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I’m feeling a bit nostalgic today, because we have BIG changes in the works for 2016 (which also means a big positive direction for our business).

In fact, I am certain that this is a tipping point year for us here at The Client Attraction Business School. We just had hundreds of people enroll in our Mindset Mastery Course, and over 4,000 people were introduced to the importance of this concept.

That being said, it’s quite humbling that our work changes real things for real people. And it all began with the roots that I’m sharing with you in this week’s video. (I’ve pulled this one out of the archives…it’s from 2012.)

If you want more clients, watch this video and more importantly, implement what you learn. Watch it now, and then I’ll tell you why I’m so nostalgic:

You see, what you do today in your business is what will create results six months from now (please don’t let that discourage you, it’s why this video is so important…)

This topic is still the core foundation of what’ll end those middle of the night worries about not having enough clients.

Will you do what I’ve shared in this week’s 5-minute video?

It’s these consistent, planned actions that lead to consistent and stable results.

Time and time again, I notice that those who succeed are the ones who plan the work and work the plan.

It’s how I grew this business to where it is today and why we are ready to embrace our next big evolution as a company (be on the lookout for new tools, expanded learning and really big announcements over the next several months).

So while the recommendations I make in this video may not make you jump up and down with excitement (hey, I get it, you and I are built similarly), I promise that if you are in the elite group of business owners who DO implement this, you are setting yourself up to win.

And I know you’re a winner. 😉

p.s. Think about how you can systematize and operationalize your marketing strategy. What would make this easy for you?

p.p.s. And really do get the wall calendar. If you’re a visual person like me, it totally works.


Today, I want to give you a peek behind the scenes of one of our Growth Track meetings, because this lesson is really important.

This isn’t the polished presentation of one of my live public events (as you’ll see, it’s pretty casual and I make a couple of faces).

But, it’s the subtle teachings that we share with our students that help them create such great results they would never create on their own…and I believe this particular lesson is vital.

It’s why you may have tried someone’s sales script or process, and despite their assurances that it was “the way” to market and sell…

…it didn’t work for you. That’s because you weren’t being YOU.

Watch this short video now to learn why this is crucial:

You see, we are all wired differently. I believe that our unique strengths and talents correlate directly to our areas of unique brilliance.

In fact, what I teach our students and clients (at all business “life stages,” from start-up to scale-up) is that you make 80% of your money from doing your Unique Brilliance. Whenever you’re doing something else, you are costing your company money.

This doesn’t just work for me, this works for every business owner, including you.

When you watch this week’s 3-minute video, you’ll discover what my own top 5 strengths are and how I leverage them in my own business as rocket fuel for growth.

Here at Client Attraction, we have everyone on our Team (and many of our students) go through a process to do this, so that we can know how to best leverage their strengths in our business. (It’s why our employees say they are so happy to work here. They’re primarily doing only stuff they love and are wired to do.)

You’ll also understand why you may procrastinate sometimes in your business (hint: it’s because you’re going against the grain and you’re not wired to do some things in your business).

I highly recommend that you look into taking this assessment yourself (and with your Team, if you have one). It’s called StrengthsFinder 2.0. Then, you can coordinate your specific sales and marketing practices to match your unique abilities and strengths.

It will work so much better and is easier than trying to be someone you’re not!

It really is ninja. 🙂

So…tell me in the comments section:

How will you use your own top 5 strengths to shift or strengthen your sales processes?

When you sell in the way you’re wired, magic happens.

Happy (authentic) selling!

When was the last time you beat yourself up for procrastinating, not getting enough done or lacking discipline in your business?

HA! Was it today?? 😉

An hour ago? 🙂

(No judgement here, but you definitely want to watch today’s video.)

The truth is that in order to be even more successful, we do need to have a higher level of productivity. We need time to work on our business in addition to the time we spend working in our business.

And yet, when you’re self-employed, the self-motivation required to be consistent can be challenging, at best.

