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As the world gets more and more full of people doing market-y things, I believe that the power of personal authenticity (and sometimes vulnerability) is more important than ever in business…  

But how much is too much? 

And how do you know whether you’ve got the right kind of business to share yourself in the way you see me sometimes sharing myself here, in videos or on stage? 

(OK, well…maybe not as much as I share, but you get my point…)  

In this week’s video, I’m going to share (no pun intended) with you how to be vulnerable from a powerful place, how to distinguish what to share with your clients and community and what not to share.  

It’s short…under 3 minutes. So go ahead and watch it now:  


Obviously there are businesses that lend themselves, more so than others, to having more of you – your experiences, your family, your feelings, your dreams and your setbacks – show up. 

But I believe that even if you have a more “professional” business that markets to other businesses, there is still a place for using authenticity and vulnerability, in an appropriate way, to create more meaningful relationships with your customers and potential clients.  

In the end, even if you’re B2B, you’re still marketing to a person, not a building or set of offices. And it’s been my experience that people crave personal connection, even in marketing, especially in marketing.  

If you’re too buttoned up, it’s going to be hard to develop the kind of long term relationships that are the foundation of any business. 

Plus, it’s so freeing to get to be YOU.  

So how much is too much? I think of the distinction between personal and private. Clearly we don’t want to be airing our dirty laundry!  

As I explained in this week’s short training video, it’s best to share stories that you would feel comfortable sharing with an acquaintance. The opposite, oversharing or being inappropriate, can lead to a vulnerability hangover… “Wow, I can’t believe I wrote that.” 😉 

Ultimately, some of the greatest connections I’ve had with you are when I’ve shared what was happening, from my heart, with truth. (I don’t seem to have the ability anymore to do anything other than that. My chest tightens and I simply have to tell the truth about what is going on.)  

So I want to inspire you today to share more of yourself with your audience! Allow them to know you and, if appropriate, your heart. Believe it or not, it actually translates to lots more business, because people ultimately buy from people they know, like and trust.  

How about sharing a bit more about you? Let me know with a “YES, Fabienne!” in the comments! 

From my heart to yours,  

P.S. This is also an invitation to drop any facades, masks or personas that you’ve been wearing in your business, because you think people who do what you do are supposed to look/act/behave a certain way. God, did I do that in the beginning! Ugh. It’s not until I showed people who I really was that my ideal clients started coming out of the woodwork and still do. Just. Do. You. It’s so much easier (and profitable). <3 

Fear is often the “thing” that keeps us business owners stuck…

…stuck in the conditions we know all too well, without further movement, versus taking the leap and creating the business (and lifestyle) we want. It’s the thing we all must overcome if we want to see different results.

And it was no different for April.

As you’ll hear in this week’s inspirational video, April had some fits and starts when it came to taking the initial leap into The Client Attraction Business School….

But boy, is she glad that she ultimately overcame her fear and joined us. Watch the video now to hear why:

(FYI, this video was recorded only 6 months after she enrolled. Wow, just wow.)

And I couldn’t be happier for April.

I know sometimes it takes a bit longer for some people to get themselves here. And it’s ok.

Sometimes, it really is about divine timing.

But what I also hear from these students time and time again is…

“I wish I’d just made the leap sooner. Imagine where I would be today!?!”

If April hadn’t finally made her way here, chances are she’d still have zero clients and zero revenue. She would still be serving people and not getting paid for it. She needed structure, the right training, accountability and a loving community of others doing it too.

(And can we just give a big WOOHOO to her receiving a new client at her highest rate as she was coming to this event…? I call this the Client Attraction Vortex and it is For. Real.)

None of us are meant to stay at status quo, struggling to move to the next level. We are all worthy of being paid well for what we do and to continue to grow. 

Is it your turn to overcome your fear and take the leap to join us? (What has your intuition been wanting to tell you that you haven’t listened to?) 

Is it your turn to be welcomed into a community of fellow fear-busters, game-changers and success-makers? 

Maybe, like April, you’ve been “dancing” with me for a while or checking us out from the sidelines.

Maybe you’ve felt inspired to talk to one of our awesome (kickbutt, loving) coaches, but then talked yourself out of it with the very usual I can do this on my own. 

I’m here to lovingly say to you, “If you could have, you would have already.”

