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Have you ever known exactly what you needed to do next to get to that bigger level in your business? But thought you couldn’t afford it?

Maybe for you it’s hiring some admin support, investing in training or mentorship, maybe even getting an office…

But there’s that excuse I’ve seen creeping up for business owners over the last 16 years, keeping you from taking action on that one thing that will take you to where you want to be.

Would you like to know how to get past the belief that you can’t afford “that thing”? Watch this week’s 4-minute video to learn what I (and our students) do. It’ll change the way you look at life and business:

At a certain point in business, after you’ve done the low-cost to no-cost stuff to get a little traction, the thing you need actually has a price-tag on it.

It costs money.

And so the excuse pops up:

“I would really like to ______________, but I can’t afford it.”

That’s not actually true.

As I shared in this week’s video, the laws of Quantum Physics assure us that when we ASK for what we want, we are given that thing, 100% of the time.

But instead of taking that opportunity to grow, most people use an excuse to not even try.

And when you say yes to the excuse, you say no to your dreams, for good.

Thing is, you can decide at any moment to throw away your excuses.

You can decide to shift how you think about that opportunity for growth that’s right under your nose.

Instead of saying, “I CAN’T afford it” and being done with that, ask yourself, “HOW can I afford it?”

Be curious. Be resourceful. Find the money.

Be willing to hustle to do just a little bit more marketing to get a few more clients so you can invest in that thing that will get you to that next level, whether it’s mentorship, an assistant, or that new office.

The resources are always there. All you have to do is trust that they exist, look for them and then say YES.

You must be resourceful. You must take actions on the ideas that are presented to you as potential solutions.

The money (or time, expertise, etc.) you need is ALWAYS there. Especially when you look for the solution instead of relying on an excuse.

This subtle distinction is how I continue to grow my own business year after year, and it’s a core belief I pass on to our students so they do too. It’s pretty miraculous, actually. And it’s just a small shift in Mindset that pays off in spades.

Let’s you and I be more like MacGyver,

P.S. You can stay where you are, but everything you want is on the other side of that excuse. Ditch it and then take action, OK?

There is a video I’ve been sitting on for a while, and I wasn’t sure I was EVER going to share it with you…because honestly, it’s not our typical buttoned-up business testimonial type-of-thing. I would have put it on the bloopers reel.

At first, I worried that it wasn’t professional enough to show you. That people wouldn’t take it seriously. And then I reminded myself that I don’t make decisions based on what people think of me (and neither should you). So, here goes

It’ll give you a little taste of the love and laughter we experience in The Client Attraction Business School tribe (separate from all the awesome business stuff we do).

I dare you to watch it now and not laugh (and if you love it, you belong with us):

If you read between Tom and Tulis’ improvisational lines, this moment in time is a very real representation of some of what happens in our meetings, apart from all the ninja business-building exercises, reverse-engineering of business goals, high-level masterminding, accountability structures and all that fun “professional” stuff we do. Read between the lines and you’ll see the deep bonds we form here…

And Tom and Tulis are right. We all need a community.

You CANNOT do it alone, and who would want to anyway, when you can be in the company of others you will end up calling your best friends after just one week?

There’s no question that we are a unique tribe of supportive business owners. If you think we’re your tribe and want to massively grow, AND have fun and make friends at the same time, fill out your application to speak to one of our Strategy Coaches today by clicking here (it’s free).

That way you don’t have to miss out on this type of fun any more. Plus, you learn how to have an amazing business, make more money while gaining your life back and have a community like no other at your back.

I mean, really… What could be better than that? 😉

You can apply to map out your next 12 months at no charge with one of our (also awesome) Strategy Coaches here.

Come have fun with us,

P.S. “Not only do you get business advice, you get centerpieces”??? Yes Tom and Tulis, you have taken the testimonial video to a whole new level. For. Sure.

Do you know what actually turns great ideas into results?

