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All prospects have some form of resistance when buying a program, product or service. If they didn’t have reservations, they would have signed up already so it becomes your job to handle those objections and move that prospect from just being curious to being a believer and ultimately a buyer.

There are two ways to do this–either handle it verbally or on paper. Either way it’s a form of selling. But remember, selling is a good thing. Selling is something you do for someone.You’re taking a stand for your prospect because deep in your heart you know that if they work with you or buy your service or product, they will get better results. It’s your job to move the prospect out of his or her own way by handling their objections so they can get the results they say they are looking for.

Here are the 7 most frequent objections a prospect will have.

  1. You don’t understand my problem. Everyone wants to feel understood and significant. How can you show your prospect that you know exactly what it feels like to be them?
  2. How do I know you’re qualified? No one wants to be a guinea pig. They want to know you’ve been doing this for awhile and that you have what it takes to get them the results they need. So, how can you best convey your credentials?
  3. I don’t believe you…There’s a lot of hype out there. It’s only natural for a prospect to feel skeptical so how can you best address this objection? How can you make them trust their decision to work with you?
  4. I don’t think I need this right now…I always tell prospects with this objection–why would you wait when you want results NOW? How can you show them that now is the perfect time?
  5. Will this work for me? They may feel that their business is “different” and what works for others won’t work for them. Show them how you are uniquely qualified to help them too.
  6. What happens if I don’t like it? There is a definite risk threshold that some prospects aren’t willing to cross. How can you offer a risk reversal where you take on the risk and they can feel more comfortable working with you?
  7. I can’t afford it. When a prospect feels they can’t afford what you offer it either means they’re not your ideal client or that you haven’t yet communicated the value and Return on Investment that they will get from working with you.

Your Video Assignment

Use the points above to identify your prospects’ specific objections. Then create a rationale as to why each objection simply isn’t valid. Weave this through your marketing materials to attract more clients and make more money!

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfH28EYsEjM[/youtube]

There’s a big fat lie about people who make a lot of money and that’s that they’re greedy, inauthentic, that they take money from others…Not only is that not true,  it’s impossible.

Why? Because there is an unlimited supply of abundance in the universe. There is no limit to what can be created.

In fact, by making more you don’t take anything away from anybody. It’s not about that. It’s about adding a lot more value to a lot more people so you can multiply your income dramatically.

Sounds simple, right? But if the formula is so simple, then what’s the problem? Why isn’t every entrepreneur a millionaire?

What’s holding you back is fear of change.  That fear keeps you playing small and to avoid the discomfort, you use excuses—everyday (whether you realize it or not…)

Then feelings of inadequacy come up…I’m not worth it. I don’t deserve it. Do I really need it?

These lead to self sabotaging behaviors—procrastination, negative self talk, fears of what people will think and say…not enough determination, perseverance or faith.

So why does all this matter anyway? Because your mindset—your inner game—drives 90% of your success.

It’s time to transform your inner game to play a BIGGER game.

I invite you to be part of my BRAND NEW Inner Game Coaching Program, which includes my never before released DVD and CD home study program from my sold-out Mindset Retreat as well as 7 Direct Access Coaching Calls with me over a 14-week period.

There’s still some time left to take advantage of my super low Early Bird tuition (save a cool $500 but offer ends THIS Friday) and my EZ 5-month installment plan. Also, right now I’m offering a few TAKE-ACTION-NOW bonuses (including a FREE ticket to the 2012 LIVE Mindset Retreat taking place next September in Florida, worth $3,000.) But you’ll have to act fast because the special pricing and bonuses will not last long…so check it out here.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuTh3WvxwJU[/youtube]

Imagine that you stand before a placid lake at dusk. You take a rock and you toss it into the lake and create a ripple effect.

That’s what you do every time you work with a client. You create a ripple effect that affects their life in some way as well as the people around them—their friends, family, spouse, children, co-workers. ALL of their lives change—because of you.

