2015 - Page 2 of 10 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

I had a secret for many years that I refused to share, for fear of people thinking I’d lost my mind.

And I felt like a fraud because of it.

You see, I realized something.

I realized that marketing doesn’t work

Well, it doesn’t work… by itself.

If you want to grow a successful business, get more clients, make more money, experience true abundance and accomplish anything you want in your life, and I mean anything, you need 3 things.

Watch this week’s video to find out what those 3 things are:

So, here I was, running a successful business teaching entrepreneurs solely about good marketing (and yes, I’m a master teacher of all things that have to do with authentic and integrous marketing).

But deep down I knew that it wasn’t enough to make an entrepreneur experience a massive shift.

I knew that things like chaotic vibration were getting in the way.

And once I started sharing this with my clients, and teaching them what I now teach hundreds and hundreds of our students, they got exponential results in our Business School.

This week’s 5-minute video outlines what’s absolutely, positively, supercalifragilisticexpialidociously necessary for you to gain massive traction in your business and move to that next level.

Without it, you’ll stay where you are.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, OK? Please post a comment below.

With deep appreciation for who you are and the work you’re here to do.


We all need a little inspiration every now and then, even on a Tuesday, right?

Sometimes, just hearing a business transformation story from someone who’s gone from $700 a month to $10,000 a month in less than a year really allows us to see that anything is possible.

Meet the beautiful, talented, irresistibly charming Victoria Whitfield:

(Please forgive my rather very loud “woohooo-ing” at the 4:08 mark, but we were going crazy about her newfound results. And then be prepared to tear up, as I did, starting at 5:03.)

In this 7-minute inspirational video, Victoria will lovingly pull you into your future by showing you how she quickly ramped up her business and changed her life for the better, in just one year…

…and how you can, too, doing what she did.

Her sweet laugh and warmth are infectious in the best possible way, and I hope this gives you what you need today.

With love,

p.s. In fact, feel free watch that video as often as you need to so you can feel ready to step into your future more confidently and join us in CABS (The Client Attraction Business School™) like Victoria did. Curious about what’s possible when you do? Go here to watch more videos and schedule a call with one of our loving Strategy Coaches to map out your next 12 months and see how we can help.

p.p.s. Will you be on the panel next year sharing your own success story? You can be. Join us here first. xoxo

I recently spoke with a new student about his business. Prior to joining our Business School, John experienced a tremendous decrease in revenue.

Despite putting his best face forward, he was stressed and not taking a salary.

He was worried – as anyone would be – about how to rebuild and get his cash flow back to where it used to be.

After listening to him and learning more about his business, I realized that his cash flow situation is actually really common among entrepreneurs at all levels, one that most business owners and entrepreneurs have dealt with at one time or another.

How do you increase your cash flow now?? Today I’d like to share with you John’s story and the solution I gave him to inject a business with cash, now. Here it is:

There are many reasons for a reduction in cash. John’s revenue decreased because he, for lack of a better term, had put all of his eggs in one basket by putting his major focus on just one big client. And when that happens, when one of your clients provides you with the bulk of your business’ income, losing them, or having them greatly reduce their contract, means trouble.

For some, it can even mean crisis.

Unless, you have a plan!

In today’s short five-minute video, I show you how to quickly recoup your cash flow, no matter if you’re making $8,000, $80,000 or $800,000 a year.

Once you’ve watched the video, my question for you today is: what will you do more of that worked to initially land your best clients and what will you stop doing right now to make room for increasing your cash flow?

I can’t wait to read your comments below.

Sending you lots of love,

P.S. Didn’t want to say goodbye for today without thanking you for all the well wishes on my TEDx Talk last week! I was overwhelmed with your love and support. The video of my 18-minute session on Activating Your Potential for Greatness isn’t up on TED.com yet, but I promise to let you know the minute it is! Enjoy and have a great weekend! In the meantime, you can watch this video to help you get ahead in reaching your business potential.You rock. xoxo

11-10 smallAre you feeling the pressure to send out your company newsletter more frequently? Many of our students feel the need to push themselves into a biweekly or even weekly regimen. While there is no question that keeping in touch with your community is really smart marketing, your newsletters shouldn’t completely monopolize your time.

The good news is that – especially for new businesses – you don’t need to pump out a ton of content in a short amount of time. In fact, slowly increasing the frequency of your newsletter is a better approach. The last thing you want in your attempt to build relationships with prospects is to overwhelm them suddenly with tons of emails.

Instead, feel free to move slowly and go step-by-step. For example, if right now you only send out about six newsletters per year, try pushing that number up to twelve per year, or once a month. Or, if your newsletter is monthly, go for every other week. This gives you a chance to slowly work up to greater frequency, while still sending at a level you can maintain.

