how to manifest Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

You’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, you’ve watched the movie The Secret more times than you can count on one hand, and you probably love the idea, but haven’t figured out a pragmatic, practical way of applying these to your small business success, ON A REGULAR BASIS.

Where most people don’t use the Law of Attraction properly is that they think they can just put a thought out there in the Universe, do some positive thinking and wait for the results to come to them. Well, in my own experience, it doesn’t work quite that way.

There are several components to using the Law of Attraction (or “Manifesting”) to attract what you want into your business, in addition to marketing:

1) Create the thought

2) Soak in the feeling

3) Take action

4) Be grateful

Today, I am sharing with you exactly how I use some of these principles to attract more money, more ideal clients and more opportunities in my own private practice. Strap on your seatbelt, because you’ll be surprised by how easy these tools are to implement and yet how wildly successful they will be for you, as they’ve been for me. OK, let’s get started…

First things first, we need to get some clarity about what you want.

The first thing you want to do is get super clear about what you want to attract in your business. That said, what you want to attract right NOW.

I used to say, “Oh, I want to be a multimillionaire helping others” or even, “This year, I want to make $500,000.00 working half the time.”

I still want these things and am getting closer to attracting them, but what about the day-to-day?

Sometimes, it’s the day-to-day focus that seems to be missing. Without focus, attracting clients, or money, or anything else you want seems to fall by the wayside.

You see, we’re taught to dream BIG, and so we do. But without a pragmatic way of looking at something you want to attract, it’s much more difficult to bring it into your physical reality.

So, the first thing I’d like you to do, right now, is to figure out what you would like to attract, this week or this month. Is it 3 new ideal paying clients? Is it 150 paid registrants at your upcoming live event? Is it a radio or magazine interview in a prominent business publication?

Get super clear on what you want and write it down.

Great. Now, before we keep going, let me ask you this. Was it written in the positive or the negative? What I mean is, did you write “I have no more debt” or rather “Money comes to me easily and joyfully” or “I am financially independent”.

Are you being specific enough?

“I attract lots and lots of new clients” isn’t as powerful as “I attract 3 new ideal clients in April.”

You see, whether you’re spiritual or not, the Universe will bring you exactly what you ask for. When you’re not being specific, it’s more difficult for you to actually GET what you ask for, or rather, you may get a version of it you didn’t really want.

For example, if you offer 3 different programs, with one bringing in more money than the other two, then perhaps you want to focus on saying, “I sign on 3 new ideal clients for my Fast Track program.”

That said, let’s see if you can rewrite your request below, with more specificity (think: how much and by when.)

OK, now it’s time to launch that rocket into the Universe and make that an official request.

I have many, many tools that I implement regularly to put the Universe to work in helping me attract what I want into my business. I share ALL of them during my FREE Quick Start Guide to Attracting 3 New Clients This Month Special Report at

Go here now to download your own copy and start manifesting anything you want in your business – TODAY!


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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