The secret to greater productivity and less procrastination is simple, but few ever use it. It’s potent and must be harnessed every day, in every way. I explain how I use it in today’s 4-minute video:

This may be one of the few videos you’ve ever seen where I refer to God or a “higher source” as it relates to business. And as you’ll see in the video, time and time again, the Universe shows me that when I am clear on what I want, it delivers…every time!!

I explain how in today’s 4-minute video.

(Sadly though, we don’t always ACT when the Universe delivers the opportunity we’ve asked – even begged – for. That’s called resistance and I have some great free training coming your way on overcoming resistance. Look out for it soon!)

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the clearer I am about today’s topic, the more productive and on-task I become.

And then I crush it with my results.

Many times, however, I notice that business owners do not have clarity about this. I hope this doesn’t come across too harshly, but sometimes your actions become wishy washy as a result.

Many look outside of themselves for excuses and blame others for their results. But the truth is that you simply were unclear in your intent.

It’s really about clarity.

So if you’re feeling brave (I know you can do it!), I invite you to answer the following question:

“How have you been confusing the Universe around your intentions?”

As always, do share in the comments section. Start your response with “I.”

Own it. That’s how you get a business breakthrough.

I love reading your ah-has and breakthroughs and am always blown away by your vulnerability and authenticity.

Nothing changes until you get real. So will you take this opportunity to do so here?

I’m rooting for you, big time!

p.s. This is coming directly from my personal experience and what I’ve noticed in my own business. After 16 years, I’m pretty sure that this is the most powerful tool I have when it comes to productivity and discipline becoming my allies, instead of “rules” I’m beating myself up about!

p.p.s. Once you discover how you’ve been creating competing intentions, I invite you to get super clear on what you DO want… Then craft your strategy to get it and implement. It can truly be that simple.

Your life is good now, and still, you want more.

It is the human condition to want more.

There is nothing wrong with it. This is normal!

But most people stop here, in the wanting stage, without great expectation of anything different. They believe and perceive that they are stuck where they are.

I fundamentally, positively, unapologetically disagree.

And I’m not alone. In fact, I have very good company. 😉

In this week’s video, I “invite” one of the world’s great masters to share a profound and life changing truth with you. (This is the beginning of what changed my life.) Here’s where you can watch it now:

Now, this “two envelopes” concept discussed in this week’s 8-minute video is something that some people will vehemently argue.

And sadly, those who argue about it are most always those who are holding “envelope #2” from the video!

Here’s why: people who aren’t where they want to be haven’t yet been introduced to the mindset teachings that create Quantum Income Leaps (or any other leaps for that matter).

Because of this, they aren’t quite ready to bend their minds around the idea that we are in partnership (or even responsible) for creating our life, our income, anything, despite the circumstances we were born with.

Let me say more about exactly what I mean.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the things we want, it’s easy to blame those circumstances outside of ourselves for our results. Like it or not, this is a passive stance to life (reactionary, or as some would say, even acting as a victim of existing circumstances).

And this is why some people aren’t ready to hear this. They are committed to this stance.

(I know, it hurts to hear, as much as it hurts to write it. Please don’t shoot the messenger…and stay tuned for good news.)

The opportunity is to understand that we are in partnership with our outcomes, as they are driven by our beliefs. This is THE most important teaching of our times. Because it means that when we change our beliefs…we change our results.

Everyone has this power.

Everyone has the choice of which envelope they want to open.

I’ve asked my awesome Team to make a printable of Hill’s Expression of Gratitude for you to hang up if you wish to look at it often.

(Click the image below to open it in a new window so you can save it safely on your computer.)nhh_480

Will you put this into practice?

What is it that you want?

Will you write it down?

Also write down exactly what you are willing to give to manifest that which you want.

This is the beginning of your Mindset Shift.

Of course, I’d love to read what you write – share it with me in the comments section, OK?

