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By most people’s standards, Scott was doing pretty darned well in his 10 years as a professional organizer.

I mean…he was doing 6 figures a year and people wanted his services.

The thing is, he was feeling super frustrated because he had plateaued and couldn’t seem to get out of his own way.

Well, a couple of weeks in The Client Attraction Business School changed it all…

Want to be inspired and see what’s possible by what Scott experienced in just two weeks, and then over the next six months? Watch and be moved below.

The danger in a decade-old business is that you know a whole lot about what you already know.

When Scott stepped through his fear to change the name of his company (you’ll hear why it was vital to his future success that he change it at the 3 minute 35 second mark) and implemented packages, increased his a la carte pricing and hired a team…

…he was able to cover $50K in additional expenses in cash – no sweat. He happily states in the video what he did with his newfound $50,000.

Here’s the thing: Scott recognized an opportunity. And like in all success stories, he understood deeply one of my most powerful teachings:

When you ask for what you want, it is given in the form of an opportunity. If you want the results that you asked for, then you must action the opportunity that arrives.

Scott did just that and because of it, I got to ask him, “Scott, what does a $1 million organizing business look like?”

Whether you are already at 6 figures OR you’re at an earlier stage of your entrepreneurial adventure, I’d love to invite you to discover what is possible for you this year by applying for a call with one of our amazing coaches.

As you’ll hear in the video, Scott was able to recoup his investment in The Client Attraction Business School in two weeks. There were simple ideas that were right in front of him that he hadn’t actioned yet.

I’m guessing there are opportunities like this right in front of you, too. Would you like our support to be able to see them? If so, click here and let’s schedule a call to see what you can create in 2016 with the right support.

Here’s to your amazing 2016!

p.s. There is some colorful language in this video… What can I say? We’re a wild tribe! But I know you’re going to be inspired to aim higher after watching it, so please take the next 7 minutes to get inspired and watch it now.

p.p.s. Just a quick heads up that next week something very new and very exciting is coming your way, so make sure to be on the lookout for next Thursday’s email. Let’s just say I am ready to arm you with the #1 tool for success when it comes to separating the 20% of businesses that thrive from the 80% of businesses that fail. More on this next week! xoxo

This week’s story is miraculous.

…and it’s also rather commonplace from where I stand. (I’m not trying to seem blasé in any way; it’s just become our new normal within our tribe.)

And so this week, I’d like for you to meet Laverne.

As you’ll see in today’s inspirational video, Laverne is a different type of Jury Consultant. She thought she couldn’t do marketing to increase her business (because that’s not what people do in her field) and certainly not with video.

Until, we took a stand for her at our Growth Track meeting. And boy, did she wow us at the following meeting!

You gotta watch this incredible transformation (she even looks different just a few weeks later, giggling and embracing that she is now an industry transformer!):

(In June of this year she had no idea how to communicate why people should work with her. And at the 2:58 mark, you’ll see that she sure does now.)

So, just how does someone go from “last ditch effort” to making more than $30,000 in one month, just 120 days later?

What I’ve learned about the heart-based entrepreneurs who hang out with us and consistently move to the next level, every 90 or 120 days, is that it’s not just about what we teach them from the stage or in the modules…

it’s our tribe of other caring entrepreneurs who will look at you, hug you, believe in your potential and hold you accountable to reaching your goals and bigger future, with love.

This is a place where advancing entrepreneurs come to enrich their businesses and their lives…and, it takes a village.

So while this is a short video (only 8 minutes), it showcases EXACTLY what happens for our members during our quarterly meetings. Watch it here to get inspired for 2016.

You’ll hear where she started.

You’ll experience the love that she receives…not just from me, but from her peers.

You’ll feel the palpable shift in her confidence, energy and yes, RESULTS…in just four months.

This week’s video captures the essence of what we do here.

And by watching it, it is my belief that you’ll start believing that everything can change for you in a heartbeat, the minute you commit to being helped by others.

With so much love,

p.s.We’ve got an epic strategy, hugs, accountability and unconditional love waiting for you on the inside. If you’re inspired (and I hope you are) then let’s see if you qualify for a no-charge Strategy Call with one of our Coaches to map out what 2016 can look like for you.

