January 2014 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

BlogPost13Social media: it’s all the buzz lately in the world of online and Internet marketing. Perhaps if you’re anything like me, it can be a little bit overwhelming.

It seems like every few months there is some new social media network or tool available. First it was Facebook, then Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube…the list goes on and on.

How are you using Twitter as a resource for networking and connecting with the right prospects? (Click here to tweet this.)

Today I want to talk to you about Twitter. Let’s get you started so you can use this social media site to take your Client Attraction to the next level.

Here’s why you can’t discount Twitter: their IPO just generated billions of dollars in value so it’s clearly not to be ignored. It is a very powerful marketing tool that I personally have used for years here at Client Attraction to generate not only more subscribers to our email list, but attract more ideal and high-paying clients, more high-quality and paid speaking gigs and strategic alliances that have turned into lucrative business ventures time and time again.

Before you try to tackle the “Twitterverse” on your own, let me give you some guidance so you can make the most out of this amazing networking and marketing resource.


Your Client Attraction Assignment

Are you on Twitter yet? If not, you can follow my simple steps here to get started with your account. Trust me—this is easy and only takes a few minutes. If you’re on Twitter already, make sure you check that you have all the right elements in place with your account: profile picture, bio with description, link to your website and a branded Twitter background if you’d like.

I’ll see you on Twitter at @DerekFred. Until next time, Happy Client Attraction!


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