How to Take a Stand for Your Clients - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

How to Take a Stand for Your Clients

Fabienne Fredrickson
January 11, 2013

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This week I want to talk to you about what it means to take a stand for your prospects, your clients and your customers. Taking a stand means to publicly express an opinion about something—even if it’s not very popular. Think of it as putting out a manifesto or getting up on your soapbox and telling the world what you think about the situation at hand.

Now, how does this apply to client attraction and business building? Well, here’s how I personally take a stand for my prospects and clients in my business. Every day I work with many, many entrepreneurs with really big hearts and a great message. These are people who can really add value and perhaps even change the world yet they don’t have any clients. Sometimes, I just don’t understand! (Click here to tweet this.)

I think what’s happening is that some entrepreneurs just get confused and overwhelmed about what it really takes to attract a lot of clients consistently. I think that’s because there are many misconceptions out there and lots of different people telling you different things that are inauthentic and simply don’t work. No wonder it’s confusing.

These same people stay in paralysis mode and they don’t always do something about it—which is exactly what makes me upset. Why? Because I care so deeply about the entrepreneurs I serve—whether they’re a client, customer, an ezine reader, someone who watches my videos online or follows me on facebook or twitter. Even if I’ve never met them in person it doesn’t matter.

I believe the power of entrepreneurs to change the world is huge. When I show them exactly how easy it is to always have a full practice they become really, really successful doing what they love. It’s easy to get clients if you know what to do and then take action. Sometimes, I just cannot let people stay in their comfort zone of not having enough clients for too long. That’s when I feel called to take a stand for them. I do this by getting up on my soapbox and delivering the hard truth that no one is talking about, which in my case is the real truth about attracting clients.

I don’t sugarcoat the information I deliver. I tell them what they’re doing wrong and I tell them what to do about it. Of course I’m extremely gentle and loving about it, but I approach it like a mom giving tough love to her kids when they need it.

Why would I do this? Because when you take a true stand for your clients, you are coming from a place of service. By focusing on giving more and truly wanting the best for those you serve, they take action for their own good that they wouldn’t otherwise take for themselves.

Now, maybe that means they end up working with you or they just take action on their own or they work with somebody else. Regardless, you’re serving the greater whole by taking a stand for them and then the universe rewards you with a business and a life that overflows with abundance. Your generosity and authentic concern for these prospects and clients creates an energy shift that results in a win/win for all.People feel that. They feel that you care when you take a stand for them.

What about you? How can you take a stand for your prospects in your own business? Is there something they need that they’re just not getting? Something that they need to know that they just don’t know about? I want you to take some time this week to think about these questions. What do you see over and over again in your industry that holds your prospects and clients back? What is it that frustrates you when you see the same clients facing the same problems over and over again?

Your Client Attraction Assignment

I invite you to answer the questions above and decide how you can use your frustration or concern or caring to take a stand for those same people. What can you give them in order to make it better? How can you deliver the hard truth in a way that they’ve never heard it before, but in a yummy, loving way. What will get them to take some sort of action, which might include working with you?

Look at it this way. There comes a time when your prospects reach a fork in the road. If they go one way they create one type of future. If they go another, it’s a totally different story. When you, as the expert, take a stand for your prospective clients, you are shining a light on the best road to choose. You’re showing them the road to a bigger future and you are fulfilling your own divine purpose at the same time.

It’s a win/win/win all around and most likely, they’re going to end up working with you because they feel that you care. Pretty cool right? Now go make it happen.

  • It’s amazing that even when it is information I’ve heard before, you have a way of speaking through your heart that impacts me. Thank you – off to polish my soap box!

  • I took you up on this challenge – I blogged about it:

  • You serve clients best when you guide and provide accountability…which is taking a stand for them.

    I had a client who I knew was sabotaging…I told them what I saw was happening. That individual wasn’t ready to hear it. Great client, but had to come to the realization of their behavior in their own time.

    Until then, my job was to hold a space of love and concern.

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