2009 - Page 3 of 11 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

“Let’s face it, most people put marketing on the back burner, something they get to only once they’ve put out all the fires that need to be put out, once they answer each and every e-mail in their inbox, once they’ve sent every client what they promised to send. Yes, it’s really important to do all of these things; however, you’ve got to realize that if you don’t MAKE the time for your Client Attraction (i.e., Marketing), then you’re simply not going to attract all the clients you need. So, above and beyond ANYTHING you do in your business, your number one priority is Client Attraction.”

To find out how to make Client Attraction a priority in your business, visit www.ClientAttractionMadeEasy.com.

“A desire can overcome all objections and obstacles.” -Anonymous

You’ll always get objections. Let’s face it. You may have the world’s best service, the best product available in your category or industry, but no matter what you do, no matter how good you are, you’re always going to have to deal with objections.

What’s the nature of objections, anyway? I believe most people simply have limiting beliefs of some sort; old conditioning that often keeps them from succeeding. It may be fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being ripped off, fear of overwhelm, etc. Problem is that these objections keep them from finding the solutions that solve their most pressing problems. Their self-doubt gets in the way of their success.


Beyond the tried-and-true strategies for attracting ideal high-paying clients, there are many other powerful ways to get visibility and exposure.
One of those is writing a business blog. That said, you probably have questions about how to use your blog to attract better clients, how it can help you build your list consistently, the keys to creating compelling content that keeps them coming back, how to manage your blogging time and how to use syndicate your blog content to drive more traffic to your website.
We’ll be revealing all that and more on this month’s Special Topic call. You don’t want to miss this one!
–> DON’T MISS November’s Client Attraction INNER CIRCLE Call…
TUESDAY, November 3rd, 2009, 4:00pm Eastern (NY) time (that’s 1pm Pacific, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central.)
TOPIC: “How to Use a Business BLOG to Attract More Ideal Clients”

clip_100909-1Beyond the tried-and-true strategies for attracting ideal high-paying clients, there are many other powerful ways to get visibility and exposure.

One of those is writing a business blog. That said, you probably have questions about how to use your blog to attract better clients, how it can help you build your list consistently, the keys to creating compelling content that keeps them coming back, how to manage your blogging time and how to use syndicate your blog content to drive more traffic to your website.

DON’T MISS November’s Client Attraction INNER CIRCLE Call… TUESDAY, November 3rd, 2009, 4:00pm Eastern (NY) time

TOPIC: “How to Use a Business BLOG to Attract More Ideal Clients”

“I often see entrepreneurs who need clients try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing. They’re looking for new ways of doing things and this creates a frenetic, frantic approach to getting clients. However, doing something NEW doesn’t always create results as quickly. There’s always a learning curve for new strategies. Instead of creating BRAND new strategies, it’s better to go back to doing the tried-and-true, proven things that worked very well for us in the past. That’s when you see results quickly.”
To find out more about getting back to the basics and making Client Attraction super easy – check out www.ClientAttractionMadeEasy.com

“I often see entrepreneurs who need clients try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing. They’re looking for new ways of doing things and this creates a frenetic, frantic approach to getting clients. However, doing something NEW doesn’t always create results as quickly. There’s always a learning curve for new strategies. Instead of creating BRAND new strategies, it’s better to go back to doing the tried-and-true, proven things that worked very well for us in the past. That’s when you see results quickly.”

To find out more about getting back to the basics and making Client Attraction super easy – check out www.ClientAttractionMadeEasy.com

A lot of solo-entrepreneurs wonder how to build their business even bigger, in a short amount of time. They want to know how to attract clients quickly, but are very slow in implementing what needs to be done. And so results are slow in showing up.

Here’s what I want to say to you about that:


I know that sounds contrarian, and for some, it might even seem controversial, especially coming from a business coach specialized in Client Attraction.

But here’s what I mean…

Your number ONE job as an entrepreneur is to come up with ideas for marketing your business. THAT is your brilliance work, other than delivering that what you promised your clients.

The job of implementation should actually fall on the shoulders of your team members: Virtual Assistants (VA), administrative assistant, project manager, marketing assistant, interns, etc.

You see, if you want to grow your business to the next BIG level, you can’t actually be bogged down in the details of implementing it. You’re the only one who’s invested enough and knows your business enough to keep learning. That’s what we do here at www.ClientAttraction.com. It’s my job to come up with the new marketing ideas, the new programs and services, and then I choose the best people to launch them.

So, surround yourself with people who can execute your plans, and keep coming up with ideas. THAT is the ultimate leverage and it’s how you become very successful in business.

What’s YOUR experience with implementing? I’d like to know.

Would you be surprised if I told you I’ve actually mentored a LOT of marketing consultants and business coaches who help others build their businesses? Many of these consultants and coaches come to me because, even though they know how to put these steps into practice, they still don’t have a full practice, or at least not consistently. WHY?

The reason is simple. They don’t market consistently. What usually happens to most self-employed professionals is they get caught up in the everyday of their business and when they have clients, they focus their entire days on those clients.


I’m always amazed when someone comes to me and says, “Fabienne, I need to get some serious cash flow coming in to my business. I just don’t have enough clients. What should I do first, write an ebook, start a micro-continuity program, start a mastermind group?”

