discipline Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

There are many gifts that come with our entrepreneurial spirit. And this week’s topic is not often one of them…

Many of us are wired to be driven to distraction.

However, a business needs consistent action to grow.

So what are we (distracted business owners) supposed to do as rebellious folk to succeed? How do we stay disciplined when it’s not necessarily in our nature?

Here’s exactly how. Watch this week’s 2-minute training video, where I’m joined by our lead Growth Track coach, Gail Saseen, as we discuss how to stay focused and how to get the important things done:

Sometimes we’ve simply got to DO what needs to be done if we want to succeed, right?

I am not a naturally disciplined person. I am a rebel. (Perhaps you are too.) So I had to learn Discipline.

I have overcome this by 1) blocking my time, 2) having a team that holds me accountable and 3) embracing the mindset of Personal Responsibility.

The tips we share in this week’s video are rather simple, and yet, they’ve made me (and our business owner clients) exceed our originally small intentions, and what I want you to hear, loud and clear, is that this is about adopting a mindset of success.

It’s about making The Commitment.

And I love what Gail shares in this video about creating a habit for sustained success. You should watch it.

Decide. Act.

It’s really that simple.

Now go get stuff done, OK? 😉

Much love,

P.S. Setting yourself up to succeed in your actions is what guarantees any success. At some point, every successful business owner decides to DO what it takes to make it happen, no matter what. There is no other way around it. And they do. Ready to make that decision for yourself? Go for it. xo


When was the last time you beat yourself up for procrastinating, not getting enough done or lacking discipline in your business?

HA! Was it today?? 😉

An hour ago? 🙂

(No judgement here, but you definitely want to watch today’s video.)

The truth is that in order to be even more successful, we do need to have a higher level of productivity. We need time to work on our business in addition to the time we spend working in our business.

And yet, when you’re self-employed, the self-motivation required to be consistent can be challenging, at best.

The secret to greater productivity and less procrastination is simple, but few ever use it. It’s potent and must be harnessed every day, in every way. I explain how I use it in today’s 4-minute video:

This may be one of the few videos you’ve ever seen where I refer to God or a “higher source” as it relates to business. And as you’ll see in the video, time and time again, the Universe shows me that when I am clear on what I want, it delivers…every time!!

I explain how in today’s 4-minute video.

(Sadly though, we don’t always ACT when the Universe delivers the opportunity we’ve asked – even begged – for. That’s called resistance and I have some great free training coming your way on overcoming resistance. Look out for it soon!)

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the clearer I am about today’s topic, the more productive and on-task I become.

And then I crush it with my results.

Many times, however, I notice that business owners do not have clarity about this. I hope this doesn’t come across too harshly, but sometimes your actions become wishy washy as a result.

Many look outside of themselves for excuses and blame others for their results. But the truth is that you simply were unclear in your intent.

It’s really about clarity.

So if you’re feeling brave (I know you can do it!), I invite you to answer the following question:

“How have you been confusing the Universe around your intentions?”

As always, do share in the comments section. Start your response with “I.”

Own it. That’s how you get a business breakthrough.

I love reading your ah-has and breakthroughs and am always blown away by your vulnerability and authenticity.

Nothing changes until you get real. So will you take this opportunity to do so here?

I’m rooting for you, big time!

p.s. This is coming directly from my personal experience and what I’ve noticed in my own business. After 16 years, I’m pretty sure that this is the most powerful tool I have when it comes to productivity and discipline becoming my allies, instead of “rules” I’m beating myself up about!

p.p.s. Once you discover how you’ve been creating competing intentions, I invite you to get super clear on what you DO want… Then craft your strategy to get it and implement. It can truly be that simple.

I hope you’re having a truly wonderful day, productive in all ways.

Hey, I shot a new 4-minute content video this week that I think you’ll really be able to use in several ways, as it applies to both your business AND your life.

Many people I talk to think that being successful requires a lot of effort, blood, sweat and tears.

Yes, some effort is required, of course, but it’s not just what you do, it’s HOW you do it.

How you show up is almost more important than what you do.

I know, that sounds a little crazy at first, but you’ll understand more when you watch this video.

This is a simple mindset strategy, but I’ve come to realize that it’s often the simple changes we make that have the most profound impact on our results.

I would love to hear from you about which areas of your life you see yourself as a 3-bagger and what would happen to other areas of your life if you began adding more energy, focus, intention and discipline.

Share this with me in the comments below, OK?

Sending you so much love,

p.s. This is an important mindset shift you can begin making in your business that few people realize creates a difference. In fact, I now believe that mindset is 90% of the reason for someone’s success or lack thereof. And I’m going around the country teaching mindset this summer. Join me? You can register for my free events here. Can’t wait to give you a hug. xo


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