST ONE YEAR (and has grown leaps and bounds even since then).

Can you imagine??

What if THAT happened to you? How would that make a difference in your life?

CABS is a community that will take you as far as you want to go, when you finally decide to plug in, like Victoria did. It takes courage to say yes, but here’s what happens the minute you do:

  • Our training and systems meet you right where you are, so that whether you’re building to your first 100K or you have to learn to delegate and scale, like Victoria did after her first year in Growth, you have a proven process to follow.
  • Our coaches and daily accountability systems keep you honest and accountable to your goals and focused on doing the right things in the right order so you get bigger results than you ever would on your own. 
  • And our community… Our community is the magic that allows you to know that you never have to go it alone, that you’ve got friends who get it and will pick you up and dust you off when you stumble and will cheer for joy when you reach your goals.

It’s not magic. All it takes is one courageous decision to finally invest in yourself and your future. Just one decision, made in faith. That’s when you change the course of your life for the better.

I invite you to explore joining us here. If you want to hear more of the hundreds upon hundreds of inspirational success stories, spend some time here.

And then, when you’re ready to have the conversation that might change your family’s life, I invite you to apply for a session with one of our incredible coaches by clicking here.

There’s nothing more I’d love than to give you a big-squeezey hug when you walk into your first live meeting with your fellow students. Because I can’t actually describe what it’s like to join us…

…you have to experience it yourself.

To your (infinite) potential,

p.s. When you speak to one of our coaches, make sure to have them walk you through what the specific process would be for you… How can our strategies help your specific business grow and scale? What will be the best way for you to have the fastest results? (‘Cause hey, I’m all about R.O.I.!) Apply here for a Strategy Call today and let’s find out! I believe in you…


The formula for making more money in your business is *easy*.


Yes. Want to know what it is?

Simply sell more of your brownies (your valuable stuff or services) to even more people than you’re selling them to now.

Yeah, so, if it’s that simple, then why isn’t everyone a millionaire? Why aren’t YOU a millionaire yet?

Want to find out? Well, watch this 5 minute video, and let’s see if we can figure it out together:

I know that these things can be difficult to acknowledge, but I am committed to supporting you to step into your greatness and potential, so sometimes I need to step up and tell you the things that you don’t always want to hear.

I know you know the truth about what is holding you back.

I’ve loved and served entrepreneurs for 16 years, so I deeply understand the psyche of the entrepreneur.

I am here to remind you that your purpose here on the planet is to serve in an even bigger way than you’re serving now.

There are people who need you, right now.

They are tossing and turning at night because of a problem that You. Can. Solve.

And the only things holding you back from solving this problem for more people are your beliefs.

We need to get you out of your own way. Whether it’s through what we’ll talk about in tomorrow’s free training or finding another resource to do the work of getting you out of your own way. To get to that next big level, you MUST commit to your own personal transformation.

Period. There’s no way around it (I’ve tried).

Your personal transformation is the magic pill, the secret sauce, the silver bullet that is so elusive to so many people.

So what are you committed to? Are you willing to do what it takes? Do you want to stay committed to the indecision, procrastination, fear of failure, fear of success, etc.?

Or –

Are you ready to play a bigger game and be handsomely rewarded as a result?

If you’re answer is YES! give me a “WOO-HOO!” in the comments. And make a commitment that supports your greatness.

The choice is always yours,

p.s. You know I don’t actually mean brownies, right? That’s my euphemism for the thing you do that people LOVE and would line up for… I’ll be teaching more about it tomorrow on the Live Video Event. It’s not too late to join me – grab your free ticket now.

p.p.s. Your current beliefs are not your fault. They were given to you by your parents, teachers, community and culture. There is nothing wrong with you. You have infinite capacity to create the business and life that you want. That’s what we’ll talk about on Friday. Claim your spot here.


It is party time here in Stamford!

Not only are 150 students of The Client Attraction Business School here in town for their Growth Track Meeting (and while the masterminding is epic, the dancing takes the cake)…


I’m getting pumped for this Friday’s Live Video Event on How to Master Your Mindset!

Thousands have registered. Why is this the place to be?

So that:

You can dig deep, dream big and activate the greatness that is already inside of you.


The key is to learn to be the master of your own mind. There is no greater skill that I could teach you beyond the ability to direct the power of your thoughts and to take action, in spite of your fears…

You see, when you direct your mind toward your goals, and most importantly remove and transform any limiting beliefs that are in opposition to those goals, miracles happen.

The challenge that most people have is getting to the bottom of what’s actually getting in the way. The causes are sneaky, protected by our egos and often buried deep in our subconscious.

That’s why I’m teaching Friday’s class – so that you can discover how to get past the hidden obstacles that reside at the deepest level within you.

Grab your free ticket today by clicking here.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover in our time together:

  • The hidden reasons why you’re not making more money and playing a bigger game in your business
  • The exact process to shift your mindset (and to be open to receiving more money)
  • How to break through the self-imposed barriers and limiting beliefs that keep you from playing really big
  • How to dramatically increase your self confidence and self image by removing the limiting beliefs and self doubt
  • How to put an end to the struggle and finally live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve
  • How to serve way more people than you’re serving now, while giving so much more value (and making so much more money)
  • My secret to financial freedom formula that I only share with my clients and students
  • How to upgrade everything about your life, both personally and professionally
  • The confidence and courage to share your brownies with the world
  • …and LOTS more (I always give more than people expect.)

Your mind IS the key to your future. It is the key to your business exceeding your expectations, allowing you a life of impact and freedom.

