I am positively expecting great results | Client Attraction

I am positively expecting great results no matter what I see in front of me

Fabienne Fredrickson
January 29, 2015

i-am-positively-expecting-great-results-no-matter-what-i-see-in-front-of-meMaintaining a positive outlook on your business can be challenging at times. Perhaps you are experiencing self doubt about a recent pricing change or feel concerned about new business opportunities. I want to share with you what I have done to stay positive and on the right track.

I actually have a script I say to myself at stressful times: “I am positively expecting great results no matter what I see in front of me. The Universe is rearranging itself for my best interest right now.”

I am not kidding about the power of saying this to yourself. Here’s an amazing story about how well this works…

When I was coming back from a trip to Mexico, I was in line to board the plane and handed over my ticket. The airline representative asked for the customs form I received on the way in. I responded, “What customs form?” She said, “Didn’t they tell you at the check-in counter?” I replied, “No, I used the kiosk and I’m carrying my bags on the plane, so I didn’t speak to anyone.”

The airline rep proceeded to tell me on the flight to Mexico I was given a customs form and needed to provide it or else I couldn’t get back into the country. As you can imagine, I started breaking out in a sweat and asked if she could just give me another form to fill out. She said no, I’d have to go back through customs and by that time I’d miss my plane!

This was the last flight of the day and we had a live meeting for The Client Attraction Business School the very next day. I had to get on that plane.

The woman from the airline asked if it could be in my suitcase, and I thought there was no way. Why would I put it in there? But she went to look through my bag.

As I stood at the counter, I closed my eyes and repeated that script about the Universe rearranging itself for me about 40-45 times. I was speaking out loud. I didn’t care if I looked crazy. The words I shared above were the only thought I permitted.

The airline rep came back over to me a few minutes later and told me when she opened my suitcase, the form was right on top. Trust me when I tell you I did NOT remember putting it there when I packed.

Now, some people would say this was just a coincidence, but I assure you it was not. Belief creates reality. Other people say, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but it actually works the opposite way. You will see it only when you believe it, because you put yourself in a position of positive expectation. That’s how the Universe will literally rearrange itself to deliver what you want.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do you see places in your life and business where you can apply this technique? Next time you come up against something that challenges you, try using this script. Repeat the phrase multiple times, over and over again. Truly believe it. Then see what happens.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit www.ClientAttractionBusinessSchool.com for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

  • Fabienne, you are a awesome coach. I’ve been a follower for years. You always deliver great value and insight. I’ve learned to put myself in the hands of other people who are willing to believe and able to receive help. On the customs form, your subconscious mind thought, “Where should I put the form to help the airlines representative do her job?” And naturally you put it there for her to find.

    • Thank you for your comment and insight! Wishing you all the best the Universe has to offer 🙂

  • I have this hanging up in my downstairs home office, in my upstairs home office and on my bathroom mirror!! (and I’m thinking of putting it in my car too! 🙂 ha! I love it and it is soooooooooooo true!!! It has advanced my business and my personal life in many ways!! THANK FABIENNE!! YOU ARE FABULOUS! love ya! Kell 🙂

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