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Today’s topic is where to find clients.  You’ve opened up your business.  Perhaps, you’ve been in business a few years and your practice is still not full yet or you’re just looking to fill your programs even more.  The big question you may have is where do I find clients?

These are my four best tips for how to find your ideal client and how to get in front of them in large numbers and inexpensively. (That’s the ultimate shortcut!) (Click here to tweet this.)

1. Get clear on who that ideal client is.  You may be thinking, “Yeah, yeah I know this.  I know this already,” but most people that I talk to aren’t actually very clear about who their ideal clients are.  You want to get clear on who is it that will get great results from working with you.  Who is it that you love working with that sees value in what you have to offer because they get great results from working with you and they’re going to tell others.

Get really clear about the following: are they a particular gender, a particular company, a particular age group or do they have a particular problem?  Whatever it is, figure out who that person is first.  It is basic, but so, so important.

2. Once you know who that is, you want to look to see who is already speaking to that person.  Perhaps, it’s an individual like a strategic alliance or a joint-venture partner who is in a particular industry and is already speaking to that person, or who already has a list of these people. Or perhaps it’s an organization, networking group or an association who is already speaking to large numbers of your idea client. They’ve already gathered them for themselves, but really they’ve gathered them for you too. Once you’ve identified these people or groups, you’ll want to reach out to them and offer to add value to their people, to their list.

3. Contact them and ask, “How can I help?  This is what I do.  Can I offer some free content?  Would you like me to come and speak?”  Whatever it is that you do you are making sure that it’s not all about you, that you’re not here to just take from them because they’ve really put a lot of time and effort and probably money in gathering these people so you want to make sure that what you’re offering benefits that strategic alliance or that joint-venture partner as well.

4. Make an offer. The idea is to give such good content and such value, whether you’re speaking or giving them something free, that you will impress them so much that they’re going to come over to your list.  This is when you want to offer these people something that they can’t refuse.  Maybe it’s your free checklist, your free audio, your free DVD, or a free ticket to an event that you’re doing.  Bring them over and then give them high content and high value on your own list until they raise their hand and say, “I’m ready.  I want to work with you.”

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Us this formula to find your ideal clients.  Just put it into place.  Do the work and watch your practice grow.

It’s Fabienne and Derek sending you warm wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving.

We want to take this moment to tell you that we’re just so grateful to have you in our lives.

We were reflecting back on what a wonderful year it’s been, giving deep thanks for all the abundance in our lives and really taking the time to appreciate our family, our children, our friends, our team, our yummy clients and customers and of course, you too! (Click here to tweet this.)

We’re so incredibly proud of the work that you’re doing. Whether you’re just getting your very first client or you’re passing the million dollar mark in your business, we’re truly honored to have you in our lives and to be part of your process–so thank you.

Take a moment to watch our video message because we have a special Client Attraction assignment for you for today. It has to do with gratitude and this one simple assignment is going to give you a lot of momentum as you continue to attract more clients and grow your business.

Remember, we love you, we believe in you and we’re sending you big hugs from all of us here on the Client Attraction Team.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fabienne and Derek

[youtube width=”600″ height=”350″ ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4K6NZMOWFI[/youtube]

Today’s video strategy is about how to transition into a new business. Whether you’re transitioning from a corporate job into a new business or if you are transitioning from one business to another, it can feel like a bit of an identity crisis. I know because I’ve done this twice. I’ve jumped from my corporate job into my first business, which was a holistic nutrition business, and then I transitioned from my holistic nutrition business into ClientAttraction.com.

The identity crisis and the angst comes from the fact that you don’t want to lose income from the first business or job, but you also need to let others know about what you’re doing. I have several tips for you today about how to transition from one into the other. (Click here to tweet this.)

The very first thing I want to share with you is do not quit your day job just yet! For many years, I worked with clients who would let me know after the fact that they quit their day job, and they said, “Oh, I’m free and now I have all this time to spend on my new business.” But they took their eye off the ball, if you will, in terms of what their bread and butter was. After a while, their income very quickly spiraled, which puts people into a fear place. I do not want that for you. Do not quit your day job. Instead, focus your attention on what is bringing in the money. Even if you’re transitioning from one business to another, you don’t want to put your full attention into the second business and forget what’s bringing in the money.

