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I know, it can be hard.

I remember back in the day when I used to get that knot in my stomach before I walked into a networking event where I didn’t know people.

Over the years though, I’ve learned that some of the best long-term relationships with potential clients and strategic partners can be created from meeting them at networking events.

Even though I can still sometimes get shy in a roomful of people I don’t know, I’ve learned to get over it. 😉

In this week’s short training, I share with you the exact words that I’ve used (for years now) to take the pressure off…

It’s only 3 minutes, but so many of my students have said these words changed everything for them. Watch it here:

Doesn’t it feel better when you think about networking in a way that doesn’t have anything to do with you?

Think about the last time that you were at an event and someone pulled the “pitch and shove” on you… (Meaning they launched into their elevator speech and then shoved their business card in your hand.)

Ick right?!?! Don’t do that. Do THIS instead, and learn that you too can fall in love with networking.

Here’s my challenge to you:

Find THREE events to attend (locally or otherwise) in the next 30 days. Get yourself there, use my mini-script to take the pressure off and learn about THREE people at each event.

You in? Let me know with an “I’m on it, Fabienne!” in the comments!

Now go meet some awesome people!

P.S. Isn’t “client attracting” way better than “client pushing”???

I’m going to let this video (mostly) speak for itself. But let me give you a few bits of background that are going to make it even more special:

This video was shot a couple of years ago.

I’m sharing it to celebrate this amazing woman, Stacey Martino… Not only because of her epic success (more on that in a minute), but because of the role she has played here at The Client Attraction Business School, and in our hearts.

You’ll hear where she was just 6 months after joining CABS. Watch the video, and then in just a moment, I’ll tell you where things stand for her today:

So that list that was 768 people? Today it’s well over 10,000.

That celebration because she was going to hit 6 figures?

In THREE years, Stacey has gone from 0 clients and $0 in revenue from this business to having hundreds and hundreds of clients and doing 3-day events in tropical climates. She is happily on her way to a million dollar business within the next 6 to 12 months.

And I promise you, it’s because she said:

“No matter how big this gets, I am ready to step in and I will do whatever it takes…”

Which, by the way, is exactly what it takes. That. Willingness. To. Get. Support.

Listen, Stacey can help anyone’s relationship. Any relationship. That she’s confident about. But she just didn’t know how to get her message out there in a big (really big) way. She needed the expertise others (I) have and the support of a freakin’ amazing community to keep her believing in herself.

So how about you?

Are you ready to do whatever it takes, enter the Client Attraction Vortex (as our students call it) and have the path of success laid out exactly for you, like a trail of breadcrumbs that you just need to follow? What about the wind of this community at your back?

Are you willing to play the game required to have your dream business be your reality? It only took Stacey 3 years to go from 0 to just shy of a million. Three years goes by in a heartbeat…

You see, the magic doesn’t happen in your existing comfort zone. Because if it did, you would have already reached your next big level. So, what’s required is a leap of faith.

Would you be willing to take the leap of faith? Put your trust in this proven process of ours and then hustle?

Talk to one of our amazing coaches today. They’ll help you map out the path (and can even help you find a way to afford it, if that’s an issue).

They care. And so do we.

Don’t be shy.

Just reach out.

I want you looking back to this moment three years from now, knowing that you made the best decision you ever made. Like Stacey did…

To your breakthroughs,

P.S. Do make sure to watch this video. It’s so good… Even Tony Robbins makes a guest appearance.

P.P.S. Stacey…from the bottom of our hearts to yours, thank YOU. We love you, are so proud of you and are incredibly grateful that you continually give us the opportunity to be part of your brilliant journey.


In this week’s training video, I get a bit emotional. (In fact, my eyes just welled up in tears watching it again just now.)

The premise of this week’s lesson?

Imagine that you have the cure for cancer.

But imagine that you are keeping yourself a secret.

Please watch it now. It’s just under 4 minutes, and I believe it will be a powerful reframe on marketing, one that I think you’ll love:

This training video is about the good that marketing can do when the right energy is behind it.

And it’s also about why it’s your moral obligation to get out of your own way and let people know that you exist, by marketing your business in a bigger way.

It’s me taking a stand for you to play a bigger game by multiplying your reach.

And serving more people with the “brownies” that you’ve been given.

That is, in fact, your divine contract.

So are you ready to answer these very big questions? And be honest with yourself?

“Why am I making it so hard for them to find me?”

“Why am I keeping myself a secret?”

“Why am I playing so small?”

I look forward to reading what you discover, if you would do me the honor of vulnerably posting your answers in the comments.

In service to you, as you multiply your reach,

P.S. There are people who need you and they don’t know it, and you have the ability to impact their lives in the most meaningful of ways. You’ll see what I mean when you watch this week’s video.



I have a bold challenge for you today.

