fear holding back business growth Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Over 400 lives were changed this summer during my Mindset Entrepreneur Millionaire Secrets tour! The enthusiastic feedback and kind words keep coming in from all over. It truly was a transformational day for those who attended learning how to stretch themselves to serve their life’s mission by getting out there in a BIG way.

They accepted the challenge! I taught them to make more money and to have a greater impact on the world through their business and to truly be ‘financially independent’ they MUST live their message. Notes from Dallas and Atlanta and emails from New York and Los Angeles are telling me these clients have already garnered MORE clients and experienced – in just one afternoon! They experienced amazing transformational personal growth.

To change your mindset for success, it takes authentic content, raw honesty and crystal-clear transparency (on my part and yours). To get the exact tools needed to get out of your way, get unstuck, play a WAY bigger game in your business, and bring your message out to the world, so that you can get handsomely rewarded for it while making a massive difference. Huge breakthroughs all around!

If you weren’t able to make a tour stop (or if we didn’t make it to your town), today is your lucky day! I’m hosting a live replay of the Los Angeles event on Tuesday, August 16 at 1 p.m. Eastern (NY) time! You’ll want to make a point to clear your schedule, get a big notebook and a tall glass of lemonade, for sure. You can watch an inspiring segment of it from the comfort of your home. Then, get cozy, click on this link and prepare to be inspired: www.clientattractionlive.com

QUOTE: “Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine… And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson

During a Mastermind session two years ago, I got clear on the ONE obstacle that was standing between me and tripling my business past the 7-figure mark. Contrary to what I originally thought, it wasn’t a lack of knowledge, of what to do next or a marketing challenge. I actually knew exactly what to do to double or triple my business. For me, it was a question of leveraging my time, my marketing and my resources so that I can help many, many more solo-preneurs get more clients, create systems for marketing, clean up their mindset and give them the tools and the permission to succeed (I teach this heavy-duty stuff in my upcoming workshop ). That’s my purpose and it’s actually fun for me.

What WAS holding me back was something much more internal. It was the deeply ingrained fear that the bigger I got, meaning the bigger my business got, the more I would make myself a target for criticism and “pot shots”. (more…)

QUOTE: “Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Mo-ney will give prosperity. This is fact…” – Anonymous

Even though I’m totally unplugged from what’s going on in the world, by choice, stuff is still trickling in. You see, I’ve made a conscious choice for years not to listen to the news, read the papers or listen to talk radio. It’s not just that I’m a very sensitive person and I react to negative stuff more deeply than others seem to, it’s that I don’t like what it does to my mindset. Somehow, I seem to focus on the bad news and then it affects everything else in my life. Some people have told me in the past years that my “unplugging” is foolish, that I’m missing out on what’s going on in the world, or that I’m naïve, thinking that if I don’t hear it, it doesn’t exist.

Well, in a way, that’s true for me. If I don’t know about it, then it can’t affect me. And so, while the rest of the world seems to be spiraling in a big mess of fear, worry and doubt, I’m oblivious to it, in a good way. Because my mind isn’t tainted with this “stuff”, I’m continuing to prosper, we continue to grow, and more abundance is flowing into my life in every area. And I wish more people would do what I do. Here’s why.


“What holds many solo-entrepreneurs back from playing really BIG is the deeply ingrained fear that the bigger you and your business get, the more you will make yourself a target for criticism. I’ve noticed this too, and at first, I took it personally.

But then my friend Valerie Hayes shared with me that she coaches her pageant contestant clients that, as they become more of a celebrity, they’re now a target for gossip and to just “deal with it”. As she says, it’s just a part of human conditioning and you can’t do anything about it. It almost means you’ve “arrived”, a signal of success. That said, when you can just accept that this is part of playing really big, and that it’s a sign that you’re making more of an impact on people, it just means you can go ahead and take your business even bigger.

It’s not about you, it’s about them, so don’t let it stop you…”


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