March 2012 - Page 3 of 3 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

If you want to grow your business, hands-down, you need an assistant. And by “grow,” I really mean “make more money.” Oh, I know what you’re thinking! “I don’t make enough money to hire an assistant yet. That’s just not something that I can do right now.”

I know you’re thinking this because I thought the same thing too, at first. I resisted working with a Virtual Assistant (VA) for over a year. Then I tried it because I didn’t have any other choice. I was so busy working on client projects and actually seeing clients that I didn’t have time to market my business.

But once I hired a VA, I nearly doubled my revenues. I finally had time to work on getting more clients and taking care of the aspects of the business that actually MAKE me money.

Here’s the deal about Virtual Assistance. You can have someone work for YOU out of their OWN office, on their OWN computer on YOUR stuff, at a drastic fraction of what it would cost you to hire an assistant full time, or even a part-time college student. Here’s why: VA’s are highly experienced professionals who have been executive assistants in corporations and have chosen to go out on their own and work from home (can you blame them?)

They work with several clients at the same time and have an hourly rate. The best part is they only charge you for the actual time worked, keeping track of the time they spend on your work. Which means that, if they only spend 64 minutes working on a project for you, then they pro-rate the hourly rate to just those 64 minutes and that’s all you pay.

Because they are highly experienced and own their own businesses, you can expect a much higher level of quality than you would with a student who generally doesn’t have any experience in the business world. Because of this, VA’s often become PARTNERS in the growth of your business, rather than simply someone you delegate work to.

They care, and it’s in their best interest that you grow your business. The more successful YOU are, the more work you’ll be giving THEM (win-win situation). So, it’s almost like they’re INVESTED in your success…

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Isn’t it time you thought about focusing on what matters most (the money-producing part of your business) and start to delegate the other details to a real professional?

Start writing down the things you want to start delegating and what your business goals are. You can also do a search on for “Virtual Assistant” and you will get leads for different organizations. Once you start collaborating with an eager-to-take-stuff-off-your-desk professional, you’ll start seeing results soon thereafter.

I hear this a lot: You may not be sure how to use ALL the time you’ll gain once you hire a VA. My advice? Marketing! But many solo-entrepreneurs aren’t sure what to focus on first: ezine? Teleseminars? Talks? Networking? articles? No worries, I was there once too. The step-by-step Client Attraction Home Study System™ will show you everything you need to do first.

Follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

Video is getting hotter than ever and with good reason. This medium let’s people see who you are and leverages the Know Like and Trust Factor that helps people get comfortable with you.

But, where do you use video in your marketing and your website? Here are three ways to use video to help market your business.

1. Your Website’s Home Page

A video greeting that uses your elevator pitch is perfect for your home page. Introduce yourself and tell a little about who you are and what you do – but focus your video around the visitor and their needs. Easily wrap up by offering viewers irresistible Free Offer so you can capture their contact information.

2. Your Ezine

I send out a video blog every Friday with a variety of Client Attraction strategies. This is a longer video (about 5 minutes) delivering fresh content every week. People have different preferences for how they like to get their information. Some of your subscribers will prefer to read while others might enjoy watching video. This is a great way to stay top-of-mind and share a helpful tip your subscribers can put into action that week.

3.  Sales Pages on Your Website

Once your visitors make it to a sales page offering one of your programs, products or services, video works to build trust. Use the video to highlight the viewer’s problem or struggle and how you have the solution. Combined with well-written text that hits on the benefits of whatever you are offering, you now have strong marketing to help prospects make the decision to buy from you today.

4. Google loves video! When you use videos, the Google spiders will find them, which in turn positively impacts your search engine ranking.

 Your Client Attraction Assignment

Start thinking about video for your business! Many smart Phones have video cameras or get an inexpensive video camera. Give yourself permission to simply play with the process to get more comfortable with it. Initially, this can take some of the pressure off the process.

Next write a script or two and then shoot them! You can do this on your own and then edit out the beginning and end on Youtube which has its own free video editing software. Then post it to your website or paste it into your ezine!

