March 2012 - Page 2 of 3 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

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Today’s topic is about accepting change. If you want to get more clients, make more money, play a bigger game and leverage and multiply your business and breakthroughs, then that means something needs to change.

Here’s what I’ve learned in my life so far. We human beings are not wired for change. If you think about the body’s ability to keep its own temperature the same and the saline content in your blood the same and if you think about your pH level—it’s always about balance. It’s always about keeping the status quo.

So you’re wired to keep the status quo and to not change anything and then you also have this wanting to advance. As human beings we are also wired to want more –we want more luxury, more quality of life, more fun, more delicious food; whatever it is, we want more.

When you want more of anything, it requires a change. I want to share some tips with you today about accepting change in your business. The first one is understand that nothing is permanent—not in your life and not in your business. I want you to understand that sometimes it’s necessary for old things to leave and new things to come in. Accepting that nothing will ever be the same is the place to start.

I know that a lot of people resist change in their business. Maybe you’ve been going solo at it for a long time and you realize that perhaps bringing on a virtual assistant or a team member or somebody to delegate to is necessary for growth but you resist that because perhaps it’s a mindset thing or you have fears around it or belief systems. My second tip is to understand that if you want to grow you must let go of that resistance and understand that the way you did it before is not the way you will create growth in your business.

Or perhaps you’ve been running your business solo and you finally realize that to get to the next big level you need to have a mentor because you cannot do it on your own. A lot of times people have resistance around that or resistance around investing in themselves or charging more or leveraging or creating group programs as opposed to just one on one.

So I want you to really get that nothing is permanent and remember that whenever you’re changing something, there is a reason. There is a reason for change. Change does not occur for no reason. Change occurs so that you can get to a new level or create different results.

Tip number three around accepting change in your business is that we usually make a bigger deal about change than is necessary. A lot of times we are the bottleneck and there’s this mindset thing of, “Oh no, I can’t do that. That’s just going to change everything.”

What I’ve realized in my own life and in my experience of working directly with thousands of entrepreneurs at this point is the resistance to the change usually takes a lot more energy than just getting accustomed to the new way of doing things. For example, when I made the switch from PC to Mac, I thought, “Oh no, it’s going to take me months,” and I resisted it. It really only took me about a day. Or when I decided to change the type of work I was doing with clients, I fretted about it for months and months and then within a week all my worries were gone and the new way of doing things was just so much easier.

And guess what? With each change, I loved the new results.

Your Video Assignment

My question for you today is where are you resisting change in your business? You have goals. You know what you need to be doing, and yet how are you getting in our own way?

Where are you resisting change? Take some time to really think about these questions and write your answers out for clarity.


Are you struggling with picking a single niche and considering going for two (or more) targets? This is a common problem my clients come to me with. If you’ve read the Client Attraction Home Study System and have gone through the worksheets, you’ll see that I don’t recommend having more than one niche. Why? Because having one target audience to focus on makes everything that much simpler.

Think about it.

For example, at a networking event, you‘ll need to hand out two cards and that leaves people confused about where to put you and who you serve. Rather than make your life hard, I suggest you look at both niches and think about which one fits with who you are and connects to your passion.

Another way to look at this is if the niches are related. Let’s say you want to talk to 1) mothers who have teenage girls, regarding their relationships and 2) teenage girls. When reaching out to teenage girls, your target truly is still the mothers. If you look at it this way, you’ll want to market to mothers of teenage girls and talk about relationships. Then you can always offer something for their daughters without having to recreate an entire secondary marketing plan.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

If you are trying to decide between more than one niche, take the time to flush out the aspects of working with each one.

Which niche:

  • Do you feel a strong connection to?
  • Makes you smile?
  • Has plenty of prospects?
  • Has prospects you know how to find?
  • Has a problem you can relate to?
  • Is where you have the most experience?
  • Fits with your compelling story?
  • Can you get started working with right now?
  • Comes first, if they are related?
  • Can you commit to right now?

Re-evaluating your options in this way will help you get clear on which niche has the most to offer you and which is where you have the most to give.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

Speaking to groups and organizations is an effective way to generate leads for your business. The audience gets a firsthand experience with you and your topic. When you deliver a well-crafted speech, you can inspire, educate and create a strong desire for potential clients to work with you. Plus, you can add these prospects to your contact and ezine list (with their permission).

What my clients often ask me for is the most efficient way to contact meeting planners and program directors to get these speaking opportunities. While you can make a call or mail packages with your speaking topics and credentials, I don’t recommend this. Many meeting planners and program directors are overwhelmed with the amount of contacts that reach them in this manner.