It’s not the ideas themselves. No matter how brilliant, they aren’t going to do one thing for us or our business…

Until we implement them.

So why don’t we always implement what we know we need to do? What’s the culprit most often to blame for our inaction?

Watch this week’s 4-minute video to find out what’s getting in the way (and what to do about it):

Business owners have been telling me for years, “Sure, Fabienne, I’ll implement that idea when I’ve got everything PERFECT!”

Here are my thoughts about that…

I am 16 years into my own business and I still don’t have it perfect. I still change my mind. In fact one of the BIGGEST changes I’ve ever taken on in my business is coming this fall. It’s big and I’m doing it, even if not everything is completely worked out yet.

I know that you may want to have it all figured out before you go for it, whatever “it” is.

The problem is, the product of your quest for perfection is PARALYSIS.

Like our Shero in this week’s video, strap on your cape and do “it.” Do it messily. Do it imperfectly. Do it on shaky legs and with a knot in your tummy. And then learn from your mistakes and make it better.

You’re not going to have it be perfect. Ever. So get over it and just do the thing. Write the book. Make the call. Send the letter. Hire the support. Work with the mentor. Raise your rates.

This is how successful businesses are made.

I hope this week’s video inspires you to take action on something you’ve been procrastinating this week. Pick one thing. And do it. Today.


So much love,

P.S. If you’re a rockstar at photoshop (which I’m not) feel free to create a pic of you (or ME!) in that shero cape and email it to me. I think we all need a picture of ourselves in that get up. 😉

P.P.S. By the way, you’re awesome. Just want to make sure you know that you’re doing a great job. Keep going. I’m proud of you. xo

Today, I want you to meet Lissa.

If you’re like Lissa and you’re working to build your business while you are still employed by someone else, I’d love you to watch today’s video to be inspired…

It can be challenging to make the leap into full-time entrepreneurship, especially when you are receiving a significant income from your job. Listen to what Lissa has to say about her process to get from here to there:

The thing I really want you to hear is that growing a business is a PROCESS.

Without support, overnight 
success is typically years in the making and requires taking the consistent actions that allow you to achieve your desired outcomes.

Left to their devices, new business owners often chase the latest and greatest “get-results-quick” tactics being pitched in the marketplace, without a real plan that’s proven to work, and they don’t go about taking the tried-and-true steps that will move them toward their goal.

They think they’re saving a buck by trying to figure it out on their own.

However noble that is, there is a massive problem with that.

When a business owner attempts to do this “marketing thing” on their own (without working with a proven formula, the mindset required and community-based accountability we offer), the result is often resignation. (And sometimes depression.) 

Resigning to keeping the job with the steady, guaranteed paycheck and creating a belief that making enough money in your business isn’t going to happen for you…

Surrendering to the belief that you’ll never make more money in your own business than you’re making now at your job with the steady, “guaranteed” paycheck…

…means you don’t get to have the life you really want, the impact you want to make, or the freedom you deeply desire.

This is why we do what we do at The Client Attraction Business School. There IS a systematic, proven approach to building the cash flow and momentum that create a bridge from your full-time job to full-time self-employment.

It’s not a magic pill with instant magical results, no. As Lissa shared in the video, it’s about having a support system of peers and coaches who have “been there, done that,” curriculum that shows you exactly what to do, how to do it and when to do it, coaching that supports you to break through your own internal resistance and a PLAN.

A real. Solid. Plan.

All you have to do is follow the recipe.

This is what gives you the confidence to eventually leave that job, knowing that you and your family are going to be well supported and that you are financially secure.

If you’re ready to stop going it alone, to stopping guessing what your next step should be and constantly reinventing the wheel to figure out this business ownership thing, even if you’re still in your corporate job, I invite you to explore what it would look like for you to have the step-by-step guidance and support we provide here at CABS… (click on this link to fill out an application to talk).

Our coaches, our community, me and the entire team. Behind you.

