How to Create Uncommon Results in Business Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

How to Create Uncommon Results in BusinessPeople I meet at events around the country always ask me what it takes to create uncommon results in one’s business. I’m talking about the kind of results that astounds everybody around you and makes them say, “Huh? How’d she do that?”

When I share with them what to do, they sometimes think it sounds too simple. I think it’s because most people are waiting for a ninja strategy (and yes, there are plenty and I share the ninja stuff with our students and clients) but it also comes down to doing things in accordance with two laws of success, and they actually go hand in hand.

“There are two lifelong success strategies that all highly successful people adopt.”  (Click here to tweet this.)

That being said, many people don’t give these two lifelong success strategies much thought because they’ve heard them before. They say, yeah, I know that already. And you’ve probably said that too. But do you? You see, I don’t believe you know something until you do it on a daily basis, until it becomes second nature to you. And in business, if you don’t do it daily, then you don’t know it, you’ve only HEARD of it! If you’re not getting results from it day in and day out, then you don’t really know it. Action is key and implementation is crucial, even with the simple stuff.

Watch this week’s strategy for the two lifelong success strategies that ALL highly successful people adopt.


Your Client Attraction Assignment

Identify the specific excuses and fears that hold you back from taking decisive action on the opportunities that are right in front of you. How are they stopping you and what are you going to do about it?


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