Instead, I have found email to be the most efficient method to find speaking gigs. All it takes to start is a very brief email with one simple question, “Do you accept outside speakers?” My signature talk is called ____. If so, please let me know.”

The person you contacted might answer in four to five different ways:

  1. “No, we don’t accept outside speakers” No follow up is needed here.
  2. “Yes, we accept outside speakers, but we don’t pay.”
  3. “Yes, we accept outside speakers; tell me more.”
  4. “Yes, we accept outside speakers; what are your fees?”
  5. “Yes, we accept outside speakers, but we are booked until next year.”

By asking contacts this one simple question, you make It very easy for them to answer and begin a conversation. This is so much better than adding to their overwhelming list of correspondence and not hearing back from them. With your email, they don’t have to return your call or write a letter. They just hit reply and your single email question is handled.

What you’ll find with this formula is that you book speaking gigs very quickly with just two to three emails back and forth. Or someone will respond that she is interested and wants to speak on the phone. They might request your bio or other additional information and then you are good to go. Personally, I have found this method to be miraculous. It works really well.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

If you are looking for quality speaking gigs as a way to generate business leads, set aside time in your calendar to do some research. You are looking for program directors and meeting planners and their contact information. Create a list of people to contact. One you decide on your signature talk, then you can try the email script above and start booking the speaking jobs you want.

The lesson here is, it’s time to get over the hurdle and do what it takes to get to the next level.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

If you’re anything like me, you’re being bombarded with ezines and emails that continually try to sell you something. Sometimes a particular ezine even arrives on a daily basis, and truthfully, I sit there at my desk, wondering why I subscribe, so much so that I often unsubscribe just as fast as I sign up for them.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I strongly believe in marketing and promoting what you’ve got (with consistency and conviction) because it’s the answer to someone’s problem, and if you’ve been given a talent and a gift for helping others, you OWE it to them to let them know you’re out there.

But it’s HOW you promote that makes all the difference. I consider it a turn-off when I’m being sold to again and again, without getting much value otherwise. It just feels icky sometimes and, because I don’t have a lot of extra time in my day (who does?), I’d rather not get any additional stuff I can’t really use.

On the flip side, if I’m getting value and I find it helpful, then I’m OK with some promo here or there. Kinda like reading a magazine. If the articles are really good, then I don’t mind the ads (and often, the ads are something that I’m interested in.) But if there’s not much content or value, then I don’t want any of it, not the articles, and not the ads either.

I was on a group coaching call led by Thomas Leonard, founder of and a few years ago, and although I don’t remember the exact topic of the call, I remember one thing he said very distinctly:

To build a large network and attract lots of clients, you need to continually add value, just for the fun of it. However simple this statement (and the longer I’m in business, the more I realize that it’s the SIMPLE things that are the most powerful), it’s one that struck me like lightening and has stayed with me ever since.

Thomas was a MASTER of adding value. I remember him giving a LOT of information, so every time I got an email from him (an ezine or something else) I read it without fail, the WHOLE thing. And when he launched a product or service and promoted it, I read that too. That’s because he added value no matter what he did. He used to say, the more value you give, the more people want to “hang out” around you, the more they’ll follow your lead, the more they’ll recommend you.

His theory, as he stated once, was to offer lots of freebie stuff of value, just for the fun of it, to help others. This built him a HUGE network of people reading his ezines, going to his teleclasses, buying his products and reading his books, in just a short time—over 10,000 people at the time that he spoke about this.

The theory he shared with us was this:

FREEbie, FREEbie, FREEbie, fee, FREEbie, FREEbie, FREEbie, fee.

Because he was providing such fantastic no-charge content and value, people were naturally attracted to him and referred lots of others to him. When he offered something for a fee, people jumped on it. Their perception was probably similar to mine: if his FREEbie stuff is that good, his FEE stuff must be GREAT! And it always was.

Many people over the years told me they’re attracted to working with me because of the value and content that I’ve offered, without charging for it:

    • The 2-page checklist entitled “151 Ways to Attract All The Clients You Need,” which people receive when they subscribe to my ezine.
    • The weekly Client Attraction ezine with high content/high value assignments to get people started on attracting all the clients they need to fill their practice (the one you’re reading now).
    • The Client Attraction makeovers.
    • The recordings of calls.
    • The no-charge 60-minute teleclasses I lead entitled “How to attract ALL the clients you need.”
    • The articles on the website to help you get more clients.

Not only do all these freebies create a BUZZ amongst people who need new clients (a buzz generates lots of referrals), but they also helped me establish credibility a long time ago, so by the time people want to work with me, they already know how much value I will add during our one-on-one work.