We are here for YOU,

P.S. This is what happened to me.. I started my first business BEFORE leaving my corporate job. And I busted my tush to get clients and make money on evenings and weekends until I felt comfortable enough leaving my full-time salary. It definitely wasn’t easy and I had lots of 3 a.m. sweats, especially because I did all this before there was anything like what we teach at The Client Attraction Business School. I had to make it up as I went, trying lots of (expensive) things that didn’t work, until I created the formula that DOES. But you don’t have to. It doesn’t have to be as difficult for you as it was for me in the beginning. And look at where we are now. 😉  Let’s talk and see if we can help, OK?

Just click here to fill out a short application and we’ll set up a time to chat, no pressure. It’s free, and if we can’t help, which sometimes happens, we’ll be happy to point you in a different direction.

I’m with my Leverage Track students today, teaching this particular group of 50+ six and seven figure business owners how to turn everything in their business into a SYSTEM, so they can gain their life back and dramatically multiply their revenues.

And you know what? I’ve yet to tell them HOW to do it.

The “how to,” I’ve realized, always needs to come AFTER a few mindset shifts, otherwise, things don’t get implemented as quickly.

That said, today’s training video is the first of three on the mindset shifts required for you to take bigger action. It’s something I taught at our Growth Track meeting recently, and I think you would really benefit from it too.  

Because the truth is that I can teach you all the most effective marketing skills in the world, or show you the best way to create systems for doing anything, or the easiest way to create passive income, but if you don’t shift your mindset to embrace this new way of doing this, nothing will happen. Which leads to more of the same.  

So, in this week’s short, 2-minute video, here’s the first of those three mindset shifts that I believe will really be helpful for you. Watch it now:

You see, trust is one of the most valuable assets a business owner can have, and trust comes from being consistent.

Consistency is better than rare moments of greatness.

And at some point, you get to decide to be in it for the long-haul for those you serve…

Which is, btw…

How you play to win.

You in?

P.S. Going it alone is way too hard. We all need some help from our peers who get us. If you don’t have a room full of people to pinky swear with like our students did in today’s training video, find an accountability partner to pinky swear with.

P.P.S. This is the last email I’ll be sending you from the United States for quite some time. Our year-long adventure of living in Paris starts this Saturday. I am pinching myself and at the same time, a bit overwhelmed when I think of what needs to happen between now and our plane taking off on Saturday, to be honest. Send me some good juju! xoxo

I know it’s cushy in your comfort zone…

…but what I know from 16 years of leading boldly with my heart, and reaping all the benefits of this, is that ALL of the magic you seek actually happens outside of what is familiar to you.

(Let that sink in.)

Everything you want, and I mean everything, is right beyond what you consider “comfortable.”

In this week’s short 3-minute video, I share with you my secrets to playing boldly (like moving to Paris with my family next week or writing a book in 6 months) without losing my sanity.

Watch it now (and try not to laugh when I demonstrate my “trick,” in heels no less, OK?):

Whether you have a decision to make about hiring a new team member, investing in yourself or creating a new revenue stream in your business, to have it, you simply have to get a bit uncomfortable.

Successful people make these decisions strategically, intuitively and quickly. They ask the question: “Will this move me toward what I want?”

They don’t keep doing the same exact thing and expecting different results. They create new circumstances.

But this doesn’t need to be scary. It can be as simple as taking one small step in faith…

It’s the quote we all know and love: “A journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.”


Too many people believe that they have to leap, that the way to the results they want is to take a running jump, see if they can skip all the individual steps and make a perfect landing at the top of the staircase.

That, my friend, IS scary!

And totally unnecessary.

As I said in today’s training video, all it takes is ONE step, in the direction of your desire. Just outside of your comfort zone… And then do it again. And do it again.

And before you know it, there you are. Goal accomplished.

Be brave. You already have what it takes,
P.S. How did you like my dramatic acting skills in the video? 😉 If I can do THAT on stage in front of 400+ people, you can definitely get out of your comfort zone too.