And, depending on the stories you’ve heard about what your marketing is supposed to look like, this may be difficult, but I’d like to invite you to share more of YOU in your marketing.

You see, perfect is boring.

The more of your life and your unique personality you’re willing to show potential clients, customers and your community, the more you’ll create lasting relationships and repeat buyers.

To show you a completely crazy example of what it can look like (and how it can make you big money), here is a clip from a while back that definitely gives a taste of what life is like here at Chez Fredrickson (this video got me soooo many awesome clients).

Watch it now:

Notice the response of the audience to my sharing this… Are they offended or annoyed? Do they feel more connected to me because of it, or less?

People are still talking about this video. As I shared, there are clients that we’ve had the opportunity to serve here at The Client Attraction Business School directly because of my willingness to be seen in my real life.

Unruly children don’t make perfect marketing, by any stretch of the imagination. No, they make real marketing.

And in a world of fake, slick and lots of sheen, people crave authenticity.

In fact, I was in London last week doing a presentation for hundreds of entrepreneurs and the hugs that I got at the end of the day were all accompanied by, “Fabienne, you are so real, so authentic. THAT is what attracts me to you and why I work with you year after year.”

So, the question I have for you this week is:

How can you be more real in your communications? How can you show all of us what it is that makes you unique? How can you have more fun in your marketing?

I know it can feel uncomfortable at first. We’ve been conditioned to believe that we have to present ourselves in an excruciatingly professional manner (and like we’ve always got it all together) to attract clients and grow. But you know what?

Nobody has got it all together all the time.

When you become willing to let more of your realness show through your marketing, you become relatable and likable to your audience.

And that adds to the “know, like and trust” factor that is vital to creating long-term client relationships.

Now, go make a video or a post that shows me who YOU really are!

I’d love for you to post it in the comments!

Let go of perfection paralysis and have fun, OK? It pays.


P.S. I miss my kids being this little, but phew, does this clip remind me how challenging it could be. If you are an entrepreneurial mom or dad, like me, kudos to you, my friend. And… Congrats. I wholeheartedly believe that being an entrepreneur is an amazing opportunity for our children to learn how to embrace their own magnificence.

Do you ever have the feeling that you’d just like to bust out? To break through your current level of success and experience and hit the next level that you know lies right on the other side?

I want to share a bit of Tracy’s story with you.

Tracy was already very successful before she came to The Client Attraction Business School. She has degrees from MIT, including an MBA. She had a highly successful health coaching practice and a passion burning inside of her that was calling her to the next level.

But she didn’t know how to get from here to there…

So when Tracy says that you can’t get what is available here at other schools, she’s speaking with experience of the best of the best.

Want to get inspired? Watch this 6 minute video now:

There’s so much I love about this…

I LOVE that Tracy shared that she was able to leverage her existing business without struggle or sacrifice and double her income with ease.

Tracy went from being a successful health coach to helping other health coaches build thriving 6-figure practices by increasing their clinical knowledge and business acumen. And once she stepped into CABS, she was able to harness the content, community and accountability to create success quickly and easily. (It’s not just an idea – that kind of growth is real here.)

I believe that when we are ready to make a decision about living a bigger future, we’ve actually known it for some time. There’s a pressure that builds for some time until it becomes too uncomfortable to not do the thing. (I hope you don’t take eight years to get here, but hey, whatever it takes!)

But what I love most about Tracy’s testimony is what she shares about the community, because it is so true: “There is an unwavering love and unwavering insistence that we all collectively rise to where we are going.”

Our success with our students lies on the three pillars of our content, the accountability provided by our coaches and the love and connection of this vibrant community.

It is unparalleled.

It simply doesn’t exist anywhere else.  

If this is your time to bust out, let’s set up a chat for you to map out your 12-month goals. Click here to fill out an application to speak to one of our caring Strategy Coaches.

So many blessings,

p.s. My favorite word, entelechy, states that there is an innate potential that lies within everything and everyone. For example, an acorn has the innate potential to become the oak tree.

If you were to plant yourself in the fertile soil of The Client Attraction Business School, what would become possible for you? Let’s find out, shall we?

Today I’m sharing some behind the scenes awesomeness (and tough love) from one of our Growth Track meetings…directed at my cousin John who enrolled last year.

If you’re not familiar, the Growth Track is the foundational program in The Client Attraction Business School for entrepreneurs who are building toward their first six figures (and for those already at six figures and beyond who wish to build a stronger marketing foundation).

It’s focused on everything you need to generate revenues in your business, so there’s a BIG focus on doing the activities that bring in cash.

And successful entrepreneurship is NOT convenient.