You Client Attraction Assignment:

Start thinking of how you can add value, continually and in everything that you do, just for the fun of it. Based on the elements I use listed above, what can YOU start offering to your network, your clients, and at networking meetings? Make a list of them and then start doing them on a regular basis. Over a very short period of time, you’ll start getting a large following as well as clients and referrals, in a way you’ve never had before.

While you’re at it, start optimizing more of your marketing materials so they actually work to get you more clients.Follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
–Maya Angelou

Referrals. Everyone wants ‘em, but few are willing to ask for them for fear of seeming pushy, desperate or sleazy. If you ask self-employed individuals how they would ideally like to build their businesses, they would tell you ‘by word of mouth.’ Why? Because…

    • It’s an ongoing, renewable process.
    • You don’t have to spend money on advertising.
    • Referrals most often end up being high quality clients.
    • You don’t have to build trust from scratch; it’s built for you.
    • You don’t have to sell yourself (someone already did that).
    • They come to you already pre-sold and often ready to buy.

Can’t beat it. But why are referrals so elusive, so hard to come by sometimes? I think that most people just aren’t familiar with the idea that you can actually DO something to generate referrals, beyond waiting by the phone or asking your clients over and over again, sounding like a broken record. Personally, that’s not my favorite thing to do, so I leave that tactic for the sales sharks out there. That’s just not my style.

The good news is, I have found some really good, authentic, and comfortable techniques for generating referrals. I personally have a handful of systems in place with every client to ensure that they continue to think about sending referrals and they inevitably do. I then turn around and teach them to implement these same techniques with their own clients, so they too have referrals coming to them effortlessly.

Now, wait a minute, before you start thinking, “Does Fabienne really have a 100% referral-only practice?” the answer is ‘No, of course not.’ I still market regularly using my own marketing plan. It works for me, as opposed to me working for it. And if you’ve worked with me privately, been to my live seminars or purchased the home study manuals, you know that each slice of the marketing pie works systematically and consistently to get you clients.

And ONE of the pieces of the marketing pie is setting up this Referral System. There are half a dozen elements to it, but today, I want to focus on one of the most important referral-generating techniques, so you can get closer to the 100% referral practice too. Getting referrals from existing clients. It’s all about how you make your client FEEL.

Now, you’d think that every client who experiences great results from working with you will automatically send you clients. Not so. For some reason, there are some who do talk about you and refer clients to you, and some who won’t do it automatically. But I’ve found that if you treat a client really well, and genuinely make them feel good, they just become your ambassador and start telling others about you, like crazy.

But it’s got to be authentic. If you’re pretending to make a client feel good and they see through that, you’ve lost the trust you had with them. Instead, look at how you can make each point of contact with them something that they enjoy or remember.

Obviously, you want to add Incredible Value. When a client is getting more than they expected or are paying for, they will most likely refer others to you, often. My purpose in coaching is to have the client receive so much more value than they’re paying for that, 1) cannot afford NOT to work with me and, 2) they cannot help but tell others.

When you offer Incredible Value, clients are telling others about you mostly because people are asking THEM what they’re doing to get clients so quickly, and they end up talking about you and referring you to others.

But here’s the key. If you’ve made them feel really good too, clients become really proud of your relationship, and they’ll want to tell others about you even more. How do you make them proud of the relationship? My answer is with integrity, caring, and by going above and beyond just for the sheer fun of it.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

How does a client feel when they’re working with you? Like another notch on your belt, like your next mortgage payment, or like a cherished member of your inner circle?

    • Do you pick up the phone genuinely excited to talk to them?
    • Do you go out of your way to encourage them and make them feel good?
    • Do you send them little notes or tell them you believe in them?
    • Do you treat them like a friend and let them into your lives just a little bit?
    • Do you take a ruthlessly compassionate stand for their success?

These may seem like little things at first, but working on this alone will generate more referrals. And adding it to other simple referral systems in your own Client Attraction System™ will fill your practice FAST. Trust me, setting up these referral systems is much better than waking up in the middle of the night, sweating and turning, thinking, ‘How am I going to get clients?’ When you strive for a 100% referral practice, you stop waking up in the middle of the night and you start THRIVING.

That said, you can’t fill a practice FAST on referrals alone. It simply takes time. Follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

Words to live by and share with others. On these posts, I will share motivational and inspirational images that can help you in any part of your business or your life.

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Today I want to talk to you about content. There are so many reasons to offer high content, high value—not only in your marketing, but also in your offerings. One of the reasons is that there is a lot of fluff out there from your competitors.