If this is possible for Laverne, it is absolutely possible for you. xoxo

Today, I’m departing from our usual teaching videos and bringing you something new.

(I hope you’ll love it…)

I’ve learned that I’m not the only person who sometimes learns best when watching something being done in action, rather than just learning about it.

Which is why I’ve decided to open the doors of our most recent Growth Track meeting and let you in on a process that I take my students through to help them monetize what they know.

Watch the video below to see me in action helping Reggie on stage:

(Please forgive the first few moments of me gathering my papers. Reggie didn’t realize he was coming up on stage with me!)

You see, I have a unique strength in helping people turn their yearly income into their monthly income…

Really?? Is there really a way to turn what you make in a full year into your monthly income?

Yes, really. It happens all the time in our Business School. And it often starts with you taking what you know and creating programs and products around it.

Today’s 14-minute video shows you exactly how you too can take what you know and package it so you can charge so much more for it and work with so many more people.

Stick with me on this one. I know it’s longer than usual, and it’s worth it…

… especially when you see Reggie’s face when he realizes at minute 11 or so how he can monetize his intellectual property and serve his corporate clients in a bigger way.

Priceless, as is the gratitude in his voice (and my eyes welling up in tears) at the end.


Love you,

p.s. If you’d like us to help you do the same, go to, OK? You’re awesome and we’d love to help you too… xo

OK, you ready for a good laugh (or a few good laughs) and a dose of inspiration?

Then you’re going to love Kate Kingston:

(I’ve always felt that it’s impossible not to love Kate. I bet you fall in love with her like I have.)

Within 4 months of joining us in the Business School, Kate was making $10,000 a month.

Her secret?

“I just do what Fabienne tells me.”

That’s exactly what she says multiplies her revenues up and up every year.

In fact, she says in the video, “When I’m around Fabienne and Derek, I make money. Period.”

But it’s not about the money for Kate. It’s about how we care for her and believe in her. In fact, she calls me her muse (which I find very touching).

Watch this week’s 7-minute inspiration video to get a glimpse of you in your near future.

Could joining our community to get help with your business create new results for you?

You can do this.


p.s. Could joining our community to get help with your business create new results for you? Let’s find out. Go here to talk to one of our coaches for a free Strategy Call and let’s map out your year. If it makes sense, we can also talk about working together, but that’s up to you.

And if you know someone who is ready for a plan for making money, then forward them this blog, OK? Or, send them here.

I hear this all the time:

“Fabienne, I’ve been at the same level for a while. I’ve plateaued and I don’t know why. I feel like there’s a roadblock getting in the way of my growth, but I can’t seem to figure out what it is. Can you help me?”

Yes, I can.

We entrepreneurs are presented with opportunities for growth almost on a daily basis.

If that’s true, then why isn’t every entrepreneur growing?

Lack of commitment.

And not doing what it takes because of excuses.

(Hey, I’ve been there too, so no judgment here!)

Would you like to know the number one excuse entrepreneurs use that gets in the way? Here it is, in this week’s video:

(I take a pretty strong stand for you in this video. Not sure if you’ve ever seen this side of me.) 😉

If we want different results, we simply must be willing to do what we previously haven’t done.

And that means we must be willing to go beyond our excuses, the ones that stop us.

And in today’s 7-minute video, you’ll hear the short list of the most common entrepreneurial excuses – and what to do to stop making them.

This creates traction. This creates new results.

In the comments section, please let me know this: what excuses are you willing to give up?

I can’t wait to read your comments and cheer you on from the sidelines!

Believing in you always,

p.s. Do you know someone who could use more traction in their business? Please forward this blog to them, OK? Thanks so much for reading and sharing. I am grateful for you.


I’m flying sooooooo high!

Just got home after wrapping up my three-day Mindset Retreat in Florida.

While my body is physically tired (I napped 3 times this weekend!), my heart is bursting with joy.

