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steps-in-proprietary-systemOccasionally I meet business owners who are not only great at what they do, but very fast as well. Their proprietary system gets to the heart of the matter super quickly and provides solutions in just a few sessions. This amazing efficiency has good and not-so-good aspects to it. If this describes how you do business, you could be not only short changing your clients by not providing enough access to you, but you could also be limiting your income.

Even though fast action might seem like a strength, a more thorough approach could serve you and your clients better for several reasons.

1. It takes time to implement your recommendations. When there are several changes to be made, it can be best to do them one at a time, rather than jumping in with both feet and doing everything all at once. That can be very disruptive to the client’s life or business.

2. People need time to adjust to changes. Once implemented, it takes people time to adjust to a new system. Getting used to a new way of doing things doesn’t happen overnight – it takes time to learn how things work and get comfortable.

3. New issues can crop up that were unforeseen. As clients begin to implement your proprietary system and work toward their goals, there can be a few bumps in the road. You want to be there for them as they continue the transition and handle issues.

4. Allow your clients time to do things right the first time. Another reason it makes sense to implement a new system one step at a time is to keep from making mistakes that stem from rushing. Making changes after the process has started, takes more time and can be more costly than doing things right from the first time around.

5. More access to you creates more income. I’m not suggesting you drag out the process within your proprietary system just so you can make more money. But, the outcome is more support for your clients, better results and more income for you all at the same time.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Take a look at your proprietary system. Do you have enough steps to logically take a client through your process? Do they get enough time to work through everything and still have access to you while implementing the changes? If not, then consider adding a couple of steps to ensure clients get the support they need from you for success.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction  System® gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

Let’s be honest… Most entrepreneurs don’t have a great marketing plan—or any plan at all. Mostly, they hide behind their computers hoping for the best. Not on my watch! It’s time to get you out there in a much bigger way.

If you’re familiar with my teachings, you know that I often talk about the importance of your Marketing Pie, a term I coined. Imagine a pie with 8 slices. Each slice of the pie is something you do to either find clients already gathered for you, or pull them toward you in large numbers and inexpensively. This is something I share with my students of The Client Attraction Business School.

One of the best marketing strategies is to get out and meet potential clients through in-person networking. (Click here to tweet this.)

When you create your own marketing pie for your business, you craft a real PLAN for your marketing that allows you to get your message out. One big, delicious slice of that pie is for NETWORKING!

In the coming months, I’d like you to take a no excuses approach and become a permanent fixture at all events where your ideal prospects and referral sources hang out. Identify where you can spend time with them in large numbers and inexpensively. I’m challenging you to stretch outside of your comfort zone, get out from behind your computer and get out there!

Watch this week’s video for my three strategies to get you started.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Your assignment for this week is to accept my challenge and start scheduling your spring and summer networking events. Get excited about it. When done right and on a consistent basis, networking will get you clients quickly. Years ago, I filled both of my private practices in less than a year each, and one of the slices of the marketing pie I focused on heavily was networking.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

One of the marketing strategies that Fabienne and I teach many of our clients and students is the concept of using a product launch to help sell more of their products and services. It’s an essential strategy for getting your product out to the masses.

More specifically – we teach them exactly how to use the technology and tools that are available to achieve maximum sales when it comes time to get their product out there for sale. By product I’m referring to any program, service, event, etc. Really, anything that you want to sell to your network.

Use a compelling and authentic teleseminar to launch your product out to the masses. (Click here to tweet this).

Why? Well, imagine this. You’ve spent all this time and effort to create this amazing product with all the value and benefits you know your prospects need and want – including extra bonuses and goodies – and you post it to your website under the shopping cart – and then you expect the orders to flood in. But they don’t, do they?

Instead you hear crickets… So you decide to email your list about it and you just say, “Go buy my new product. It’s all great and here’s what it’ll do for you and more…” Maybe you get one sale? Or a few sales? And more crickets…

It’s because you don’t have a launch! A launch is an essential vehicle to get the word out about your offer. It creates excitement and buzz in the marketplace where people are excited and interested in what you have to offer. In addition, when done correctly, using the teleseminar approach – you can create heightened motivation to the point where many, many prospects are excited to purchase your product! Doesn’t that sound better than… crickets?

Watch this week’s video for my 3 simple strategies on how to use teleseminars to launch your product for maximum sales.  You’ll then be able to map out your launch, pick a date and start promoting!


Your Client Attraction Assignment

Ask yourself: how can I use a tele-seminar product launch for selling more products, programs or signing on more clients? Then, following the 3 steps I’ve shared with you, map it out, pick a date and start promoting it!

BlogImage4-26-tmAs entrepreneurs, we move quickly in business. We make decisions more quickly than most. We are spontaneous and we have the technology at our fingertips to assist us even further.