Continue to give attention to job #1 or business #1, and then create extra time for your second venture. Perhaps you start working on your second business during the evenings and weekends. This is what I did in my transitions, both from corporate to my first business and from my first business to my second business.

The idea is that while you’re still collecting a paycheck from either your first business or corporate, you create all of the marketing you need. This is where you start focusing on who is your ideal client, what is it that they need most, what is it that they are struggling with the most? Create a compelling message around this new business. Create your marketing materials. Create a marketing plan and decide how you will get out there in a big way while you’re still collecting a paycheck.

Once you have those things in place, then it’s time to begin networking your new business in a new group. Here’s what I did in the beginning. I would go to a networking group at 7:30 in the morning, even though I was still working in corporate. I would market my new business and be at work by 9:00. If you’re in your existing business, you keep networking for your existing business and then you find a different networking group and market your second business.

The idea is that you’re riding two horses at the same time. That can be tiring, but it’s less confusing and again, you want to continue getting that paycheck. Sometimes people ask me, “I’m carrying around two different business cards. Do I hand out two business cards or just one?” I believe that you hand out just one business card—whichever is more appropriate for that person. You don’t want to confuse people.

Then once you’re making enough income from your second business, that is the one that you start marketing full-time. Once you get at least enough to cover your basic expenses, then you shift your entire focus onto that one. Don’t stop taking clients from the first one if you don’t have to and then build the second one. That is how I’ve been able to transition twice and my clients have been able to do the same without losing any income and without sleepless nights.

Make the transition peacefully and easily.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

If you’re thinking of transitioning into a new business, take these tips into consideration. Continue to get clients, continue to make money, and to be able to transition peacefully and easily.

Today’s video is about how to create great, free content in order to build your list., Last week we talked about how you can have all of the best products and services in the world, but if you have no one to offer them to or no one to sell them to they won’t sell very quickly.  When you have an email list (also called an ezine list) of several hundred and preferably, several thousands of people who are eager to hear from you, you now have people who will buy your products and services immediately and over time.

Now, that you’ve figure out which irresistible, free offer you will use to build your ezine list quickly and consistently it’s time to create great content for your IFO, your irresistible free offer.  Remember, you must offer massive value if you want to build trust, but you also don’t want to give away the entire farm. (Click here to tweet this.)

Here’s a tip.  The difference between giving away good value and not giving away too much is to give them the steps or give them good information, but to obviously not tell them exactly how to do everything.  Don’t give the exactly how.  Give them the what.  Give them the why it’s important, but not the exactly how.

I recommend three different types of content for your irresistible offer.

1. Walk them through all of the steps of your proprietary system.  If you’re a student of mine you know what the proprietary system is.  It’s a series of steps that you use to get your clients results.

My proprietary system is called the Client Attraction System. It’s got 10 steps and it starts with figuring out who your ideal client is and create a compelling message and compelling marketing materials, etc.  If you go to clientattraction.com you can read all of the steps there.

2. Give them your compelling story, which means tell them about how you got to do what you’re doing. Then give them some tips as to how you got from your ‘before’ to your ‘after’, in your before and after story.  People find that very, very compelling, especially if you supplement with lots of tips.

3. Do an interview.  You can actually give someone a set of questions that they ask you and that you respond to and you can record those.  This is what I have in my free CD.  It’s a series of 10 questions that I gave to a former radio personality.  He called in from his line and I called in from mine and recorded the entire hour.  It’s super high value, super high content and it’s great for people. It was an easy, one-hour thing for me to do.

Whichever you choose of the three, the idea is that the topic must be something that your ideal client would love to get their hands on.  As you may know mine is How to Attract All the Clients You Need.  This is something that’s appealing to the people who will eventually become my clients.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Your assignment for this week is to come up with a topic that your ideal clients would say yes to.  Remember, the topic is one of the most important things.  They don’t know what your content will be yet, but they will want to sign up for that topic.

Then, once you’ve selected your topic that they would say yes to, choose from talking about your proprietary system, telling your story and giving some tips, or content based on a Q&A style interview.  The key is at the end of any type of IFO that you have give them an offer for deeper learning or give them a call to action to work with you. If you do this, just like I’ve shared with you, you will quickly build your list, get more clients and make more money.  Enjoy!