Now go get manifesting, will you?!?! 😉

Let’s activate your greatness,

p.s. I am in deep preparation for next week’s Live Video Event (free) Training where I am going to go deeply into the topic of how to change your beliefs. I hope you are getting a glimpse into why this is such a vital topic. (Who wants to live an “Envelope Two” kind of life, anyway?? Not me and probably not you either.) More than 2,000 awesome folks have already registered, which makes me feel like we’re doing something great in the world! Get your free ticket to the training here, OK? It’s going to be AWESOME! 🙂


First of all, have you watched the video I made for you about why I am so excited to be focused on Mindset this month?

If not, go do that now, OK? I’ll wait 😉

Quite a few of my clients are eyeing the million-dollar mark this year (and it’s only January). Some are looking at adding another million.

Sure, we’re giving them the tactics and strategies that’ll help them leverage what they’ve already got into something much bigger and more meaningful.

It’s always right there in front of them, right under their nose, but they don’t see it.

Why? Their mindset isn’t ready to see it… That is, until we shift their mindset.

Then? Wow, just wow.

What about you? Are you a high achiever who’s feeling a little impatient? Like things should be happening faster than they are?

Here’s what’s really going on…

“When your conscious mind thinks you want something, but your subconscious mind thinks you don’t deserve it (or any other limiting belief), you will fail at getting what you want. Instead, you will actually attract what your subconscious feels is right for you.

To attract what you prefer, your conscious and subconscious have to be in agreement.” – Joe Vitale

It has been my experience over the last 20 years that this statement is 100% accurate. I know… Ouch.

This is because the subconscious dictates your thoughts and actions, and therefore determines your RESULTS.

Which is all a matter of mindset.

Listen, everyone has some level of mindset stuff to work through. It’s normal. And what I know after coaching thousands of entrepreneurs to success is that most truly believe they’re alone in it.

They see everyone else (ok, well almost everyone else) as completely deserving and capable. And yet, when it comes to actually believing that they can have what they want, they say…

“Who, me?”

Yes. You.

You get to have what you want… But, it requires that we create alignment between what you consciously want and what your subconscious believes you deserve.

It’s a rite of passage and that passage is always a new perspective…a mindset shift.

Once you make that shift, that’s when everything you’ve ever wanted for your business (your income, even your life) shows up. Rather effortlessly, I might add. Like it always belonged there.

You don’t have to figure this out on your own (it’s almost impossible, anyway).

The good news is that I am going to teach you exactly how to do that on my upcoming Live Video Event on February 12th.

(And it’s free.)

More good news: Once you shift these beliefs out of the way… PHEWF. More becomes possible than you’ve ever imagined.

And that is what I want for you. A life with more freedom, more impact and more financial security than you’ve ever let yourself believe possible.

Just try it. You’ll see.

I’ll see you live on the 12th. Grab your free ticket here now, OK?

Rooting for you, bigtime,

p.s. And really, why not you? Let’s get to the root of that belief, ok? Sign up to join me for this training. It will change everything.

People always want to know exactly what I did (and continue to do) to achieve the extraordinary results I experience in my business and in my life…

And today, I will tell you.

This is the stuff that virtually NO business mentor or coach will ever admit to.

It’s too vulnerable and transparent.

But here I lay it out, in today’s 5-minute video. Watch it now:

Now, you don’t have to do what I did. You can absolutely discover your own path to changing your beliefs. But it works and our students get great results from this. 

What I know for sure is that if you want different results, the key is to change your beliefs.

I remember the exact moment that I knew something had to change in me…

It was the moment when Derek said to me, “It’s great that you got another new client today, but no more, ok? We never see you.”

I was really confused and conflicted because I thought that, to make the money others did, I had to keep working really, really hard.

I didn’t understand how others who had started at the same time I had were making so much more than me.

I thought something was wrong with me.

That is, until I started doing some serious personal growth and development work, examined my beliefs and got clear on how I saw myself (self image) and how small I was playing, because I was allowing myself to get stopped by my fears.