But there are times in life and business, when we need to take a step back, slow down and think it through more carefully than usual, especially during those rare times of national, even global crisis. For us as a company, that has happened twice in late 2012 with two tragedies that hit very close to home here in Connecticut, where is headquartered.

Six new guidelines to doing business with dignity, integrity and respect during times of tragedy. (Click here to tweet this.)

Both times—first during Hurricane Sandy (one of the most severe storms to ever hit the East Coast) then again during the Newtown school shootings, our nation experienced deep heartbreak as we watched our neighbors endure severe loss. And both times over that short span of two months, we as a small company with clients to serve, employees to support and year-end goals to meet, were in the middle of a major business launch.

Did we do everything right as a company in response to the tragedies? No. But we’re learning and applying what we’ve learned to our Best Practices so that as a company we can continue to get better at what we do, continue to improve our service to our customers and clients, and to always, always put people first.

Watch this week’s important video for my six new guidelines to doing business with dignity, integrity and respect during times of tragedy.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Take some time to evaluate how you do business during times of crisis—what worked and what didn’t in the past? Use my six guidelines to help you prepare your own checklist. My advice is to do this in advance…before you ever need it.  My team and I would like to extend our sympathies to the city of Boston and to all those who were affected by this recent tragedy. I hope these strategies will help you do business with more authenticity, integrity and love.

checklistIt’s not always easy for solo-entrepreneurs and small business owners to attract more clients, quickly and consistently. These tips will help.

Some you’re doing, some you’re not, but they all work. The key is to slowly and systematically add these to the way you market yourself and you’ll get results. Start today, and do one at a time.

  • Come from a Full Practice Mentality
  • Follow up with all prospects in less than 48 hours
  • Define your ideal client very specifically
  • Write out your Unique Selling Propositions
  • Write out what separates you from competition
  • Craft and memorize an elevator speech
  • Join a breakfast networking group
  • Start doing your own workshops
  • Get hired for speaking engagements
  • Have a Client Attractive business card that gets you business
  • Create a website that excites prospects
  • Create a one-sheet flyer or brochure
  • Referrals – educate, nurture, ask, reward
  • Give clients birthday gifts
  • Always add extra value
  • Niche your practice
  • Master the “money conversation”
  • Have a rate sheet
  • Offer several programs
  • Figure out the hours you want to work
  • Cluster your client appointments to make time for your marketing
  • Get clear on where your best clients have come from
  • Don’t be a secret; get out there
  • Focus on your top 5 or 10 clients for referrals
  • Don’t ever discount
  • Take the edge off by offering a guarantee
  • Use technology to get clients while you sleep
  • Keep a Warm Prospects List for easy follow up
  • Don’t be needy for clients (keep your day job if you need to)
  • Educate your environment with an introduction letter
  • Ask personal advocates for referrals
  • Communicate what a GOOD lead for you is
  • Communicate what a BAD lead for you is
  • Talk about benefits and results, not features!
  • Set up incentives for referrals
  • Get testimonials from your raving fans
  • Raise your rates
  • Have a success partner
  • Get a really good marketing and business coach
  • Don’t sell: show how you solve problems and add value
  • FOCUS: a strong focus now creates different future later
  • Ask clients for measurable and tangible results in their goals
  • Make a list of centers of influence
  • Tell everyone what you do
  • Create strategic alliances
  • Make clients feel special
  • Strive for 100% referral based practice
  • Reward people for sending referrals
  • Do regular mailings/postcards
  • Set up your office for efficiency
  • Believe in yourself – write down why you’re really good at this
  • Get a personal board of directors
  • Have options for prospective clients to sample your product or services free of charge
  • Put your expertise on paper and sell it (people love information)
  • Strengthen your strengths by delegating
  • Use buzz words instead of long sentences
  • Set up scripts that work and memorize them
  • Bookend your follow up calls
  • Don’t make a prospect wrong if they don’t sign up
  • Write a book
  • Have open office hours one morning a week
  • Get on boards, get involved in community, be visible
  • Create a signature talk you’re known for
  • Collect names religiously
  • Use a database management system
  • Create an idea book so you can focus on 2 or 3 things max
  • Create a Power Partners wheel
  • Walk your talk – make sure you’re using your own info or product
  • Use client case studies in sales conversations
  • Surround yourself with supporters, not nay-sayers
  • Priorities – work only on things that make money during 9a-5p
  • Celebrate your Wins – don’t take them for granted
  • Teach teleclasses
  • Ask for feedback, suggestions from top clients
  • Create an R&D team
  • Work with groups for more income
  • Do research on new targets and their critical needs
  • Become an expert in your field
  • Position yourself as a problem solver
  • Be a “bridger” – bridge people together
  • Reduce your fees if need be
  • Come up with clever 800 #
  • Brand yourself big time
  • Host a club or association in your industry
  • Write a newspaper column
  • Use your email signature as a Client Attraction tool
  • Host a special interest group
  • Spend extra time with your best clients
  • Have a marketing plan in place vs. doing things ad hoc
  • Get a professional logo
  • Seek out and get to know good networkers
  • Accept credit cards
  • Host brainstorming sessions with clients
  • Write 3 handwritten thank you notes per day
  • Do 5 lunches, breakfasts, coffees per week to spread the word
  • Have all the necessary business equipment
  • Make a list of organizations that need speakers
  • Launch a party for your business
  • Create programs rather than one-time sessions
  • Keep your materials simple – less is more
  • Set up 3 short term goals per month
  • Figure out how much to charge
  • Give 5-10% upfront discount for paying in advance for programs
  • Communicate what you do as if they’re 6 years old
  • Create a list of your credibility factors
  • List the best ways to easily and inexpensively reach ideal clients
  • Figure out what image you must have to make your target audience want to work with you
  • Write newsletters for associations of which you are a member
  • Have a list of speech topics ready to go
  • Be known for one thing
  • Create a call-to-action to make prospects eager to contact you
  • Describe your services in a way that prospects will say, “That’s exactly what I need!”
  • Make your services seem like an exclusive club; cherry-pick clients
  • Estimate with clients how long they would need to work with you
  • In the initial conversation, identify and eliminate obstacles – do this up front
  • Say your name slowly and distinctly
  • Use a tagline – make it easy for them to repeat
  • Practice closing the sale
  • Offer flat fee packages
  • Fake it ‘til you make it – don’t let perfection stop you
  • Break through a crowded market with something unusual
  • Continually check in with past clients or prospects
  • Check local newspaper for groups that meet on regular basis (city business journal)
  • Ask members of your current group what other groups they belong to
  • Create a vision for your business that really pulls you forward
  • Increase your confidence in networking by doing it more often
  • Give simple information/don’t inundate prospects
  • Create regular systems for Client Attraction – so you don’t have to think about it
  • Establish with clients that they are responsible for their results
  • Know when to gracefully say goodbye to a client
  • Set up Policies and Procedures
  • Set boundaries around missed appointments and uphold them
  • Define what’s holding your back from going forward and act on it
  • ‘Dollarize’ what it’s costing them not to move forward with you
  • Package what you know
  • Package what you offer
  • Package what you charge
  • Schedule important marketing tasks in your day planner
  • When speaking – be so passionate that you forget to be nervous
  • When speaking – give your very best material
  • Write conversationally
  • Create an ezine (e-newsletter)
  • Sit down with people one on one, friends, acquaintance, etc. This is where the sale happens
  • In networking, focus on building relationships, not getting clients
  • Become a referral partner for someone who shares your client
  • Make your voicemail outgoing message a Client Attractive one
  • Deal with procrastination (now, not later!)
  • Ask! Ask! Ask!
  • Write 5 articles on your expertise
  • Have a varied marketing plan
  • Be authentic in everything you do