Today’s video is about How to Create an Irresistible List building Opt-In Offer. In addition to networking and speaking, if you want to build your business very quickly, one of the very first things that you want to focus on is building your email newsletter list. You see, you can have all of the best products and all of the best services in the world, but if you have no one to offer them to, they won’t sell very quickly.

I’ll give you an example. Many years ago, one of my favorite clients of all time spent a lot of time working on her home study system and she thought, “I’m just going to put all my knowledge into this and then I’m going to sell it and I’m going to make a lot of passive income.” (Click here to tweet this.)

She spent months and months working on it and went to sell it and sadly, she only sold one the first time around. Well, when we looked at what was going on, it was a great product.  Everything was great about it except she had very few people on her email list. There will only be a certain percentage of people on your email list or your ezine list that will buy.  Unfortunately her numbers were too small so she only sold a couple the first time around.

However, when you have an email list of thousands of people who are eager to hear from you, you now have people who will buy your products and services over time.  So the question is how do you quickly build a responsive list?  We’re not looking for a dud list. We’re looking for a responsive list.

It used to be that you could just say on your website, “Join my mailing list,” and people would actually do that. But that doesn’t happen anymore. Now with all the noise and with the overwhelm of email, who wants to be on yet another person’s email list unless there is going to be great value and a really juicy incentive for your prospects to get on your list?

What you need is an irresistible free offer. My clients and students know that I’m always talking about the irresistible free offer, which we call the IFO. The IFO is something that will make someone really want to give you their email address or perhaps even their physical mailing address.

So how do you do that?  What you’re offering must be so irresistible that they’re happy to give you their contact information because they want that irresistible free offer so badly.

Let me give you some examples of IFOs.  The first one is the free CD. As you know, at Clientattraction.com, that’s what I offer.  If you go to the website, you’ll see right at the top that I offer this free CD—high content, high value, totally free.  I pay for the shipping, everything.  When I first started offering this many, many years ago, I was the only one that I knew offering this and it went like wildfire.  It helped me build my list very, very quickly. So that’s what I still offer.

You could also consider offering a free report. You can offer a free downloadable audio perhaps if you’re not yet ready to do a free CD. You can offer a free eBook, a free video or a free DVD, a free checklist which was actually my very first IFO from many, many years ago.  It was called 151 Ways to Attract All the Clients You Need.

The key is it doesn’t matter what you offer as long as it will be something that is super irresistible to the person that you want to get on your list so that they’re okay with giving you their contact information.

At the same time, let them know that they will also be receiving free content from you every week or every other week by email.  Let them know that it will also be high content, high value and to look out for it in their email inbox.  Again, the idea is that it’s going to be really good, not like a bait and switch.  No one likes to give their contact information and just get sold on the other end so continue to be in integrity and give high content, high value.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

So your assignment for this week is to figure out which irresistible free offer you’re going to use to build your ezine list — ezine stands for e-magazine — quickly and consistently.  Select from one of these options this week and next week I’m going to take you through Part 2 of your IFO which is about creating compelling content for it.  So you’ve figured out the format; now we’re going to talk next week about the content. See you then!

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://youtu.be/vdTY_5Q56f0[/youtube]

Today’s topic is about working only from your strengths. I work with all sorts of entrepreneurs: people who are just ramping up their business, people who are looking to have massive leverage in their business and people who play a really bigger game—visionaries who are creating a legacy.

Once you get to a point where you have filled your practice and have the number of clients and customers that you can handle, it’s about leveraging. One of the ways to leverage your business is to really look at what your strengths are in the business and what is the ideal team because as you start to leverage you need to bring on team members. You simply can’t do everything yourself.

One of the things that I’ve realized is that when you’re working from your strengths and only from your strengths, you actually make so much more money than if you’re doing things that you are not good at. You should not be doing anything in your business that is costing you money because you’re simply not good at it.

Another thing that I’ve realized, and this is what I coach our clients on, is that the ideal team, even if it’s you and some virtual assistants, is made up of four different categories of people. If you only have one or two of these four, you’re really missing out on multiplying your business. I want to share what those four categories are and explain to you how to set that up in your business.

1. Strategic Thinker  You’ve got to have somebody on your team that is a strategic thinker. Now, usually that’s you because you started the business. You are the one with the big vision and you are the one who can see where you want to take the business over the years. It’s really important that you be strategic about how you run your business.