I get incredible fulfillment in guiding already “successful” entrepreneurs to move out of 6-figure overwhelm and into 7-figure freedom.  

The reason I put “successful” in quotes is because too often, business owners at the 6-figure level are working way too hard for too little.  

They’re overwhelmed, can’t take vacations and often, can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even though they’re doing good work with their clients, this certainly wasn’t what they imagined when they began their entrepreneurial journey. (Sure, the money is coming in, but at what cost?)

That is, until you learn to leverage your business using our 8 Leverage Activators to transform your results, like Terri did. (Hint: She doubled her business…then doubled it again…and she’s on track to double it again, in just 2 years with us.)  

Watch this 3-minute video to be completely inspired by her: 


Terri continues to be an amazing client. She simply does what we tell her to do and I love how she loves changing her clients’ lives, as she said in today’s video.  

She is following the recipe we’ve given her.  

Building a team. Creating systems. Doubling her income year after year. I am so proud of her.  

This isn’t a one-off example. Here at The Client Attraction Business School, it happens all the time.  

This is just what we do with our Leverage students (those at 6 figures who are ready for 7 figures).

Our proven process allows this to happen.  

If you are someone who is ready to stop experiencing 6-figure overwhelm, and instead want to create the kind of success you dreamed of when you first started your business, I want you to click here to fill out a short application to have a chat with one of our awesome Strategy Coaches.  

Just one conversation made all the difference for Terri and many more like her. And this one Strategy Call can perhaps do the same for you. Let’s find out, shall we? 🙂   

Here’s to your own 7 figures,

P.S. I want YOU to be successfully running a business. And by successfully, I don’t just mean money… I mean having time for yourself and your family, taking unplugged vacations, having a real work/life balance and making more while working less, like Terri did. It’s not an accident, it’s a process, and if you’re curious about it, simply fill out an application and we would love to get to know you, your business, your challenges and aspirations and create a plan to move you forward more powerfully than you ever could alone. Go for it. 

(In this week’s training video, you’re actually going to see a lot of the “real me” my students appreciate, meaning, I’m not sugar-coating anything. You’ll see me get on my soap box, I’ll gently swear, you’ll see my spiritual side and even witness my eyes well up in tears, all while I take a stand for you to stay out of fear as you build your business.)  

OK, here goes. You’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again:

Successful entrepreneurs do the things that others are simply not willing to do. And sometimes this means we do the thing that we might perceive means that we are “failing.”  

Watch this week’s 5-minute video to hear what I did when I first started my business, my own story of doing it and why you shouldn’t feel ANY shame around this topic: 

Fear is the killer of dreams. It is THE lowest vibration on the emotional spectrum, and it is beyond challenging to take the actions that we need to take to succeed when we are afraid about our ability to pay the bills, like I was.  

And so, if you are experiencing fear around your business, your first step is to do whatever it takes to raise yourself out of fear. It is vital to your success.

I’ve been there. And the reason that I am HERE today is because I assessed my resources, asked for help and made some cash-on-the-side.

I consider this week’s video required viewing for anyone who’s within the first couple years of their business or experiencing a little “dip” in revenues. I hope it inspires you to focus on the actions that move you toward your destination. And for 99% of us, that means focusing on where we can generate CASH.  

You can do it too! I believe in you, 
P.S. Do you make a wish on 11:11 too? I’m always so happy when I catch it on the clock or my phone. Go ahead and make a wish when you watch the video, as if it is that time on your clock too. (Maybe you can wish for some cash-on-the-side, just for the short term.) 😉

With my little family and I moving to Paris in under 3 weeks, (wheeeee, it’s really happening)…  

…I thought you would enjoy getting inspired by one of our many international clients, who just happens to be French.  