Calmly, I look at them and ask a few questions, mainly, what they’re currently doing to market their practice, what kind of stay-in-touch marketing vehicles they have in place, how often they communicate with their target audience, and how they’re currently getting out there in a big way.

Usually, the answer is, “not much.”

Here’s the problem. It’s all well and good to focus on passive and leveraged income, to think about all the new wizbang things you could be doing to bring in money, but if you don’t have a large and loyal list of people who know you, like you, trust you and want to buy from you, selling two to three ebooks at $39 is not going to pay this month’s grocery bill; that low-price point micro-continuity program will be a great idea but may take a long time to monetize and it’s difficult to get 15-18 people to give you $10,000 to $20,000 each when they don’t really know who you are.

Instead, if you’re serious about bringing in some cash flow in your business rapidly, get back to the basics! That means, focus on getting one, two or 5 individual clients in the door. It’s actually WAY easier and it’s the fastest path to cash for someone who has more time on their hands than money, and has yet to create a very large following.

Believe me, you can get to all the other bright shiny objects later. For now, and especially if your “list” is not very big, focus on individual clients, versus trying to create passive income or groups. Makes sense?

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

The 10 Simple Steps To Go From Little Or No Clients, To A Full Practice

Join Fabienne Fredrickson for one of the most important FREE teleseminars you’ll attend this year. Click on the video above or the link below to find out more:


I see this time and time again with entrepreneurs:
A person tries so hard to market their business, wondering why it’s not “happening”, and is frustrated to see that the results aren’t coming in. Yes, with most every entrepreneur, there is indeed something to be changed and tweaked in their marketing; namely, the clarity of their message, their positioning in the marketplace, their list building strategies, and business models, pricing, etc.
And then, in addition to this, what I’ve realized with increasing frequency over the years, is that there is a form of very subtle self-sabotage going on. And it all stems from how a person views himself or herself when no one’s watching.
Here’s what I mean: You can say “I want to make a million dollars – or even $100,000 – in my business” all day long. But if you have feelings of unworthiness and inferiority and deep down, you question whether you truly deserve it, there is absolutely NO way you will attract that money in your business. Because your subconscious feelings ALWAYS override your conscious thoughts.
And it’s for TWO reasons:
1) Spiritually: You’re sending out a message to the Universe that you don’t really deserve it. And therefore, you won’t actually receive it.
2) Pragmatically: If you don’t believe, deep down, that you deserve it, you won’t take action. And because you don’t take action on the opportunities that show up, there will be no results.
By not taking action, or procrastinating more than what’s normal, you are essentially self-sabotaging your efforts. So, for all intents and purposes, it LOOKS on the outside like you are “doing all the right marketing things” but then, at the very last minute, you do something (or don’t do something) so that the opportunity goes stale. Essentially, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The solution:
1) Get clear on how you REALLY see yourself
2) Do battle with these negative views of self and turn them around so that you ARE worthy, and competent and deserving of what you want.
It is more subtle and insidious than you think, but when my clients have the courage to do battle with their inner critic, things begin to open up VERY quickly and the marketing will soon begin to “work”, which means the money begins to pour in. Makes sense?
Let me know your thoughts here and then I challenge you to try it yourself, OK?

I see this time and time again with entrepreneurs:

A person tries so hard to market their business, wondering why it’s not “happening”, and is frustrated to see that the results aren’t coming in. Yes, with most every entrepreneur, there is indeed something to be changed and tweaked in their marketing; namely, the clarity of their message, their positioning in the marketplace, their list building strategies, and business models, pricing, etc.

And then, in addition to this, what I’ve realized with increasing frequency over the years, is that there is a form of very subtle self-sabotage going on. And it all stems from how a person views himself or herself when no one’s watching.

Here’s what I mean: You can say “I want to make a million dollars – or even $100,000 – in my business” all day long. But if you have feelings of unworthiness and inferiority and deep down, you question whether you truly deserve it, there is absolutely NO way you will attract that money in your business. Because your subconscious feelings ALWAYS override your conscious thoughts.

And it’s for TWO reasons:

1) Spiritually: You’re sending out a message to the Universe that you don’t really deserve it. And therefore, you won’t actually receive it.

2) Pragmatically: If you don’t believe, deep down, that you deserve it, you won’t take action. And because you don’t take action on the opportunities that show up, there will be no results.

By not taking action, or procrastinating more than what’s normal, you are essentially self-sabotaging your efforts. So, for all intents and purposes, it LOOKS on the outside like you are “doing all the right marketing things” but then, at the very last minute, you do something (or don’t do something) so that the opportunity goes stale. Essentially, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The solution:

1) Get clear on how you REALLY see yourself

2) Do battle with these negative views of self and turn them around so that you ARE worthy, and competent and deserving of what you want.

It is more subtle and insidious than you think, but when my clients have the courage to do battle with their inner critic, things begin to open up VERY quickly and the marketing will soon begin to “work”, which means the money begins to pour in. Makes sense?

Let me know your thoughts here and then I challenge you to try it yourself, OK?

“To reach the next bigger level of greatness (and professional success), you MUST be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and be willing to make the changes that seem to threaten your “safe” way of being, knowing that you are always safe anyway.”


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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