January 2012 - Page 2 of 3 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Are you tired of talking to prospects who give you a “glazed-over” look? That reaction can be a signal you are not clear on who is your ideal target audience. Determining a specific target group of potential clients will not only make your marketing easier, it will also help you close sales more quickly and easily.

A lot of small business owners avoid defining a target audience. They worry that narrowing the field will also narrow the amount of money they make. But this is absolutely not true. In fact, the opposite is actually what works. When you have a specific target, versus working with everyone, it’s so much easier to get new customers.

How can that be possible? When your marketing is very clear and targeted, prospects strongly relate to your work and self-select which is priceless. They opt to work with you! Your marketing efforts literally PULL in clients, which makes obtaining new clients so much easier and more affordable too.

The trick is to get specific. I tell my clients to determine a group and specialize. Settling on who your ideal clients are does take some work to figure out. But that process is so worthwhile and will make your marketing efforts far more productive.

Step #1

Think about who are your best clients, both currently and from the past. Next, make a list and grade them (using the traditional school grading system of A, B, C, D, and F) on the following criteria:

  • Enjoy working with them
  • They need help badly
  • Feel working with you is essential
  • Can be easily identified and contacted
  • Will happily pay you without negotiating
  • Will get great results and write testimonials
  • Will tell others and refer clients to you

Step #2

Group all the A’s and B’s together and notice what they have in common. Think about what the biggest problems, obstacles and challenges that you can help them fix. What do they need right now to get out of their current situation and into a better one?

Step #3

Create a client profile so you know:

  • Who they are
  • What their issues tend to be
  • What they need most right now

Once you have completed this exercise to identify your client profile, you will be very clear on who is your target audience. Armed with this specific information, you now have the ability to go out and find them.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Carve time out of your busy schedule to identify your target audience. Go through all three steps carefully so you can discover who you can best serve and what they really need. This will help you create new products and programs that satisfy your ideal clients’ needs and make selling effortless.

Looking to ramp up your Client Attraction to get more ideal, high-paying clients – quickly and consistently? My Get More Clients Workshop is THE event where I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to get more clients and make more money in your small business so you too can live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve!

In this 3 day LIVE event I will personally reveal and show you exactly how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods – and actually create the marketing materials you need – so you always have a consistent stream of ideal, high-paying clients, a waiting list of prospects and can systematically and authentically close the sale virtually every time, so you never EVER worry about how to get ideal clients again. When you apply these strategies, you can bring in clients within a few days or weeks and generate an EXTRA $5,000 – $15,000+ a month to take your existing business to multiple five-figures, six figures, multiple six-figures and beyond, in record time. (It’s actually a really simple, and fun process when you’re shown exactly how.) The Get More Clients Workshop will show you how. Guaranteed.

Click here now to find out more and register TODAY for the Get More Clients Workshop.

Most entrepreneurs have NO idea how much they really need to be marketing in order to effectively and consistently attract more clients and make more money.

You need to be really clear on what you want to accomplish that will make you happy with your progress. A great exercise to start this is to ask the following question:

“If we were to meet again one year from now, how much would you have to have made in the previous 12 months (total) to be happy with your progress?”

Take it a step further: How much is that per month? (HINT: this will be your new monthly goal for how much money you want to make.)

Now, let’s get clear on where you are now.

What is the average dollar amount each client is worth to you each month? For example: If you offer 3 programs, one at $300 a month, one at $400 a month and one at $500 a month, the average would most likely be $400 a month.

Now, how many paying clients would it take for you to make that monthly dollar amount we just talked about?

Next we need to see how well you’re closing the sale to convert prospects into paying clients. Looking back and ‘guesstimating’ how often you close the sale, what’s that percentage? (If you have ‘closing the sale’ conversations with 10 prospects, how many paying clients do you actually close?)

OK, so if you close to sale, say, 50% of the time, and you need 5 new clients per month, then you’ll need to speak to 10 new prospects each month… (see how this is making sense?)

We all know that it’s difficult to attain a goal that’s unclear. So, for you, based on the numbers you worked out so far, how many prospects do you need to have a sales conversation with every month?

Based on this, would you have to do more marketing than you’re doing now?

Chances are the answer is yes. Most people are shocked when I tell them that in order to consistently have a full stream of ideal and high-paying clients – you need to be marketing several hours every day. Yes, several hours each and every day.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Do this exercise in its entirety and get really clear on where you are now in your business and where you want to be. Once you have a basis established of income per month and what the gap is to get there – we can begin to take a deep look into the marketing efforts you’re doing now and what is needed to step it up to get more clients  – fast.