Click on the short 2-minute video below to hear why Laurence hopped on a plane several times a year for more than 2 years to come learn from me and be in our tribe (HINT: she doubled her income TWICE and got her life back):


You may ask yourself why someone would travel all the way to the United States to participate in The Client Attraction Business School from overseas. (Isn’t there something similar there?)  

According to Laurence, there isn’t anything else like CABS in the world.  

You see, when you have the strategy and direction you need, the tools to get out of your own way and a tribe of people who will fiercely believe in you and lovingly hold you accountable to your goals, you scale quickly and get your life back.  

You go from being stuck, having no life, feeling stressed out and not knowing what to do next to having the amazing feeling that comes when it all….works. (You dramatically increase your income and finally experience freedom again.)  

I want you to really hear that it’s not that Laurence worked harder and put in more hours to double her business…twice. With the tools she got here, and her commitment to implement, she was able to serve way more clients, in less time. 

The process our business owners go through is now proven and it works time and time again.  

It’s why they come from all over the world and stay year after year.  


I kept hearing from business owners from Europe and the UK that they wished they could have me run a Leverage Track across the pond. For a long time, that wasn’t possible… 

…until now! 

In addition to the two Leverage Tracks I run in the U.S., I’m starting a Leverage Track of CABS in Paris this Fall to welcome business owners on that side of the world.  

Wherever you are, there is something incredible here for you.  

If you are finally ready to grow your income and gain your life back, fill out an application to speak to one of our awesome Strategy Coaches. They’ll help you map out your next 12 months.   

No matter where you are in the world, I assure you, this Strategy Call is incredibly valuable, and there’s no charge. I promise…just the Strategy Call alone will be worth it.

A bientot,

P.S. Why be lonely and lost when you can be among your peers with an aligned community at your back, with a step by step process so that you can know what to do next? The thing I want you to hear today is that you don’t get what you want…you get what you commit to. We are here to support you to hold that commitment – to yourself, your clients, your family. Join us.

(A loving warning… I’m going to be a little bold today.) 😉 

OK, here goes: 

You may think you want things to change. But the question I have for you today is… 

do you really? 

Do you have the audacity to be one of the few who actually becomes the person who achieves the goal or vision of your future self? 

Change sounds great… 

But in reality, change feels Un.Comfort.Able. And we are programmed to avoid it at all costs. 

In this week’s video, I get super real with you about the ego, fear and what it looks like when your old reality meets your new paradigm. It’s not often pretty, but it’s crucial you know this. Watch it now: 


When presented with an opportunity to experience change in our lives, our minds automatically go to the things we perceive we have to give up. We focus on the: 

Costs over rewards 

Losses versus gains 

Excuses versus possibilities 

And therefore, most people don’t experience change, even when they really, really want it. 

“The more important the goal or vision is for your soul’s evolution, the more resistance you will encounter as you pursue it.” 

And yes, damn. It sucks. I know, all too well. 

I would rather you know this now, so you can use this to your advantage going forward. 

Here’s the good news, though: 

You can outwit your ego, by understanding that the resistance you are facing as you move toward the things that you want is a sign that you are on the right path. 

Your ego is the most powerful opponent you will face in the pursuit of your business growth and personal evolution. Your ego would much rather you stick with the reality that you know (and don’t really want anymore) versus the future you want (but don’t know yet.) 

And the biggest tool that the ego deploys to achieve its goal is fear. And the fear SEEMS real and scary. 

This message to you today is a message from the other side of navigating my way again and again and again through the fear and false panic point I talk about in today’s training video. 

If you want to achieve your potential, surpass your goals and leave your mark on this world, you simply must learn to do what it takes to be afraid and do it anyway. 

There is gold on the other side for us bold hearts who are willing to bravely go through it, instead of looking for the “easy” and “painless” way. 

Rewards beyond our wildest imaginings await. 

I believe in you. More than you know, 

P.S. It’s my intention that this message inspires you to be bolder and braver. Remember it’s a “false” panic line. Once you get through it, you realize there wasn’t ever anything to be afraid of. <3


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