If you’re ready to write your ezine more regularly but don’t know where you’ll fit it in your schedule,then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at


Words to live by and share with others. On these posts, I will share motivational and inspirational images that can help you in any part of your business or your life.

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You’ve got to get clear on your clients’ biggest issues. Why? Very simple—the more you know what your ideal clients are struggling with, the more you can position yourself as their problem solver.

Talking about your process or your results is really good when it comes to marketing but results are based on your clients’ biggest issues and struggles. I find that too many entrepreneurs skip over the fact-finding mission that is required to get to know exactly who your ideal client is, but especially what they struggle with the most.

So what I would like for you to work on this week is really getting to the core of what your ideal clients’ biggest problems are. What are they struggling with? What are the biggest obstacles in their way? What is keeping them from where they want to be?

When you know that, you can position yourself as the problem solver. You can create the solutions that they need the most and you can deliver the results that they’re waking up in the middle of the night wanting to find.

So the questions I have for you today are what are your clients’ biggest problems and obstacles? What are they most frustrated by? What is that one thing that they most want to figure out? And what would they ‘do anything’ and ‘pay anything’ to get? What is it that they would love to have in their life that they don’t have now?

You see, when you get clear on their biggest issues and what they want to work on the most—what they would do anything and pay anything to have—you are positioned in a way that makes them say, “My gosh, you’re exactly what I need. I’ve got to start working with you right away.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out in your business or ramping it up or looking to get more leverage because you already have a full practice. It’s time for you to get clearer on what your clients need so that you can clearly position yourself as the only one that they should be working with.

Your Video Assignment

Get clear on your clients’ issues. Drill down even deeper and don’t try to apply this in a way that appeals to too many people. We’re only talking about the person who is your ideal client. Do some fact finding. Think back to all your best clients and really look at the common denominators around what their biggest issues, obstacles and hot buttons are and focus on that in your marketing. Start weaving it into everything that you do and you will attract more clients, you will sell more products and you will build your list so much faster, which equals making more money in your business.

Many people who are trying to get a new business rolling, struggle with what needs to get done first. Some will say that establishing branding is the most important step, with the name and tagline all flushed out. Others will lean towards figuring out the content. I hear this question a lot from clients who are getting started and I can tell you that the experts don’t necessarily agree.

To be honest, the answer depends on whom you ask. If you ask the branding experts, they will be up in arms if you don’t nail down the name, feeling that branding should be the first order of business. But if you ask me, I am more of a content gal and feel that it’s better to know what you are offering and get that all worked out as your first priority. In my practice over the years, I find too many people get into perfection paralysis around their business name, their tagline, their website, and so on.

I’d rather see you get started now, rather than wait for the perfect branding. As an example, my company started out as Self-Employed Success, then it moved on to The Ideal LIfe and next was Rainmaker Coach . That lead me to where I am now with The branding has evolved as my business and material has evolved, becoming more encompassing of everything I offer.

If you can come up with something that’s good for now, that is what I’d go with. Just know that it will evolve  along with your whole marketing message over time. And that is totally acceptable and to be expected. Focus on coming up with your proprietary system and your content, which is how you will be earning your money.

Don’t get me wrong, I do believe branding is important, just not at the expense of holding off on getting started. Spend some time with your branding, but after a while, decide on something and start using it. The more you work with your new business format and model, the more evident the name will be. And it will likely change and grow over time as the work does.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Have you allowed branding perfectionism to keep you from getting started with your business? Here’s my suggestion if this has happened to you. Work on your branding to come up with one to three names that you like.

Next, talk to people about them to help you narrow them down. Pay attention to see if there are any patterns in the feedback. Sometimes you can get as many opinions as the people you ask, which might not be that helpful. Other times a favorite name will emerge.

Either way, don’t let too much time slip by before you select a name that works for now. Then get started building your business. Being of service is what it’s all about and you can’t do that if your progress is hindered by worrying about your branding.

If you’re ready to write your ezine more regularly but don’t know where you’ll fit it in your schedule,then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at


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