Looking to ramp up your Client Attraction to get more ideal, high-paying clients – quickly and consistently? My Get More Clients Workshop is THE event where I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to get more clients and make more money in your small business so you too can live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve!

In this 3 day LIVE event I will personally reveal and show you exactly how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods – and actually create the marketing materials you need – so you always have a consistent stream of ideal, high-paying clients, a waiting list of prospects and can systematically and authentically close the sale virtually every time, so you never EVER worry about how to get ideal clients again. When you apply these strategies, you can bring in clients within a few days or weeks and generate an EXTRA $5,000 – $15,000+ a month to take your existing business to multiple five-figures, six figures, multiple six-figures and beyond, in record time. (It’s actually a really simple, and fun process when you’re shown exactly how.) The Get More Clients Workshop will show you how. Guaranteed.

Click here now to find out more and register TODAY for the Get More Clients Workshop.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XksmIJP2nr0[/youtube]

When you reach the point where your practice is filled to capacity but you can’t make more money because you simply have no more time in the day, then you’ve got to find ways to clone yourself.  One great way to clone yourself is to share information on a passive or leveraged level. Perhaps that means creating information products or courses or teaching seminars to larger groups (as opposed to one on one.) Doing this will allow you to start really multiplying your income in your business.

The question that always comes up is how best do you sell this information? That’s where the sales letter comes in. There are some people who believe that anything can be sold with a really good sales letter. Although when I first started writing sales letters, I had no idea what I was doing. Then over time I got really good at it—and I stumbled upon a formula that works really well. I share this formula with my students of The Client Attraction Business School but today I’m going to share the fundamentals with you so that you can start creating a sales letter that works for you to get your message out there.

Here are the ten steps you need to know:

  1. Get their attention.  You’ve got to get their attention with a bold comment or a promise.
  2. Identify their problem.  Be really clear in describing their problem.
  3. Provide the solution. Provide the solution that your readers are looking for.
  4. Present your credentials. You’ve got to earn the right to be the solution provider. If you don’t have a before and after story or if you’re not an expert, they won’t trust you—and trust is everything in marketing!
  5. Show the benefits. How will this change their life? How will it make them more money?
  6. Share social proof. Provide testimonials. What result have others received using your system, your product, your service—because they will believe testimonials even more than they believe you. You can talk until your blue in the face about the results they’ll get but the testimonials will offer more credibility.
  7. Make your offer. Remember, if you don’t make your offer, you don’t close the sale so be crystal clear with your offer.
  8. Provide a guarantee. Especially if you’re selling something online, there are a lot of shysters out there. You and I are different. We provide stuff that has high integrity, high value—not everyone is like that though. So it’s important to provide a guarantee. This is called risk reversal so all the risk is on you and they can feel comfortable taking action on your service, product or system.
  9. Inject scarcity. This is an internet marketing term that means if you make it available for a long time people will say, “You know what? Maybe I’ll buy that in six months.” No! You want them to buy today so you want to give them some juicy bonuses or deadlines to get them to buy today.
  10. Insert your Call to Action. Ask them to take action right now. That’s key!

This may seem like a lengthy process but actually it’s part of the psychology of sales. Sales is good. Sales is actually moving the prospect beyond their resistance into doing the thing that will get their life to be better and that’s by working with you.

Your Video Assignment

So now you know all the steps. It’s time to take this formula and put it to use. Write your sales letter and watch how it works for you.One more thing though—you’ve got to do this authentically. You cannot do this if you’re trying to scam someone. This is all about loving your prospects and doing things authentically. This will get you more clients and make you more money in your business but it will also help you clone, scale and leverage yourself! Good luck!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment advisor, send us an email at info@clientattraction.com.

OK, so I hope I’ve gotten you excited about the concept of reaching a tipping point in your network through building relationships based on a know-like-and-trust factor.

But before you rush out there attending all sorts of networking groups and functions, you’ve got to do just a little bit of work so that you’re not wasting your time.

Once you’re clear on who your Ideal Clients are, there’s just one more thing we need to unearth, and it’s a crucial one. We need to know where they “live” and where they hang out.

Why would you randomly network hoping to find your ideal clients when you can find places to “rub elbows” with them in large numbers and at low cost to you? This is much easier and gets you more results.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where do they congregate regularly?
  • What workshops or seminars do they go to?
  • What conferences or conventions do they visit each year?
  • What trade shows will they attend this year?
  • Where do they network?
  • What clubs or organizations do they visit regularly?
  • What associations do they belong to?
  • Where will you find a roomful of these people?
  • What organization or group holds a “list” of these people?

