September 2010 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

We’ve been hearing from many of our subscribers and clients who *really* want to come out for the event but had conflicts or other commitments or just couldn’t make the investment, at least not this time. And, we totally understand… but we also knew there HAD to be a way to include you at this event, somehow, even if it’s just for ONE powerful session of the Mindset Retreat. It’s called: Online video broadcasting of the LIVE event. (more…)

Have you ever become a victim of your own perfection paralysis when it comes to marketing yourself? I talked to a few clients this week who have been toying with the idea of putting together a talk to promote their services for months but haven’t done anything about it. The problem is they’re waiting to have the talk written, finished, practiced, the flyer completed and have a list of marketing sources that are lined up to promote the thing before actually selecting a date and getting it done. NONSENSE!

If I’d waited to have all things perfectly settled before moving forward with a talk, I’d still have only 3 or 4 clients in my practice, and believe me, I wouldn’t be moving forward very quickly. Instead, I believe in scrapping this traditional route and going backwards. Ask any clients of mine and they’ll tell you I’m notorious for getting my clients to commit to a date 4 weeks from today (yes, we actually have them pull out their calendar and select the date right then and there) and book the space, time, and title of the talk, before anything else is done.

What are my clients’ reactions? Yup, you guessed… “YIKES! I need to get my butt in gear and get things going! I’m giving a talk in 4 weeks!!!”

Magically, everything always gets done. The talk is written, finished, practiced, the flyer is completed and they have a list of marketing sources lined up to promote the thing, and always before the deadline. I call this being PULLED forward by your marketing, instead of being a victim of Perfection Paralysis.

When you set yourself up to stop procrastinating and to start working to make it happen, it works every time. In the past, I too have dragged my feet on picking a date for an event I wanted to give. ‘Should I have it in the summer, should I wait ’til fall?’ Since nothing was happening, I pulled out my calendar, picked a date, gave my credit card number to reserve the space and then made it happen, and you can too! There’s nothing like setting a deadline and getting in gear to make it happen.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Your turn. Are you procrastinating putting together a seminar or big event to market your services and reach out to your prospective clients? End the questioning NOW and just pick a date. Commit and then everything will fall into place because you’ll HAVE to get it done. Now, that’s what I call being pulled by your future. Use your coach or a buddy as an accountability benchmark, and then send them an email with the date of your newly scheduled seminar or workshop. The most accountable thing you can do though is to pay for the space ahead of time. That’ll get you moving! 🙂

If you’re not yet attracting only “A” clients in your practice, you need to start using proven, tried-and-true marketing techniques. I recommend the complete Client Attraction Home Study System. It’s everything you need to create a marketing message that will appeal to the best clients for you. It avoids all the unnecessary stuff and instead gives you the most important things to do to find your niche, get out there in a big way, set up simple, solid systems, so you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. So easy. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. You can get yours at

2010 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System , the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your in.come, visit

I flew to California last week to be featured in a documentary on women who’ve become highly successful by taking their businesses online. It was a fun adventure, with hair, makeup, and a close to 3-hour interview in my suite at the Ritz Carlton. Director and producer of the film, Kim Doyal, was great to work with. In fact, I was really touched that she was literally moved to tears by some of the concepts I was sharing on film about our duty as entrepreneurs to get our message out there in a big way. It’s tentatively titled Women In Business 2.0. Can’t wait for you to see it. I’ll let you know when it’s out.

While in Los Angeles, I hosted a Coaching Intensive in my suite, where a small handful of yummy entrepreneurs joined me in-person for a full day so I could tweak and transform their businesses for profitability, get clarity on their marketing message and positioning in the marketplace. In fact, for ALL of them, I actually took over and mapped out their marketing plans for them (they made me autograph the flip charts of each of their plans!), including their programs, packages and rates, proprietary systems and signature talks. We laughed a lot, made full use of the flip chart, and even made one ‘tough cookie’ tear up and lose her breath when I changed her business right in front of her eyes in about 2 minutes, including a new domain name, and plan for easily making $120,000 in her first year in business. (We shot some videos afterwards of them sharing their experience with me so you can feel like you were there with us. I’ll be posting them on the Coaching Intensive site in the next few days.) These are so fun for me, and create such great results so quickly, that I’ll be hosting another one soon on the East Coast. Watch here for upcoming dates.

You’ve heard me get on my soapbox several times about needing to really hone in on your target audience BEFORE you go out there and market yourself extensively. One of the major reasons this is so important is that most people make the mistake of trying to market to EVERYBODY, fearing that if they niche themselves too much, they’ll narrow down their prospective client pool too much. As a result their marketing is less than compelling and doesn’t pull ANY clients in.

We now know that being a generalist is not Client Attractive, quite the contrary, because EXPERTS make more per hour than generalists, the media is ONLY looking for experts and not jacks-of-all-trades, experts stand out in the marketplace and it’s much easier to market to a specific group than it is to a whole bunch of different people. Otherwise, our message isn’t compelling enough and we don’t catch anyone’s attention. (more…)

Special Topic Relationships, like never before, are the heart and soul of your business and the foundation for your success. Sadly, far too often entrepreneurs enter into business relationships without a full understanding of the purpose of the relationship and without the proper structure. In this month’s Special Topic call, we’ll reveal the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs in their affiliate relationships, and how to avoid them, how having an affiliate program can be a large part of your marketing strategy, what kind of joint venture partners you should be looking for and the number one most neglected detail of any partnership. If you’re wondering how to increase your business with affiliate relationships, do whatever you can to be on this live call.

This call is ONLY for Inner Circle members. Not a member yet? Join now to access this call with Fabienne’s FREE 2-month Client Attraction Inner CircleMembership trial (plus a small shipping/handling fee).

When you join, you get access to monthly Q&A calls with Fabienne AND well over 3 years worth of special topic audio, transcripts, forum posts and bonus calls with Fabienne each and every month.


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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