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Today I’m sharing some behind the scenes awesomeness (and tough love) from one of our Growth Track meetings…directed at my cousin John who enrolled last year.

If you’re not familiar, the Growth Track is the foundational program in The Client Attraction Business School for entrepreneurs who are building toward their first six figures (and for those already at six figures and beyond who wish to build a stronger marketing foundation).

It’s focused on everything you need to generate revenues in your business, so there’s a BIG focus on doing the activities that bring in cash.

And successful entrepreneurship is NOT convenient.

Now as you’ll see in today’s video, in just 5 minutes, I help John “turn up the volume” on his Client Attraction efforts (he didn’t quite get what I meant at first, which was kinda funny…you’ll see why). Watch it now:

As you can see from this week’s sneak peek video into what we do, if you want to move up to another level in business, you’ve got to go beyond only doing things that are convenient.

It’s a rite of passage.

Whether it’s networking, speaking, your online marketing efforts, sales skills…whatever the thing is that you’re focused on to grow your business…

You have to go beyond what is convenient, comfortable and competent, and achieve excellence if you want to succeed.

Cheap, fast and easy are not going to get you results.

Doing what you know (unless you’ve been a successful entrepreneur before…) is not going to get you results.

Whether it’s this community or another, it is vital that you put yourself in an environment that will teach you what you don’t know to get to the next level of success…

And almost more importantly…doesn’t teach you what you don’t need to know.

(That is what I call “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome” and it doesn’t get you any closer to your goal.)

I believe that we have the best education platform for entrepreneurs on the planet. There…I said it. I believe this because I’ve seen thousands of entrepreneurs come through our school and have results.

They’ve done what is inconvenient. They’ve broken through their limits, learned new skills and created success.

If you are ready to do this, too…to do whatever it takes, to stretch yourself, learn new skills, be accountable to a community and to engage with this level of tough love and “no matter what-ness”…

I invite you to explore the potential of what The Client Attraction Business School can do for you by applying for a conversation with one of our experienced coaches today.

As I share in the video, successful entrepreneurship will never be convenient. If it was, everybody would be doing it.

You must be willing to do the things that others are not willing to do if you want to win this game.

That’s enough tough love for today <3

Sending hugs,

p.s. A little background on the mic thing…I always teach my students to raise or lower the mic to their level. It’s actually a representation of our personal worth, because it allows us to stand tall. Thus the “turn up the volume joke.” I didn’t want you to not get it 😉 Most importantly I hope that you see how our students support each other in this community. We’d love to have you join us…apply today.

One of the most impactful (and most woo-woo) benefits of being part of a community of growth-minded people is what happens when you get together in person.

Here in the CABS community, we call it “entering the Vortex.”

It’s something I used to joke about, until I realized that there is something very real (in fact, scientifically proven) that happens when people of similar vibration get together…

…their personal vibration rises.

And when your personal vibration rises, so do your results. Every time.

Low personal vibration = poor results
High personal vibration = good results

And as you can see in this week’s 3-minute clip taken during a recent Growth Track meeting, we as a community are lovingly coaching Michelle into making sure that her words are matching the intention of maintaining a high vibration, and why it’s the key to changing business results.

Here’s a glimpse into our Vortex:

Does this really work? Like, for real??

Yes. It’s one of the secrets I’ve used to continually grow my business every year and create things that others find unfathomable.

You see, the more you pay attention and focus on the good things that are happening and what you’ve accomplished, rather than the 2% that’s not necessarily going well, the more you attract positive things.

Like most entrepreneurs, we are constantly focused on what we haven’t done or what isn’t working.

So the practice (and this is a practice…you need to do this intentionally) of taking the time to focus on your accomplishments raises your vibration and bathes you in positivity, which means that your work becomes easier and your results come faster and greater.

I know, this is a little woo-woo at first, especially when it’s the first time you’ve heard it applied to business. But it works.

And it affects your physiology. When this happens to me, I get more than a bit excited. (You’ll hear how in this week’s video.)  The more you do this, the more you will physically experience that something amazing is on its way.