As I’ve been sharing, we are doing a deep dive into some very important concepts around Mindset this month. This is why.

It’s the key to the castle. Stay tuned, my friend.

To your expansion,

p.s. If you want more information on my upcoming Live Video Event on February 12, I’ve made a video for you where I share all of the details of my free MINDSET training. You can watch the video and sign up for the free training here!  

For the first half of my career in coaching entrepreneurs to become more successful, I told people that silver bullets and magic pills don’t exist.

I told all my clients that your entrepreneurial success depends only on consistency, sheer effort, blood-sweat-and-tears and willful determination.

That elusive Magic Pill?!? Nope. Doesn’t exist and never will.

Stop asking for a magic pill!, I would tell people.

But then I experienced a transformation in my own business. Something I never expected.

The following quote by Napoleon Hill finally made sense to me, because it happened to me:


Something amazing happened (I’ll tell you about it in a video I’ll be sharing with you in a few days) and I realized that there was indeed a way to put everything I’d been teaching and doing myself on overdrive.

That was the beginning of the journey that helped me turn my yearly income into my monthly income…

…with authenticity and integrity, of course.

And so, because it worked so dramatically well for me, my clients began asking me about it.

And so, I began teaching this Magic Pill to them…and at some exclusive events.

Do you know what “it” is???

I will tell you about it shortly. And as far as I can tell it is the closest thing to a magic pill that there is.

But I don’t want to keep this to my inner circle anymore.

It’s time to share the wealth, literally!

So, this loving note is just a heads up that over the next few weeks, you and I are going to be doing a deep dive into the leading-edge tools you need to turn the most you’ve ever made in a year into your monthly income.

You’ll be receiving LOTS of great content from me in the coming weeks, and it’s all culminating in a very special LIVE VIDEO EVENT on Friday, February 12th at 11:00 a.m. Eastern (New York) Time.

Oh, and this training is totally free. No charge, nada, zip.

My gift to you.

(More details coming soon, but for now mark your calendar for this date now, OK?)

And in the meantime…

Dig deep and dream big. You’re going to be receiving amazing tools you can use to shatter that glass ceiling you’ve been staring at.

Have a wonderful weekend,

p.s. Keep an eye on the blog this Tuesday… I’ll be sending you a special invitation to join me. 😉

I am consistently blown away by the quality of entrepreneurs we attract.

People who build businesses, not just to make lots of money (oh but they do!), but to move the planet forward.

Let’s be honest…we entrepreneurs are the game changers, the peace makers and the world’s catalysts.

We are achievers and we are bold, acting from our hearts. We care. For us, it’s NOT just business, it’s personal.

We at Client Attraction are changing the paradigm of how business gets done, so that people who are feeling called to do something big, and who have the desire to be of deep service through their work, can be greatly rewarded for it, financially.

When Staci, who you’ll meet in this week’s super short video, stood up and began to share her message of how she wants to change the world…the hair on my arms stood up.

Here is a woman who has a message.

And yet, she felt lost. And so I challenged her and asked her a question. I’m going to ask you this question and share a challenge with you too.

But first, watch this 3 minute and 30 second video:

So, who do YOU want to be a hero to? Who do you want to stand up for?

What is the message that you were born to share?


What is the best way for you to get that message to the people you are here to serve? Would you share it with me here in the comments section?


This is how you add BIG passion to your business and stretch beyond your own concept of what is possible for you.

This, dear friend, is my loving challenge for you.

Championing you,

p.s. I would LOVE to know who it is that you are here to be a HERO to and what the message is that you know they need to hear. Post it below in the comments section for me, ok?

One of the most impactful (and most woo-woo) benefits of being part of a community of growth-minded people is what happens when you get together in person.

Here in the CABS community, we call it “entering the Vortex.”

It’s something I used to joke about, until I realized that there is something very real (in fact, scientifically proven) that happens when people of similar vibration get together…

…their personal vibration rises.

And when your personal vibration rises, so do your results. Every time.