Now, imagine for a moment that you’re not working with ONE client, but TEN clients. What happens to that placid lake as you toss 10 rocks into it? What about if you work with 100 clients, or 1,000, or let’s even say—10,000?  Imagine the ripple effects you are creating. Imagine the lives you’re affecting.

And, the more people you serve, the more money you make.

To make a lot more money in your business, you’ve got to add a lot more value in the marketplace. Yes, you’re adding some value now, and that’s fantastic. But it’s time to add even more value and to a lot more people.

You say you know this—but are you living it daily? Would you like to?

Here’s how:

I invite you to be part of my BRAND NEW Inner Game Coaching Program, which includes my never before released DVD and CD home study program from my sold-out Mindset Retreat as well as 7 Direct Access Coaching Calls with me over a 14-week period.

There’s still some time left to take advantage of my super low Early Bird tuition (save a cool $500 but offer ends THIS Friday) and my EZ 5-month installment plan. Also, right now I’m offering a few TAKE-ACTION-NOW bonuses (including a FREE ticket to the 2012 LIVE Mindset Retreat taking place next September in Florida, worth $3,000.) But you’ll have to act fast because the special pricing and bonuses will not last long…so check it out here.

Your gifts—your skills and talents—were divinely given to you NOT to squander. It’s time to play a bigger game. You can do it. I believe in you!

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d80y7mjn14[/youtube]
As entrepreneurs we are cut from a different cloth. We’re not like everyone else. We’re not looking to clock in and clock out everyday from 9 to 5. Instead we put our hearts and souls into all that we do.

It comes down to this. You were given very special skills and talents—innate abilities and unique experiences that make you who you are today. It’s your duty to take those abilities and experiences and be of service to those who need you most—regardless of what you do. I call this sharing your brownies. And it’s time you stop being so stingy with what you’re cooking up and instead share your brownies with the world. It’s all about playing a bigger game.

Are you ready to play a bigger game in your life and in your business?

Yes? Good because I just launched my BRAND NEW Inner Game Coaching Program with direct access to me as I walk you through my mindset formula, with experiential exercises and daily accountability and direct coaching from me. Right now you can take me up on my Early Bird $500 off discount AND ez pay installment plan, but only until midnight THIS Friday. Oh, and we still have some incredible bonuses left (including a free ticket to my next LIVE Mindset Retreat in 2012, worth $3,000.) The bonuses won’t last long so go check it out here. Let this be a defining moment in your life.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCqF_BzUCZ4[/youtube]

When I first started my business, I quickly learned that the old saying “content is king” was very true. I worked hard at creating content in the form of articles, how to’s, teleseminars and workshops. I was very successful at increasing my credibility and visibility, but I was constantly creating brand new content took up a lot of my time.

Many years ago, I held a regular monthly workshop for prospects. Each month I’d spend a full day creating all the content for that month’s training session-new and different each time. I was only charging around $25 per workshop. And after awhile, I found that each month the same prospects would come back for more. (Why not, right?) I was putting so much time and energy into the preparation but was only getting a couple of new clients. I soon decided to instead offer the same content each month. I didn’t have to re-invent the wheel each time and the best part was that I was getting fresh, new faces showing up each month – which resulted in less work and more new, paying clients! See how much sense this makes?

Your Video Assignment

Take a look at the content you’ve already created and determine how you can re-purpose it in your own business. How can you take the same topic and start using it as a lead generator like I did to get more clients? You’ll make your business more scalable, leverage your time and your marketing, all the while getting more done with less effort!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment advisor, send us an email at info@clientattraction.com.

If you made the time to clear your schedule and join me for last night’s 4th and final module of my How to Play a Bigger Game training program, I want to say a huge and sincere thank you. I’m truly honored and humbled that you chose to spend your time with me on what was one of the most amazing training calls I’ve ever held. We’ve already heard from so many who said they were moved—at some points to tears. And as you can probably guess, so was I.