You see, your prospects have choices and they’re being bombarded with so much information and a lot of it is fluff. A lot of it is not good enough and it doesn’t go really deep. I want you to start positioning yourself as the person who provides the highest value out there, even when you’re giving stuff away for free.

Let me share with you some examples. I offer my How to Attract All the Clients You Need free CD at It’s a full hour—and it’s 100% free. The shipping is free, the distribution, everything. I pay for it all and I send it to the far reaches of the world. Once I started offering it, I started attracting lots more clients and as a result started building my list very quickly. Why? Because the content was very good. Not only is this an Irresistible Free Offer, but the content was good.

Now Imagine if I’d sent this free CD, but it was a massive sales pitch with zero content or even just a little bit of content. What impression do you think I would make on people around the world who were interested in who I was and what I had to offer? Not much of an impression if there was no content in there! But I do the opposite and I welcome you to do the same. Give more content. Give more value, especially in your free stuff. Blow people away.

I want you to plant the seed in your prospect’s minds that, “Wow, if she or he is offering that much high content and high value in her or his FREE stuff, I can’t imagine how much more there is in the paid stuff.” They’re seeing the tip of the iceberg, knowing there’s just so much more underneath if they start working with you. When you give high content and high value, you become irresistible.

I want you to think about a time that you went to see a speaker. Let’s say it was a Tuesday night and you spent time away from your friends and family and you paid money or you schlepped to go see that speaker and you got pitched the whole time or there was so very little content that was applicable. You went home and you were probably like, “Wow, I just can’t believe it. I’ll never work with that person.” Conversely, imagine going to see a speaker who gave and gave above and beyond and you got so much value. Are you not so much more inclined to work with that person?

I know that I am because that person is generous and they have integrity and they have authenticity and they over deliver. I love hiring somebody like that.

Your Video Assignment

I want you to start thinking about where you can add more high value, high content. Can you add more high value in your ezine? What about your blog? What about articles or special reports that you’ve written that you’ve put on the internet? What about on a CD or an audio download? What about interviews? What about in your programs and workshops and seminars and videos?

Start delivering at least 10% more content—really actionable content.

What you’ll see is that people will be more inclined to work with you. They’re going to come out of the woodwork to work with you and they’re going to tell other people that they should work with you. That is how you fill your practice. Even if your practice is full and you’re looking to leverage your business, that is how you sell more products, fill more groups, and fill more events & programs. That’s how you make a lot more money leveraging yourself and your content.

There’s a question in my intake packet for new clients titled, “What is holding you back or slowing your progress?”, as it relates to attracting all the clients they need and having a full practice. Having worked with hundreds and hundreds of clients over the years, I’ve seen it all. Other than “no knowledge of marketing,” one thing seems to come up over and over again, and it happened again this week, with a brand new client.

The client answered this: “Sometimes, the ‘Little Voice’ inside me asks, ‘Who needs my program anyway? This is basic information that I offer. People already know this stuff!'” This is so common, but in most every case, this is absolutely not accurate.

I have to admit, in the past, I too have taken for granted what I already know and teach everyday and started questioning my value in the marketplace. For example, when I was teaching holistic nutrition years ago, I sometimes wondered why people were paying me (or WOULD pay me) to teach them about whole foods versus processed foods. To me, it was a no-brainer that brown rice was more healthful than white. But to a person who grew up on Twinkies, it was crucial that I explain it to them in detail, and then the shortcuts to fitting in those brand new foods into their busy life.

I would also question the value of the cooking classes I gave once a month to 15 or 20 people crammed in my living room. As I was stirring carrots and onions on my Coleman grill in the middle of my tiny apartment, I couldn’t help but think “Are these simple recipes REALLY of value to them?” (I’d been through serious Boot Camp at the French Culinary Institute, so this came naturally to me.) But they kept showing up, asking questions, and referring friends. Go figure!

Even in the early years of my business coaching practice, I sometimes wondered about my value. Clients asked me daily about the secrets of getting clients to call THEM and making a lot more mo-ney with smart marketing techniques and even smarter systems. For me, it was now ingrained and like second nature. I took for granted that I knew it, and because I’d been doing it for so long and knew that it worked, I thought everyone knew it too and that it was common sense.

On the contrary! What’s common knowledge for us, is a secret to someone else. Because we “bathe” in our information all day long, and for years, we start taking for granted what we know. We forget what we know is actually a secret many others would do anything and everything to discover. It becomes the answer to their most pressing problem. It becomes the solution others have been praying for. And that’s when they call us.

