getting past procrastination fr women entrepreneurs Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Sometimes, you just KNOW there’s something you need to take action on to take your business forward. However, if you’re anything like me, you’ve gotten stopped in the past, even when it’s something you KNOW will create big results. You procrastinate, you tidy up your office, get another cup of coffee, ANYTHING to not get it done. Ever have that happen to you?

There are different reasons why you may be stalling from taking action. It could be that you don’t know the next steps, that you’re not sure how to move forward. That happens, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Most likely, it’s something deeper.

For me, the procrastination in moving forward is directly tied to the outcome, especially when the outcome really means a lot to me. When it’s something meaningful, something BIG, it’s a combination of, “Wow, I hope I don’t screw this up” and simultaneously, “What will happen if I succeed? Can I really handle the success and the abundance that will come my way? Am I really cut out for this much good stuff coming into my life?” (Just writing that seems ridiculous, but that’s what sometimes comes up, and I KNOW I’m not the only one.)

That’s what I call your INNER game of Client Attraction (mindset) dictating your OUTER game of Client Attraction (marketing.) (more…)


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