The feedback from the 350+ attendees, about how life-changing the Mindset event is, was incredibly moving for me, as it is every year:


And together, the attendees and I increased the number of schools we’re building in Kenya, Africa to a total of 16 schools, educating thousands of children who would otherwise never experience the life-transforming power of an education, clear water, medical attention and nutritious meals daily.

As I hugged each of the hundreds of attendees good-bye, many told me with eyes welled up in tears that this event will have a lasting impact on them, for the rest of their lives.

Hey, just checking, were you able to join our livestream session on Friday?

I made available a session of the event as a sneak peek, behind the scenes, “backstage pass” for those interested in learning a little more about Mindset Retreat and its results, even though they couldn’t join us. Did you see us live?

If not, because many are asking, we have the recording of that session for you here:

Just click here and you’ll be directed to the “live session from stage” replay.

I hope you take advantage of this peek inside the Mindset Retreat event and GET INSPIRED!

And maybe, just maybe, I’ll see you there next year or perhaps we’ll even start working together before then? 😉

Have a great day, and let me know what you think of the broadcast!


p.s. During this session, I invited some students from The Client Attraction Business School™ to share their inspirational success stories on stage. I hope these stories inspire you too and remind you that anything is possible when you step up to change your mindset and play a bigger game.

I believe every entrepreneur needs that reminder from time to time – so this is my gift to you. Enjoy this session!

Today I want to share with you a defining moment in my career.

It’s not a story I’m particularly proud of, but one that taught me a valuable lesson I still pull from today.

And it has positively affected my writing ever since. So, here goes:

A few years ago, right before a new 3-day event I was hosting for several hundred people, my assistant reminded me that the printer deadline for the attendee binder was in a matter of days.

My face went white. My throat went dry.


The final presentation and written materials? Now??

Are you joking??

Sadly, she was not joking.

Apparently, through a series of miscommunications, I hadn’t realized that I was supposed to have prepared the binder – several hundred pages’ worth of life-transforming content – by the agreed-upon date.

And the printer needed said materials in just a few short days.

Or else, no binder.

I panicked.

Then I cried.

Then I panicked some more.

But after a few moments of a serious meltdown, and pointing the finger at others, and then at myself, I realized that this reaction wasn’t going to solve my problem.

I realized that to get everything done, I needed to create a new, miraculous content-writing plan.

And I’m happy to report that did it. I wrote it all in less time than some people write a 3-page article.


This week’s 5-minute video shows you how I successfully managed to write a huge amount of content, even under the most pressing of deadlines.

(If I can do it using this formula, so can you.)

What’s so great is that the process I came up with that day (to write in a ridiculously short time what would have normally taken me weeks) is a process that I still use today.

After you’ve watched this video, I’d like for you to tell me in the comments below:

When you write content (or when you do any other important business activity), what is that 80 percent of wastefulness? And going forward, what can you do to streamline, reduce or reuse in order to make wasting time a thing of the past?

I can’t wait to read your response in the comment section below… I’ll see you there!

Sending love,

P.S. Speaking of, maybe you wanted to join me at my 3-day Mindset Retreat next week, but you weren’t able to make it happen. Well, I have good news for you. I have managed for you to be able to eavesdrop on it. Next week, I’m broadcasting a session live from stage and I’d like to give you a free “backstage pass” to the Mindset Retreat to join us from the comfort of your own home or office (all you need is a computer and internet connection). Sound good? You can register for your free backstage pass here. Enjoy!

My students in the Client Attraction Business School have a term that they use for the interactions they have with me.

They affectionately call it, “The Fabienne Stretcher”.

It makes me laugh. What they’re referring to is what happens when they come to me with a nice, respectable goal for what they want to accomplish in their business.

For a split second, they feel stretched, slightly beyond their comfort zone, but they also smile…

They smile because, as I’ve learned, everyone actually likes to feel just a little bit challenged. It makes them realize you believe in them and in their ability.

And because of it, they play a bigger game.

And create uncommon results, year after year.

And, in the end, that’s why they stay with us and keep coming back, as is the case with the woman I mention in the video.

An unexpected stick strategy, would you agree?

So my question for you this week is this:

How do you challenge your clients? If you were to challenge your clients to play a bigger game, how would you stretch them a little bit more?

