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It’s with deep gratitude that I share with you my newly-released TEDx Talk today (click on the image to watch it):

I feel like I should pinch myself.

I’ve been watching TED talks for years, at my desk, showing them to clients and watching them with my family after dinner to educate them with ideas worth spreading.

To me, these talks are a window to the world of knowledge and possibility. They bring me great inspiration and the motivation to think bigger about what I’m here to do…

…and what you are here to do too.

And because of that, it is surreal for me to share this clip with you today.

The topic is Activating Your Potential for Greatness and in this 18-minute talk, I share with you the valuable lessons I’ve gained in own my life and as a result of working with tens of thousands of entrepreneurs…

…who boldly commit, with their heart and soul, to play a bigger game in service to others.

The contents of this talk (and my 8 simple but powerful activators to greatness that anyone can employ) are what I believe most in the world.

You can watch the TEDx talk and post a comment for me to read here.

I believe that you too have the potential to do great things, even if you don’t yet feel equipped or believe you have what it takes to crush all your existing limitations.

I promise. You do have what it takes.

Can’t wait to read your thoughts about the talk in the comments.

Love you,

p.s. Hey, I believe that this is indeed an idea worth spreading. Who do you know that could use a boost of confidence today? What group of people or network do you belong to that needs to hear this message? It would be my greatest honor if you shared this link with them.

Thank you. You are awesome and I am so grateful for you. xoxo

OK, you ready for a good laugh (or a few good laughs) and a dose of inspiration?

Then you’re going to love Kate Kingston:

(I’ve always felt that it’s impossible not to love Kate. I bet you fall in love with her like I have.)

Within 4 months of joining us in the Business School, Kate was making $10,000 a month.

Her secret?

“I just do what Fabienne tells me.”

That’s exactly what she says multiplies her revenues up and up every year.

In fact, she says in the video, “When I’m around Fabienne and Derek, I make money. Period.”

But it’s not about the money for Kate. It’s about how we care for her and believe in her. In fact, she calls me her muse (which I find very touching).

Watch this week’s 7-minute inspiration video to get a glimpse of you in your near future.

Could joining our community to get help with your business create new results for you?

You can do this.


p.s. Could joining our community to get help with your business create new results for you? Let’s find out. Go here to talk to one of our coaches for a free Strategy Call and let’s map out your year. If it makes sense, we can also talk about working together, but that’s up to you.

And if you know someone who is ready for a plan for making money, then forward them this blog, OK? Or, send them here.

I hear this all the time:

“Fabienne, I’ve been at the same level for a while. I’ve plateaued and I don’t know why. I feel like there’s a roadblock getting in the way of my growth, but I can’t seem to figure out what it is. Can you help me?”

Yes, I can.

We entrepreneurs are presented with opportunities for growth almost on a daily basis.

If that’s true, then why isn’t every entrepreneur growing?

Lack of commitment.

And not doing what it takes because of excuses.

(Hey, I’ve been there too, so no judgment here!)

Would you like to know the number one excuse entrepreneurs use that gets in the way? Here it is, in this week’s video:

(I take a pretty strong stand for you in this video. Not sure if you’ve ever seen this side of me.) 😉

If we want different results, we simply must be willing to do what we previously haven’t done.

And that means we must be willing to go beyond our excuses, the ones that stop us.

And in today’s 7-minute video, you’ll hear the short list of the most common entrepreneurial excuses – and what to do to stop making them.

This creates traction. This creates new results.

In the comments section, please let me know this: what excuses are you willing to give up?

I can’t wait to read your comments and cheer you on from the sidelines!

Believing in you always,

p.s. Do you know someone who could use more traction in their business? Please forward this blog to them, OK? Thanks so much for reading and sharing. I am grateful for you.


Here’s something I teach my students all the time…

You (and I) can talk until we’re blue in the face about how great it is to work with us or how good our “stuff” is, but…

…somehow, it will never be as inspiring (or as motivating) as when others hear it directly from the client.

Today I want to introduce you to Michelle.

I adore Michelle, and one of the many things I love about her (she’ll laugh out loud when she reads this) is that she’s a tough cookie who doesn’t take any bleep from anyone::

In fact, Michelle is a totally no-nonsense New Yorker who rolled her eyes when she first heard me speak, didn’t buy into what “any marketer” was trying to sell her and didn’t think CABS would work for her.

Well, she’s changed her tune…

…especially since she’s multiplied her business many times over this year (and we’re not done with 2015 yet).