From my experience, I’ve seen too many people jump aggressively to a weekly newsletter and then back away because it’s too much of a challenge. Oftentimes, it can be difficult for new business owners to think of new topics to write about, and if they take on too much too quickly, they can burn out.

A great way to get going on your newsletter initially is to come up with a format that feels realistic. Perhaps you provide a technique or strategy for the first email of the month and share a client success story for the next. I recommend coming up with your own editorial calendar. Planning out the topics for three months at a time actually is a huge time saver in the long run. It helps to plan out your content.

Once the bi-weekly newsletter is going like clockwork, then you can move to a weekly publication. You may find that between the editorial calendar and choosing a good format, the newsletter becomes a breeze. Just know you don’t need to move to weekly emails unless you feel you can handle the increase comfortably.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

When was the last time you looked at your newsletter strategically? It makes sense to freshen up your newsletter every so often. You might need a new design or to rethink the content. Lastly, do you offer a special or use a call to action that encourages readers to contact you? Don’t miss out on prompting people to buy or hire you while you are sharing your amazing knowledge.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here

At the risk of sounding like a get-rich-quick scheme (yuck!) I am writing you today to let you know that you can indeed afford anything you want.

Meaning, there is money in your life – right now – that you don’t know exists.

Or rather, there is POTENTIAL money in your life right now, in the form of opportunities that haven’t been actioned yet. And lots of it.


Yes, and this week’s video (straight from my recent Mindset Retreat) explains what I mean and how to find that money:

(Note: if you’re spiritual like I am, you’ll love the content starting at 4:04. And just a friendly heads-up that there’s a whispered expletive at around 6:06, just to spice things up a bit, courtesy of one of my dear students!) 🙂

Listen, I hear entrepreneurs (and just regular folks off the street too) tell me, almost daily, how they “can’t afford this” or “don’t have the money for that,” etc.

The reframe I have around this that has proven to be completely life-altering for tens of thousands of people so far is that if you change your beliefs, the money will be there.

Here’s what I mean:

If you stop saying, “I can’t afford it” and instead say, “HOW can I afford it?”, you will begin to activate your brain’s Reticular Activating System (basically, a part of your brain’s function that acts as a filter for what you’ve asked it to look for) and you will begin to FIND the money.

Every year at The Mindset Retreat™ and throughout our programs of The Client Attraction Business School™, I teach our students this powerful focusing strategy for finding at least 50 opportunities for new money waiting for you right now.

This is a practice that my husband Derek and I still use to this day. It’s crazy how it works every time someone uses it as instructed. I’m always (still) blown away.


Once you’ve watched the video, the question I’m excited for you to answer is:

What are 3 opportunities (out of the 50 you come up with) that you’ll implement this week for making more money right now?

I can’t wait to read your comment on the blog and cheer you on as you begin to implement this. I believe in you.

Sending you so much love,

p.s. Speaking of the Reticular Activating System… a big (personal) dream of mine is happening this week. What happens when you explore what’s possible beyond your limiting beliefs? Do you dare to push beyond what you’ve done before, to break out of your comfort zone and activate your potential for greatness? That’s what I’m talking about during my first TED Talk tomorrow.

My intention (as per my journal entry from this morning) is to “deliver a powerful, loving, life-changing message, beaming love the whole time, causing a shift in consciousness, for the highest good of all… Let my session be dangerous to a person’s sense that they are small and helpless and hopeless; to their feeling that they are alone and invisible; to any belief they have that they are somehow worthless, inadequate or bad; to any belief that they are too much or not enough. AND SO IT IS!” Thank you for your continued, loving support! I love you. 😉

shutterstock_160629524It goes without saying that networking is an amazing marketing method for building your business, which is why I encourage my students to join networking groups that meet regularly. Different groups meet weekly, monthly or even quarterly, which means there is a group out there that can work with every schedule. Through women’s groups, trade associations and local Chambers of Commerce, it is actually quite easy to find a networking group.

Another great way to make sure you are taking full advantage of networking is to seek out those individuals I personally like to refer to as “Centers of Influence” or COI. These Centers of Influence are the people who seem to know anyone and everyone – and they are great people to have as contacts.

Identifying your Centers of Influence will help you make connections to people who can power up your networking in ways you never imagined.

1. Identifying your COI

Whenever I speak of COIs, the number one question I get is: where can one find these amazing Centers of Influence?! The funny thing is that you likely have a COI in your life but you just don’t know it. So think of that friend you have who just knows everyone – and that person is your Center of Influence! If you don’t already have a COI in your life, the networking events and groups will help you identify one.

These COIs are master networkers who know droves of folks and can regularly refer you to the right people. Most COIs absolutely love to make connections and introductions. They like to provide referrals for when you need service or help. I call them natural “bridgers” because they get a thrill from bridging one person to another.

