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I am trusting that this is the message you need to hear today, because this is a message from my higher self to your higher self.

I know it can be hard to be patient…and I know that sometimes you wonder when all of your hard work is going to pay off, and maybe, whether it will ever pay off. I want to share this message with you as a gift and inspiration to, well, keep on keepin’ on. 

This video is a bit longer than usual, but if you give me the next five minutes I will give you one of the most powerful messages I have to share about how this all really works:

Here’s the deal…

You are never alone.

You were never in it alone, and you never will be in it alone. I know that sometimes it can feel this way, but we are all connected to a source and wisdom that defies explanation, even in business, yes.

I’ve simply experienced and witnessed too many miracles to know that it is so.

So if you’re struggling…if you feel like you’re failing…if it feels like it’s happening too slowly…

…take a really deep breath.

Follow these four steps:

  1. Dream even bigger
  2. Believe that what you want is on its way
  3. Take decisive action
  4. Stay in faith (crucial)

This is it how it happens. And just know that everything you are experiencing right now is a vital step in the process.

Be bold in your faith that all will be well. Stay connected to your heart.

It’s always hardest in the middle.  

Right here with you,

P.S. I share how I understand what is being communicated to me from source in the video. Yes…tingles, images, all of it. Take a moment and think about it. What have been the signs for you? 

P.P.S. “Dust yourself off and try again…” Still one of my favorites.

FocusAs a small business owner, there are countless people and projects clamoring for your attention, which can make it difficult to focus. Distractions often prevent you from getting your work done. Yet, executing strategies that bring you fast cash are essential to build your business quickly.

You may think there are not enough hours in the day. However, the true solution is becoming focused and sticking to your plan to complete projects. Let me share three empowering strategies that will help you improve focus and spike productivity.

1. What are your biggest time wasters?

When you think about what distracts you from work, it may be any of these activities:
• Email
• Personal phone calls
• Social media
• Errands
• Not delegating enough
• Non-money-making activities
• Other people’s priorities

Take out a piece of paper and write down what activities are the most distracting to your productivity. Getting clear on what takes you off course and competes for your attention is the first step to improving productivity. Think about what gets in your way on a daily basis.

2. Allow yourself to say no

I know you work hard, so have a little compassion for yourself. Making yourself feel bad will not help change the situation. As an entrepreneur, you never get to the bottom of your to-do list and it’s time to accept this as a fact. Take a moment to consider what you need to say “No” to in order to clear your desk for priority projects.

Here are three steps you can take situations to say “No” and guard your time:
• If what you are working on is not generating money or a big game changer, stop doing it.
• Set strong boundaries with family, friends, colleagues and even clients if needed.
• Hire childcare if you need it; even two hours a day can improve productivity.

3. Use Tools that Boost Productivity

Try any of these suggestions to become more focused and enhance your productivity.
• Get away from your desk to disrupt your routine. Try a café, the library or even work at home once a week to be super focused during this time.
• Close all non-essential windows on your computer like Facebook Twitter, email, etc.
• Let calls go to voicemail and return calls later.
• Use an egg time or countdown clock on your phone or computer for focused time periods. When the timer rings, you are done—no matter how much you’ve accomplished.

Please keep in mind you are human and tomorrow is another day. Whatever you don’t finish will be there tomorrow, but having an end time is just as important as setting time aside to focus on priority tasks.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
I encourage you to also make a list of what you need to stop doing or delegate to free up time for more important, money-generating activities. Since there are only so many hours in a day, the better you get at using your time productively and not allowing yourself to get distracted, the more you‘ll accomplish.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

I hope you’re having a truly wonderful day, productive in all ways.

Hey, I shot a new 4-minute content video this week that I think you’ll really be able to use in several ways, as it applies to both your business AND your life.

Many people I talk to think that being successful requires a lot of effort, blood, sweat and tears.

Yes, some effort is required, of course, but it’s not just what you do, it’s HOW you do it.

How you show up is almost more important than what you do.

I know, that sounds a little crazy at first, but you’ll understand more when you watch this video.

This is a simple mindset strategy, but I’ve come to realize that it’s often the simple changes we make that have the most profound impact on our results.

I would love to hear from you about which areas of your life you see yourself as a 3-bagger and what would happen to other areas of your life if you began adding more energy, focus, intention and discipline.

Share this with me in the comments below, OK?

Sending you so much love,

p.s. This is an important mindset shift you can begin making in your business that few people realize creates a difference. In fact, I now believe that mindset is 90% of the reason for someone’s success or lack thereof. And I’m going around the country teaching mindset this summer. Join me? You can register for my free events here. Can’t wait to give you a hug. xo

Have you ever become a victim of your own perfection paralysis when it comes to marketing yourself? I talked to a few clients this week who have been toying with the idea of putting together a talk to promote their services for months but haven’t done anything about it. The problem is they’re waiting to have the talk written, finished, practiced, the flyer completed and have a list of marketing sources that are lined up to promote the thing before actually selecting a date and getting it done. NONSENSE!

If I’d waited to have all things perfectly settled before moving forward with a talk, I’d still have only 3 or 4 clients in my practice, and believe me, I wouldn’t be moving forward very quickly. Instead, I believe in scrapping this traditional route and going backwards. Ask any clients of mine and they’ll tell you I’m notorious for getting my clients to commit to a date 4 weeks from today (yes, we actually have them pull out their calendar and select the date right then and there) and book the space, time, and title of the talk, before anything else is done.