On that note (and to get you into the Vortex), I invite you this week to share THREE things that you’ve accomplished in the last 90 days with me in the comments section below.

Allow yourself to truly feel how amazing these accomplishments are and how proud you are before you get back to the task of tackling what has yet to be done.

The Vortex is real. It is powerful. And it will make your success inevitable. We experience it intentionally every day here at CABS and I invite you to do the same.

Stay positive,

p.s. I really can’t wait to read your accomplishments! I’m rooting you on from here!

p.p.s. When the time feels right, join us in The Client Attraction Business School by going here, OK? It’s your time.

By most people’s standards, Scott was doing pretty darned well in his 10 years as a professional organizer.

I mean…he was doing 6 figures a year and people wanted his services.

The thing is, he was feeling super frustrated because he had plateaued and couldn’t seem to get out of his own way.

Well, a couple of weeks in The Client Attraction Business School changed it all…

Want to be inspired and see what’s possible by what Scott experienced in just two weeks, and then over the next six months? Watch and be moved below.

The danger in a decade-old business is that you know a whole lot about what you already know.

When Scott stepped through his fear to change the name of his company (you’ll hear why it was vital to his future success that he change it at the 3 minute 35 second mark) and implemented packages, increased his a la carte pricing and hired a team…

…he was able to cover $50K in additional expenses in cash – no sweat. He happily states in the video what he did with his newfound $50,000.

Here’s the thing: Scott recognized an opportunity. And like in all success stories, he understood deeply one of my most powerful teachings:

When you ask for what you want, it is given in the form of an opportunity. If you want the results that you asked for, then you must action the opportunity that arrives.

Scott did just that and because of it, I got to ask him, “Scott, what does a $1 million organizing business look like?”

Whether you are already at 6 figures OR you’re at an earlier stage of your entrepreneurial adventure, I’d love to invite you to discover what is possible for you this year by applying for a call with one of our amazing coaches.

As you’ll hear in the video, Scott was able to recoup his investment in The Client Attraction Business School in two weeks. There were simple ideas that were right in front of him that he hadn’t actioned yet.

I’m guessing there are opportunities like this right in front of you, too. Would you like our support to be able to see them? If so, click here and let’s schedule a call to see what you can create in 2016 with the right support.

Here’s to your amazing 2016!

p.s. There is some colorful language in this video… What can I say? We’re a wild tribe! But I know you’re going to be inspired to aim higher after watching it, so please take the next 7 minutes to get inspired and watch it now.

p.p.s. Just a quick heads up that next week something very new and very exciting is coming your way, so make sure to be on the lookout for next Thursday’s email. Let’s just say I am ready to arm you with the #1 tool for success when it comes to separating the 20% of businesses that thrive from the 80% of businesses that fail. More on this next week! xoxo

Happy (almost) New Year!!! 🙂

There is a secret that all people who experience a high degree of success (financial and otherwise) know.

It’s not rocket science. You may already have heard of it.

But it’s everything. And it’s my New Year’s thing I’d like you to think about before we head into 2016 (this video is only 2 minutes long):

(By the way, this is me speaking in front of close to 7,000 people, one of the biggest highlights of my year. And no, I wasn’t nervous, I was thrilled.)

Basically, if you want to be successful and if you’re committed to living a life of meaning and fulfillment, then you must answer the call

Joseph Campbell, who is known for the Hero’s Journey, has some pretty sobering words about what happens when you don’t…

Watch this week’s short video and reap its most powerful message.

I know that most people (in the Muggle world, at least) want the security that comes from the known. They want certainty and aren’t willing to take big risks. They can’t handle the possibility of failure or defeat.

But that’s not you.

It takes a certain kind of person to pursue the path within.

And you are brave, very brave, because you come from the heart.

After you’ve watched this video, I’d like for you to please answer this question in the comments:

“If there were no limitations or negative consequences, what would you accomplish this coming year, if you could not fail?”

