how to stay in touch with prospects Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

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Let’s be honest. You can’t change something you’re not willing to acknowledge.

I’ve heard so many entrepreneurs tell me, “I’m really good at what I do but I’m just not getting enough clients. I just don’t know why.” Then they’ll add: “It’s easy for them. But not for me. Something must be wrong with me.”

Your self-doubt starts to creep in. I know. I’ve been there, too.

I’ve even heard some entrepreneurs wonder,  “I don’t know…maybe I should go back to corporate.”

Before you throw in the towel, let’s take a look at some of the things you might be doing wrong with it comes to marketing and running your business. When we identify these things, then we have the opportunity to change them.

Looking to ramp up your Client Attraction to get more ideal, high-paying clients – quickly and consistently? My Get More Clients Workshop is THE event where I teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to get more clients and make more money in your small business so you too can live the freedom-based lifestyle you deserve!

In this 3 day LIVE event I will personally reveal and show you exactly how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods – and actually create the marketing materials you need – so you always have a consistent stream of ideal, high-paying clients, a waiting list of prospects and can systematically and authentically close the sale virtually every time, so you never EVER worry about how to get ideal clients again. When you apply these strategies, you can bring in clients within a few days or weeks and generate an EXTRA $5,000 – $15,000+ a month to take your existing business to multiple five-figures, six figures, multiple six-figures and beyond, in record time. (It’s actually a really simple, and fun process when you’re shown exactly how.) The Get More Clients Workshop will show you how. Guaranteed.

Click here now to find out more and register TODAY for the Get More Clients Workshop.

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I find that a lot of entrepreneurs will put their client attraction system in place, get plenty of new prospects and new leads—but then just don’t do much with them. But here’s the thing– 90% of closing the sale can be about staying in touch and taking that person from interested prospect to paying client.

People ask me, “How often do you stay in touch with somebody?” I had a woman ask me once, “How do I stay in touch without feeling like a gnat, like I’m always bothering them.” My reply? “Stay in touch by adding value and by always being on their radar screen.”

What are some of the things that you have done in the past that have taken prospects from interested to paying client? I have a long list that I’ve shared with my Gold and Platinum clients and I’d like to share a few of these idea with you, too. By the way, these are very simple. A lot of the client attraction systems that are available to you are very simple; it’s just that you haven’t made time to do them or you haven’t created systems around them.

So, here are 3 ways to stay in touch. Write these down and start implementing them! Just think, if you made a list of all of the people who have expressed interest in working with you and are not yet paying clients, there would be quite a few people. I want you to use some of these strategies to move them forward. Ready?

1. Send them unexpected notes. It could be, “I saw you on Facebook. Congratulations on your award,” or “I saw this article and was thinking about you.” Stand out from everyone else by sending your note by regular mail because people are too used to getting things by email these days.
2. Send them a little gift. Send a small, personal gift with a note. It shows that you know about them, that you care about them and it’s not something that everybody is getting. Perhaps it’s a book that really resonates with them and you sign something in the beginning. If it’s truly heartfelt, you’ll find yourself on their radar screen because they’ll really be paying attention to you.
3. Invite them to a talk that you’re giving. They may already know you but they may not have seen you in action. This will help move the process along.

The more you stay in touch on a regular basis, the more it will seem to the prospect that it’s a sign that they should be working with you. In fact it is. If you’re thinking about them and you’re caring for them, then these are absolutely valuable things to be doing in your business. If you systematize a verifiable, repeatable process for staying in touch with your prospects and turning them into paying clients, the better for you.

Your Video Assignment
Make a list of all those people who have expressed interest in working with you but haven’t turned into paying clients yet. Now take action. Find what ways work best for you to stay in touch with each of them on a regular, consistent basis.

And your extra credit assignment is to create a system around staying in touch. It doesn’t matter what level in business you are. You could be just starting out. This is going to be hugely valuable for you. The key is to systematize it so that it doesn’t all depend on you. Good luck!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment advisor, send us an email at


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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