September 2011 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

When it comes to your business, I really want you to stop serving anyone and everyone that comes your way

Yes, that’s right. Does this sound counterintuitive and counterproductive when it comes to Client Attraction? It isn’t. It’s actually at the core of it, believe it or not, and one of the single hardest things for my clients to embrace in the beginning of our work together, but they soon see that it becomes the source of outstanding Client Attraction results when applied to their practice.

You’ve got to figure out who is your ideal client and how can you best serve them?

There are several things that universally constitute an ideal client:

  • Those you really enjoy working with
  • Those who need your help, badly
  • Those who recognize that working with you is essential
  • Those who can easily be identified and contacted
  • Those that will happily pay what you’re worth, without negotiating
  • Those who will get great results from working with you (and write testimonials to prove it)
  • Those who will tell others about you and refer other clients over and over again

Now, be honest with me. Don’t you want a practice FULL of these types of people? (Trust me, it’s a lot more fun and it’s not difficult to get.) To get a practice filled with these types of people, you need to stop marketing to anyone and everyone and start targeting a specific target audience.

Here’s how:

Become a detective and go on a fact-finding exercise of that industry/client type. Choose your ideal client; find someone you know who fits the profile, preferably someone “connected” to lots of others in that particular industry. Ask them for coffee or lunch (your treat) and tell them that you want to ask them questions.

During that time, interview them on their particular struggles, needs, issues and challenges as they relate to you helping them. Feel free to do this with more than one person from that particular area of expertise. You can even ask each of these people if they know others who fit their profile (remember, birds of a feather flock together)

You’ll get the skinny on how to approach this new type of client or industry, what their hot buttons are and how to position yourself in the future to attract that type of client effortlessly.

You’ll be able to position yourself as a problem solver for that industry or client type. And best of all, they may just come on board or have a referral for you! Two birds, one stone.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Go through your database and flag all those people you know that fit your ideal client profile. Invite them to have a conversation with you about their situation. Feel free to offer them something in exchange if that feels better for you.

If you can’t seem to unearth ANYONE you already know from your network who fits your ideal client profile, ask your network if they know anyone who fits the bill and ask permission to contact them. Then do that.

You’ll find that this will be one of the very best focus groups you can implement (and at no cost to you in most cases!)

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

In every business there comes a point where you’re getting a few clients, things are starting to look promising – and you run smack into a concrete wall. No matter how hard you work, you find your business hitting a barrier – and usually it’s somewhere around the $250,000 range. What’s the solution? On this teaching call, my friend (and online marketing and sales expert) Charlie Cook reveals the 7 step system for continuing to attract more clients, increase your sales and get some sanity in your life so you can have more time to spend with your family and friends or travel. This is one call you don’t want to miss as Charlie shares the proven system any ambitious business owner can apply to multiply their profits and breakthrough with their business – finally selling to the tens of thousands of people who want to buy from you. Charlie is one of the top marketing experts in the world – who has helped thousands of people just like you grow their business. Make sure to put this call on your calendar – to discover the fastest way to grow your business in this economy.

BIG NEWS! The Inner Circle Monthly Special Topic Calls are now F.R.E.E! Register now to join this live call with Fabienne and her special guest. It’s not just ONLY for Inner Circle members anymore and anyone can join!

As you may know, I got a wonderful surprise last week when I found out that Inc. Magazine has recognized as one of its fastest growing private companies in America for 2011, with a 543% growth in 3 years. I can’t even begin to explain how humbled I felt by this honor. There’s more I want to share of course, so I recorded this special thank you video for you. Please take a moment to watch it so I can thank you personally for being a part of this honor and so that I can share with you my 5 strategies for growth in today’s economy (sorry about the tears at the end, I hadn’t planned on that…) Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the congratulatory messages, cards, flowers and gifts that I’ve received. I’m so grateful to have you in my life and your words mean so much to me.

As my oh-so-sweet and relaxing month off (to rest and re-charge) comes to a close, I’ve had some true quality time to really reflect back on the journey of how I got where I am today. It felt soooo good and it made me realize that we all probably don’t take enough time out to stop and truly savor and appreciate the journey. If you’re like me, you’re always looking forward to what’s coming next-and that’s great-but once in awhile remind yourself of all that you’ve accomplished and take a few moments to look back with love, appreciation, understanding and celebration.

“Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Mo-ney will give prosperity. This is fact…” -Anonymous

Even though I’m totally unplugged from what’s going on in the world, by choice, stuff is still trickling in. You see, I’ve made a conscious choice for years not to listen to the news, read the papers or listen to talk radio. It’s not just that I’m a very sensitive person and I react to negative stuff more deeply than others seem to, it’s that I don’t like what it does to my mindset. Somehow, I seem to focus on the bad news and then it affects everything else in my life. Some people have told me in the past years that my “unplugging” is foolish, that I’m missing out on what’s going on in the world, or that I’m naïve, thinking that if I don’t hear it, it doesn’t exist.