Now as you’ll see in today’s video, in just 5 minutes, I help John “turn up the volume” on his Client Attraction efforts (he didn’t quite get what I meant at first, which was kinda funny…you’ll see why). Watch it now:

As you can see from this week’s sneak peek video into what we do, if you want to move up to another level in business, you’ve got to go beyond only doing things that are convenient.

It’s a rite of passage.

Whether it’s networking, speaking, your online marketing efforts, sales skills…whatever the thing is that you’re focused on to grow your business…

You have to go beyond what is convenient, comfortable and competent, and achieve excellence if you want to succeed.

Cheap, fast and easy are not going to get you results.

Doing what you know (unless you’ve been a successful entrepreneur before…) is not going to get you results.

Whether it’s this community or another, it is vital that you put yourself in an environment that will teach you what you don’t know to get to the next level of success…

And almost more importantly…doesn’t teach you what you don’t need to know.

(That is what I call “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome” and it doesn’t get you any closer to your goal.)

I believe that we have the best education platform for entrepreneurs on the planet. There…I said it. I believe this because I’ve seen thousands of entrepreneurs come through our school and have results.

They’ve done what is inconvenient. They’ve broken through their limits, learned new skills and created success.

If you are ready to do this, too…to do whatever it takes, to stretch yourself, learn new skills, be accountable to a community and to engage with this level of tough love and “no matter what-ness”…

I invite you to explore the potential of what The Client Attraction Business School can do for you by applying for a conversation with one of our experienced coaches today.

As I share in the video, successful entrepreneurship will never be convenient. If it was, everybody would be doing it.

You must be willing to do the things that others are not willing to do if you want to win this game.

That’s enough tough love for today <3

Sending hugs,

p.s. A little background on the mic thing…I always teach my students to raise or lower the mic to their level. It’s actually a representation of our personal worth, because it allows us to stand tall. Thus the “turn up the volume joke.” I didn’t want you to not get it 😉 Most importantly I hope that you see how our students support each other in this community. We’d love to have you join us…apply today.

One of the most impactful (and most woo-woo) benefits of being part of a community of growth-minded people is what happens when you get together in person.

Here in the CABS community, we call it “entering the Vortex.”

It’s something I used to joke about, until I realized that there is something very real (in fact, scientifically proven) that happens when people of similar vibration get together…

…their personal vibration rises.

And when your personal vibration rises, so do your results. Every time.

Low personal vibration = poor results
High personal vibration = good results

And as you can see in this week’s 3-minute clip taken during a recent Growth Track meeting, we as a community are lovingly coaching Michelle into making sure that her words are matching the intention of maintaining a high vibration, and why it’s the key to changing business results.

Here’s a glimpse into our Vortex:

Does this really work? Like, for real??

Yes. It’s one of the secrets I’ve used to continually grow my business every year and create things that others find unfathomable.

You see, the more you pay attention and focus on the good things that are happening and what you’ve accomplished, rather than the 2% that’s not necessarily going well, the more you attract positive things.

Like most entrepreneurs, we are constantly focused on what we haven’t done or what isn’t working.

So the practice (and this is a practice…you need to do this intentionally) of taking the time to focus on your accomplishments raises your vibration and bathes you in positivity, which means that your work becomes easier and your results come faster and greater.

I know, this is a little woo-woo at first, especially when it’s the first time you’ve heard it applied to business. But it works.

And it affects your physiology. When this happens to me, I get more than a bit excited. (You’ll hear how in this week’s video.)  The more you do this, the more you will physically experience that something amazing is on its way.

On that note (and to get you into the Vortex), I invite you this week to share THREE things that you’ve accomplished in the last 90 days with me in the comments section below.

Allow yourself to truly feel how amazing these accomplishments are and how proud you are before you get back to the task of tackling what has yet to be done.

The Vortex is real. It is powerful. And it will make your success inevitable. We experience it intentionally every day here at CABS and I invite you to do the same.

Stay positive,

p.s. I really can’t wait to read your accomplishments! I’m rooting you on from here!

p.p.s. When the time feels right, join us in The Client Attraction Business School by going here, OK? It’s your time.

Happy (almost) New Year!!! 🙂

There is a secret that all people who experience a high degree of success (financial and otherwise) know.

It’s not rocket science. You may already have heard of it.

But it’s everything. And it’s my New Year’s thing I’d like you to think about before we head into 2016 (this video is only 2 minutes long):

(By the way, this is me speaking in front of close to 7,000 people, one of the biggest highlights of my year. And no, I wasn’t nervous, I was thrilled.)

Basically, if you want to be successful and if you’re committed to living a life of meaning and fulfillment, then you must answer the call

Joseph Campbell, who is known for the Hero’s Journey, has some pretty sobering words about what happens when you don’t…

Watch this week’s short video and reap its most powerful message.

I know that most people (in the Muggle world, at least) want the security that comes from the known. They want certainty and aren’t willing to take big risks. They can’t handle the possibility of failure or defeat.