If you were there, then you know I revealed the last key to unlocking the door of playing a bigger game in your business and your life. If you missed it, it’s ok because my team recorded the whole call so you can listen to the playback (and watch the videos from modules 1-3 too) by clicking here. (But don’t wait too long because it won’t be available for much longer.)

The first three steps in my How to Play a Bigger Game training program covered Daring to Dream a Bigger Dream, Clearing the Gunk, and Taking Massive Action. In Module 4, I covered how to Be Unwavering and Act with Faith.

It’s time for you to lock into your vision—the bigger dream you created for being of service—and don’t let go no matter what! From here you’ll need to watch for signs and opportunities. This is how the HOW shows up once you’ve made the commitment to multiply your client base (and therefore your income) so you can be of service in a much, much bigger way.

And through it all, here’s what you must remember. You are always being guided. And yes, once in awhile resistance will show up. In fact, the more important the goal or vision is to you for your soul’s evolution, the more resistance you will encounter as you pursue it.

And when you encounter resistance, it ignites the ego and the ego’s sword is fear. So how do you overcome fear—fear of change, fear of failure, fear of success?!

Fear is the most destructive, paralyzing thing that keeps you from playing big and succeeding. But it is a false panic point. It’s up to you to cross that panic point.

Let me show you how.

So, are you ready? Come spend some time with me. I’m going to reveal it all to you: How to be Unwavering and Act with Faith. I’m going to show you why you are never presented with an opportunity for growth without also being given the way to accomplish it and the means to afford it. Listen to the whole training call here.

Here I go getting vulnerable with you again…Module 3 in my How to Play a Bigger Game training program covers one of my favorite themes: Personal Responsibility.

I want to be completely transparent with you and tell you that there was a time that I used to be someone who didn’t take personal responsibility in my life. I put up with unhealthy relationships, was in a terrible financial state, wasn’t taking care of things they way I should have been—but yet I felt it was OK to complain about all it all.

I wasn’t willing to take personal responsibility; therefore I wasn’t taking any action on the opportunities for change that showed up in my life. Instead, I complained. I blamed. I stayed stuck.

Here’s the thing—each and every one of us creates every result that we have in our lives, including the results we experience in our business, our income, our relationships—everything in our lives. You create your reality by the actions you take OR by the actions you DON’T take each and every time an opportunity shows up.

So, what does personal responsibility have to do with playing a bigger game?

Everything. Personal Responsibility is all about being in control of the results you create in your life. If you’re not taking personal responsibility, you’re not in control, you can’t take action and you have no choice but to play small.

I explain it all in detail in Take Massive Action, my 3rd training module in the series (and the last video before my big training call tonight!) Here’s the thing—if you don’t find a way to take massive action you create your life by default. Today, I want you to decide to take a different course of action. Each moment of your life is an opportunity to go one way—or go the way you’ve always gone. It’s all within your own control. Let me show you how. Watch my training video here.

You can’t just sit on your couch and expect different results. You need to take massive action. As the saying goes: “Something in motion, stays in motion!”

In this third video from my free training program on “How to Play a Bigger Game”, I talk about personal responsibility and how you create your life with every action – and every inaction. Basically, you can’t complain about anything you’re not willing to change – it’s your responsibility to take charge of your life. You can always take more action; you can always be more effective and seek personal and professional growth if you choose.

You’ve got to be willing to do things differently. You can’t complain about your income if you’re not doing the work to get the results you want.

Here are the top 4 excuses we ALL use when not taking action on a divinely given opportunity. Excuses get in the way of taking massive action – they are getting in the way of you succeeding in your plans.

1. I can’t afford it.
2. I don’t have time.
3. I don’t want to travel.
4. I have responsibilities at home.

You create your reality by the actions you take – or the actions you DON’T take. The opportunity shows up and you can create your reality by taking in the opportunity – or not. When you ask for something, the opportunity comes your way, you must choose to accept it, instead of making excuses. You must be willing to do what others are not willing to do in order to play a bigger game. You can’t sit on your reclining chair, eat bon-bons and expect miracles to happen.
You’re here to change people’s lives and share your brownies with the world. Don’t use these excuses to avoid playing a bigger game.

