June 2011 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

I just got back from Toronto where I saw my good friend Phil Tirone, a credit repair expert, and boy, did we have an enlightening conversation…all about how your credit score affects your business every day – and about Phil’s upcoming no-charge webinar on what you can do about it.

I captured it on video for you:


In full transparency and from one entrepreneur to another, I didn’t always have a great credit score, especially because I was floating my business on my personal credit cards. Maybe you know exactly what I mean.

In fact, for many years, I didn’t even know what my own credit score was. Do you know what yours is?

As a small business owner, it’s important that you do…and it’s even more important that you maintain as high a credit score as possible. (It impacts so much of your business, and your life.)

Well, Phil and I decided that we want to clear the myths you have about credit and get clear on what it takes to quickly repair your credit.

So, we’re inviting you to his no-charge info-packed webinar taking place THIS Thursday. (It’s a one time only thing, so you’ve got to be in it to get this info.) Phil always delivers a ton of great info so be sure to bring a notebook and pen for plenty of notes. Go here to grab your seat before it fills up:


See you there!

You’ve heard me talk about the ‘Power of Association’ and the critical role it plays for anyone with their own business looking to reach their BIG goals. If you want to advance more quickly, you MUST surround yourself with a network of other advancing people who WANT to help you, those who can give you resources you don’t have access to on your own. Problem is, most entrepreneurs are lone rangers and don’t know how to surround themselves with other geniuses. The solution? I’ve invited my very own high-level mentor, Joe Polish, an expert in creating Genius Networks, to discuss how to create an amazing network of people who’ll help catapult your business, ways to develop instant rapport with others in your network (hint: using humor is key), how to forge strong connections with centers of influence, as well as how to make a memorable and lasting impression with everyone you meet. If you’re ready to create some serious leverage with the help of other geniuses, do whatever you can to be on this call LIVE.

This call is ONLY for Inner Circle members. Not a member yet? Join now to access this call with Fabienne’s FREE 2-month Client Attraction Inner CircleMembership trial (plus a small shipping/handling fee).

When you join, you get access to monthly Q&A calls with Fabienne AND well over 3 years worth of special topic audio, transcripts, forum posts and bonus calls with Fabienne each and every month.

I heard a quote from Charles “Tremendous” Jones that says something like, “Who you will be in 5 years is a direct result of the people you learn from and spend time with, as well as the books you read.” That basically sums up my personal preference to continually learn new growth concepts and then applying them to my business, as well as the importance of spending time with other highly successful people who love growth. My private high-level clients love that I pass on to them the concepts that work so they can grow in massive leaps. That’s why I would never be without at least one mentor making at the very least 10x what I’m making, and neither should you. So, that’s why Derek and I are in Toronto for a couple of days, learning from those making at least 10x what we are and reading the books they do.

Being successfully self-employed is about living an extraordinary lifestyle and you know me, it’s never all work… you’ve got to live life to the fullest. So we joined some good friends for drinks and stunning 360 views of Toronto’s skyline and Lake Ontario at a chic and exclusive rooftop lounge, before heading to dinner at Scarpetta’s. I rarely eat pasta anymore, but the orecchiette with fava beans and fresh mint was unbelievably delicious. I take a no-excuses approach to living well!

Speaking of, this week’s Client Attraction article is all about eliminating excuses. And because I want you to take a No Excuses Approach to your business, I’m making sure you know about my brand new Get More Clients Blueprint. It helps you get several new clients in a matter of days or weeks. If you’ve been searching for answers to growing your business, they’re right here in the form of this step-by-step Blueprint, where I hold your hand throughout the ENTIRE process and at a steal of a deal. If you don’t take action, you risk staying in the exact same place you’re in now, wondering when it will be your turn to make good-money. Instead, turn it all around and join me in the top 5% of business owners. Here’s the way to do it: www.JoinTheTop5Now.com.

I’ve discovered something really interesting in terms of human behavior over the last few years. I’m shocked to notice how often people stop themselves by using excuses for not doing something in their business, and in their lives. The thing is, they’re not even aware of it. Here’s what I mean… People SAY they want something very badly, that they want a change, and theoretically, that they’d do anything to get it.

But when the rubber meets the road, it’s a totally different story.For many, when it’s time to take action, they’re not WILLING to take the steps or do the work that creates the result. And they use excuses about time and mo-ney as the trap door, their escape route:

“I can’t do ‘x’ because I don’t have the mo-ney right now”

“I can’t do ‘y’ because I’ve already got something planned for that day”

I see it plain as day and I see it happen EVERY day. It’s the “Inner Self-Doubt” that consistently has someone question every single move they make in growing their business or their in-come.

