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Client attraction is based upon the Know-Like-Trust Factor. For people to want to hire you or refer you they’ve got to know you, like you, and trust you! The sooner they get to know, like and trust you, the sooner they become paying clients. When you first started your business you did a lot of your marketing one-to-one. You were networking and speaking and talking one-to-one with referral partners. Once your practice gets full, the only way you can make more money is to leverage yourself. One of the ways to leverage yourself is by leveraging your marketing.

I want you to always be thinking about that—leverage your marketing. One of the ways to do this, it to use technology. This is what we teach our Platinum level and above clients –just how can you leverage your business.

I recently spoke with a woman who was so excited to finally meet me live and in person. “Oh my gosh. It’s you!” she said. “You’re in the flesh in person. I feel like I know you so well because I watch all your videos.”

You see,  she felt she knew me in a very short period of time. I think she first heard about me two months ago and she is now in one of my higher level programs—in just two months! She’s perfect; she’s so yummy. We adore her. What used to take several years of building—that Know, Like and Trust factor got condensed into a period of weeks.

This is what I want for you too. I want you to think about how you might already be using video in your marketing and if you are, that’s fantastic. If you’re not yet using video, it’s time to leverage what you’re doing in terms of your marketing. It’s not just written words on paper. They can see you. They see your expressions. You can be emotional, funny, tender, cheeky, laughing—all aspects of your personality can come out on video. Again, it speeds up that Know-Like- Trust process.

Your Video Assignment

If you’re not already using video in your marketing, I want you to start looking around at what I’m doing, what other people are doing, and see what you can implement into your own business.

If you are already using video in your marketing, then I want you to see what you would need to do to multiply that; multiply your video usage, multiply your effectiveness with video and multiply the number of clients you can attract using video.

Good luck!



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