intention Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Intention-SmallDo you have big plans? Are you the kind of person who dreams big? Good for you! That’s very exciting and I want to help you realize those dreams and make them a reality in your life. By setting an intention, you are taking charge and sending a message to the Universe that you mean business. You are serious about your goals and are ready to take steps to see them come into being.

What is an intention?

A working definition for the word “intention” is: “To have in mind a purpose or plan; to direct the mind; or to aim.” When there is a lack of intention, you might stray from your goal or have no goal at all. You could also end up working without meaning or direction, neither of which will help you get very far.

A solid intention that is well-thought-out allows all the forces of the Universe to align and make what seems impossible become possible. Follow this five-step guide to setting an intention.

1. Get clear about your intention

First get clear about what you want. Take time to think about something you want to accomplish or manifest and define it. Knowing what you want and why you want it provides a solid foundation from which to manifest and create.

2. Write it down

When you write your intention down, you are making it more real. The more real it feels, the more energy that goes into it. Energy is what brings things into form and into your reality.

3. Share it with someone to be accountable

When you tell someone about your intention, you are taking another step to manifest it. I encourage my students to share their intentions with a person who will hold them accountable. By doing this you are more likely to follow through and focus on the intention you set.

4. Take action to support your intention

Do something every day that supports your intention. This demonstrates commitment to your intention and, again, puts energy into it.

5. Acknowledge yourself

After you take a step that is in alignment with your intention, acknowledge yourself for following through and sticking to your commitment. This is a positive and powerful step.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Intentions can be really huge or very simple. You can set an intention daily upon waking, before you even get out of bed. Intend to have a happy or productive day. Intend to eat well and make healthy choices. Intend to easily find the right virtual assistant. Intend to make 50 percent more money this year than last. Intend to spend quality time with family every day. Whatever you intend, you are putting forth energy towards bringing that goal into reality and living the way you desire.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


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