It’s the third video of a BRAND NEW free-training program about how to stop playing small and play a much bigger game than you’re playing now. So if you’re willing to grow and stretch towards success, if you are a person who knows deep inside that you are here to play a bigger game and make a difference in the world, and be handsomely rewarded for it too, then its’ time to take massive action and avoid excuses. Watch the video here.


When you get to a certain point in your business where there’s just not enough “you” to go around and there’s not enough time to get it all done, you must start delegating. But delegation means you need to relinquish control of actually doing everything all by yourself. This is often a big struggle for entrepreneurs as they grow their business and hire people to support and assist them in running the business. However, to ensure you can continue to grow your business and serve more people, you need to learn how to let go control and start to delegate effectively.

Let’s face it… we ALL have an ICF (Inner Control Freak) who wants things done the “right” way. I understand! I have one too. And let’s be honest, your Inner Control Freak is very necessary in the beginning when you start your business. But it also gets in the way at some point.

Now, I’m not saying you should practice “Drive By Delegation” either. That’s when you just toss a project or responsibility to one of your team members without much direction or involvement at all. You toss it and run, hoping it gets done right but instead it causes chaos, causes resentment and will make you not want to delegate at all anymore.

So where’s the balance between the two? Effective delegation strikes a balance in the middle of these two extremes. It requires documenting everything you do so when you’re ready to delegate, it’s much easier to hand things over to someone else. Then, put in place training and procedures. Taking the time to train someone will allow you to demonstrate exactly how you want things done. Procedures can involve checklists or an operations manual – a written system that can be followed each and every time. Lastly, incorporate checks and balances so you can see how things are going as they’re getting done, creating opportunity for feedback and reassurance.

Your Video Assignment

To start delegating effectively in your own business today, answer these three questions:

  1. What needs to be delegated right now in your business? What’s creating a bottleneck? Identify everything and create a list.
  2. How can you document the steps that it takes to do each item? Write out the procedures. Be specific and as detailed as possible.
  3. How will you set checks and balances in this process so you know how everything is being handled? Having checks and balances benefits both you and your team.

That’s it! Now you’re no longer the bottleneck but instead your getting the results you want. Start today to get more done – without actually doing everything yourself.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment advisor, send us an email at info@clientattraction.com.

My newest training video in my How to Play a Bigger Game training program, reveals some really personal stuff on how, not all that long ago, I was holding myself back from growing my business and playing a bigger game.

I hope you don’t mind how candid I was. But frankly, it needed to be said.

You see, one of the top things “gunking up” my mindset and keeping me playing small was my belief system. There was a time when I would say I wanted to make a million dollars in my business. I really meant it! It’s what I really wanted! However, deep down in my self-conscious I was holding on to a belief I had that rich and successful people were greedy, inauthentic and not connected to their spiritual purpose.

My subconscious beliefs were completely out of alignment with my conscious thoughts.

And here’s the thing—your beliefs DRIVE your action. So as a result, my actions were sabotaging my ability to reach those same goals that I said I really wanted. They were sabotaging my ability to play a bigger game.

In all, there are 7 things that “gunk up” your mindset and keep you playing small. In addition to your beliefs, there’s your self-image, fears, rules, resentments, judgments, and self-criticism. (These can all be summed up in two words: self sabotage.)

I explain it all in Clear the Gunk, my 2nd training module in the series. I reveal so much—and yes a lot of my own personal mindset struggles. I truly wanted to share it with you though because this is life-changing stuff and if my experiences, struggles and discoveries can help you realize your dreams then it’s all worth it. I believe in you.  I believe that you can change what you believe and turn your fears into faith and positive expectations. It is all possible if you’re willing to do the work. So if you’re an advancing person who knows deep inside that you are here to play a bigger game and make a difference in the world, and be handsomely rewarded for it too, then its’ time to clear the gunk. Watch the video here.


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