What are my clients’ reactions? Yup, you guessed it… “YIKES! I need to get my butt in gear and get things going! I’m giving a talk in 4 weeks!!!”

Magically, everything always gets done. The talk is written, finished, practiced, the flyer is completed and they have a list of marketing sources lined up to promote the thing, and always before the deadline. I call this being PULLED forward by your marketing, instead of being a victim of Perfection Paralysis.

When you set yourself up to stop procrastinating and to start working to make it happen, it works every time. In the past, I too have dragged my feet on picking a date for an event I wanted to give. ‘Should I have it in the summer, should I wait ‘til fall?’ Since nothing was happening, I pulled out my calendar, picked a date, gave my credit card number to reserve the space and then made it happen, and you can too! There’s nothing like setting a deadline and getting in gear to make it happen.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Your turn. Are you procrastinating putting together a seminar or big event to market your services and reach out to your prospective clients? End the questioning NOW and just pick a date. Commit and then everything will fall into place because you’ll HAVE to get it done. Now, that’s what I call being pulled by your future. Use your business coach or a buddy as an accountability benchmark, and then send them an email with the date of your newly scheduled seminar or workshop. The most accountable thing you can do though is to pay for the space ahead of time. That’ll get you moving! 🙂

If you like the idea of this unconventional way to market that gets you clients, you’ll love the Client Attraction Home Study System™ for attracting all the clients you need with proven, systematic processes that will help you fill your practice quickly and consistently, guaranteed. Here’s where you can get your own copy:

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine?

No problem! But here’s what you MUST include:

Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System , the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit

The last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about aiming for MUCH bigger in our business, in our life, and in our purpose. We’ve stretched, looked into the fears of dreaming TOO big (is there such a thing?!) and looked at all the other emotions that come up once we’ve actually MADE the decision to play a bigger game. These are related to issues of safety, not rocking the boat, and self-doubt as to whether we really CAN play a bigger game in life and business.

But then, if this weren’t enough, there’s yet another thing that is likely to stop a lot of people right in their tracks. And that’s trying to figure out the “how”.


In sifting through emails from a R&D survey I launched a couple of years ago, I read the responses, and honestly, I wanted to cry. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I haven’t been aware that most solopreneurs have very low expectations of what could be made in self-employment (I’ve been at this for almost 10 years after all!), but I just didn’t know how LOW. Until I got the responses to the following question: “What is the most amount of mo-ney you see yourself making as a self-employed person?” Not just this year, but EVER.

Close to 200 solopreneurs (mostly female) wrote in and shared with me their “Most-I’ll-ever-make-in-a-year” numbers. What shocked me was that the number itself was really LOW and the majority of people wrote in numbers within a short range: between $50,000 and $75,000. Sure, a couple of them wrote in $150,000, but even THAT seemed like a far cry from what I *know* is possible, when you shift the way you work, get good marketing in place, create systems for everything, outsource, and set up leveraged and passive streams of in-come.


There are some solo-entrepreneurs that market ’til they’re blue in the face, and STILL don’t attract ideal, high-paying clients. They’re seemingly doing all the “right things”: they’ve got marketing materials, marketing plans, they’re speaking, networking, etc. and yet producing no real results. Yes, they have some clients. Yes, they’re making their bills. But they’re not seeing the kind of success they so desperately want. (Are you one of those?)

You might be wondering, “What is going on? What am I doing wrong?? I’m busting my chops, working like a dog, and yet my 1ncome is still NOT what I want it to be… in fact, not even close.” On the outside, everyone probably thinks you have a great business, but YOU know what’s really going on, especially financially. I actually hear this a lot. As I am working with higher level clients (people who have plenty of clients but not the business or 1ncome they really want to be making) I’m noticing that the marketing is only half the problem.


I once asked a few people to be part of my Research and Development team to find out what stopped them from getting out there in a BIG way to get clients. I also asked them to tell me the MOST they could see themselves making being self-employed. Honestly, I was saddened by the answers that rolled in, and their answers were right in line with the people I talk to on a daily basis.

You see, most people have very LOW expectations on what can be made in self-employment. The average from my polling was between $50,000 and $75,000, and the highest amount I heard was about $150,000. Using SYSTEMS and LEVERAGE techniques, we can totally change that to create an income that is FAR beyond what you’ve ever thought attainable for yourself. (I know it may not seem possible as you read this, but I promise you, it IS possible for you too. I’ve done it for myself and I’ve done it for countless clients.)


“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” — Bill Cosby

To attract clients consistently and with little effort, your marketing message must be clear and it must stand out. There’s no way around it. If what you say about your business and what prospects read about it isn’t sounding irresistible to them, they’ll move on to the next person. Guaranteed.


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

You’ve heard a lot more about the Law of Attraction recently. For nearly 10 years, I’ve been using it consciously to create my ideal business, on a daily basis, in addition to disciplined marketing strategies.

With anything in life, if you don’t KNOW where you’re going, you’ll either eventually get lost or it’ll take you a long time to get there, much longer than necessary. If you’re heading out to drive cross-country and choose to do it without a roadmap, it may not even make sense to head out in the first place. Worse, if you don’t consciously choose what you want, you will continue to attract by default what your unconscious mind wants to attract.



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