How to Stay Energized in Your Business

How to Stay Energized in Your Business

Fabienne Fredrickson
November 1, 2013

BlogPost11012013I’ve often said that I believe entrepreneurship is a full contact sport. Instead of clocking in and clocking out of a job, working hours for dollars, we entrepreneurs can sometimes give our ALL to our business. We do this simply because we know our livelihood and income depend entirely on us.

But often that leaves us depleted, feeling like there’s nothing left to give. The typical entrepreneur would just keep going, even if there’s nothing left within. The typical entrepreneur would keep working really long hours, evenings and weekends, just to get things crossed off the to-do list. And don’t get me wrong—there’s room for that sometimes. (I call it the No Excuses Approach.)

When you don’t take time to replenish, you become the opposite of client attractive. (Click here to tweet this.)

However, too much of this pushing, pushing energy will wear you out. Envision yourself as an oil lamp: you cannot create light when there’s no oil left inside. When you push too hard and don’t take time to replenish, you actually become the opposite of Client Attractive. You become Client Repulsive. Who wants to hire you if you look depleted and resentful?

In this week’s video strategy, I share how I “fill my bucket,” or indulge in personal time and development to retain energy for client attraction. Take a few minutes and watch below—do it for you and for your business.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Ask yourself this: how are you furthering your own personal growth and development these days? Are you allowing yourself the time and space to learn new things, to dive deep, to research and explore? This kind of learning can sometimes seem extravagant, especially when you have a lot of work on your plate, but try it anyway. See how you feel when you allow yourself this time. Like me, you’ll probably feel energized, fulfilled and inspired. Ready, set, go… fill your bucket!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

  • Penelope Gardner

    This is your best message EVER, Fabienne. I have let myself get burnt out the past two years, letting others take over my free time using guilt, obligation, duty etc. — no more!!! You are right, I felt the load lifting as I listened to you here. Oh, and I love your blouse!

    • Woohoo! I love hearing from people when they’re ready to take a stand for themselves, and design their life the way they want! Good for you Penelope!

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