For deeper learning, I invite you to check out my 3-day Client Attraction Workshops (see upcoming dates, details and inspiring success stories at https://www.clientattraction.com/events as well as my sequential coaching programs, where I teach my students and clients how to use marketing and systems to go from 5-figures to 6-figures, from 6-figures to multiple 6-figures and then to 7-figures, taking them past the million dollar mark. You can find out more (and get a free DVD with videos of moving and inspirational success stories shipped to you at no charge) by going to http://www.clientattractionwinnersacademy.com
Want to learn more about The Networking Guru System™? It is simply one of the only proven systems out there telling you EXACTLY what to do to fill your private practice simply by networking. Nowhere else will you see such a complete HOW-TO on how to get clients consistently with worksheets, templates, and actual scripts that have worked, not only for one person, but for hundreds of private clients. Learn how to network so that you get great results from it and feel authentically yourself the whole time. I share ALL of them in my FREE Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.

Go here now to download your own copy and start networking like a pro for your business – TODAY!

To make networking even more effective for you (and to quickly increase your results), you’ll want to not only try to meet your ideal clients, but strategic alliances as well.

Strategic alliances are people who share the same target audience or clients as you do, but whose company or service doesn’t overlap with yours. Strategic alliances are usually your best referral partners and, in many cases, you’ll have many different ones.

Here’s an example of a strategic alliance scenario: If you were an Accountant/CPA, these are what some of your strategic alliances could look like:

  • Financial Advisor
  • Personal Financial Planner
  • Bookkeeper
  • Attorney
  • Insurance Broker
  • Small Business Banker
  • Business Coach

All of these types of people are possible referral partners to you AND share the same type of client without offering what you offer or competing with you.

The idea is that these people’s contact lists and mailing lists are full of your prospects and in teaming up, you could both help each other spread the word and refer your clients to each other.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Make a list of which industries or types of businesses share the same client you do and see what you can do to share your resources. Perhaps you can do a seminar together, combine mailing lists for double the exposure of direct mailings, send a letter of endorsement to your clients about your Strategic Partner and vice versa, etc.

Extra credit assignment:
You can also consider a Strategic Alliance to be an organization made up of your Ideal Client whose mailing list is made up of hundreds of thousands of your targets. This is another great way of aligning yourself. How could you work something out together that would benefit everyone involved and help you both attract new clients?

Want to learn more about The Networking Guru System™? It is simply one of the only proven systems out there telling you EXACTLY what to do to fill your private practice simply by networking. Nowhere else will you see such a complete HOW-TO on how to get clients consistently with worksheets, templates, and actual scripts that have worked, not only for one person, but for hundreds of private clients. Learn how to network so that you get great results from it and feel authentically yourself the whole time. I share ALL of them in my FREE Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.

Go here now to download your own copy and start networking like a pro for your business – TODAY!

Before we move forward in your networking, we need to get really clear on who you want to meet. We’ll first focus on your ideal client. Now, to get clear on who your ideal client is, let’s first agree that there are several things that universally constitute an ideal client:

• Those you really enjoy working with

• Those who need your help, badly

• Those who recognize that working with you is essential

• Those who can easily be identified and contacted

• Those what will happily pay what you’re worth, without negotiating

• Those who will get great results from working with you (and write testimonials to prove it)

• Those who will tell others about you and refer other clients over and over again

Now, be honest with me. Don’t you want a practice FULL of these types of people? (Trust me, it’s a lot more fun and it’s not difficult to get.) To have a practice filled with these types of people, you need to stop networking with anyone and everyone and start targeting a specific target audience.

One of the secrets of masterful networking is knowing WHO your ideal clients are (the ones who’ll recognize that working with you is crucial to solving their problems, pay you what you’re worth and tell others about you), figuring out WHAT their particular issues are, WHY they’re having them and HOW you solve them.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Get very specific on who your best client is. To do this, you can start thinking of your most favorite current clients (the ones that fit the criteria we outlined above) and former clients.

Write it all down: For individuals, it can include their age, sex, and income group — even where they live, if it impacts your business. If you cater to companies, write down what industries you want to work with, the number of employees, and specific titles within the company.

Now, write down your ideal client’s particular situation that you can solve, their struggles, and any other common-denominator aspects that would be a requisite for being a “best client” for your services.

Get thinking about these and you’re on your way to crafting your ideal client profile. Once you have that, marketing can be a breeze.

This is one of the most important steps you can take in attracting all the clients you need. Do not skip over this part, even if you think you already-kinda-know who they are.