Yes, she multiplied her business many times over.

Yes, she had her doubts as to whether CABS would work for her.

Well, it did.

It really did.

You gotta watch Michelle’s video. I hope this inspires you, and that maybe, just maybe, it gives you the courage to reach out to us here to schedule a time to talk and see if we can help. OK?

I believe in you and your potential,

P.S. Do you have a friend or colleague who could use increased results in their business too? Pass this email along and let them know they’re not alone and that big things are possible, OK?

Then, invite them to watch more videos and schedule a call with one of our caring Strategy Coaches here to map out the next 12 months and see how we can help. YOU ROCK. Thank you! xoxo

I recently spoke with a new student about his business. Prior to joining our Business School, John experienced a tremendous decrease in revenue.

Despite putting his best face forward, he was stressed and not taking a salary.

He was worried – as anyone would be – about how to rebuild and get his cash flow back to where it used to be.

After listening to him and learning more about his business, I realized that his cash flow situation is actually really common among entrepreneurs at all levels, one that most business owners and entrepreneurs have dealt with at one time or another.

How do you increase your cash flow now?? Today I’d like to share with you John’s story and the solution I gave him to inject a business with cash, now. Here it is:

There are many reasons for a reduction in cash. John’s revenue decreased because he, for lack of a better term, had put all of his eggs in one basket by putting his major focus on just one big client. And when that happens, when one of your clients provides you with the bulk of your business’ income, losing them, or having them greatly reduce their contract, means trouble.

For some, it can even mean crisis.

Unless, you have a plan!

In today’s short five-minute video, I show you how to quickly recoup your cash flow, no matter if you’re making $8,000, $80,000 or $800,000 a year.

Once you’ve watched the video, my question for you today is: what will you do more of that worked to initially land your best clients and what will you stop doing right now to make room for increasing your cash flow?

I can’t wait to read your comments below.

Sending you lots of love,

P.S. Didn’t want to say goodbye for today without thanking you for all the well wishes on my TEDx Talk last week! I was overwhelmed with your love and support. The video of my 18-minute session on Activating Your Potential for Greatness isn’t up on yet, but I promise to let you know the minute it is! Enjoy and have a great weekend! In the meantime, you can watch this video to help you get ahead in reaching your business potential.You rock. xoxo

shutterstock_160629524It goes without saying that networking is an amazing marketing method for building your business, which is why I encourage my students to join networking groups that meet regularly. Different groups meet weekly, monthly or even quarterly, which means there is a group out there that can work with every schedule. Through women’s groups, trade associations and local Chambers of Commerce, it is actually quite easy to find a networking group.

Another great way to make sure you are taking full advantage of networking is to seek out those individuals I personally like to refer to as “Centers of Influence” or COI. These Centers of Influence are the people who seem to know anyone and everyone – and they are great people to have as contacts.

Identifying your Centers of Influence will help you make connections to people who can power up your networking in ways you never imagined.

1. Identifying your COI

Whenever I speak of COIs, the number one question I get is: where can one find these amazing Centers of Influence?! The funny thing is that you likely have a COI in your life but you just don’t know it. So think of that friend you have who just knows everyone – and that person is your Center of Influence! If you don’t already have a COI in your life, the networking events and groups will help you identify one.

These COIs are master networkers who know droves of folks and can regularly refer you to the right people. Most COIs absolutely love to make connections and introductions. They like to provide referrals for when you need service or help. I call them natural “bridgers” because they get a thrill from bridging one person to another.

2. Meet with your COIs regularly

When you meet regularly with your Centers of Influence it will have a direct impact on growing your business, which is why it is important to meet with your COIs often. Making a point to stay in touch keeps you top-of-mind when they are out networking. Personally, I like to meet my COIs for lunch or a cup of coffee about once a month.

3. Getting referrals

Centers of Influence are one of the fastest paths to referrals. Even if you feel weird asking for referrals, just remember that your COIs really enjoy it. They feel awesome, valued, proud, confident and influential whenever they help their friends out. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship!

4. Reaching out to your COI

Because reaching out to others about networking is uncomfortable for some people, here is a sample email you could send: “Hi Jane. It’s been a long time since we’ve caught up. I’d love to hear what you are up to and also let you know what‘s new with me. How about meeting for coffee? My treat. When are you free?” I recommend coffee because that’s a lot cheaper than lunch or dinner.