Don’t hold back. Dream big for 2016, and then share it with me here. I can’t wait to read your response and celebrate you…

You can do anything you set your mind to this year.

I’m here for you, with love,

p.s. I don’t know about you, but it is painful to me when people I love and admire are compromising a life of passion and fulfillment for a life of mediocrity and complacency. Do you know someone else who needs to hear this, right now? Would you be willing you share this message with them by sending them this blog? It would mean so much to them.

p.p.s. Happy New Year. Let 2016 be your best year yet! Mwah!


“Done.” “Check.”  “Yup.”

I looove that feeling when you realize you’ve reached your goals…and then some.

It’s amazing what’s possible for your business, in just one year, when you have the right support.

Patrick is a perfect example of this, and I’d like you to meet him.

Patrick had worked as an engineer, and had been laid off from his job. He was freelancing for one year and couldn’t get things off the ground as fast as he’d liked.

Until he got some support and…well, WOW.

Ready for a dose of inspiration? Watch this video and imagine what could be possible for you too, no matter what stage you’re at now:

Patrick joined the Growth Track even though it was a bigger investment than he thought he could swing.

In fact, he said he was scared to make the decision.

Like many of our students, his leap of faith was just that.

But, as you’ll see, he grins in the video when he reports that with the kind of unparalleled support he got from us, he experienced a 750% return in his first year, and as he shares, was ready to make his next big leap forward after one year.

Watch Patrick tell his side of the story in this 6-minute video. 🙂

Pretty awesome, huh?

So, what about you?

What would your life look like with an increase?

Not everyone experiences a 750% increase in one year, some do. But what about a 40% increase that comes from finally getting help? What about doubling your business like so many do?

It’s your time.

Big squeezy hugs to you,

p.s. Maybe, just maybe, you’re ready to put aside being the “watcher” and join the awesomeness that happens here at The Client Attraction Business School and become a player

…someone who plays a bigger game and experiences the results that come with it.

I invite you to spend some time on this page, to be inspired by other entrepreneurs who despite “logic,” as Patrick said, were able to turn their dreams of success into actuality.

And when you get that excited feeling in your belly, the feeling that kinda feels like nervous energy, I’d like to suggest to you that perhaps it is time to schedule a call with one of our coaches, so that you can begin to see just what’s possible for you.

Just reach out here to speak to one of our amazing Strategy Coaches. We’ll do the rest, OK? xo

This week’s story is miraculous.

…and it’s also rather commonplace from where I stand. (I’m not trying to seem blasé in any way; it’s just become our new normal within our tribe.)

And so this week, I’d like for you to meet Laverne.

As you’ll see in today’s inspirational video, Laverne is a different type of Jury Consultant. She thought she couldn’t do marketing to increase her business (because that’s not what people do in her field) and certainly not with video.

Until, we took a stand for her at our Growth Track meeting. And boy, did she wow us at the following meeting!

You gotta watch this incredible transformation (she even looks different just a few weeks later, giggling and embracing that she is now an industry transformer!):

(In June of this year she had no idea how to communicate why people should work with her. And at the 2:58 mark, you’ll see that she sure does now.)

So, just how does someone go from “last ditch effort” to making more than $30,000 in one month, just 120 days later?

What I’ve learned about the heart-based entrepreneurs who hang out with us and consistently move to the next level, every 90 or 120 days, is that it’s not just about what we teach them from the stage or in the modules…

it’s our tribe of other caring entrepreneurs who will look at you, hug you, believe in your potential and hold you accountable to reaching your goals and bigger future, with love.

This is a place where advancing entrepreneurs come to enrich their businesses and their lives…and, it takes a village.

So while this is a short video (only 8 minutes), it showcases EXACTLY what happens for our members during our quarterly meetings. Watch it here to get inspired for 2016.

You’ll hear where she started.

You’ll experience the love that she receives…not just from me, but from her peers.

You’ll feel the palpable shift in her confidence, energy and yes, RESULTS…in just four months.

This week’s video captures the essence of what we do here.

