How to stop procrastinating | Client Attraction Business School

How to stop procrastinating

Fabienne Fredrickson
September 21, 2016

I’ve got some truth telling for you today… And I believe it has the power to forever shift how you feel about marketing.

It also has the ability to get you out of procrastination, FOR GOOD. 😉

Especially if you’re someone who struggles with implementation in your business, whether it’s getting your weekly newsletters out, well…weekly, actually getting to that networking group even though you’re tired and busy, or making yourself visible to your ideal prospects by accepting that scary speaking gig…

This is a short video. It’s just under two minutes and I believe it will give you just what you need to get out of your own way and start letting people find you. Watch it now please:

Here’s what I’ve noticed over the years of coaching thousands of business owners. When we focus solely on the money, we get stuck. Yes, things may work, but they feel really hard and effort-y. You know?

But when your focus shifts to being of service to all the people who need you, magic happens.

It was never about the money. It’s about your brownies.

The message I want you to hear clearly from today’s video is that the best way I’ve discovered to get things done, and to stick to my marketing commitments, is by taking the focus off my needs and putting my focus on those I am here to serve.

We have the opportunity to use our life to be of service and make things better for our clients through our work.

We GET to help others. That is an incredible privilege.

And that is the most powerful invitation that I can think of to do whatever needs to be done to get your work in front of the people who need you most.

(The ones who were up tossing and turning, worrying at 3:00 am…not the ones who were dancing.)

Now go share your brownies!

P.S. If you haven’t heard me talk about sharing your brownies before, I mean sharing your gifts.

Your gifts + talents + unique abilities + life experiences + expertise = your brownies.

And just like having a houseful of guests, and baking up a delicious batch, and letting all your guests smell the wonderful smell…and then NOT giving them any of the warm brownies would be totally selfish… not sharing your gifts as abundantly as you can is selfish too. Now, get out there and be seen! <3

P.P.S. See you on tomorrow’s free live-stream, right? 🙂

  • Liliane Sklenarik

    I so needed to hear this (again). I am often money focused and I find when I think about my “brownies” and how there are people out there that can benefit from my service I get such a sense of relief! I have a hard time remembering that as a quilt artist/teacher I DO have something to offer people. It may not be brain surgery I am doing, but I do offer beauty and confidence and skills. I DO have a place in this universe or I would not have come up with the desire to do this. Am I right?

    • Hi Liliane, you are 110% right! That’s such great news!

      • Liliane Sklenarik

        Just had an AWESOME phone call with coach Lori and we talked a lot about the ‘worth’ of my business. She gave me some excellent stories of her own experiences and great advice. It’s times like these I feel I can conquer the world!

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