You can reach out to COIs by phone, email, text or social media. If you want to connect with people outside your area, go virtual! You can Skype, FaceTime or try a Google Hangout. Be creative and find a way.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Right now, make a list of 10 influential people who could be your Centers of Influence. Don’t get hung up on how well you know them. Remember, they enjoy networking and connecting people. You can even list 10 people you’d like to meet because of their influence and connections. Then contact them this week and watch your business grow.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Today I want to share with you a defining moment in my career.

It’s not a story I’m particularly proud of, but one that taught me a valuable lesson I still pull from today.

And it has positively affected my writing ever since. So, here goes:

A few years ago, right before a new 3-day event I was hosting for several hundred people, my assistant reminded me that the printer deadline for the attendee binder was in a matter of days.

My face went white. My throat went dry.


The final presentation and written materials? Now??

Are you joking??

Sadly, she was not joking.

Apparently, through a series of miscommunications, I hadn’t realized that I was supposed to have prepared the binder – several hundred pages’ worth of life-transforming content – by the agreed-upon date.

And the printer needed said materials in just a few short days.

Or else, no binder.

I panicked.

Then I cried.

Then I panicked some more.

But after a few moments of a serious meltdown, and pointing the finger at others, and then at myself, I realized that this reaction wasn’t going to solve my problem.

I realized that to get everything done, I needed to create a new, miraculous content-writing plan.

And I’m happy to report that did it. I wrote it all in less time than some people write a 3-page article.


This week’s 5-minute video shows you how I successfully managed to write a huge amount of content, even under the most pressing of deadlines.

(If I can do it using this formula, so can you.)

What’s so great is that the process I came up with that day (to write in a ridiculously short time what would have normally taken me weeks) is a process that I still use today.

After you’ve watched this video, I’d like for you to tell me in the comments below:

When you write content (or when you do any other important business activity), what is that 80 percent of wastefulness? And going forward, what can you do to streamline, reduce or reuse in order to make wasting time a thing of the past?

I can’t wait to read your response in the comment section below… I’ll see you there!

Sending love,

P.S. Speaking of, maybe you wanted to join me at my 3-day Mindset Retreat next week, but you weren’t able to make it happen. Well, I have good news for you. I have managed for you to be able to eavesdrop on it. Next week, I’m broadcasting a session live from stage and I’d like to give you a free “backstage pass” to the Mindset Retreat to join us from the comfort of your own home or office (all you need is a computer and internet connection). Sound good? You can register for your free backstage pass here. Enjoy!

book Many of my students want to know how to squeeze writing into their busy workday, as it’s very difficult to find the time to work on a book while working full-time. So, I want to share how I have done this and what I have found to be the most effective process.

My initial method was chaotic
When I was writing The Client Attraction Home Study System, my business was booming and I was pregnant at the time. Obviously, I had a lot on my plate. Because of everything else going on, I initially tried to write here and there when I could fit it into my schedule. Unfortunately, this was not the best process for me, as I discovered that too much time between writing sessions made me unproductive when I did sit down to write.

Whenever I would find time to get back into things, I found myself wasting precious moments (and sometimes hours) rereading my previous words in an effort to pick up where I left off. I grew frustrated with my inability to jump back in and was tired of having to constantly re-familiarize myself with my voice and the ideas that I was trying to convey. I quickly realized that this system was not only not working, but it was truly a waste of my time.

Establish a writing schedule
Once I realized that my “write when you can” method was not working, I decided to try a more regimented schedule. I committed to writing on a regular basis, so I wrote every Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30.a.m. I would leave my office so there were fewer distractions and interruptions, and go to Starbucks or a local diner. I chose places that were welcoming of customers with laptops (hello, free WiFi!), and where I could have a cup of tea and comfortably type on my laptop for a few hours. Every day, for those three hours, I forced myself to write.

Usually the first twenty to forty-five minutes were slow and uninspired. I would procrastinate by checking my email and catching up on the news. But once I finally settled in and felt caught up on where I was when I last wrote, I was able to dedicate myself completely to my work. With no distractions or thoughts looming over my head, I was able to produce quality content at an amazing rate. Plus, I still had the whole day ahead of me and did not have to worry about my writing interfering with my day-to-day work.

Take time off
Eventually, I decided to take two weeks off and make writing the book my sole focus. Without the distractions of work, I was able to get my writing finished in no time. While it was the best choice for me at the time, as I was under a deadline, I understand that taking time off is not a luxury everyone can afford. However, if you can make it work, it’s definitely an option worth considering.

