How to Attract More Clients by Focusing on the Low Hanging Fruit

How to Attract More Clients by Focusing on the Low Hanging Fruit

Fabienne Fredrickson
January 10, 2014

BlogPost01102014Following up on leads is ninety percent of the game, right? At least that’s what we hear. You spend all this time networking, marketing yourself, making cold calls and looking for the right client… but what’s the point of it all if you don’t follow up on the leads you already have?

Most people don’t follow up on prospects because of the following reasons:

• They’re afraid of appearing too pushy
• They’re afraid of being turned down or rejected
• Their negative self-talk gets in the way
• They’re afraid to have to talk about money
• They have a fear of failure
• They have a fear of success

Close the sale with people you know want to work with you before setting your sights on brand new prospects. (Click here to tweet this.)

But let’s think about Low Hanging Fruit on a tree for a moment, as it relates to its counterpart higher up on the tree. The Low Hanging Fruit is heavier, probably riper and because of that, easier to pick. Think of your warm prospects, those that have already expressed an interest in working with you, as this type of fruit: ready for the picking.

Yet, many of us focus a lot of our energy on the higher, the harder-to-reach fruit or prospect. We spend a lot of time working on far-fetched Client Attraction projects, when we really could be spending the time contacting and closing the sale with people who’ve already said they’d like to work with us but haven’t been turned into clients yet. Logically, this doesn’t make as much sense, does it?

Well starting today, you’re going to change that by putting more focus on Low Hanging Fruit. Watch this week’s video strategy below to learn how to prioritize your leads and convert prospects into paying clients.


Your Client Attraction Assignment

Go through your mental Rolodex, day-planner, Evernote or sticky notes to see who has expressed interest in working with you over the last six months to a year, but who hasn’t been converted into a client yet. Make a list of these people, gather information on them and begin to reach out. Focus on the prospects already available to you before you reach out to the top of the tree.


Get Started Today


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