Despite the fact that April was a newbie here at CABS, she was able to create these results very quickly.

And if she can do it, you can too. That’s because predictable business growth and income acceleration are a science. Once you put the pieces in place as we show you how, you get results that way outweigh the investment.  

Sometimes it simply takes being afraid and doing it anyway.

Let’s map out a plan to help you afford it and take action in spite of fear. Our coaches are ready to support you and love you up. Fill out an application here and let’s set up a time to chat, OK?

Here’s to your leap. It’s time,

P.S. When you step out of fear and into faith, everything changes. It is inevitable. It is Universal Law. Go for it!

If you’re anything like most business owners, you eagerly start a new project, get it to about 80% completion and then… 


not much else happens.  

This is likely because you’ve 1) lost interest, 2) moved on to something else or 3) don’t have time to finish it.  

OR, perhaps you’re seemingly always busy, but you’re never really sure where your time went or what you’ve actually accomplished at the end of the day?  

(Don’t worry, this is normal.)  

That being said, in this week’s training, I want to share with you how to create the two kinds of TIME that matter most to business owners. Want to know what they are?  

Watch this week’s 2-minute training. It’s one of the most important lessons I can share with you: 

Every single successful entrepreneur I know values these two ways of structuring their time over just about everything else in their calendar.  

Why? Because they have the greatest impact on revenue, profitability and impact.  

Thinking time is vital.  

Each week, spend at least an hour connecting to your vision, creating your strategy, setting your intentions and ASKING (source, the universe, your higher self…whatever works for you) what you desire to be presented to you through opportunity.  

Implementation time is vital, too.  

This is time that you carve out for yourself, in your week, to get things finished.  

I recommend two hour blocks for implementation time. In my experience, one hour isn’t enough. You just get into the flow of what you are creating and it’s time to hop on a call (thus the 80% finished phenomenon gets perpetuated).  

Do I have permission to give you some tough love? 

If you are not creating these time blocks for yourself, and sticking to them by having strong boundaries, you are creating struggle, ineffectiveness and inertia in your business. Which means that chances are very high that you won’t succeed.  

It takes a level of discipline and getting-things-done-ness to reach your goals. And this requires you to harness time and use it in the most impactful way. This is your main job as a business owner.  

So will you do this? How much time will you commit to creating time for yourself to THINK and to IMPLEMENT?  
Make your intention powerful by posting your commitment in the comments. And when you follow through with your action and commitment, the traction you will create in your business, the confidence you will discover as you accomplish more and more, and ultimately the results…  

…will blow you away.  

Here’s to that,  

P.S. These ideas are simple. Do not let their simplicity fool you. Our ego often wants to ignore the simple in the name of the complicated (to justify itself). Those who succeed outwit this desire of the ego by creating commitments to do the simple things that lead to results. Are you up for this challenge? Tell me so in the comments. xo 

Cris was already running a multiple six-figure organizing business when I met her. 

But she knew there had to be a better way to stop Working. So. Hard. 

In fact, she was considering going back to graduate school to get her MBA. 

She figured that was the only way to take her business to the next level. 

Problem is, that would have cost her about $100,000. Ouch. 

Instead, watch this week’s inspiring 6-minute video to see what she did and witness her rapid results. Wow, just wow: 

Cool, right? 

And I love that Cris talks about the dreaded “shelf of shame” we all have. (I have one too, so no judgment!) 😉 

The biggest problem is that this creates a self-propagating cycle of “I’m not good enough… I don’t follow through… I’m irresponsible.” 

No, what you are is…human. 

As a business owner, you are wired to start things, but not necessarily to finish them. 

That’s OK, since you’re exceptional at other things. 

This is why we created a Business School with a big focus on community-based accountability that you hear so much about in these videos. It’s because it’s so vital to your success, as Cris vows. 

Cris’ words about the community she’s found here, her daily accountability calls with her awesome peers and the home she’s discovered as a business owner are exactly what I love about our work here… 

…and why we are an online business school like no other. 

We live and breathe to set you up for success and to discontinue that cycle of “stuckness” so many others experience. 

I want you here with us. I want you to have what works. The Plan. The Community. The Accountability. 

No more books up on the “shelf of shame,” OK? 

It’s time for a massive shift in results, like Cris experienced and continues to experience. 

It’s time. 