Well, in a way, that’s true for me.
If I don’t know about it, then it can’t affect me. And so, while the rest of the world seems to be spiraling in a big mess of fear, worry and doubt, I’m oblivious to it, in a good way. Because my mind isn’t tainted with this “stuff”, I’m continuing to prosper, we continue to grow, and more abundance is flowing into my life in every area. And I wish more people would do what I do. Here’s why.

You have to understand that the news media is only interested in one thing, and one thing only: Advertising do11ars (I know, I used to work in advertising). The more people are tuned in to their show or read their publication, the higher they can charge their advertisers. And to artificially grow the numbers, the media has to do ANYTHING it can to get your attention. And FEAR is the best way to get someone’s attention, and to get them to keep coming back for more, for “fear” of missing something important.

When you understand this, you get clear that there’s a lot of hype out there, and it’s all plugging in to what I call the “collective fear”. And when you’re in fear, you cannot be prosperous, no matter how much money you have. Why? Because prosperity is a state of mind. Let me say that again: When you’re in fear, you cannot be prosperous. Here’s something I read recently in a channeled text:

“Until one is released, step by step or all at once, from the roots of fear-based thinking, no amount of Money will give prosperity. This is fact…”

Listen, I get that fear is a biggie. It’s easy to get sucked in. I know a few people right now who are gripped with fear. They’re holding on so tight to their mo-ney, that they’re “white-knuckling” it through life. They are absolutely miserable. And you know what? They actually have plenty of mo-ney in the bank! But because they have fear, it doesn’t matter. Because prosperity is a state of mind.

The key to attracting prosperity is to refuse to focus on things that cause you fear, and to eliminate fear from your life. Now, some clients say to me, “Fabienne, how can I *not* focus on fear. There is evidence all around me that things aren’t going well?” My answer to them is that you can CHOOSE not to struggle.

Look all around you. Nature doesn’t struggle. A blade of grass doesn’t struggle to grow. It just does. Instead of focusing on all the things that appear to be “going downhill”, shift your focus. Look at everything around you that IS going well. There’s a way that we, as humans, tend to focus on the 2% that’s NOT going well, as opposed to the 98% that IS going well in our lives. What are YOU focusing on?

The best way that I’ve found to get out of fear these days is to focus on the present moment. If I’m in a bad mood or noticing that the collective fear is leaking into my world, I stop everything and I tap into the present moment. However simple this may seem to you, it’s actually miraculous. I go down to the beach and take a walk along the water. I put my attention on the subtle scent of the sea air, I listen to the seagulls, I watch my footsteps in the sand. I stay totally present. Why?

Because you CANNOT be in fear AND in the present moment at the same time. It’s impossible. When you are in the present moment, you are in direct connection to Spirit or God or the Universe, whatever you choose to call it. And that is your direct pipeline to love. And love and fear cannot coexist. It’s a universal law.

What does this have to do with Client Attraction? EVERYTHING. Here’s why: If you’re gripped with fear, sitting at your desk, wondering where the clients are or why people are leaving, you are feeding yourself with this collective fear. That stops you from marketing and the energy that you DO put into your marketing when you actually do it is a negative energy. Which brings more of the lack into your life, which then repels prosperity.

Instead, focus on what’s going well. Be in gratitude for what you DO have. Take a break from work, walk away from your desk, tickle your kids, go walk the dog, focus on the air outside, whatever it takes to just take your focus OFF of the fear. When you do that, you will watch the fear literally disintegrate right in front of your eyes. Then, when you go back to work on your marketing, you’ll find yourself coming from a totally different perspective. Instead of coming from “lack”, you’ll be coming from “attraction”. And that’s when the clients come in. That’s when the mo-ney pours in.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:
Take special notice of when you get sucked in to the collective fear. Put yourself in a place of being unplugged from it. Stop watching the news, stop reading the papers, and change the conversation when your friends and neighbors begin talking about things having to do with lack. Shift your focus to what IS abundant in your life.

1) Appreciation and Gratitude

List at least 10 things/people you are grateful for in your life right now:

2) Choose one item/person and describe “why” you are grateful for this. Describe how it makes you feel:

3) Acknowledge your successes

List at least 5 successes you enjoyed yesterday. These can be very little (like making your bed) to very significant (like getting a new client)

Do this every day. Then, once you’re in a place of feeling abundant again, it’s time to get back to marketing. Remember, you’ve got to take ACTION too. You can’t just sit on your sofa and wish for new clients. You’ve got to implement authentic, compelling and consistent marketing that will have people REACH OUT to you, credit card in hand, wanting to work with you.

If you’re not sure where to start or are looking for a simple formula to marketing your business and getting clients easily and authentically, then you’ll want to get the Client Attraction Home Study System™. It includes everything you need to know to fill your practice quickly and close the sale consistently without ever feeling icky; no matter if you’re just starting out or have been in business for years. All the tools, scripts, templates and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. And it’s laid out in a very simple way: do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, move on to step two, etc. It’s so simple and yet so very powerful, it’s changed the lives of thousands of solopreneurs. You can read the success stories and get your own copy at (Why struggle when you can just attract clients easily?).

© 2011 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System®, the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your in.come, visit


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