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“Discounting your services is not good news for you and your reputation. A sliding scale is even worse. It shows prospects you don’t value your services and it creates a reputation that says you’re not a true professional and not worth what you DO charge. Instead of discounting, create different offerings at different price points to have something there for different types of clients and different budget levels. It works like magic.”

“Let’s face it: being self-employed, our businesses are fundamentally a reflection of every part of us. Who you and I “are” as people literally affects our businesses, every day, every minute, every second, with every breath. Knowing that the “inner” is directly reflected in the “outer,” it’s especially so for those working solo. If there’s turmoil or disconnection within you as a person, it will be reflected in your business. If there’s purpose, acceptance, and alignment, things come to you without struggle.”

“Some entrepreneurs discount their services or offer a sliding scale because of their lack of confidence and low perception of value in what they offer. In my Client Attraction System, discounting is a BIG no-no. It portrays a devalued product or service and it’s NOT Client Attractive. If you’re offering discounts or a sliding scale, it’s imperative that you stop right away. When you do, you’ll attract more ideal, high-paying clients who are PROUD of working with you and tell others about you.”

“I used to think that attracting clients was 100% about fancy marketing. I was wrong. The longer I run a successful business and the longer I work on my own spiritual and personal growth, the more I’ve gotten clear that attracting clients is more like a pie with different slices. Marketing is certainly one of those slices, and a very important one. Another VERY important slice of the pie is having a healthy Mindset. I assure you that you CANNOT have a very successful business with a VERY gunky mindset. So, our job together is to create compelling marketing and then clean up that mindset. Otherwise, you’ll market til you’re blue in the face and see few results.”


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