Fill out an application to talk to a coach today, OK? Don’t be shy. It’s time. All it takes is one phone call to determine whether we could help you. 

And if it’s a question of affording it, don’t worry. We can help you map out a plan for that too. Just ask our Strategy Coach to help you with that. 

Let’s get you on the path to doubling your revenues year after year, too. 

To your success,

P.S. Just imagine what it’ll be like when you don’t have to do it alone anymore. Breathe that in. 

OK, soooo, I have great news today.

You don’t actually have to understand the science behind Quantum Physics to use it to dramatically grow your business in your business, like I do (and thousands of my clients have done).

It’s actually so simple that anyone can do it (even a 3-year-old)!

The even better news is that there is increasing scientific evidence that supports what I’m sharing with you today, even if this may not yet match your understanding of how reality works.

Here goes:

Everything you experience exists because of energy and probabilities of existence. You are literally living in a fluid reality, where results are impacted by your observation and focus.

You may be thinking, “Really? Sooooo, what does this have to do with my business?”

Watch this week’s 4-minute training to learn this crazy awesome process and why it works:

You see, all you need to do is CHOOSE, choose what you wish to experience and observe in your business. If you put your attention on this with consistency, it will be so.

You will manifest even faster when you have Clarity, Focus and Certainty around exactly what you want.

The challenge that I see many entrepreneurs have is that they aren’t clear about what they want, are afraid to claim it for themselves, are focused (if not obsessed) on what they don’t have yet or are inconsistent with their belief that they can have the thing they want.

So, let me ask you the following questions to support you in creating Clarity, Focus and Consistency:

What are you really putting your attention on in your business? What are you expecting? What are you creating with your consistent focus? What do you want to manifest?

And (just as importantly) what kind of support would help you keep your desire front and center in your actions and attention?

Share your answers with me in the comments, and don’t forget to post them where you can read them several times a day.

It is really that simple (see…no physics required).

Happy manifesting!

P.S. The best advice I can give you is to NOT try to understand this intellectually, but rather to simply try it as an exercise in faith. Do the exercise in the video and keep your answers front and center in your awareness (post them on your fridge or bathroom mirror).

P.P.S. Please do let me know what you experience as a result of this exercise. It’s had a huge impact on the results in my own business and in the businesses of the thousands of people we serve. (You can share your good news in the comments.)

I’m going to let this video (mostly) speak for itself. But let me give you a few bits of background that are going to make it even more special:

This video was shot a couple of years ago.

I’m sharing it to celebrate this amazing woman, Stacey Martino… Not only because of her epic success (more on that in a minute), but because of the role she has played here at The Client Attraction Business School, and in our hearts.

You’ll hear where she was just 6 months after joining CABS. Watch the video, and then in just a moment, I’ll tell you where things stand for her today:

So that list that was 768 people? Today it’s well over 10,000.

That celebration because she was going to hit 6 figures?

In THREE years, Stacey has gone from 0 clients and $0 in revenue from this business to having hundreds and hundreds of clients and doing 3-day events in tropical climates. She is happily on her way to a million dollar business within the next 6 to 12 months.

And I promise you, it’s because she said:

“No matter how big this gets, I am ready to step in and I will do whatever it takes…”

Which, by the way, is exactly what it takes. That. Willingness. To. Get. Support.

Listen, Stacey can help anyone’s relationship. Any relationship. That she’s confident about. But she just didn’t know how to get her message out there in a big (really big) way. She needed the expertise others (I) have and the support of a freakin’ amazing community to keep her believing in herself.

So how about you?

Are you ready to do whatever it takes, enter the Client Attraction Vortex (as our students call it) and have the path of success laid out exactly for you, like a trail of breadcrumbs that you just need to follow? What about the wind of this community at your back?

Are you willing to play the game required to have your dream business be your reality? It only took Stacey 3 years to go from 0 to just shy of a million. Three years goes by in a heartbeat…

You see, the magic doesn’t happen in your existing comfort zone. Because if it did, you would have already reached your next big level. So, what’s required is a leap of faith.

Would you be willing to take the leap of faith? Put your trust in this proven process of ours and then hustle?

Talk to one of our amazing coaches today. They’ll help you map out the path (and can even help you find a way to afford it, if that’s an issue).

They care. And so do we.

Don’t be shy.

