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Are you in the top 5% of business owners earning more than $100,000?

Of the 6 million people who open up their own business each year, only 5% of them actually make more than $100k in their own business.

Watch my brief video message below about how you can BREAK THROUGH that glass ceiling…

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The real reason we make excuses around self-promotion is that self- employed people are afraid of what people might think. Our businesses are such an extension of who we are that we are very careful about how we talk about our businesses and what we say to others about it. The problem is (as I’ve said so many times before), if you don’t market consistently, you won’t have clients consistently. Period. (more…)

In recent years, I’ve been working with a new kind of client. Yeah, yeah, you can say, “Fabienne, you’ve talked to me about ideal clients before. I know that I need to figure out who my IDEAL client is.” But wait! This is different. Today, I want to share with you the exact KIND of client I work with and why you should too.

For years, I’ve attracted a whole host of clients, many of them startup entrepreneurs who were in desperation mode and needed to be saved. These people needed clients BADLY and looked to me to hand them a life-raft to stay in business. (more…)

Clients are always so curious about how I manage to get it all done. And it’s no wonder because now that I see it all down on paper, it does seem like a lot. But, before you think I’ve got it all figured out, let me be very transparent with you. I have a crazy number of emails in my inbox, many of which need answering. And every so often, a few things fall through the cracks. Hey, I’m human after all, but I’m better off than I’ve ever been before.

What I realize from coaching people over the years is that I have indeed figured out a few things about getting it all done, or at least, a lot of it done, while still having sanity and a lot of fun in my life. It’s all about BOUNDARIES around time, with others, but mostly with me. (more…)

I am thrilled to be hosting my first-ever Client Attraction webinar next week.

Did you see my announcement? Click here to find out more:

Never-Been-Done-Before: The Client Attraction “Get More Clients Secrets” WEBINAR

I’m giving away the keys to the Client Attraction Kingdom on this high content webinar. Join me to discover:

  • How to get clear on who your ideal client is
  • Creating a compelling marketing message
  • The secrets to closing the sale at least 97% of the time
  • The exact process to fill your practice so that you make lots more money and serve way more clients

I hope you can join me for an amazing high-content and high-value packed webinar! See the video to register:

Earlier I shared how I once received an email from a cranky reader who felt I shouldn’t always lead off my ezine each week with a story about me. At first I felt misunderstood, and honestly a little hurt.

But then I sat back and started thinking about who my ideal clients are. My ideal clients are high-achieving go-getting female business owners, who are only somewhat successful in their own businesses. They want more clients and want to systematize their marketing. Having this in place helps them make more money, have more freedom and peace of mind (it also helps them eliminate the debt many have accumulated over the years). It’s about enjoying oneself more and being able to spend time with family and friends, simply doing what you love. (more…)

To dramatically increase referrals, it’s important to educate the people you consider personal advocates (those who know you, like you, trust you, love you, and want the best for you), and let them know what you’re up to and who your best clients are.

If you’re just starting out, it’s a letter of introduction; if you’ve been in practice several months or years, write an “update letter” on how your practice has grown or new services that you provide. (more…)

Pulling clients in is not only more fun than pushing hard to “get” clients, it’s MUCH easier. Who wouldn’t rather have clients call them instead of pounding the pavement? The concept is a no-brainer to grasp, but very few solo-entrepreneurs actually do anything about it. Most are wandering aimlessly, just waiting for clients to come to them, but with little strategy involved. That’s when creating PULL marketing systems comes into play. (more…)

The world (and your ideal clients) need to hear about YOU! Problem is, you may not know exactly how to get the word out there in a big way and exactly how you can build your major media platform. If you’ve never been quoted in the press and no one is approaching you, my guest and I will teach you how to change that, starting today. We’ll show you how to start getting ten or more journalist queries in your email box every single day, custom-tailored to your area of expertise. You’ll discover exactly how to respond to journalists in an email so that your quotes are ten times more likely to be used as opposed to those of other experts. You’ll also learn the simple, number-one strategy for getting quoted first or at the beginning of a newspaper or magazine article. And finally, you’ll understand how to write tips, briefs, and articles that journalists LOVE, but only if you’re on this important Client Attraction call! (Do whatever you can to be there.)

This call is ONLY for Inner Circle members. Not a member yet? Join now to access this call with Fabienne’s FREE 2-month Client Attraction Inner CircleMembership trial (plus a small shipping/handling fee).

When you join, you get access to monthly Q&A calls with Fabienne AND well over 3 years worth of special topic audio, transcripts, forum posts and bonus calls with Fabienne each and every month.

What a whirlwind-y, fabulously awesome week last week! We kicked it off with our Gold Mastermind retreat, where my Gold clients flew in from all over the world (as far away as Japan, Dubai, Germany and the UK) to get strategies and mastermind about getting more clients and making a lot more this year and beyond. We topped it off with a ridiculously fun Halloween party (and Costume Contest). I have to tell you, I never in my wildest dreams imagined that they would put so much effort and creativity in the costumes. It was mind blowing! Although they were ALL fabulous, the clear winner was Campos from Hawaii, who came as a body-painted mermaid. Yes, she hired someone who spent two hours putting BODY PAINT on her (no clothes.) She’d set the intention that she was going to win, and boy, did she ever! Congratulations on winning the Grand Prize, Angelina!

(Clearly, this will become an annual tradition for our Gold retreats. I’ll post pictures of the entire Halloween party and Gold meeting on my FaceBook page. Enjoy!)

That same day, Gold Mastermind client Dawna Brown from Germany won the Implementation Contest by sharing with us everything she’d implemented since our last live meeting in June. The highlight? Dawna made more than $79,000 in just 4 months after implementing what she learned at the last Gold retreat. Way to go, Dawna!

And Friday was moving day for the Fredrickson family! While I spent the day strategizing with my new Sapphire Elite client Pauline Fleming here at our “workhouse”, the movers were busily transferring our belongings to our new FABULOUS house. I can’t tell you how much this means to me as I’ve had my eye on this house for 5 years and have been manifesting it ever since. A dream come true!


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