And by watching it, it is my belief that you’ll start believing that everything can change for you in a heartbeat, the minute you commit to being helped by others.

With so much love,

p.s.We’ve got an epic strategy, hugs, accountability and unconditional love waiting for you on the inside. If you’re inspired (and I hope you are) then let’s see if you qualify for a no-charge Strategy Call with one of our Coaches to map out what 2016 can look like for you.

If this is possible for Laverne, it is absolutely possible for you. xoxo

Today, I’m departing from our usual teaching videos and bringing you something new.

(I hope you’ll love it…)

I’ve learned that I’m not the only person who sometimes learns best when watching something being done in action, rather than just learning about it.

Which is why I’ve decided to open the doors of our most recent Growth Track meeting and let you in on a process that I take my students through to help them monetize what they know.

Watch the video below to see me in action helping Reggie on stage:

(Please forgive the first few moments of me gathering my papers. Reggie didn’t realize he was coming up on stage with me!)

You see, I have a unique strength in helping people turn their yearly income into their monthly income…

Really?? Is there really a way to turn what you make in a full year into your monthly income?

Yes, really. It happens all the time in our Business School. And it often starts with you taking what you know and creating programs and products around it.

Today’s 14-minute video shows you exactly how you too can take what you know and package it so you can charge so much more for it and work with so many more people.

Stick with me on this one. I know it’s longer than usual, and it’s worth it…

… especially when you see Reggie’s face when he realizes at minute 11 or so how he can monetize his intellectual property and serve his corporate clients in a bigger way.

Priceless, as is the gratitude in his voice (and my eyes welling up in tears) at the end.


Love you,

p.s. If you’d like us to help you do the same, go to www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com, OK? You’re awesome and we’d love to help you too… xo

I had a secret for many years that I refused to share, for fear of people thinking I’d lost my mind.

And I felt like a fraud because of it.

You see, I realized something.

I realized that marketing doesn’t work

Well, it doesn’t work… by itself.

If you want to grow a successful business, get more clients, make more money, experience true abundance and accomplish anything you want in your life, and I mean anything, you need 3 things.

Watch this week’s video to find out what those 3 things are:

So, here I was, running a successful business teaching entrepreneurs solely about good marketing (and yes, I’m a master teacher of all things that have to do with authentic and integrous marketing).

But deep down I knew that it wasn’t enough to make an entrepreneur experience a massive shift.

I knew that things like chaotic vibration were getting in the way.

And once I started sharing this with my clients, and teaching them what I now teach hundreds and hundreds of our students, they got exponential results in our Business School.

This week’s 5-minute video outlines what’s absolutely, positively, supercalifragilisticexpialidociously necessary for you to gain massive traction in your business and move to that next level.

Without it, you’ll stay where you are.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, OK? Please post a comment below.

With deep appreciation for who you are and the work you’re here to do.


At the risk of sounding like a get-rich-quick scheme (yuck!) I am writing you today to let you know that you can indeed afford anything you want.

Meaning, there is money in your life – right now – that you don’t know exists.

Or rather, there is POTENTIAL money in your life right now, in the form of opportunities that haven’t been actioned yet. And lots of it.


Yes, and this week’s video (straight from my recent Mindset Retreat) explains what I mean and how to find that money:

(Note: if you’re spiritual like I am, you’ll love the content starting at 4:04. And just a friendly heads-up that there’s a whispered expletive at around 6:06, just to spice things up a bit, courtesy of one of my dear students!) 🙂

Listen, I hear entrepreneurs (and just regular folks off the street too) tell me, almost daily, how they “can’t afford this” or “don’t have the money for that,” etc.

The reframe I have around this that has proven to be completely life-altering for tens of thousands of people so far is that if you change your beliefs, the money will be there.

Here’s what I mean:

If you stop saying, “I can’t afford it” and instead say, “HOW can I afford it?”, you will begin to activate your brain’s Reticular Activating System (basically, a part of your brain’s function that acts as a filter for what you’ve asked it to look for) and you will begin to FIND the money.

