live event Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

How to Get the Most Out of a Live Event

After just coming back from our big 3-day live event and also having recently returned from an event where I was an attendee, I thought it might be helpful to cover the topic of How to Get the Most out of a Live Event. Now, these strategies aren’t rocket science but sometimes a solid reminder is all we need to make a good event a great one!

1. Attend all sessions. You made the investment of time, travel, and resources to go to the event, so make being in the room at all times an absolute priority. Don’t skip sessions. Reschedule client calls. Be present at all times, open to the material and learning everything being presented to you. I recommend turning off your cell phone (no texts) and not surfing the web on your laptop. Get rid of all those distractions. This is your learning time, honor it with your full attention.

Make sure to always keep learning and attending events. That’s how you grow. (Click here to tweet this.)

2. Make amazing connections. Attending a live event gives you the opportunity to meet other attendees, sometimes from all over the world. Take advantage of meeting new people by networking and creating strategic alliances. Now is not the time to be shy and introverted. Introduce yourself during breaks and schedule lunch dates with other attendees. (Don’t forget your business cards!) Remember, the person sitting next to you at lunch may just be the one who has the answer or the resource you need. That’s how the Universe works!

Watch this week’s video strategy for all 6 of my strategies to ensure you take time off every year. It’s critical for your success.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

What events have you wanted to attend to further your business growth and personal growth. Find out when they’re happening and invest in yourself by registering. Then, use today’s strategies for getting the most of the event and you’ll start really getting a return on your investment.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

This Thursday, October 28th I’ll be the guest speaker for The Soundview Club, right here in my hometown of Stamford, CT.  I’m delighted to present “The Advanced Marketing and Mindset Secrets of 6-figure and 7-figure Entrepreneurs That Work in ANY Economy” to this fine group of local business owners and entrepreneurs. And great news! The Soundview Club has graciously opened this event up to the public as well!

This is a great opportunity for YOU to expand on what you’ve already learned from me and to go beyond what you’ve already implemented and take your business to the next level, so you can see increased results.

In this high-content live session, you’ll uncover the hidden reasons why you’re not currently making more in your business; you’ll also discover the exact process to transform your income and the way you do things, and finally you’ll be “stretched” personally by me, not only in your marketing but in your mindset too, so you too can experience even more entrepreneurial success.

I hope you’ll come join me for this intimate gathering. The Soundview Club will be providing a networking reception afterward as well so there will time for us to meet in person, chat, and network.

Seating is extremely limited and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. As you can imagine, this event will fill very quickly, so please act now. Please register through The Soundview Club directly by calling 203-359-9333. (Registration fee is a nominal $35.)

I can’t wait to see you in person.  Please make it a priority to join me!


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
