Exploring JV partnerships – how to start the conversation - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

Exploring JV partnerships – how to start the conversation

Fabienne Fredrickson
August 16, 2012

Forging Joint Venture partnerships is a powerful way to gain exposure to new prospects and build your list. But what do you say to start the conversation with a potential partner and how do you figure out what to do together? I’d like to share the method I have used in my own business.

Whether you have the opportunity to meet partners live face-to-face at conferences or networking events or by telephone, I recommend you simply introduce yourself. Then adjust the following script to make it yours.

How to start the conversation
“I have a nagging sensation; my intuition keeps telling me to talk to you about doing something together. I don’t know exactly what it looks like but let’s talk. I just have this feeling we should be doing something together.”

This is a very sincere approach that is flattering (after all you’ve been thinking about this person) and helps you set the stage to explore possibilities.

First, ask how you can help this potential partner
The next thing is very important to set this partner at ease and make him or her feel comfortable talking with you. Ask the potential partner what you can do for them. This will make you more attractive because you are not asking for anything. Instead you are offering to help!

You can offer to:
Promote the partner to your list
Provide the benefit of your Irresistible Free Offer to the person’s list
Run a free teleclass on a topic that would benefit their list

It’s all about what you can give to help your partner add value to his or her client base.

Explore options to discover what might work best. Try any of these questions to get the ball rolling:
“What is it I could offer you that you do not currently do, that would provide value?”
“What are the biggest issues that the people on your list encounter?”
“What solution would help the people on your list most?”

When you approach a strategic alliance, you always want to start with what’s in it for that person. It will make you a lot more attractive, believe me. People contact me for this type of thing all the time and this is what gets my attention.

Try a video pitch
Now here’s my last tip to get a specific partner’s attention. Create an introduction on video especially for the partner you are looking to connect with. This is a way to play bigger with your marketing materials. Your video will trump anything already on your website or even your printed materials.

I did this myself when I was trying to reach someone who is famous. I created a video just for this man and sent it to his team on DVD with a link. I got his attention to start the conversation – that was all I needed.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Who do you want to work with? Think about people you know who work with the same target audience and ideal clients. Make a list and keep adding to it as you think of more partners. Then, be bold and start the conversation even though you don’t know where it will go. Just by creating the opening, marketing magic can happen.


Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at TheClientAttractionSystem.com.

Get Started Today


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