Just reach out.

I want you looking back to this moment three years from now, knowing that you made the best decision you ever made. Like Stacey did…

To your breakthroughs,

P.S. Do make sure to watch this video. It’s so good… Even Tony Robbins makes a guest appearance.

P.P.S. Stacey…from the bottom of our hearts to yours, thank YOU. We love you, are so proud of you and are incredibly grateful that you continually give us the opportunity to be part of your brilliant journey.


Deep down, you know that…

…every human shares a desire to feel important.

…every person on earth wants to feel significant, like they matter.

…every individual wants to feel special, like they’re more than a number.

And that includes your potential clients and customers.

The problem is many business owners and marketers treat their potential clients like cattle, a herd of faceless people who don’t have a soul.

But you’re different. You actually care about your people.

So when it comes to your marketing and how you communicate with your potential clients, it is vital that you embrace what I have been teaching my own clients for years, which I’m sharing with you in this week’s training.

Watch it now, because although it’s short, it has the potential to dramatically shift the impact of your marketing:

This applies to you whether you have a business where you feel comfortable using words like “love” or whether you work in an industry in which that isn’t quite the accepted norm (at least…not yet).

Ultimately, this week’s 5-minute video training comes down to empathy. How can you make the ONE person you are communicating with feel valued and special, even if you’re writing copy that reaches tens of thousands?

Is it possible to sell by being compassionate? If so, how??

Here are four strategies you can employ to have more empathy in your marketing:

  1. See their world through their eyes.
  2. Understand their feelings.
  3. Communicate understanding.
  4. Appreciate them as human beings. (Heck, even love them.)

There are so many people that are longing to feel appreciated, respected and seen. This is about having compassion for those you serve.

And ultimately when you do this, people want to consume what you offer to them.

When you act this way with your prospects, they want to be with you and invest in your services, products and programs.

It’s human nature to go where you are genuinely loved.

Will you do this? Would you be willing to slip into your heart a little bit more?

Will you start writing your marketing copy as if you are writing to your best friend? Let me know in the comments below.

(I think you’ll be really surprised when you do.)

You Rock!

p.s. From my heart to yours, I so appreciate you for being a part of this incredible community. I respect and admire the path you have chosen and love being on your team. Now go rock some compassionate copy, OK? 😉


Let’s be honest. Your business is not like everyone’s business.

Your business has specific needs at its current level, and without getting those needs met, it won’t grow.

When you give your business exactly what it needs at its current stage, you grow fast. The clients come in quicker than before and the money comes in faster than ever. It feels AWESOME.

That’s what happened to Kerri Konik. She got what she needed and within months, she was ready for her next growth strategy, which we then gave her.

Want to see how it works and how fast it can happen?

Kerri explains very specifically why her business grew so fast once she joined us, so that you know what to expect when that is you 😉

The video is just 3 minutes long. Watch it now:

There are two very different skill sets required for reaching the different business levels you will experience. It’s important to know what they are so you can anticipate them.

Here at The Client Attraction Business School, we understand that.

That’s why there are two different, very specific Tracks for our students.

The Growth Track is for business owners who are striving for the $100K mark. They are eager to learn the specifics on how to get clients and make money.

The Leverage Track is for the business owner who is already at $100K or more (sometimes over a million) and is now ready to scale and leverage their business to new levels and gain their life back.

When it’s time to scale and leverage, the shift in focus is from building your business to working on your business. But it is vital that you’ve got the solid foundation of consistent revenue underneath you to support this growth.

So whether you are building your first six figures or you are ready to look ahead to the path to seven figures, we’ve got you covered here at The Client Attraction Business School with the right step-by-step plan, accountability and community that’ll take you to your next level of success.

As Kerri shares, even the best business schools in the country have got nothing on us here at CABS.

Perhaps it’s time for you to harness our tools, resources and capabilities to quickly build your business foundations? Or is it your turn to scale and leverage your business so you earn more while gaining your life back?

Then I invite you to fill out the application to speak with one of our Strategy Coaches today. They want to help you map out your next 12 months and get you on the path to faster growth.

Not only am I here and ready to cheer you on, but there are literally hundreds of entrepreneurs at the ready to support you to achieve your vision too. It’s so cool.

Your journey starts here.