Low personal vibration = poor results
High personal vibration = good results

And as you can see in this week’s 3-minute clip taken during a recent Growth Track meeting, we as a community are lovingly coaching Michelle into making sure that her words are matching the intention of maintaining a high vibration, and why it’s the key to changing business results.

Here’s a glimpse into our Vortex:

Does this really work? Like, for real??

Yes. It’s one of the secrets I’ve used to continually grow my business every year and create things that others find unfathomable.

You see, the more you pay attention and focus on the good things that are happening and what you’ve accomplished, rather than the 2% that’s not necessarily going well, the more you attract positive things.

Like most entrepreneurs, we are constantly focused on what we haven’t done or what isn’t working.

So the practice (and this is a practice…you need to do this intentionally) of taking the time to focus on your accomplishments raises your vibration and bathes you in positivity, which means that your work becomes easier and your results come faster and greater.

I know, this is a little woo-woo at first, especially when it’s the first time you’ve heard it applied to business. But it works.

And it affects your physiology. When this happens to me, I get more than a bit excited. (You’ll hear how in this week’s video.)  The more you do this, the more you will physically experience that something amazing is on its way.

On that note (and to get you into the Vortex), I invite you this week to share THREE things that you’ve accomplished in the last 90 days with me in the comments section below.

Allow yourself to truly feel how amazing these accomplishments are and how proud you are before you get back to the task of tackling what has yet to be done.

The Vortex is real. It is powerful. And it will make your success inevitable. We experience it intentionally every day here at CABS and I invite you to do the same.

Stay positive,

p.s. I really can’t wait to read your accomplishments! I’m rooting you on from here!

p.p.s. When the time feels right, join us in The Client Attraction Business School by going here, OK? It’s your time.

By most people’s standards, Scott was doing pretty darned well in his 10 years as a professional organizer.

I mean…he was doing 6 figures a year and people wanted his services.

The thing is, he was feeling super frustrated because he had plateaued and couldn’t seem to get out of his own way.

Well, a couple of weeks in The Client Attraction Business School changed it all…

Want to be inspired and see what’s possible by what Scott experienced in just two weeks, and then over the next six months? Watch and be moved below.

The danger in a decade-old business is that you know a whole lot about what you already know.

When Scott stepped through his fear to change the name of his company (you’ll hear why it was vital to his future success that he change it at the 3 minute 35 second mark) and implemented packages, increased his a la carte pricing and hired a team…

…he was able to cover $50K in additional expenses in cash – no sweat. He happily states in the video what he did with his newfound $50,000.

Here’s the thing: Scott recognized an opportunity. And like in all success stories, he understood deeply one of my most powerful teachings:

When you ask for what you want, it is given in the form of an opportunity. If you want the results that you asked for, then you must action the opportunity that arrives.

Scott did just that and because of it, I got to ask him, “Scott, what does a $1 million organizing business look like?”

Whether you are already at 6 figures OR you’re at an earlier stage of your entrepreneurial adventure, I’d love to invite you to discover what is possible for you this year by applying for a call with one of our amazing coaches.

As you’ll hear in the video, Scott was able to recoup his investment in The Client Attraction Business School in two weeks. There were simple ideas that were right in front of him that he hadn’t actioned yet.

I’m guessing there are opportunities like this right in front of you, too. Would you like our support to be able to see them? If so, click here and let’s schedule a call to see what you can create in 2016 with the right support.

Here’s to your amazing 2016!

p.s. There is some colorful language in this video… What can I say? We’re a wild tribe! But I know you’re going to be inspired to aim higher after watching it, so please take the next 7 minutes to get inspired and watch it now.

p.p.s. Just a quick heads up that next week something very new and very exciting is coming your way, so make sure to be on the lookout for next Thursday’s email. Let’s just say I am ready to arm you with the #1 tool for success when it comes to separating the 20% of businesses that thrive from the 80% of businesses that fail. More on this next week! xoxo


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