A lot of people belong to mastermind groups and work with mentors so that there is that strategic thinking process going on. Even though I’m a strategic thinker I do belong to masterminds and I work with mentors to help me refine that.

2. Implementors  You must have people on the team who can implement, people who will work tirelessly to get things done. You’re going to have all this strategic thinking and big ideas and all that happening in your organization, but if you do not have people who will go implement and execute on the big ideas you will not move very fast in your business.

In fact, this is where a lot of entrepreneurs get really stuck. They’re high idea generators, but they don’t have a core group of implementors—even if it’s just you plus one other person.

3. Salesperson   You’ve got to have somebody on your team who can sell, somebody who can influence, somebody who can make things happen in that way. Why? Because you need to bring in money in your business. One of the things that I teach my clients is the closing of the sale, because if you can’t master the closing of the salesyou won’t have any clients, which means there’s no money coming in. If that’s not something that you’re good at, either learn how to get good at it, which is very, very simple if you’re taught the right way to do it or bring someone on who can do some of that selling and influencing for you.

4. Relationship builder   To have a team that works well and an organization that is set to multiply itself and to really get bigger and bigger, you must have somebody on the team who is a relationship builder, somebody who can connect with people who have empathy and compassion and can really bring harmony. This can be both within the team and with prospects and clients and vendors.

The reason the relationship-builder is very important is that once you get bigger and bigger in your company you will have more inquiries. You will have more clients, more prospects, more vendors, more strategic alliances and joint ventures and those relationships need to be built.

Usually, you will not fit in all four of these categories. If I look at what my strengths are, I fit in two of these. I have surrounded myself with other people on my team to take care of everything. When we all work from our strengths then we have a really, really solid team that can really increase every year.

When you’re looking at companies whose growth astounds you and amazes you, it’s because they have, among many other things, these four categories taken care of.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Look at where are the gaps in your business are and determine how you can fill them if needed.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://youtu.be/3xIA2vwF1rI[/youtube]

Today’s topic is about creating a team that loves working with you. When you first start your business, you may have started from home—in a spare bedroom or a little office, and you’re just by yourself. That’s good in the beginning because you may be on a shoestring budget, but after a while as you get more and more successful, there’s just so much more to do, in terms of customer service, or in terms of doing things you don’t know how to do. If you want to grow in your business, you must begin hiring other people, whether it’s on a part-time basis of a virtual team member or a full-time person.

We now have a team of about 14 full-time employees. And what I’ve realized over the years is that your success in your business is only as good as your team. If you want to continually succeed and keep growing by leaps and bounds, you must take care of your team and hire people who are super talented, who love working with you and who will do anything to stay at the company. (Click here to tweet this.)

I believe that at Client Attraction, we are on our way to creating that kind of team. I would like to share with you some of the best practices that I’ve put together over the last three years that we’ve had full-time people working in our office with us, so here are my six tips. They may seem very simple, but hopefully you’ll find them helpful.

1. You must see yourselves as peers. Instead of seeing yourself as the big boss and that everybody else is beneath you, see yourselves as peers all on the same level.

You have your own unique strengths, skills, talents and abilities, but it is only a small piece of the puzzle. You must surround yourself with people who are really good at things that you’re not good at. When you honor them for their skills and their talents and their abilities and you see yourselves as peers working on the same mission together, everybody gets along and everybody loves working together.

2. If at all possible, have your team members only work on what they love to do and that they’re uniquely brilliant at. Like I mentioned above, you are really, really good at things that you’re really, really good at. Surround yourself with people who are exceptional at doing other things. When you have people who work only on stuff they love to do and they’re brilliant at, they will love coming to work. It’s like they’ll come to work and say, “I can’t believe I get paid to do this!” When you have a whole team that is happy and thrilled to work with you because they’re doing only what they love, you have a super productive team, and there’s no drama because everybody is so happy.

3. This is going to sound simple, but say ‘please’ and say ‘thank you’. They’re not your servants. They are your peers and they are human beings, and everybody wants to feel significant, so say please, say thank you every time you ask for something.

4. Treat them like friends and family. One of the things we do here at Clientattraction.com is we have a private chef cater lunch every day, Monday through Thursday, and we eat together as a family at this long dining room table in our office. We go around the room. It’s like breaking bread. We share this delicious, healthy meal together and we go around the room each sharing something that’s new and good every day. It really deepens the relationships. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day.