2. Meet with your COIs regularly

When you meet regularly with your Centers of Influence it will have a direct impact on growing your business, which is why it is important to meet with your COIs often. Making a point to stay in touch keeps you top-of-mind when they are out networking. Personally, I like to meet my COIs for lunch or a cup of coffee about once a month.

3. Getting referrals

Centers of Influence are one of the fastest paths to referrals. Even if you feel weird asking for referrals, just remember that your COIs really enjoy it. They feel awesome, valued, proud, confident and influential whenever they help their friends out. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship!

4. Reaching out to your COI

Because reaching out to others about networking is uncomfortable for some people, here is a sample email you could send: “Hi Jane. It’s been a long time since we’ve caught up. I’d love to hear what you are up to and also let you know what‘s new with me. How about meeting for coffee? My treat. When are you free?” I recommend coffee because that’s a lot cheaper than lunch or dinner.

You can reach out to COIs by phone, email, text or social media. If you want to connect with people outside your area, go virtual! You can Skype, FaceTime or try a Google Hangout. Be creative and find a way.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Right now, make a list of 10 influential people who could be your Centers of Influence. Don’t get hung up on how well you know them. Remember, they enjoy networking and connecting people. You can even list 10 people you’d like to meet because of their influence and connections. Then contact them this week and watch your business grow.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Have you ever been hesitant to do something to grow your business because of a past mistake or failure?

This is so much more common than you realize.

Recently, one of our students who owns a successful practice – we’ll call her Jennifer – expressed concern about growing her business to the next big level.

After digging a little deeper, I found out that she’d taken her practice to a much bigger size years ago, but saw it crashing down around her not too long after.

Why did the business collapse after such a massive growth spurt? A lack of systems and management that is required for this kind of fast growth.

This left Jennifer deflated and worried that she didn’t have what it takes to run a successful practice.

And because of it, frankly, she was really hesitant to attempt scaling her business again…

…until I took her through a transformational process I call The Groundhog Day Process™.

I shot this video to show you how to use this process to turn any failure or past mistake into a golden opportunity:

Here’s the deal…

To have the confidence to get things going again, it’s important that we learn from our mistakes, every single one of them.

In fact, I believe that there are NO mistakes when you use this Groundhog Day Process.

You see, when things don’t go the way we planned, we typically concentrate on the bad things.

But as we got to talking, Jennifer realized that there were so many things that she had done right, and if she concentrated on those things going forward (and remembered the things that didn’t work so well), then her business would succeed this time around, the right way.

Curious about how it works? This week’s 6-minute video takes you through my method for regaining entrepreneurial confidence and creating breakthroughs out of old breakdowns.

It’s really powerful.

And once you watch the video, my question for you today is:

What situation do you wish you could “Groundhog Day”? What priceless lessons have you learned from past mistakes that you can share with us?

Please share this with me in the comments and let’s start a conversation about this! I can’t wait to read your comments below.

Let’s grow your business the right way this time around!

Sending you big squeezy love,

P.S. Do you know of an entrepreneur who feels gun-shy about growing their business because of not-so-great-results in the past? Send them this blog and spread the love, ok? Thank you for being YOU. 😉

client leads Are you currently tracking prospects and how they find you online? If not, start now. I can’t emphasize enough how important this is for building your small business.

You need to know how prospects find you so you can turn up the dial on that marketing tactic,or maybe even start a new one altogether. Without knowing where your potential clients are coming from, it’s impossible for you to know what’s working and what isn’t when it comes to both your marketing strategy and your online presence.

Here are two tactics for tracking your marketing results and understanding what methods are working for you.

1. Create a lead log

Whenever you speak to a new prospect, whether by phone or email, make note of it. I suggest that students make what I call a “tracking log” for all potential new clients. This way, all of the information is in one place. There are a few different options for tracking logs, including: a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a table in Microsoft Word, using software like Infusionsoft or ACT (for the high tech people!) or even just a pen and paper. It doesn’t have to be fancy – it just needs to work.

Each time you get a new bite, consistently ask every caller (or emailer) how they found you. If they don’t remember specifics, make note of what they do recall. Perhaps they read an article on the web, stumbled onto your site while surfing or were referred to you by a friend. Even ask them what keywords they typed into Google, but just be careful not to push. You don’t want this to seem like an interrogation! With time, you will start to see patterns letting you know which marketing tools are the most productive. Then, concentrate on those techniques.

For example, if you discover that most of your new clients come from referrals, you might want to establish a referral program, such as offering an incentive to anyone who sends you a potential new client. Announce this in your networking groups and let your clients know as well that they will be rewarded when a new customer signs up.