It’s that same inner self-doubt that creates the excuse that invariably comes up, either having to do with time OR mo-ney, or something along the lines of “I’m not sure this is right for MY business.” And what I’m convinced about, because I’ve witnessed it in my own life and then in the lives of hundreds (if not thousands) of my clients, is that this inner self-doubt, questioning everything and not taking serious ACTION when the solution shows up all boil down to one thing and one thing only. And in plain english, it’s called… SELF SABOTAGE.

(By the way, The same thing happens when you decide to do something and then you decide to back out at the last minute. There are people who do this again and again. It’s what I call “waffling” and it’s another form of self-sabotage, something that you use to keep yourself from playing a bigger game in your life.)

In all the years I’ve been working with solopreneurs, I have seen countless people beg for a change in their business, pray to make a lot more mo-ney, and yet, when the answer is delivered and it’s right there in front of them (in whatever form it shows up) they use excuses, turn away or question whether it’s right for them.

Realize that THE limitation around getting to the next level in their business is created by your own mindset. Then you can make a change in perspective, stop using excuses and “just go for it”, then the results show up. Here’s the process I’ve witnessed in myself and in my clients recently:

  1. They make a firm DECISION (to succeed, buy something, attend something, or whatever)
  2. They stop over thinking
  3. They quiet the inner critic and the relentless self-doubt
  4. They look for different ways of making it happen
  5. They take action, IN SPITE OF the “fear”
  6. They are then rewarded very handsomely.

Widening your perspective around success starts with a DECISION. Once you make a decision to succeed, it’s time to commit to doing whatever it takes to make it happen.
Whatever it takes.

Instead of saying “I can’t afford this”, ask yourself “How *can* I afford this?
” Instead of saying “I’m already busy that day”, you’ll begin to find ways to move things around to make it happen. It’s a SMALL shift in perception, but it is absolutely life-changing when you begin to think that way. Instead of stopping the flow, you begin to search for opportunities, for solutions. You begin to act like a detective, looking for different ways to make it happen.

And that’s when it shows up.

I’ve often thought that, if I can’t get into a house from the front door, then I’ll look for the back door. And if the back door’s locked, then it’s time to look for an open window. And if all the windows are shut tight, then the storm door or basement door, etc. Too many people simply try the obvious way of doing something, often, by just looking at their bank account or their calendar. And then they stop there.

And you know what? There is ALWAYS a way. But only if you’re willing to look for a different way. Only if you don’t get stopped at the front door, thinking, “Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be!”

It’s about letting go of mediocrity and trusting that there IS a way to get what you want, or to do what you want to do for your business or in your life. You see, once you make the COMMITMENT to find a way to make it happen, the way to do that thing shows up. Always.


Let me ask you this…

What is it that you are wanting to do that you’re stopping yourself with excuses or mo-ney or time?

Make a list. If you can be honest about it, really honest with yourself and you see yourself doing this very thing, I want to ask you this…
How BADLY do you want this thing, whatever it is? How BADLY can you taste it?

Before you say, “But wait, Fabienne. There ISN’T enough mo-ney for this in my bank account.” or “Fabienne, I’ve already got something planned for then”, notice that it’s all a question of your perception. If it were a life-or-death thing, you WOULD find the mo-ney, you WOULD clear your schedule. And so it CAN be done. And if it can be done, then the excuse is no longer valid.

If you want something really badly, then you need to approach it as if it were a life-or-death situation. You need to have your ACTIONS match what you say you want. Otherwise, a year from now, 10 years from now, 30 years from now, you’ll be in the same place you are now. Is that what you really want?

It comes down to being WILLING to act differently. It’s not just thinking differently, it’s about taking bold and decisive action toward what you say you want in your business or your life. It’s about saying YES to what’s possible for you. Saying YES to the opportunities that are divinely given to you. And then taking action. Your business, your life, your in-come will never be the same. I promise you that.

Here’s a great opportunity for you to take action on as well. If you’ve been searching for answers to growing your business, then I want you to know about my brand new Get More Clients Blueprint DVD/CD Homestudy System (based on the SOLD-OUT live event). With this program, I take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process of earning way more in your small business. Take a moment to watch this high content video that explains it all at www.JoinTheTop5Now.com. No more excuses!

© 2011 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.

I came across this video of Social Media Expert, Gary Vaynerchuk that I want to pass on to you. Gary is the New York Times bestselling author of Crush It and his newest book, The Thank You Economy. (Love both of his books…)

He’s got a great message about the importance of building relationships and getting to know your potential customers and clients, making one on one connections with them, caring about them, appreciating them and gaining their trust. How are you reaching out and touching your potential clients everyday? This video will get you thinking.

It’s short. Take a few minutes to watch it here:

And speaking of clients, if you want to attract more (and who doesn’t?), check out my new Get More Clients Blueprint. They flew off the shelves when we announced it last month, but I still have just a few copies left. Don’t miss out on this last chance… For details, go to: www.jointhetop5now.com


Sign me up for my audio CD!

Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