If you’re in this situation, you are probably OVER-estimating what everybody else knows. The more common what you teach is to YOU and the longer you do what it is you do, the more you tend to undervalue what you know.

The irony here, as I’ve discovered, is that the more we teach things to our clients in SIMPLE terms, the happier they are, the more referrals we get and the more we make. It’s not the convoluted teachings that people are looking for. It’s the practical and simple solutions.

The real shame about the whole undervaluing what you know is that as a result, you may be undercharging for what you offer. This is actually one of the major reasons why most people don’t have enough clients. Because they don’t see value in what they offer, they don’t charge enough, and there is therefore a low perception of value from the prospective client’s point of view. They then go somewhere else for the same exact information. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!

Some entrepreneurs even go so far as discounting their services, or offering a sliding scale, because of their lack of confidence and low perception of value in what they offer. In my book, discounting is a BIG no-no. Again, it portrays a devalued product or service and it’s NOT Client Attractive.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Notice that your clients came to YOU for the information you take for granted. Sometimes, they may even have known some of what you know, but didn’t have the discipline, accountability, resources or structure to do it on their own. Many of my clients KNOW how to attract other clients, they’re already somewhat successful, but they don’t have the discipline or accountability to do it consistently on their own. So we do it together. This is actually my favorite type of scenario, because these clients are very driven and since we’re not starting from scratch in the learning process, we move at warp speed.

Be confident in what you offer. Read your testimonials over and over until your confidence comes back.

See yourself as their problem solver. Charge accordingly and never discount your services. Ever.

If you’re not sure how much to charge or how to position your value in the marketplace, then it’s time to take action and invest in a step-by-step marketing system that will feel easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

You can have a business card that’s useless or one that gets you clients. Which do you want? Your business card should be considered a serious sales tool, something that someone will look at and get a very good idea not only at what you do, but what you can do for them.

If you’ve got just one chance to make an impression (in person or not) and you’ve got the space, use it well. Make sure people know what you do, really DO, when they read your business card. Give them a compelling reason to call you to talk about working together. Or perhaps you want them to visit your website or sign up for your ezine (e-mail newsletter). The idea is to get prospects in ACTION, just by using your card.

Here’s an example for you: I got a call from a prospect a while back, saying she was ready to work with me to help her attract new paying clients. She wanted to talk to me because she needed to see exactly how I worked and what my rates were. She had her credit card in hand and was ready to start.

The funny thing is, we’d never met. She wasn’t referred by any of my clients or colleagues. Instead, she had found my card in a doctor’s office close to 50 miles away. Now, I can ASSURE you I had never been to that doctor’s office and I hadn’t gone to that part of the state in over a year, but somehow my card found her and compelled her to want to work with me. That card probably cost me no more than 10 cents. Not bad for a return on investment on a marketing piece and the fact that I wasn’t even there in the first place!

OK, so what should you put on your business card to make it Client Attractive in a networking situation? It should obviously have your phone number(s), every way to reach you, and can even have a set of PULL marketing questions on the back that invite the reader of the card to consider working with you. It’s recommended that you add your tagline to the card. And use the back of it if you can!

My business card also prompts colleagues to refer potential clients to me even though we’d only met once at a workshop I’ve given or at a networking meeting. The information on the back allows the people holding the card to self-qualify or screen themselves as to whether or not they are an ideal client for me. It gives referral sources ways of describing what you do clearly and effectively when talking to others about you. It has an invitation to call, which can make all the difference between getting new clients from your card and not.

The objective should be to have a business card that has your ideal prospect say, “Wow! I need you!”when they’ve read your card. The key is to keep it legible, but to have real Client Attractive information there, so that it works as part of your sales force, even when you’re not there to sell for yourself. (By the way, there’s also a copy of my own business card with all the text, front and back, in the Client Attraction Home Study System™. Why reinvent the wheel when you can model what I have on my own card?)

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Ask yourself: What does my business card say to my prospects? How do I differentiate myself from all of my competitors with my business card alone? Am I actually attracting new business because of it? Is there a call to action, an invitation to do something specific, a compelling offer, or a point of differentiation that makes me stand out?

Also ask yourself: What are people I network with REALLY doing with my business card once they go home from where they met me? Is it going in the circular file (i.e., the garbage) because they can’t tell what I really do for a living and what I can do for them?

Business cards are an underestimated marketing tool, one that you will use most often to get new business. Instead of using a basic (boring) card that’s essentially useless, it’s time to create one that gets clients to call YOU.

While you’re at it, start optimizing more of your marketing materials so they actually work to get you more clients.Follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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