Determine your best time of day to write
For me, I happened to write best early in the morning, but everyone is different. You’ll need to figure out the time that works best for you. I recommend trying different blocks of time in the morning, afternoon or late at night in order to discover when your creative juices flow easily.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do you have a writing project that‘s been on the back burner for a while? Dust it off and schedule blocks of time for writing. Give yourself a deadline to finish. That’s really important. If you don’t have a deadline, then there is no reason to focus on the project, stick to your schedule or feel the pressure to complete it. Make it real and give yourself a timeline. Think how happy you’ll be when the project is done! Happy writing.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

shutterstock_168161747Rebranding your business is a very big step and sometimes it’s a little scary. You’ve made a name for yourself in one area and that has taken time, money and plenty of blood, sweat and tears. You’re invested in your core story and the services that fit with it.

Yet, new ideas come to you that you want to try. You are getting feedback from clients that they want help with this new area of business. What do you do? How do you know when it’s time to rebrand?

There is no question this is a difficult decision. Even if you listen to your inner guidance, you might feel uncertain about how to go about this. I’ve been in your shoes and will tell you how I handled this shift myself.

For years I focused only on Client Attraction. While I used a number of attraction techniques that improved my mindset to grow my business, I didn’t share that in my marketing materials or even at my events. Then, one of my friends challenged me and said I should tell my clients I use these methods and start incorporating them into my work.

I was very concerned, and to be really honest, terrified of how people on my list would react. Would they think I was unprofessional? Would they think I went off the deep end?

Rather than taking the plunge and just moving into this new area cold, I decided to test the waters first. I offered a teleclass to my list and said something such as, “I’m doing a teleclass for something I’ve never shared before. Please come if this makes sense to you. It’s called ‘How to Manifest All the Clients You Need’ and I’m not going to be talking about marketing.”

How surprised was I when this was the most attended teleclass I had ever held at that point? The success gave me a lot of validation and strong confirmation, because the people on my list signed up like crazy. Plus, I got great feedback from clients who told me this was the best class they had ever been too.

That’s when I knew rebranding to incorporate mindset was the right way to go. The experiment showed me that my list was not only open to the mindset and attraction material, but was actually hungry for it.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Taking the step to test the waters before rebranding is a smart business move for several reasons.

  • You will know if your list is interested in a new offering or direction.
  • You can “play” with the messaging until you get it right.
  • You’ll get feedback about the product or service so you can tweak that too.

There is no hurry to rebrand. Do your homework to be sure the time and money you invest in a new direction will go over well with your market so you can continue to grow your business.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

the-3-step-process-for-making-big-business-decisionsSometimes, we all have trouble making decisions in our business. You might struggle with what project to work on, how to market an event or who to hire. As a business owner, you are faced with countless decisions and loads of options on a daily basis.

For the bigger decisions, it can help to follow a method so you know you are making the best choice possible. This simple 3-step process will help you with any business decision so you can approach your choices with greater confidence.

1. Get the facts. Before making any decision, you need the facts. Get all your information together. You may need to do some research and ask a lot of questions. To decide what is best, pull the details together in one place so you have it all in front of you. Everyone in my office knows if they want me to make a decision, they have to present me with the facts first.

2. Ask others about their experience. Let’s say you want to try a new marketing tool like Facebook advertising or Living Social coupons. See if you know anyone who has used the method to find out about their experience. Get their feedback by asking questions like:

• Did you get the results you expected?
• Were you happy?
• What didn’t work?
• What surprised you?
• What would you do differently next time?

You can gain a lot of insight by talking to people – factor that into your decision. Learning from the mistakes or successes of others can save you a lot of time, money and aggravation.

3. Check in with your intuition. Sometimes everyone will tell you to take a particular step, but your gut instinct tells you something different. You’ve got to learn to trust your intuition. For example, if you get all the facts and then hear mixed reviews from people who have tried what you are thinking about doing, the next step is to check in with your own intuition. Pay attention to what feels right to you.

There are times when you just know something is the right way to go. I believe it’s important to honor those inklings and your inner knowingness. I have done this myself over the years and have found that it’s very important.

There may also be times when all signs point to taking a specific action and your gut is screaming, “No don’t do it!” Be sure to listen to those kinds of messages as well. If you need to double check, ask yourself if this is just fear holding you back.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
The next time you have a significant decision to make, take time to go through this step-by-step process. You may want to create a chart and write all the pertinent details in one document. Enter all the facts, plus the feedback you gather. Then, finish by jotting down your intuitive insights. Now you are empowered to make the best decision possible for your business.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