Note: If you’re not currently working with your ideal clients or need help in figuring out this section (most people do), we go really in depth in forming your ideal client profile and the viability of marketing and networking to this ideal client in the Client Attraction Home Study System™. You can get your copy here: http://www.TheClientAttractionSystem.com

Want to learn more about The Networking Guru System™? It is simply one of the only proven systems out there telling you EXACTLY what to do to fill your private practice simply by networking. Nowhere else will you see such a complete HOW-TO on how to get clients consistently with worksheets, templates, and actual scripts that have worked, not only for one person, but for hundreds of private clients. Learn how to network so that you get great results from it and feel authentically yourself the whole time. I share ALL of them in my FREE Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.

Go here now to download your own copy and start networking like a pro for your business – TODAY!

Now, before you point the finger at me for bashing ALL things about what you already know about networking, let me say there is ONE thing that I believe in very strongly that past networking experts talk about over and over again.

Getting LOTS of people in your network.

The more people you know, and the more people know YOU, the more likely you are to attract LOTS of new clients through networking and referrals.

Think about it. If you’ve got 300 people in your network, and let’s just say, for fun, that 1% of them refer people to you on a monthly basis. Well, that makes 3 referrals per month.

But if you’ve got 1,000 people in your network, and that network generates the same percentage of referrals per month, 1%, then, that gives you 10 referrals per month. In just a few months, you’ve got a solid practice going!

And it’s been my experience that, when you DO have more than a 1,000 people in your network who become advocates of yours, you start getting clients real fast!

The key however, is in how you create this tipping point. And again, it’s not about entering each networking event you go to and throwing your cards at people, it’s about creating relationships that are based on trust. LOTS of them!

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Make a commitment today to start growing your network to the Tipping Point. My networking is up to many thousands of people now, and you can imagine how many referrals I get from this network and all the networking I’ve done in the past.

If you estimate that you currently know (and are known by) say, 300 people, start working hard to be known and trusted by 1,000 people. When you’ve reached that, start shooting for 2,000, then more. The more people are in your network, the more you start tipping the scales in your favor.

It’ll be a process, and not necessarily a quick one, but the more you work towards this, the more you’ll love networking because of the RESULTS you’ll get from it, consistently. It’s addictive, trust me!

So, how many people are in your network now?

Want to learn more about The Networking Guru System™? It is simply one of the only proven systems out there telling you EXACTLY what to do to fill your private practice simply by networking. Nowhere else will you see such a complete HOW-TO on how to get clients consistently with worksheets, templates, and actual scripts that have worked, not only for one person, but for hundreds of private clients. Learn how to network so that you get great results from it and feel authentically yourself the whole time. I share ALL of them in my FREE Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.

Go here now to download your own copy and start networking like a pro for your business – TODAY!

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dODprOXpKy4[/youtube]

I find that a lot of entrepreneurs will put their client attraction system in place, get plenty of new prospects and new leads—but then just don’t do much with them. But here’s the thing– 90% of closing the sale can be about staying in touch and taking that person from interested prospect to paying client.

People ask me, “How often do you stay in touch with somebody?” I had a woman ask me once, “How do I stay in touch without feeling like a gnat, like I’m always bothering them.” My reply? “Stay in touch by adding value and by always being on their radar screen.”

What are some of the things that you have done in the past that have taken prospects from interested to paying client? I have a long list that I’ve shared with my Gold and Platinum clients and I’d like to share a few of these idea with you, too. By the way, these are very simple. A lot of the client attraction systems that are available to you are very simple; it’s just that you haven’t made time to do them or you haven’t created systems around them.

So, here are 3 ways to stay in touch. Write these down and start implementing them! Just think, if you made a list of all of the people who have expressed interest in working with you and are not yet paying clients, there would be quite a few people. I want you to use some of these strategies to move them forward. Ready?

1. Send them unexpected notes. It could be, “I saw you on Facebook. Congratulations on your award,” or “I saw this article and was thinking about you.” Stand out from everyone else by sending your note by regular mail because people are too used to getting things by email these days.
2. Send them a little gift. Send a small, personal gift with a note. It shows that you know about them, that you care about them and it’s not something that everybody is getting. Perhaps it’s a book that really resonates with them and you sign something in the beginning. If it’s truly heartfelt, you’ll find yourself on their radar screen because they’ll really be paying attention to you.
3. Invite them to a talk that you’re giving. They may already know you but they may not have seen you in action. This will help move the process along.

