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WritingBook-smMany students tell me they have a book inside them waiting to come out, but they’re confused as to how to begin writing a book. I have written three books myself, and along the way I have learned a lot about what not to do. I’m happy to share what I learned from my book writing blunders to help you be smarter about writing yours.

For me, the biggest time waster in pulling a book together is when I try to strategize at the same time I am writing and being creative. These two tasks conflict, cannot be done simultaneously and will get in the way of your progress.

The next time I’m ready to begin writing a book, my approach will be to follow these five steps:

1. Create a tight table of contents
I found it much more productive to spend a month or two – or even six – getting very clear on exactly what I wanted to write about. Invest your time in coming up with a very structured Table of Contents, which becomes your outline. Think about all the topics you want to cover and organize them into chapters.

2. Choose 5 – 10 sub-points for each chapter
Under each chapter topic, define the 5 – 10 sub-points you’ll be making. These points need to be super clear, chronological steps that lead the reader through your material one step at a time.

3. Review your outline for consistency
Before you write a single word, look through your entire Table of Contents to be sure it all makes sense and is in the best possible order. You might see steps that need switching because the order is better another way.

4. Flush out each chapter
To make the writing as easy as possible, you want to get your thinking done before you even start. Knowing what you are going to write about makes the process flow so much more smoothly. Sharpen up your vision with plenty of details. To help, ask yourself the following questions for each chapter:

  • What is the concept?
  • Why is that important?
  • How do you do it?
  • What story, analogy, personal experience or client example can you share about that to help people relate?

5. Write the book
After completing the first four steps, you are now ready to sit down and write. You have all the strategizing out of the way. What’s remaining is the creative process of putting words on paper and expressing your ideas. Now, you won’t be bogged down by wondering what you want to say – it has all been clarified in your Table of Contents ahead of time. Follow this advice so writing your book will be a much easier and faster journey.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Do you have a book inside you waiting to emerge? Set aside time in your calendar on a regular basis to come up with your core concept. What is your message? What do you have to share with the world? Invest this time up front and your book is far more likely to become a reality.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


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