Here's where your money is hiding | Client Attraction Business

Here’s where your money is hiding

Fabienne Fredrickson
August 11, 2016

You know I’m always here to take a stand for you, right?

I love you deeply, but I’m not lenient…

…especially when it comes to you standing in your own way of your greater future.

Many business owners experience something called Money Paralysis. It’s when an opportunity for growth shows up in the form of an investment that needs to be made and you think:

“Can I actually afford this? I will never have enough money for this… Where would the money come from?”

Well, I’m here to tell you that the money you need to improve your situation already exists. Watch this week’s video to find out where it’s hiding:

I feel so passionately about this that I almost cancelled this session of the Mindset Retreat to allow time for attendees to work on their 50 Ways list.

(This exercise is where you list 50 Ways you could make money right now, and then take immediate action. Learn more about it here. It’s one of my most popular exercises and my students have been using this for years to multiply their revenues and get quick cash, including “affording” whatever they want to invest in.)

Here’s your challenge.

Open your mind and allow yourself to think about how the money already exists, in the form of an opportunity that you haven’t actioned yet. Look for all the opportunities. There are at least 50, if you will take the time to look.

Then, hustle.

Take action on your 50 Ways.

Like I said, you can afford anything.

Cheering you on,

P.S. Promise me you’ll do this, okay?

  • Betty Namuyanja

    Fabienne just know that am always glad to be inspired by a powerful and lovely lady like you dear thanks for always uploading we glad, cheers

  • Aysha Strausbaugh

    There is so much I want!

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