Every year at The Mindset Retreat™ and throughout our programs of The Client Attraction Business School™, I teach our students this powerful focusing strategy for finding at least 50 opportunities for new money waiting for you right now.

This is a practice that my husband Derek and I still use to this day. It’s crazy how it works every time someone uses it as instructed. I’m always (still) blown away.


Once you’ve watched the video, the question I’m excited for you to answer is:

What are 3 opportunities (out of the 50 you come up with) that you’ll implement this week for making more money right now?

I can’t wait to read your comment on the blog and cheer you on as you begin to implement this. I believe in you.

Sending you so much love,

p.s. Speaking of the Reticular Activating System… a big (personal) dream of mine is happening this week. What happens when you explore what’s possible beyond your limiting beliefs? Do you dare to push beyond what you’ve done before, to break out of your comfort zone and activate your potential for greatness? That’s what I’m talking about during my first TED Talk tomorrow.

My intention (as per my journal entry from this morning) is to “deliver a powerful, loving, life-changing message, beaming love the whole time, causing a shift in consciousness, for the highest good of all… Let my session be dangerous to a person’s sense that they are small and helpless and hopeless; to their feeling that they are alone and invisible; to any belief they have that they are somehow worthless, inadequate or bad; to any belief that they are too much or not enough. AND SO IT IS!” Thank you for your continued, loving support! I love you. 😉

book Many of my students want to know how to squeeze writing into their busy workday, as it’s very difficult to find the time to work on a book while working full-time. So, I want to share how I have done this and what I have found to be the most effective process.

My initial method was chaotic
When I was writing The Client Attraction Home Study System, my business was booming and I was pregnant at the time. Obviously, I had a lot on my plate. Because of everything else going on, I initially tried to write here and there when I could fit it into my schedule. Unfortunately, this was not the best process for me, as I discovered that too much time between writing sessions made me unproductive when I did sit down to write.

Whenever I would find time to get back into things, I found myself wasting precious moments (and sometimes hours) rereading my previous words in an effort to pick up where I left off. I grew frustrated with my inability to jump back in and was tired of having to constantly re-familiarize myself with my voice and the ideas that I was trying to convey. I quickly realized that this system was not only not working, but it was truly a waste of my time.

Establish a writing schedule
Once I realized that my “write when you can” method was not working, I decided to try a more regimented schedule. I committed to writing on a regular basis, so I wrote every Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30.a.m. I would leave my office so there were fewer distractions and interruptions, and go to Starbucks or a local diner. I chose places that were welcoming of customers with laptops (hello, free WiFi!), and where I could have a cup of tea and comfortably type on my laptop for a few hours. Every day, for those three hours, I forced myself to write.

Usually the first twenty to forty-five minutes were slow and uninspired. I would procrastinate by checking my email and catching up on the news. But once I finally settled in and felt caught up on where I was when I last wrote, I was able to dedicate myself completely to my work. With no distractions or thoughts looming over my head, I was able to produce quality content at an amazing rate. Plus, I still had the whole day ahead of me and did not have to worry about my writing interfering with my day-to-day work.

Take time off
Eventually, I decided to take two weeks off and make writing the book my sole focus. Without the distractions of work, I was able to get my writing finished in no time. While it was the best choice for me at the time, as I was under a deadline, I understand that taking time off is not a luxury everyone can afford. However, if you can make it work, it’s definitely an option worth considering.

Determine your best time of day to write
For me, I happened to write best early in the morning, but everyone is different. You’ll need to figure out the time that works best for you. I recommend trying different blocks of time in the morning, afternoon or late at night in order to discover when your creative juices flow easily.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do you have a writing project that‘s been on the back burner for a while? Dust it off and schedule blocks of time for writing. Give yourself a deadline to finish. That’s really important. If you don’t have a deadline, then there is no reason to focus on the project, stick to your schedule or feel the pressure to complete it. Make it real and give yourself a timeline. Think how happy you’ll be when the project is done! Happy writing.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