2. Install Google Analytics

Make sure your website has Google Analytics installed. This is a free service that tracks your website’s statistics and analyzes traffic patterns and visitor behavior. With Google Analytics you can find out your most popular landing pages, which sites refer the most traffic to you and which keywords people use to find you when searching for answers to their problems. If you don’t know how to set this up or read the data, hire someone who does so you can benefit from the information.

Once you have a better idea of how your potential and existing clients are using your website, you’ll be able to further improve these areas to leverage them even more and improve your pages that under perform. Find out how many visitors return to your site and what percentage of people are new. All of these factors can contribute to improvements in your website and your online marketing, as well.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

What tracking system do you have in place to know which marketing tools are delivering the results you need? If you don’t have a system, it’s time to create one. It’s okay to start small! Once this becomes a solid habit, you can expand to gather more details. Then be sure to look at your results quarterly so you know where to focus your time and money.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Recently, a student of The Client Attraction Business School who runs a very successful interior design company told me that she was completely overwhelmed.

Despite the fact that she has a great team in place and effective systems, things weren’t getting done fast enough.

After a few clarifying questions, it became clear that she was actually the one getting in the way.

Even though she wanted things to be moving faster, she was the one slowing things down by being too involved in her business.

Because so many entrepreneurs are overwhelmed, even when they’re successful, I recorded a video to help you navigate these waters:

To get yourself out of being involved with everything (and able to focus on the big things!) you’ll need to do less, better.

In this week’s short 5-minute video, I’ve outlined what you can do to get over the feeling of being over-involved.

After you’ve watched the video, understanding that to accomplish more, you have to do less, better, please let me know in the comments section:

If you could focus on just one project to significantly move your business forward, at the exclusion of all other projects, what would that one project be?

Is it writing a book? Bringing on a team? Scaling your existing business models? Systematizing your entire business? I’d like to know… Please leave your answers in the comments section of the blog and I will see you there!

Sending you lots of love,

P.S. We just had the pleasure of welcoming a new class of students into The Client Attraction Business School after the Mindset Retreat event! Just want to give them a shout-out because they are truly awesome and ready for BIG things.

If you’re ever interested in learning more about our Business School, you can click here to easily schedule a free Strategy Call with one of our caring Strategy Coaches, to map out your next 12 months. We’re here to help. 🙂

shutterstock_260177000I’m thrilled to introduce you to one of our standout coaches of The Client Attraction Business School™, Jen Levitz, The Strategic Automation and Marketing Consultant for Automate With Love. Please welcome Jen as a guest contributor to the Client Attraction blog. As always, we’d love to hear your feedback. Please post your comments and questions below. ~ Fabienne. Connect with Jen on Facebook here.

When it comes to marketing automation, the first big question is usually: “What system should I use? MailChimp or AWeber, GetResponse or ActiveCampaign, Ontraport or InfusionSoft?” The truth is that if you’re focusing on the technology, you aren’t focusing on the right thing. You see, the technology is just a tool to help you get a specific task done.

Here is what I’d like you to do instead. Think of your automated marketing system as the first employee you are going hire for your business. The job title is going to be “Director of Customer Relationships.”

Now before you hire someone – and even before you start to interview candidates – you’ll need to figure out what exactly this role entails in your business.  And ideally, you’ll look at what your business needs now and what it will need in the next 12-24 months.

You see, just like a real person in your office, your automation system is going to need some training in order to be able to do the job you want it do. And if you are going to be investing resources in training, your candidates should be able to handle your business as it grows.

One of the best tools for this process is to create a flowchart that will map out your current customer experience. This will allow you to follow the flow of an ideal client from when they join your email list all the way through when they buy a product.

Everything you do to serve your ideal client should be on this flowchart or map. This includes phone calls, emails or even manual tasks like sending a gift once they hit week 4 of your program.  A side benefit of a super detailed map is that you can see where you can improve in order to create even more sales and build even better relationships with customers.

What also happens in this process is that you discover the features of the software that you need to have in order to successfully automate your client experience.  Because you will know what you need, you will feel empowered as you interview different software companies.

So you see, the brand of software that you use for your marketing automation is really not as important as first knowing what you want to do with it.

Your Automation Assignment

Have you mapped out your client experience yet? Make a flowchart or map so you can start identifying opportunities for better sales and ways to build better relationships with customers.  Also note that your customer experience map isn’t static. It’s dynamic and changes over time. This means that it will need to be changed and updated from time to time.

Jen Levitz is a Strategic Automation & Marketing Consultant and founder of Automate With Love. Through her workshops, courses, speeches, and coaching programs, Jen helps her clients to effectively use technology to build strong client relationships and sustainably grow their businesses. She integrates and optimizes technology systems so that rapidly growing businesses can launch successful marketing endeavors throughout the globe. To hear more from Jen and learn how to serve more clients, make more money, work less hours, and have more fun, visit: www.AutomateWithLove.com


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