The more you stay in touch on a regular basis, the more it will seem to the prospect that it’s a sign that they should be working with you. In fact it is. If you’re thinking about them and you’re caring for them, then these are absolutely valuable things to be doing in your business. If you systematize a verifiable, repeatable process for staying in touch with your prospects and turning them into paying clients, the better for you.

Your Video Assignment
Make a list of all those people who have expressed interest in working with you but haven’t turned into paying clients yet. Now take action. Find what ways work best for you to stay in touch with each of them on a regular, consistent basis.

And your extra credit assignment is to create a system around staying in touch. It doesn’t matter what level in business you are. You could be just starting out. This is going to be hugely valuable for you. The key is to systematize it so that it doesn’t all depend on you. Good luck!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment advisor, send us an email at info@clientattraction.com.

I can’t honestly remember where and when I first heard about the  Know-Like-and-Trust Factor (who knows, I probably think I  invented it! Ha!) It’s so ingrained in my way of thinking about networking, Client Attraction and Closing the Sale, that I take its origin for granted sometimes.

But as you can see, I apply it to everything. It just works so well that you too will want to apply it to your way of doing everything from now on.

OK, so what is this Know-Like-Trust Factor and why is it so crucial to effective Client Attraction and networking?

Well, have you noticed that what sometimes stops us or slows us down in the process of working with someone is often that we don’t know much about them, we don’t know if we like them yet and we certainly feel hesitant about working with them because we don’t feel we can trust them yet?

This Know-Like-Trust Factor runs much deeper than you are probably aware of. When you don’t like or trust someone, do you feel comfortable giving them your money and putting yourself in their hands? Nope, I didn’t think so. We give business to those we like and those we trust and never the opposite. Simple as that.

Now, that being said, we have a greater likelihood of attracting lots of new clients and referrals from those who already know us, like us and trust us, and many times this means former colleagues, family and friends, people already in our life.

People who know us, like us and trust us automatically become ADVOCATES for us.

These people can attest to you as a reliable person and can probably rave about your services if they’ve experienced them.

This is extremely valuable and should not be overlooked when building your practice and setting out to attract new clients through networking.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:
Start by thinking about those people whom you know, like AND trust. Don’t you find it easier to send them referrals than those you don’t?

Shift your thinking to create relationships, over the long haul, with the main objective being TRUST. Take every action to make this happen and you’re on your way to becoming a veritable Networking Guru.
Want to learn more about The Networking Guru System™? It is simply one of the only proven systems out there telling you EXACTLY what to do to fill your private practice simply by networking. Nowhere else will you see such a complete HOW-TO on how to get clients consistently with worksheets, templates, and actual scripts that have worked, not only for one person, but for hundreds of private clients. Learn how to network so that you get great results from it and feel authentically yourself the whole time. I share ALL of them in my FREE Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.

Go here now to download your own copy and start networking like a pro for your business – TODAY!

Now that you’ve gotten clear on what networking isn’t and what’s slowing you down, it’s time to redefine it so that you can start taking advantage of it, starting now.

Contrary to what you’ve probably been taught, networking is NOT about pushing yourself on others (or being pushed upon by others) but about one simple thing and one thing only.

Building relationships.

I know, you were probably expecting something more earth-shattering than that. But, the simple truth is, Master Networkers understand that networking is about the long haul and it’s about building relationships, not GETTING something from others or putting something over on others.

Let’s examine building relationships and why that’s the NEW view I want you to take on networking.

Let’s examine how YOU would rather buy services.

When you’re looking for a new service, would you rather open up the phonebook and play “eenie-meenie-miney-mo” or would you rather ask a friend you trust if they know someone who provides that service?

Yeah, me too. I feel much better about asking someone to give me a referral. For some reason, when I know that my friend has had a great experience with that particular service provider, let it be a dentist or a plumber, I’m much more likely to just call and book an  appointment, rather than question the expertise of the person
we’re talking about.

And so you see, it all boils down to that relationship with your friend, and the relationship that your friend has with the dentist or plumber. Without the relationship they have, you wouldn’t have  ever been referred that person.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

From today forward, I want you to start approaching the entire networking process with the objective of creating LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS.

No more, no less.
Want to learn more about The Networking Guru System™? It is simply one of the only proven systems out there telling you EXACTLY what to do to fill your private practice simply by networking. Nowhere else will you see such a complete HOW-TO on how to get clients consistently with worksheets, templates, and actual scripts that have worked, not only for one person, but for hundreds of private clients. Learn how to network so that you get great results from it and feel authentically yourself the whole time. I share ALL of them in my FREE Secrets of Master Networkers Manual.

Go here now to download your own copy and start networking like a pro for your business – TODAY!


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