5. Respect their opinion and request their input. Team members don’t like to stay in the dark. They don’t want to be like mushrooms. They want to be part of the big picture. Share with them when you come back from a mastermind group or when you’ve read a book or you’ve gone to a seminar, come back and share with them what you learned. Share with them the bigger vision of what you’re working on. They like to be involved and remember that every single person on your team has opinions and has things that they’re really good at. Request their input and honor their opinion because it matters. It really matters if you want to create a yummy team.

6. Lastly, have fun together. It’s really important that your office be a place of abundance and beauty and respect for everyone there. The more you can have fun together during hours or off hours, the closer you will become as a team. A really close team can create anything. Really, they can create results that astound others.

See what you can do too—even if your team is all virtual. Fly everybody in and do something really fun together because when you do all of these things, it creates a team that is invincible and can do anything.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Think about what you can do to create a space in your company where people love to work with you and they want to stay and tell others about you.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://youtu.be/d9dTYzbyC04[/youtube]

Today’s topic is about aligning your business with your life purpose. What I see every once in a while is a business owner who has had great results for a while and then begins to lose traction or begins to stay at the same level for a few months or a few years, without continuing to grow. Or perhaps it is a business owner—maybe even you—who has become bored with their business. Maybe you don’t jump out of bed anymore to go and grow it.

When that’s the case, it’s usually a sign that perhaps it’s time to incorporate more of your life purpose into your business. In my own business, a few years ago I found that I’d done well enough, but that everyone else seemed to be growing faster than I was and I felt like I was losing traction. And I also felt like I was losing interest. (Click here to tweet this.)

I didn’t know what was going on until a friend of mine pointed out that I was doing all of these other things in my life. I was doing a lot of personal growth and development. I was doing a lot of work on mindset and learning some of the spiritual/universal principles of attraction and how things work and about getting out of your own way.

After a while, all this new work I was doing started to really create some new results in my life and especially in my business and my income, but I hadn’t shared it with my clients or in my marketing or with my students. It was a dichotomy. I was only showing one portion of what I was doing and not all of it. That is, until this friend said, “You really need to ‘out yourself’. Let people know what you’re really doing.”

So, I did a teleclass that had nothing to do with marketing. It was about how to manifest clients into your life. I talked about personal growth and manifestation and law of attraction and all of that good stuff. The response was crazy. I’d never had a response like that on any of my previous calls. People started coming out of the woodwork to work with me.

The more I started weaving this stuff into my existing business the more clients I got. Then, I started teaching mindset and teaching about how to play a much bigger game and that’s when my revenues shot past the seven-figure mark, have continued to increased since.

I have three passions—marketing, systems and mindset, which has a spiritual component to playing a bigger game and growing your business. When you align your passion with your business, all of a sudden the opportunities, the clients, the money, the meaning and fulfillment all come into your business. I believe that this is why my clients get so many great results.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

I want to see you get really clear about what your passion is in life. What is your life’s purpose? What is it that stirs your soul and that you would do for free all day long and not be resentful for it?

When you figure out what your big “Why”, start weaving it into your existing business. It could be something that you do on the side. As entrepreneurs we have the luxury of being able to marry our business with our passions. I guarantee you the more you do that, the more you are rewarded with the clients and the money and the meaning because that is why you’re here on Earth. The minute you align your passion with your business, all of the opportunities show up.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://youtu.be/NL2Ct4YJSL4[/youtube]

Today’s topic is about entry-level offers. See, in your business I believe that you should have more than one offer, whether it’s a product or a service that you sell. For many years I offered just one program and it was take it or leave it. That’s just what people did. They either took it or they left it. The problem was, not enough of them took it in the beginning for me to feel like I was really making the kind of money I wanted to make in my business. So, I decided to create a series of yeses.

Instead of having just one price point, I usually offer three programs. If you are my ideal client, you’ll fit in to one of the three. That’s a great way to do it, but there are also some people who say, “Okay, but what if my lowest program is so accessible that it cannibalizes, meaning it eats into the other two programs?” Well, there are couple of things you can do about that. (Click here to tweet this.)