But that’s not you.

It takes a certain kind of person to pursue the path within.

And you are brave, very brave, because you come from the heart.

After you’ve watched this video, I’d like for you to please answer this question in the comments:

“If there were no limitations or negative consequences, what would you accomplish this coming year, if you could not fail?”

Don’t hold back. Dream big for 2016, and then share it with me here. I can’t wait to read your response and celebrate you…

You can do anything you set your mind to this year.

I’m here for you, with love,

p.s. I don’t know about you, but it is painful to me when people I love and admire are compromising a life of passion and fulfillment for a life of mediocrity and complacency. Do you know someone else who needs to hear this, right now? Would you be willing you share this message with them by sending them this blog? It would mean so much to them.

p.p.s. Happy New Year. Let 2016 be your best year yet! Mwah!


“Done.” “Check.”  “Yup.”

I looove that feeling when you realize you’ve reached your goals…and then some.

It’s amazing what’s possible for your business, in just one year, when you have the right support.

Patrick is a perfect example of this, and I’d like you to meet him.

Patrick had worked as an engineer, and had been laid off from his job. He was freelancing for one year and couldn’t get things off the ground as fast as he’d liked.

Until he got some support and…well, WOW.

Ready for a dose of inspiration? Watch this video and imagine what could be possible for you too, no matter what stage you’re at now:

Patrick joined the Growth Track even though it was a bigger investment than he thought he could swing.

In fact, he said he was scared to make the decision.

Like many of our students, his leap of faith was just that.

But, as you’ll see, he grins in the video when he reports that with the kind of unparalleled support he got from us, he experienced a 750% return in his first year, and as he shares, was ready to make his next big leap forward after one year.

Watch Patrick tell his side of the story in this 6-minute video. 🙂

Pretty awesome, huh?

So, what about you?

What would your life look like with an increase?

Not everyone experiences a 750% increase in one year, some do. But what about a 40% increase that comes from finally getting help? What about doubling your business like so many do?

It’s your time.

Big squeezy hugs to you,

p.s. Maybe, just maybe, you’re ready to put aside being the “watcher” and join the awesomeness that happens here at The Client Attraction Business School and become a player

…someone who plays a bigger game and experiences the results that come with it.

I invite you to spend some time on this page, to be inspired by other entrepreneurs who despite “logic,” as Patrick said, were able to turn their dreams of success into actuality.

And when you get that excited feeling in your belly, the feeling that kinda feels like nervous energy, I’d like to suggest to you that perhaps it is time to schedule a call with one of our coaches, so that you can begin to see just what’s possible for you.

Just reach out here to speak to one of our amazing Strategy Coaches. We’ll do the rest, OK? xo

This week’s story is miraculous.

…and it’s also rather commonplace from where I stand. (I’m not trying to seem blasé in any way; it’s just become our new normal within our tribe.)

And so this week, I’d like for you to meet Laverne.

As you’ll see in today’s inspirational video, Laverne is a different type of Jury Consultant. She thought she couldn’t do marketing to increase her business (because that’s not what people do in her field) and certainly not with video.

Until, we took a stand for her at our Growth Track meeting. And boy, did she wow us at the following meeting!

You gotta watch this incredible transformation (she even looks different just a few weeks later, giggling and embracing that she is now an industry transformer!):

(In June of this year she had no idea how to communicate why people should work with her. And at the 2:58 mark, you’ll see that she sure does now.)

So, just how does someone go from “last ditch effort” to making more than $30,000 in one month, just 120 days later?

What I’ve learned about the heart-based entrepreneurs who hang out with us and consistently move to the next level, every 90 or 120 days, is that it’s not just about what we teach them from the stage or in the modules…

it’s our tribe of other caring entrepreneurs who will look at you, hug you, believe in your potential and hold you accountable to reaching your goals and bigger future, with love.

This is a place where advancing entrepreneurs come to enrich their businesses and their lives…and, it takes a village.

So while this is a short video (only 8 minutes), it showcases EXACTLY what happens for our members during our quarterly meetings. Watch it here to get inspired for 2016.

You’ll hear where she started.

You’ll experience the love that she receives…not just from me, but from her peers.

You’ll feel the palpable shift in her confidence, energy and yes, RESULTS…in just four months.

This week’s video captures the essence of what we do here.

And by watching it, it is my belief that you’ll start believing that everything can change for you in a heartbeat, the minute you commit to being helped by others.

With so much love,

p.s.We’ve got an epic strategy, hugs, accountability and unconditional love waiting for you on the inside. If you’re inspired (and I hope you are) then let’s see if you qualify for a no-charge Strategy Call with one of our Coaches to map out what 2016 can look like for you.

If this is possible for Laverne, it is absolutely possible for you. xoxo


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