Do you know ‘what’ to do but not ‘how’ to do it fast?  Go to www. today to order your FREE Audio CD entitled “How To Attract All The Clients You Need”

I often stand on my soapbox and tell you how massively important it is to put a majority of your focus on marketing if you want to be successful. But don’t get me wrong. You ALSO have to focus on your finances, if you want to become wealthy. In fact, it’s massively important that you set aside money, for taxes, and for your retirement. Thing is, you also want to take your family away on a vacation or buy yourself some beautiful things. (What’s the point otherwise?) ‘Dealing with money’ can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t understand what your options are, and what the consequences of your financial decisions could be. On this month’s Special Topic call, you’ll discover the common mistakes entrepreneurs make when managing their finances, simple ways to develop an investment game-plan (including a spending-and-saving plan) that works for you, and how to work with your trusted advisors: Advisors, Bookkeepers, Accountants, Attorneys and more. If you don’t have a game plan for this part of your business, and you want to be able to spend when you want, then do whatever you can to attend this high-content call!

This call is ONLY for Inner Circle members. Not a member yet? Join now to access this call with Fabienne’s FREE 2-month Client Attraction Inner CircleMembership trial (plus a small shipping/handling fee).

When you join, you get access to monthly Q&A calls with Fabienne AND well over 3 years worth of special topic audio, transcripts, forum posts and bonus calls with Fabienne each and every month.

Woohoooo! We did it! Derek, the kids and I are all settled into our fabulous new home. This is the one I’ve been dreaming about moving into for 5 years, admiring it every time I drove by it, and the one I set an intention to own years ago. The manifestation process we set forth all culminated last week! We hired movers to pack everything up, deliver it the next day, and unpack it all the following day. Then, a team of professionals was hired to put things where they needed to be, which was a great help. (Although, it’s not all done yet, we’re getting there.) Clients who’ve seen it have asked how we’re managing the upgrade, and our answer is that “soon, this too will become the ‘new normal‘.” For now, we’re reveling in the beauty and magnificence of our manifestation, and teaching our clients how to do the same in their marketing and in their personal lives.

