December 2011 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

I would, without a doubt in my mind, say that aside from networking, speaking is one of the best ways I know to attract your Ideal Clients. It is by far the best way I’ve experienced and seen my clients experience how to literally PULL clients to them.

Here’s why:

When you’ve already done the work of figuring out who your ideal clients are and what their problems are, there’s no better way to pull them in than by giving a workshop or seminar about that very topic and how to solve it.

Think about it. Your ideal client is struggling with something or has a dilemma or a great interest in something. And then, all of a sudden, there’s a seminar, class or workshop on that very thing, given by an expert on the topic. It only makes sense that they would come to the event, just to see what you have to say, to learn something or to meet you. And once they’ve met you and you’ve proven that you can solve the problem, you’ve literally got a roomful of people in front of you that are ideal prospects, ready to be turned into paying clients.

Once you’ve come up with your topic, craft what’s called a Signature Talk. This will be the talk you give over and over again, in both your own workshops and for associations and organizations. It’s the one you will master and be known for, like I am for my signature talk entitled “How to attract all the clients you need” talk. I have other seminars that I’ve given very successfully over the years – about two dozen or so – but this is by far my most requested program and attracts the largest audiences (and clients

You can also speak “virtually.” Give this talk as a teleclass or teleseminar. A virtual class given on a bridge telephone conference call using a service such as which is something I do weekly. I post these online and start PULLING people in to me from all around the country and the world. Something for you to consider.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

If you’re not already speaking to promote your business, it’s time to seriously consider it. But you don’t have to start stressing about speaking in front of large groups to see results. You can start as small as you like. I started speaking by giving my own workshops, in my living room, but now I speak in front of hundreds of people, get paid to travel and speak at conventions and conferences. But it all started with 20 people in my 300 square foot apartment. Think about where you’ll have your first talk.

Go back to your research and read over your notes from the assignment on what their struggles and hot buttons are. You’ve got the making of a fantastic, Client Attractive seminar right there, one that is sure to bring your Ideal Client to your door, rather than pushing hard to get in to see them.

Answer this: if you were to give a talk in a small way, just to start, 1) where would you do it?; 2) who would you invite that would support you and give you a safe space to make mistakes?; and 3) what would you talk about?

Write them down and let’s do it.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

There are many reasons why people dislike networking and think it doesn’t work. It does work, although most people approach it in the wrong way or simply do it wrong. It’s usually because they’ve been told that networking is about going to as many events as they can and collecting as many business cards as they can, and then following up with an offer or a pitch the next day. Problem is, it never works.

People usually fall flat on their face with this “technique” because 1) their networking needs to be more focused to where their Ideal Clients can be reached, 2) networking is NOT about business cards, it’s about creating relationships over time and 3) it’s about helping the other, before thinking about yourself. If you’re not approaching networking in this way, then you’ve probably found that it’s not working, it’s superficial and you hate doing it.

So, it’s time to change your approach and start seeing some results, because networking is one of the VERY best ways to get out there in a BIG way and start attracting new clients, especially now that you have a compelling marketing message and a Client Attractive “Elevator Speech.” OK, so the first thing is that you need to network where your Ideal Clients and referral sources are. Look back to the Ideal Client “hang outs” we talked about earlier and see where they congregate. Start thinking of where you can rub elbows with them in large numbers and then join that group. Think in terms of structured networking groups, as well as associations and you’ll be on the right path.

Some places to look for appropriate networking venues:

  • Ask your Ideal Clients where they network
  • Ask other notable networkers you respect where they network
  • Newspaper events calendar (or Business Journal events calendar)
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Toastmasters (to meet people and build relationships)
  • Animal clubs (Lions, Elks, etc.)
  • Breakfast networking groups (BNI, LeTip, etc.)

I belong to several networking organizations because my ideal prospects belong to the same groups. The first one is a weekly breakfast networking group called Business Network International ( because a lot of the people who belong to it are small business owners and sole practitioners (perfect), as well as the National Association of Women Business Owners ( where I meet a handful of people each time I attend an event who eventually become clients.

As a side note, these are just 2 of the organizations I belong to (there are others), but I mention them specifically because 1) I gain greater visibility and exposure and 2) I have a way of giving back to what has given me so much.

Networking is not about going to as many events as possible to get the word out. It’s about finding the ones that make sense for your target audience, and then adding value and building long-term, mutually supportive relationships. Try it and you’ll start seeing much better results.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Using your Ideal Client list, start writing down the events you can start attending with Ideal Clients and start getting the word out about what you do. Then once you like a group, plug into your calendar all the events already scheduled for the year and make going regularly a priority to gain lots of exposure and create long-term, mutually beneficial relationships.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

I consider myself massively privileged to be coached by the world’s foremost expert on entrepreneurship in action, the legendary Dan Sullivan. Dan is a true mentor and a pioneer in the field of entrepreneurial coaching, having helped “the best get better” for over 30 years. We as Dan’s clients, top-performing business leaders in our fields, refer to his coaching process as the final piece of the puzzle to transform wisdom into innovation for which we’re now well-known. It’s truly rare to get Dan on the phone, and I’m honored to have him as my special guest for our upcoming Special Topic Call. Do whatever you can to be there live to eavesdrop on our conversation on this free-call and experience firsthand the ideas, perspective and advice that have dramatically increased my own business.

Have you heard the big news? The Inner Circle Monthly Special Topic Calls are now F.R.E.E! Register now to join this live call with Fabienne and her special guest. It’s not just ONLY for Inner Circle members anymore and anyone can join!

[youtube width=”600″ height=”352″][/youtube]

You can make more money in your business by adding more value to so many more people. It’s common sense and it’s simple. However it’s not always easy. The key is to look at your existing business model. Are you working one on one right now? Are you trading hours for dollars? Is your income limited by how many clients you can work with? If so, you’re in a classic Leverage Lucy (or Larry) business model—where you can’t make more money in your business because you are trapped in that particular paradigm.

The key to affecting more people’s lives and making more money is to change your business model! You’ll want to look at how you can scale what you’re already doing so that you can work with so many more people.

Your Video Assignment

For your assignment this week, I’d like you to consider the following two questions:  

1. How can you offer what you currently offer your clients in a much more scalable business model? Really think about how you can change what you’re currently doing so that clients still get great results and you’re able to work with many more of them.

2. Ask yourself, “If I had 100 brand new clients show up tomorrow, how would I change how I do business to accommodate all of them?” So maybe you’re working with 20 or 30 clients now but imagine that you had to take on 100 more—what would you need to do? And if you’re already working with hundreds of clients, imagine what you would need to do to accommodate thousands.

Really sit down and noodle this out. Look around in your industry—even in other industries—and   see how others are scaling their businesses and use that as your model. Stretch how you think about how you deliver your products and services in order to make more money and service way more clients.


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