First, make your biggest program the juiciest one. This means that it has the most bells and whistles and is the best value. I’m not saying the lowest price point, but the best value overall.

Next, have your entry-level program be a one-time thing that people feel they can afford. Once they take you up on it and have their session, you let them know that if they decide to go into one of your other programs, the fee they paid for your entry-level program will be applied to your higher-level program.

This allows them to experience you in your service, so they know that you are trustworthy. They know that they like working with you if they’ve gotten results and they want more. They feel good about you.

They’ll also experience what’s called ‘money burning a hole in their pocket.’ When you have a gift certificate or when you have this opportunity to take $200 or $400 or whatever amount and apply it to something else it really makes you want to do that.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Look at how you could do this in your own business. Look to see how you can expand your current offerings so you have more than one product or service to offer. Then decide how you’ll charge clients for a taste of what you do and then allow them to apply their investment toward a higher-level program if they’d like to continue working with you. Good luck!

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://youtu.be/2Ujj5zR_jMQ?hd=1[/youtube]

Today’s topic is the law of association. You might be thinking, “So, how does this help me get more clients?” The law of association is one of these universal or spiritual principles that really apply everywhere.

It’s something that is one of these shortcuts or trump cards for entrepreneurs who understand what it’s all about. It means that if you want to multiply your business very quickly, you must not be a lone ranger. The law of association states that whom you spend your time with and whom you listen to dictates how big of a game you play in your business. (Click here to tweet this.)

It also dictates the level of your income. Imagine you’re right here, by yourself working in your office and you’re just by yourself and kind of doing things the way that you’ve been doing them. Then, imagine that instead you’re surrounded by people who champion you, who stretch you to think and play a bigger game, who give you resources and you have a strong mentor who pulls you into our future. Can you see the difference between these two entrepreneurs? This one will take teeny, tiny incremental steps in getting to their next level and this one will grow by leaps and bounds because of the expectations of their peer group.

When you are surrounded by people who expect more from you than you expect from yourself, you produce more. You grow faster. You turn years into months and months into days. Whereby here, you don’t know what you don’t know about getting to the next level. I believe that your income is directly proportionate to the expectations of your peer group. If you are walking through life on a journey with people who play a bigger game, instantly you begin playing a bigger game. You begin taking more action than you’ve ever taken before.

This is why I believe that if you want to succeed in your business you must surround yourself with other advancing people; people who believe that their future is greater than their past as opposed to some of the people that you may be spending time with now, who complain about the price of gas or who have a scarcity view of life.

I believe in surrounding myself with people who believe in abundance, who believe in advancing to the next level, and who champion a winner. That is a mark of a winner, someone who will encourage you and champion you

When you surround yourself with people who aren’t this way, I believe that you drown in their mediocrity. It’s very easy to spiral and to think like the people you spend the most time with. So, who do you want to spend the most time with? I want to spend time with people who are up to big things, who have exciting things to talk about, who are very giving and generous, but also who want to create more for themselves. They’re not happy with the status quo. They want to keep going. They’re always asking, “What’s next?”

When I spend time with people like that I play so much bigger in my business. In fact, I love to be in a group where I’m the person who’s doing the least well, if you know what I mean. I belong to some mastermind groups where sometimes some people in the group make $2 million a week. Now, that might seem like a lot to you, but I love to be in conversations with those types of people.

To accelerate your own abundance, I invite you to surround yourself with people who are doing really well. Model people who are already living the life that you want to live. If there’s somebody that inspires you and motivates you and you think to yourself, “Wow, I want to be like that person. I want my business to be like that person’s business,” then study them. Study them. Study from them. Read their books. Attend their seminars. Coach with them. Join their mastermind groups. Do whatever you can to emulate them.

At the same time, surround yourself with people, perhaps it’s a mastermind, who are already playing that bigger game because when you do that, that is what I call the ultimate shortcut. I believe that you can do things slowly or you can do things quickly an elegantly and gracefully.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Look around and see who’s business you want to model your business after. This is what I do in my own life. I look in my industry and I say, “Okay, I’m ready to play the next level. Who in my industry is doing what I do, but has an extra zero to their income than I do?” Then, I learn from them and then I hire them and then I work with them.

I invite you to do that. By all means stop being a lone ranger and stop learning from people who are your peers as opposed to people who will pull you into your future.


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