I’d love to read how you use this in your business and how you could do more of this with your own clients. Please leave me a comment, OK?

Thanks so much for reading and watching. I am so happy to have you in my life and in our community.

You’ve got what it takes. I believe in you.


p.s. Hey, speaking of stretching you and your results to the next level… Just a friendly reminder that Early Bird tuition for the 3-day Mindset Retreat goes up tomorrow, Friday. Want to spend 3 days with me to permanently upgrade your mindset (and results and income and how big you play)? The Mindset Retreat is the place you do it and the time is October. Here’s where you sign up for HALF-OFF tuition, but only until tomorrow. Enjoy!

New Image 9Join Fabienne with her guest Sally Anderson for an inspiring conversation on how to play big – in your business and your life. Enjoy!

Sally Anderson is the leading expert in Sustainable Transformation – Emotionally: Cognitively: Physically & Spiritually. Sally is at the forefront of sustainable human and organizational transformation. A cutting edge Leadership Coach, Leadership Advance Facilitator, Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Seminar Leader, Master Coach Trainer, Author. Sally has inspired thousands of people from feeling disempowered in their personal and professional lives to experiencing outstanding sustainable results.

Sally is passionate about the advancement of human performance and is pioneering new ways of being in human consciousness through providing her revolutionary education via Keynote Speaking, Leadership Coaching/Advances, Leadership Development Programs Corporate & Public Retreats & Coach Certification.

Sally Anderson has 20 years of corporate experience. At the time of 9/11 Sally was the program director responsible for a major change initiative in a Fortune 500 company and commuting between the US and Europe. The terrorist attack gave Sally pause to examine her priorities and purpose, and how best she could make a difference. As a result she returned to New Zealand to channel her passion for human advancement, her hard-won wisdom and her valuable life experiences into the development of a curriculum that would sustainably transform the lives of others.

Relentless and utterly uncomprising in her drive to have others to live into and achieve their greatest potential, Sally is a ‘vigilante for peace’, fearlessly addressing what so often goes unspoken due to convention, fear or inhibition.

Her unique personal perspectives, traumatic history and eventual mastery as a transformational coach provides a rare combination of talents. This laid the foundation for a vocation to help others achieve a similar transcendence. As a result Sally has a sound knowledge base for her philosophy and teachings and their application in the personal and professional realm.

Her determination to regain her life from the most dehumanising experience imaginable, to dedicating her life to helping others has shaped her personal development and destiny to become one of the most pre-eminent speakers and transformation coaches we have seen.

Sally’s first book ‘Freefall—Living Life Beyond The Edge’, was published by New York Book Publisher Morgan James in 2011 and is available via Amazon. Sally’s second book, ‘The Co-creative Age’, co-authored by Roger Te Tai, will be published late 2014 in New York.

Listen to this Master Class today!

Subscribe to “Play Big Master Class” podcast on iTunes or download the mp3 here:

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Play Big Master Class
Join Fabienne with her guest Jeff Walker for a great conversation on how to play big – in your business and your life. Enjoy!

Jeff Walker has literally transformed the way stuff is sold online. Back in the old days before he started teaching his “Product Launch Formula”, almost no one in the online entrepreneurial world talked about “product launches” and the idea of a “million dollar day” seemed almost ludicrous. But now, in the post-Product Launch Formula world, the million dollar (and multi-million dollar) launches don’t even raise an eyebrow. They’re really nice, but they’ve become almost routine. But Jeff’s techniques are not just for big gurus – he’s now taught thousands of students (who operate in hundreds of niches), and they’ve generated more than $400 million in sales. Along the way, he’s continued to hone his craft – one of Jeff’s personal launches did $1.1 million in sales in the first hour, and almost $4 million in the first 36 hours (along the way, his launches regularly generate $75 per email address… and have gone as high as $209 per email address.)

Think about your email list (or how many people you WILL have on your email list), then multiply the number of people on that list by $75… now you can see what all the excitement is about.

Listen to this Master Class today!

Subscribe to “Play Big Master Class” podcast on iTunes or download the mp3 here.

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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