To your success,

p.s. We really are like Kerri is describing us as a think tank with love poured over it…best CABS description…ever! Apply for a free call today!

Sometimes I’m the (loving) bearer of bad news… 🙂

Here’s what I say to many, many of our clients and students who want to turn their yearly revenues into their monthly revenues. Ready?

“Your business cannot grow if you keep doing everything yourself.”

(The response? You choose: Ouch or Duh.)

Listen, I know it can be hard. It’s actually quite an emotional process to learn to let go and delegate. Believe me, I have experienced the “There’s no way anyone else will do it as well as I can” thing.

You see, you had to be a “control enthusiast” to get your business to this level. But now, “letting go” is required. And that can be very difficult because it’s hard to trust that it will be done and done well, to our standards.

There’s another side to this coin, though. Watch this week’s training video to learn how you will know that it’s time to delegate in your business, and more importantly, what to delegate, now:

It is a beautiful thing to learn that there are people who have a zone of excellence in the areas where you are merely competent (or even incompetent)!

Listen, we all have our gifts, strengths and talents.

None of us can be good at everything and none of us (at least those of us who want to grow) can go it alone.

Remember… Your incompetence IS someone else’s Unique Brilliance. And when you let go of needing to do it all yourself (like a control enthusiast) and needing to improve your weaknesses (instead of harnessing your strengths) your business can and will thrive.

It’s a mindset as much as a strategy.

So this week, I invite you to think about the functional areas in your business that fall in your zone of competence or incompetence (rather than excellence or brilliance) that you can hire someone else to do…

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Your email and scheduling appointments
  • Your social media posting and content
  • Bookkeeping
  • Maybe even your Customer Service?

When you do, you have time for more MGAs (Money Generating Activities), which means that you make so much more money and those you hired just paid for themselves.

So, tell me on the blog: what is it in your business that needs to be delegated so you can focus on Money Generating Activities? What will you be brave enough to let go of soon?  

This is the first step in scaling and leveraging your zone of genius. And that, my friend, is the path to entrepreneurial success and exponential growth.

Here’s to your freedom,

p.s. This really is a conversation about freedom. The reward of becoming a successful business owner is that you create independence in your life. When you learn to delegate effectively you become free to create the systems and tools that generate revenue, and then…go to yoga, or for a walk on the beach, or lunch with friends. It’s kinda awesome. 🙂

Do you ever have the feeling that you’d just like to bust out? To break through your current level of success and experience and hit the next level that you know lies right on the other side?

I want to share a bit of Tracy’s story with you.

Tracy was already very successful before she came to The Client Attraction Business School. She has degrees from MIT, including an MBA. She had a highly successful health coaching practice and a passion burning inside of her that was calling her to the next level.

But she didn’t know how to get from here to there…

So when Tracy says that you can’t get what is available here at other schools, she’s speaking with experience of the best of the best.

Want to get inspired? Watch this 6 minute video now:

There’s so much I love about this…

I LOVE that Tracy shared that she was able to leverage her existing business without struggle or sacrifice and double her income with ease.

Tracy went from being a successful health coach to helping other health coaches build thriving 6-figure practices by increasing their clinical knowledge and business acumen. And once she stepped into CABS, she was able to harness the content, community and accountability to create success quickly and easily. (It’s not just an idea – that kind of growth is real here.)

I believe that when we are ready to make a decision about living a bigger future, we’ve actually known it for some time. There’s a pressure that builds for some time until it becomes too uncomfortable to not do the thing. (I hope you don’t take eight years to get here, but hey, whatever it takes!)

But what I love most about Tracy’s testimony is what she shares about the community, because it is so true: “There is an unwavering love and unwavering insistence that we all collectively rise to where we are going.”

Our success with our students lies on the three pillars of our content, the accountability provided by our coaches and the love and connection of this vibrant community.

It is unparalleled.

It simply doesn’t exist anywhere else.  

If this is your time to bust out, let’s set up a chat for you to map out your 12-month goals. Click here to fill out an application to speak to one of our caring Strategy Coaches.

So many blessings,

p.s. My favorite word, entelechy, states that there is an innate potential that lies within everything and everyone. For example, an acorn has the innate potential to become the oak tree.

If you were to plant yourself in the fertile soil of The Client Attraction Business School, what would become possible for you? Let’s find out, shall we?


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