I can’t wait for you to discover how to use this information for the greatest good, as so many thousands of my students and clients have over the years (we keep making millionaires over here)!

You gotta be in it to win it… Meaning, you will need to register to gain access, so grab your spot right now!

I’ll “see” you Friday!

Can’t wait,

p.s. I have some pre-webinar training planned for you tomorrow, so make sure you get registered today so that you receive it and have time to watch (it’s just about 11 minutes) before we come together on Friday. I want you to be ready to take what I teach you and hit the ground running…as in insta-results!


Your life is good now, and still, you want more.

It is the human condition to want more.

There is nothing wrong with it. This is normal!

But most people stop here, in the wanting stage, without great expectation of anything different. They believe and perceive that they are stuck where they are.

I fundamentally, positively, unapologetically disagree.

And I’m not alone. In fact, I have very good company. 😉

In this week’s video, I “invite” one of the world’s great masters to share a profound and life changing truth with you. (This is the beginning of what changed my life.) Here’s where you can watch it now:

Now, this “two envelopes” concept discussed in this week’s 8-minute video is something that some people will vehemently argue.

And sadly, those who argue about it are most always those who are holding “envelope #2” from the video!

Here’s why: people who aren’t where they want to be haven’t yet been introduced to the mindset teachings that create Quantum Income Leaps (or any other leaps for that matter).

Because of this, they aren’t quite ready to bend their minds around the idea that we are in partnership (or even responsible) for creating our life, our income, anything, despite the circumstances we were born with.

Let me say more about exactly what I mean.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the things we want, it’s easy to blame those circumstances outside of ourselves for our results. Like it or not, this is a passive stance to life (reactionary, or as some would say, even acting as a victim of existing circumstances).

And this is why some people aren’t ready to hear this. They are committed to this stance.

(I know, it hurts to hear, as much as it hurts to write it. Please don’t shoot the messenger…and stay tuned for good news.)

The opportunity is to understand that we are in partnership with our outcomes, as they are driven by our beliefs. This is THE most important teaching of our times. Because it means that when we change our beliefs…we change our results.

Everyone has this power.

Everyone has the choice of which envelope they want to open.

I’ve asked my awesome Team to make a printable of Hill’s Expression of Gratitude for you to hang up if you wish to look at it often.

(Click the image below to open it in a new window so you can save it safely on your computer.)nhh_480

Will you put this into practice?

What is it that you want?

Will you write it down?

Also write down exactly what you are willing to give to manifest that which you want.

This is the beginning of your Mindset Shift.

Of course, I’d love to read what you write – share it with me in the comments section, OK?

Now go get manifesting, will you?!?! 😉

Let’s activate your greatness,

p.s. I am in deep preparation for next week’s Live Video Event (free) Training where I am going to go deeply into the topic of how to change your beliefs. I hope you are getting a glimpse into why this is such a vital topic. (Who wants to live an “Envelope Two” kind of life, anyway?? Not me and probably not you either.) More than 2,000 awesome folks have already registered, which makes me feel like we’re doing something great in the world! Get your free ticket to the training here, OK? It’s going to be AWESOME! 🙂


First of all, have you watched the video I made for you about why I am so excited to be focused on Mindset this month?

If not, go do that now, OK? I’ll wait 😉

Quite a few of my clients are eyeing the million-dollar mark this year (and it’s only January). Some are looking at adding another million.

Sure, we’re giving them the tactics and strategies that’ll help them leverage what they’ve already got into something much bigger and more meaningful.

It’s always right there in front of them, right under their nose, but they don’t see it.

Why? Their mindset isn’t ready to see it… That is, until we shift their mindset.

Then? Wow, just wow.

What about you? Are you a high achiever who’s feeling a little impatient? Like things should be happening faster than they are?

Here’s what’s really going on…

“When your conscious mind thinks you want something, but your subconscious mind thinks you don’t deserve it (or any other limiting belief), you will fail at getting what you want. Instead, you will actually attract what your subconscious feels is right for you.

To attract what you prefer, your conscious and subconscious have to be in agreement.” – Joe Vitale

It has been my experience over the last 20 years that this statement is 100% accurate. I know… Ouch.

This is because the subconscious dictates your thoughts and actions, and therefore determines your RESULTS.

Which is all a matter of mindset.

Listen, everyone has some level of mindset stuff to work through. It’s normal. And what I know after coaching thousands of entrepreneurs to success is that most truly believe they’re alone in it.

They see everyone else (ok, well almost everyone else) as completely deserving and capable. And yet, when it comes to actually believing that they can have what they want, they say…

“Who, me?”

Yes. You.

You get to have what you want… But, it requires that we create alignment between what you consciously want and what your subconscious believes you deserve.

It’s a rite of passage and that passage is always a new perspective…a mindset shift.

Once you make that shift, that’s when everything you’ve ever wanted for your business (your income, even your life) shows up. Rather effortlessly, I might add. Like it always belonged there.

You don’t have to figure this out on your own (it’s almost impossible, anyway).

The good news is that I am going to teach you exactly how to do that on my upcoming Live Video Event on February 12th.

(And it’s free.)

More good news: Once you shift these beliefs out of the way… PHEWF. More becomes possible than you’ve ever imagined.

And that is what I want for you. A life with more freedom, more impact and more financial security than you’ve ever let yourself believe possible.

Just try it. You’ll see.

I’ll see you live on the 12th. Grab your free ticket here now, OK?

Rooting for you, bigtime,

p.s. And really, why not you? Let’s get to the root of that belief, ok? Sign up to join me for this training. It will change everything.


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