While all this was going on, our Platinum Mastermind MM7 clients flew in from all over, and we met for 2.5 days to do great work, both business-wise and some moving personal shifts too. If you follow me on Twitter, you already know that they floored me by generating a combined $2.6 million in new business since JUNE, between the 14 of them. One client brought in $421,874 in 4 months. Pretty impressive, yes? We went celebrating that night with a wine and cooking celebration, which was a blast! You can see pictures of our super-fun outing on my Facebook page (including several clients dancing swing BEFORE dinner.) As I say, you must “Live Life Like You Mean It!” (Hope you had a great week too…)

What a whirlwind-y, fabulously awesome week last week! We kicked it off with our Gold Mastermind retreat, where my Gold clients flew in from all over the world (as far away as Japan, Dubai, Germany and the UK) to get strategies and mastermind about getting more clients and making a lot more this year and beyond. We topped it off with a ridiculously fun Halloween party (and Costume Contest). I have to tell you, I never in my wildest dreams imagined that they would put so much effort and creativity in the costumes. It was mind blowing! Although they were ALL fabulous, the clear winner was Campos from Hawaii, who came as a body-painted mermaid. Yes, she hired someone who spent two hours putting BODY PAINT on her (no clothes.) She’d set the intention that she was going to win, and boy, did she ever! Congratulations on winning the Grand Prize, Angelina!

(Clearly, this will become an annual tradition for our Gold retreats. I’ll post pictures of the entire Halloween party and Gold meeting on my FaceBook page. Enjoy!)

That same day, Gold Mastermind client Dawna Brown from Germany won the Implementation Contest by sharing with us everything she’d implemented since our last live meeting in June. The highlight? Dawna made more than $79,000 in just 4 months after implementing what she learned at the last Gold retreat. Way to go, Dawna!

And Friday was moving day for the Fredrickson family! While I spent the day strategizing with my new Sapphire Elite client Pauline Fleming here at our “workhouse”, the movers were busily transferring our belongings to our new FABULOUS house. I can’t tell you how much this means to me as I’ve had my eye on this house for 5 years and have been manifesting it ever since. A dream come true!

Our son Luc’s birthday happens to land in late July, when virtually all his friends are away on summer vacation – that happened to me too when I was young. So, we decided to invite all his friends for a big birthday party a month later at his favorite playground by the beach, including his classmates from last year’s class AND this year’s new classmates AND their siblings and parents. We decorated the big gazebo and picnic tables, had a ton of pizzas delivered, put out a gazillion juice boxes, set up my iPhone on the portable speakers to play a kids’ station on Pandora, and while the kids played on the swing set and playground under our watchful eyes, we adults chatted, laughed and sipped mimosas. Not a bad Saturday afternoon! (I love this picture. I’m a sucker for that smile of his, and he knows it.)

(I owe a big thanks to my personal assistant Kara for doing all the coordinating, all the shopping – especially for getting that scrumptious cake – and for being patient enough to put together 35 goodie bags. I wouldn’t have been able to do it otherwise! Oh, and to my husband Derek too, who cheerfully went back to get the cake I forgot in the fridge at home!)

Wooohoooo! It’s official. We’re moving to our new dream home in a couple of weeks. Since last year, I’ve been quietly manifesting the purchase of a very specific and absolutely gorgeous home, and I’m happy to say we manifested it, included the quick selling of our current home. I’m thrilled, and happy-nervous, as it’s a big upgrade. For me, it’s a humbling reminder that, with the right focus, belief, faith, action and positive expectation, you can create ANYTHING you want in your life. Anything. (That’s what I demonstrated so powerfully for the Mindset Retreat attendees last week in Miami.)

Speaking of creating what you want in your life, it’s time we get serious about growing your business. If you want to work with me directly to grow your business and get YOUR message out there in the world in a much bigger way, and multiply your income, now’s the time. (Seriously, if not now, when? There’s no time to waste.) So, just a quick mention that I’m currently accepting applications for my Mastermind groups and Private Coaching programs. You can still apply by going to the Client Attraction Winners Academy info page to watch videos, read about the different programs and download the application. Send it in to me and I’ll personally read it to help you determine which mentoring program will create the best results for you.

(By the way, I spoke to another client this morning who started working with me a year and half ago, who was making $150,000 back then, frustrated and unhappy, and who just crossed the million-dollar-mark in her business with my help. If you’re interested in similar results, fill out the application and let’s talk this week.)


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
